private void PopulateDropDowns() { roySearchBL = new RoyaltorSearchBL(); DataSet dropdownListData = roySearchBL.GetDropdownData(out errorId); roySearchBL = null; if (dropdownListData.Tables.Count != 0 && errorId != 2) { //responsibility dropdown ddlResponsibility.DataTextField = "responsibility"; ddlResponsibility.DataValueField = "responsibility_code"; ddlResponsibility.DataSource = dropdownListData.Tables[0]; ddlResponsibility.DataBind(); ddlResponsibility.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("-")); //status dropdown ddlStatus.DataTextField = "status_desc"; ddlStatus.DataValueField = "status_code"; ddlStatus.DataSource = dropdownListData.Tables[1]; ddlStatus.DataBind(); ddlStatus.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("-")); //contract type dropdown ddlContractType.DataTextField = "contract_type"; ddlContractType.DataValueField = "contract_type_code"; ddlContractType.DataSource = dropdownListData.Tables[2]; ddlContractType.DataBind(); ddlContractType.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("-")); //Update status dropdown ddlUpdateStatus.DataTextField = "status_desc"; ddlUpdateStatus.DataValueField = "status_code"; ddlUpdateStatus.DataSource = dropdownListData.Tables[1]; ddlUpdateStatus.DataBind(); ddlUpdateStatus.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("-")); } else { ExceptionHandler("Error in loading the dropdown list values", string.Empty); } }
private void LoadGridData() { //if (txtRoyaltor.Text == "" && txtOwner.Text == "" && txtPlgRoyaltor.Text == "" // && ddlResponsibility.SelectedIndex == 0 && ddlStatus.SelectedIndex == 0) //{ // LoadEmptyGrid(); // return; //} //Create a table to hold the filter values DataTable dtSearchedFilters = new DataTable(); dtSearchedFilters.Columns.Add("filter_name", typeof(string)); dtSearchedFilters.Columns.Add("filter_value", typeof(string)); //Add the filter values to the above created table dtSearchedFilters.Rows.Add("txtRoyaltor", txtRoyaltor.Text); dtSearchedFilters.Rows.Add("txtPlgRoyaltor", txtPlgRoyaltor.Text); if (cbCompanySelected.Checked) { dtSearchedFilters.Rows.Add("cbCompanySelected", "Y"); } dtSearchedFilters.Rows.Add("txtOwner", txtOwner.Text); dtSearchedFilters.Rows.Add("ddlResponsibility", ddlResponsibility.SelectedValue); dtSearchedFilters.Rows.Add("ddlStatus", ddlStatus.SelectedValue); if (cbRoyaltorHeld.Checked) { dtSearchedFilters.Rows.Add("cbRoyaltorHeld", "Y"); } dtSearchedFilters.Rows.Add("ddlContractType", ddlContractType.SelectedValue); dtSearchedFilters.Rows.Add("txtUploadRoyList", txtUploadRoyList.Text); Session["RSSearchedFilters"] = dtSearchedFilters; //set gridview panel height PnlGrid.Style.Add("height", hdnGridPnlHeight.Value); //JIRA-1048 Changes to handle single quote while searching --Start string royaltor = (txtRoyaltor.Text == "" ? string.Empty : txtRoyaltor.Text.Replace("'", "").Trim()); string plgRoyaltor = (txtPlgRoyaltor.Text == "" ? string.Empty : txtPlgRoyaltor.Text.Replace("'", "").Trim()); //JIRA-1048 Changes to handle single quote while searching --End string ownerCode = (txtOwner.Text == "" ? string.Empty : txtOwner.Text.Split('-')[0].Trim()); string isCompanySelected = cbCompanySelected.Checked == true ? "Y" : "N"; string isRoyaltorHeld = cbRoyaltorHeld.Checked == true ? "Y" : "N"; //WUIN-746 clearing sort hidden files hdnSortExpression.Value = string.Empty; hdnSortDirection.Value = string.Empty; roySearchBL = new RoyaltorSearchBL(); DataSet roySearchData = roySearchBL.GetSearchData(royaltor, plgRoyaltor, ownerCode, isCompanySelected, ddlResponsibility.SelectedValue, ddlStatus.SelectedValue, isRoyaltorHeld, ddlContractType.SelectedValue, txtUploadRoyList.Text.ToUpper().Trim().Replace("\r\n", string.Empty).Split(';').ToArray(), out errorId); roySearchBL = null; if (roySearchData.Tables.Count != 0 && errorId != 2) { if (roySearchData.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { Session["RoySrchRoyDetails"] = null; gvRoyaltors.DataSource = roySearchData.Tables[0]; gvRoyaltors.EmptyDataText = "No data found for the selected filter criteria"; gvRoyaltors.DataBind(); } else { Session["RoySrchRoyDetails"] = roySearchData.Tables[0]; gvRoyaltors.DataSource = roySearchData.Tables[0]; gvRoyaltors.DataBind(); if (gvRoyaltors.Rows.Count == 1 && hdnIsNewRequest.Value == "Y") { Response.Redirect(@"~/Contract/RoyaltorContract.aspx?RoyaltorId=" + roySearchData.Tables[0].Rows[0]["royaltor_id"], false); } } } else if (roySearchData.Tables.Count == 0 && errorId != 2) { dtEmpty = new DataTable(); gvRoyaltors.DataSource = dtEmpty; gvRoyaltors.EmptyDataText = "No data found for the selected filter criteria"; gvRoyaltors.DataBind(); } else { ExceptionHandler("Error in loading grid data", string.Empty); } }
protected void btnYes_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { List <string> royaltors = new List <string>(); CheckBox cbRoyChecked; string royaltorId; PnlGrid.Style.Add("height", hdnGridPnlHeight.Value); string royaltor = (txtRoyaltor.Text == "" ? string.Empty : txtRoyaltor.Text.Replace("'", "").Trim()); //JIRA-1048 --Changes to handle single quote string plgRoyaltor = (txtPlgRoyaltor.Text == "" ? string.Empty : txtPlgRoyaltor.Text.Replace("'", "").Trim()); //JIRA-1048 --Changes to handle single quote string ownerCode = (txtOwner.Text == "" ? string.Empty : txtOwner.Text.Split('-')[0].Trim()); string isCompanySelected = cbCompanySelected.Checked == true ? "Y" : "N"; string isRoyaltorHeld = cbRoyaltorHeld.Checked == true ? "Y" : "N"; string lockUnlock = string.Empty; string lockUnlockAll = "N"; if (!(hdnButtonText.Value == "LockAll" || hdnButtonText.Value == "UnLockAll" || hdnButtonText.Value == "UpdateStatus")) { foreach (GridViewRow row in gvRoyaltors.Rows) { cbRoyChecked = (CheckBox)row.FindControl("cbRoyChecked"); royaltorId = (row.FindControl("hdnRoyaltorId") as HiddenField).Value; if (cbRoyChecked.Checked == true) { royaltors.Add(royaltorId); } } if (hdnLockUnlock.Value == "Lock") { lockUnlock = "Y"; } else if (hdnLockUnlock.Value == "UnLock") { lockUnlock = "N"; } roySearchBL = new RoyaltorSearchBL(); DataSet roySearchData = roySearchBL.UpdateRoyaltor(royaltor, plgRoyaltor, ownerCode, isCompanySelected, ddlResponsibility.SelectedValue, ddlStatus.SelectedValue, isRoyaltorHeld, ddlContractType.SelectedValue, royaltors.ToArray(), lockUnlock, lockUnlockAll, hdnUpdateStatus.Value, Convert.ToString(Session["UserCode"]), out errorId); roySearchBL = null; if (roySearchData.Tables.Count != 0 && errorId != 2) { if (roySearchData.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { gvRoyaltors.DataSource = roySearchData.Tables[0]; gvRoyaltors.EmptyDataText = "No data found for the selected filter criteria"; gvRoyaltors.DataBind(); } else { gvRoyaltors.DataSource = roySearchData.Tables[0]; gvRoyaltors.DataBind(); } } else if (roySearchData.Tables.Count == 0 && errorId != 2) { dtEmpty = new DataTable(); gvRoyaltors.DataSource = dtEmpty; gvRoyaltors.EmptyDataText = "No data found for the selected filter criteria"; gvRoyaltors.DataBind(); } else { ExceptionHandler("Error in loading grid data", string.Empty); return; } if (hdnLockUnlock.Value == "Lock") { msgView.SetMessage("Selected royaltors have been locked", MessageType.Warning, PositionType.Auto); } else if (hdnLockUnlock.Value == "UnLock") { msgView.SetMessage("Selected royaltors have been unlocked", MessageType.Warning, PositionType.Auto); } } else { if (hdnButtonText.Value == "UpdateStatus") { foreach (GridViewRow row in gvRoyaltors.Rows) { royaltorId = (row.FindControl("hdnRoyaltorId") as HiddenField).Value; royaltors.Add(royaltorId); } } else { lockUnlockAll = "Y"; } roySearchBL = new RoyaltorSearchBL(); DataSet roySearchData = roySearchBL.UpdateRoyaltor(royaltor, plgRoyaltor, ownerCode, isCompanySelected, ddlResponsibility.SelectedValue, ddlStatus.SelectedValue, isRoyaltorHeld, ddlContractType.SelectedValue, royaltors.ToArray(), hdnLockUnlock.Value, lockUnlockAll, hdnUpdateStatus.Value, Convert.ToString(Session["UserCode"]), out errorId); roySearchBL = null; if (errorId == 2) { ExceptionHandler("Error in updating royaltors", string.Empty); return; } if (roySearchData.Tables.Count != 0) { if (roySearchData.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { gvRoyaltors.DataSource = roySearchData.Tables[0]; gvRoyaltors.EmptyDataText = "No data found for the selected filter criteria"; gvRoyaltors.DataBind(); } else { gvRoyaltors.DataSource = roySearchData.Tables[0]; gvRoyaltors.DataBind(); } } else if (roySearchData.Tables.Count == 0) { dtEmpty = new DataTable(); gvRoyaltors.DataSource = dtEmpty; gvRoyaltors.EmptyDataText = "No data found for the selected filter criteria"; gvRoyaltors.DataBind(); } else { ExceptionHandler("Error in loading grid data", string.Empty); return; } if (hdnButtonText.Value == "LockAll") { msgView.SetMessage("All royaltors are locked", MessageType.Warning, PositionType.Auto); } else if (hdnButtonText.Value == "UnLockAll") { msgView.SetMessage("All royaltors are unlocked", MessageType.Warning, PositionType.Auto); } hdnButtonText.Value = string.Empty; } hdnLockUnlock.Value = string.Empty; } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionHandler("Error in locking/unlocking royaltors", ex.Message); } finally { mpeConfirm.Hide(); } }