protected void go() {//when btnGo is button is clicked RtfOutput.Clear(); RtfOutputLineNumbers.Clear(); if (btnGo.Text == "Go!") { errorChecker = new Logic.ErrorChecker(rtfInput.Text, bot, this); if (!errorChecker.HasError) { _showLineNo = true; btnGo.Text = "Reset"; displayAsLog(); interpreter = new Logic.Interpreter(rtfInput.Text, bot, this); bot.CheckForExit(); _attemptNo++; if (_attemptNo > 2) { lblHint.Visible = true; } } else { _showLineNo = false; displayAsError(); } } else { btnGo.Text = "Go!"; CallOnLoad(); } }
public HtmlFragmentToRtfConverter(RtfOutput output, Stream traceStream, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor) { HtmlParser parser = new HtmlParser(new ConverterBufferInput(string.Empty, progressMonitor), false, false, 64, 8, false); HtmlNormalizingParser parser2 = new HtmlNormalizingParser(parser, null, false, 4096, false, null, true, 0); this.formatStore = new FormatStore(); this.formatStore.InitializeCodepageDetector(); this.converter = new HtmlFormatConverter(parser2, this.formatStore, true, false, traceStream, true, 0, null, progressMonitor); this.output = output; }
//methods below virtual protected void CallOnLoad() {// called when the form is loaded or reset button is pressed //bot.SetPosition is set in the child form RtfOutput.Clear(); RtfOutputLineNumbers.Clear(); DisplayBotLocation(); Walls.Clear(); displayAsLog(); _showLineNo = false; }
public override void CompileForRtf(RtfOutput output) { if (this.fragmentToRtfConverter == null) { if (this.injectHead != null) { this.fragmentToRtfConverter = new HtmlFragmentToRtfConverter(output, this.traceStream, this.progressMonitor); this.fragmentToRtfConverter.PrepareHead(this.injectHead); } if (this.injectTail != null) { if (this.fragmentToRtfConverter == null) { this.fragmentToRtfConverter = new HtmlFragmentToRtfConverter(output, this.traceStream, this.progressMonitor); } this.fragmentToRtfConverter.PrepareTail(this.injectTail); } } this.fragmentToRtfConverter.EndPrepare(); }
public override void CompileForRtf(RtfOutput output) { this.rtfOutput = output; }
public abstract void CompileForRtf(RtfOutput output);
// Token: 0x060010E0 RID: 4320 RVA: 0x0007AA9F File Offset: 0x00078C9F public TextToRtfFragmentConverter(TextParser parser, RtfOutput output, Stream traceStream, bool traceShowTokenNum, int traceStopOnTokenNum) { this.output = output; this.parser = parser; }