예제 #1
        public override IRppExpr RewriteCaseClause(RppMember inVar, RppMember outOut, IRppExpr thenExpr, RppMatchingContext ctx)
            if (Name == "_")
                return Block(Assign(outOut, thenExpr), Break);

            throw new NotImplementedException();
예제 #2
        private IRppExpr ProcessCases(RppMember inVar, RppMember outOut, IRppExpr thenExpr, RppMatchingContext ctx, string localOptionVar, int patternIndex)
            if (patternIndex >= _patterns.Length)
                List<IRppNode> nodes = new List<IRppNode>();

                // Binding to a variable if it exists varid@Foo...
                if (BindedVariableToken != null)
                    var varId = Val(BindedVariableToken, _type.Value, inVar);

                return Block(nodes);

            IRppExpr classParamValue = GetClassParam(localOptionVar, patternIndex, _patterns.Length);

            RppMatchPattern pattern = _patterns[patternIndex];
            int nextPatternIndex = patternIndex + 1;

            if (pattern is RppLiteralPattern)
                RppLiteralPattern literalPattern = (RppLiteralPattern) pattern;
                return If(BinOp("==", literalPattern.Literal, classParamValue), ProcessCases(inVar, outOut, thenExpr, ctx, localOptionVar, nextPatternIndex));

            RType classParamType = _classParamTypes[patternIndex];

            if (pattern is RppVariablePattern)
                RType patternType = classParamType;
                RppVar var = Val(pattern.Token.Text, patternType, classParamValue);
                var.Token = pattern.Token;
                return Block(var, ProcessCases(inVar, outOut, thenExpr, ctx, localOptionVar, nextPatternIndex));

            if (pattern is RppConstructorPattern)
                RppConstructorPattern constructorPattern = (RppConstructorPattern) pattern;
                string classParamArg = ctx.CreateLocal(classParamType.Name);
                RppVar classParamArgVar = Val(classParamArg, classParamType, classParamValue);
                RppId classParamInput = StaticId(classParamArgVar);

                IRppExpr nextPattern = ProcessCases(inVar, outOut, thenExpr, ctx, localOptionVar, nextPatternIndex);
                return Block(classParamArgVar, constructorPattern.MatchInstance(classParamInput, outOut, nextPattern, ctx));

            return ProcessCases(inVar, outOut, thenExpr, ctx, localOptionVar, nextPatternIndex);
예제 #3
        private IRppExpr MatchInstance(RppMember inVar, RppMember outOut, IRppExpr thenExpr, RppMatchingContext ctx)
            // If type of input variable do not match pattern type, we need to cast it
            if (!inVar.Type.Equals(_type))
                string localVar = ctx.CreateLocal(_type.Name.Name);
                var castedVariable = Val(localVar, _type.Value, new RppAsInstanceOf(inVar, _type));

                return If(BinOp("!=", new RppAsInstanceOf(inVar, _type), NullTy), Block(castedVariable, ProcessMatchExpr(Id(localVar), outOut, thenExpr, ctx)));

            return ProcessMatchExpr(inVar, outOut, thenExpr, ctx);
예제 #4
 private static RppSelector Selector(IRppExpr expr, RppMember member)
     return new RppSelector(expr, member);
예제 #5
 public abstract IRppExpr RewriteCaseClause(RppMember inVar, RppMember outOut, IRppExpr thenExpr, RppMatchingContext ctx);
예제 #6
파일: RppMatch.cs 프로젝트: dubik/csharprpp
 private static IRppExpr Create(RppMember declInId, RppMember declOutId, IEnumerable<RppCaseClause> caseClauses, RppMatchingContext ctx)
     return Block(caseClauses.Select(c => c.RewriteCaseClause(declInId, declOutId, ctx)).ToList<IRppNode>());
예제 #7
 public override IRppExpr RewriteCaseClause(RppMember inVar, RppMember outOut, IRppExpr thenExpr, RppMatchingContext ctx)
     return If(BinOp("==", inVar, Literal), Block(Assign(outOut, thenExpr), Break));
예제 #8
 private IRppExpr ProcessMatchExpr(RppMember inVar, RppMember outOut, IRppExpr thenExpr, RppMatchingContext ctx)
     string localOptionVar = ctx.CreateLocalOption();
     RppVar localOption = Val(localOptionVar, _unapplyMethod.ReturnType, CallMethod(_type.Value.Name, _unapplyMethod.Name, inVar));
     return Block(localOption, If(GetIsValidExpression(localOption), ProcessCases(inVar, outOut, thenExpr, ctx, localOptionVar, 0)));
예제 #9
 public override IRppExpr RewriteCaseClause(RppMember inVar, RppMember outOut, IRppExpr thenExpr, RppMatchingContext ctx)
     return MatchInstance(inVar, outOut, Assign(outOut, thenExpr), ctx);
예제 #10
 public ClosureResolveResults(RppMember expr, RppMethodInfo resolvedFunc)
     : base(resolvedFunc)
     _expr = expr;
예제 #11
 public IRppExpr RewriteCaseClause(RppMember inVar, RppMember outOut, RppMatchingContext ctx)
     return Pattern.RewriteCaseClause(inVar, outOut, Expr, ctx);
예제 #12
 public static RppSelector Selector(IRppExpr target, RppMember path)
     return new RppSelector(target, path);
예제 #13
 public override IRppExpr RewriteCaseClause(RppMember inVar, RppMember outOut, IRppExpr thenExpr, RppMatchingContext ctx)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
예제 #14
 public override IRppExpr RewriteCaseClause(RppMember inVar, RppMember outOut, IRppExpr thenExpr, RppMatchingContext ctx)
     RppVar variable = new RppVar(MutabilityFlag.MfVal, Name, _resolvableType, new RppAsInstanceOf(inVar, _resolvableType)) {Token = Token};
     RppIf ifCond = If(BinOp("!=", Id(Name), NullTy), Block(Assign(outOut, thenExpr), Break), EmptyExpr);
     return Block(variable, ifCond);