protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) { if (!isDrawn) { Graphics g = this.CreateGraphics(); Block block = new Block(Brushes.Invisible, g, 0, 0, 0, 0, false); block = new Row1().AddRow(block); block = new Row2().AddRow(block); block = new Row3().AddRow(block); block = new Row4().AddRow(block); block = new Row5().AddRow(block); block = new Row6().AddRow(block); block = new Row7().AddRow(block); block = new Row8().AddRow(block); block = new Row9().AddRow(block); block = new Row10().AddRow(block); block = new Row11().AddRow(block); block = new Row12().AddRow(block); block = new Row13().AddRow(block); block = new Row14().AddRow(block); if (DrawDiamondOnlyAtEnd) CutOutDiamond(g); isDrawn = true; } base.OnPaint(e); }
public void Clear(bool fillEmpty) { if (Row1 == null) { Row1 = new List <GenericWorldItem>(3); Row2 = new List <GenericWorldItem>(3); Row3 = new List <GenericWorldItem>(3); } else { Row1.Clear(); Row2.Clear(); Row3.Clear(); } if (fillEmpty) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { Row1.Add(null); Row2.Add(null); Row3.Add(null); } } GenericResult = null; //CustomResult = null; }
private void EnemyShoot() { if (Row0.Count > 0) { int i = Random.Range(0, Row0.Count - 1); GameObject enemy = Row0.ElementAt(i); enemy.SendMessage("Shoot"); } else if (Row1.Count > 0) { int i = Random.Range(0, Row1.Count - 1); GameObject enemy = Row1.ElementAt(i); enemy.SendMessage("Shoot"); } else if (Row2.Count > 0) { int i = Random.Range(0, Row2.Count - 1); GameObject enemy = Row2.ElementAt(i); enemy.SendMessage("Shoot"); } else if (Row3.Count > 0) { int i = Random.Range(0, Row3.Count - 1); GameObject enemy = Row3.ElementAt(i); enemy.SendMessage("Shoot"); } else if (Row4.Count > 0) { int i = Random.Range(0, Row4.Count - 1); GameObject enemy = Row4.ElementAt(i); enemy.SendMessage("Shoot"); } }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// <summary>Se llama cuando se oprime el botón de borrar una venta</summary> private void btnDelVenta_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var ret = MessageBox.Show("Si borra la venta, no quedrá constancia en el sistema\r\n¿Estas seguro?", "Aviso", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (ret == DialogResult.Yes) { var Row1 = Datos.BD.Ventas.FindByid(NowVentId); if (Row1 == null) { MessageBox.Show("No se encontro el item a borrar"); return; } Row1.Delete(); foreach (DataRow Row2 in tbVentas.Rows) { if ((int)Row2[0] == NowVentId) { Row2.Delete(); break; } } SetWorkMode(0); RefreshEstadisticas(); Datos.SetChanges("VentaDelete"); } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="other"></param> /// <param name="factor"></param> /// <returns></returns> public Matrix4d LerpTo(Matrix4d other, double factor) { return(CreateFromRows( Row0.LerpTo(other.Row0, factor), Row1.LerpTo(other.Row1, factor), Row2.LerpTo(other.Row2, factor), Row3.LerpTo(other.Row3, factor))); }
private static void CreateRowHeadings(Table2 table) { Row2 row = table.Rows.Add(40, Font.TimesBold, 12, RgbColor.Black, RgbColor.LightGrey); row.CellDefault.Align = TextAlign.Center; row.CellDefault.VAlign = VAlign.Top; row.Cells.Add("FormField Name"); row.Cells.Add("FormField Type"); row.Cells.Add("FormField Value"); }
public List <ClsCustomServiceDetails> GetCustomServiceDetails(Int64 ServiceID) { try { DBParameterCollection ObJParameterCOl = new DBParameterCollection(); DBParameter objDBParameter = new DBParameter("@ServiceID", ServiceID, DbType.Int64); ObJParameterCOl.Add(objDBParameter); DBHelper objDbHelper = new DBHelper(); DataSet ds = objDbHelper.ExecuteDataSet(Constant.GetCustomServiceDetails, ObJParameterCOl, CommandType.StoredProcedure); List <ClsCustomServiceDetails> objService = new List <ClsCustomServiceDetails>(); if (ds != null) { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { IList <ClsCustomServiceDetails> List = ds.Tables[0].AsEnumerable().Select(Row => new ClsCustomServiceDetails { Ref_Service_ID = Row.Field <Int64>("Ref_Service_ID"), CategoryName = Row.Field <string>("CategoryName"), ServiceTitle = Row.Field <string>("ServiceTitle"), Description = Row.Field <string>("Description"), Revision = Row.Field <int>("Revision"), Price = Row.Field <decimal>("Price"), PriceWithProjectFiles = Row.Field <decimal>("PriceWithProjectFiles"), FAQList = ds.Tables[1].AsEnumerable().Select(Row1 => new ClsFAQList { Questions = Row1.Field <string>("Question"), Answer = Row1.Field <string>("Answer") }).ToList(), FileManager = ds.Tables[2].AsEnumerable().Select(Row2 => new ClsFileManager { FileManagerID = Row2.Field <Int64>("Ref_FileManager_ID"), FileIdentifier = Row2.Field <string>("FileIdentifier"), FileName = Row2.Field <string>("FileName"), FilePath = Row2.Field <string>("FilePath"), FileExtension = Row2.Field <string>("FileExtension"), FileSize = Row2.Field <Int64>("FileSize"), FileType = Row2.Field <string>("FileType"), Sequence = Row2.Field <int>("Sequence"), }).ToList(), }).ToList(); objService.AddRange(List); } } return(objService); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public static void CreateDaysOfWeekHeader(Table2 table) { Row2 row = table.Rows.Add(20, Font.Helvetica, 12); row.Cells.Add(DayOfWeek.Sunday.ToString(), Font.HelveticaBold, 12, RgbColor.Red, RgbColor.AliceBlue, 1); row.Cells.Add(DayOfWeek.Monday.ToString()); row.Cells.Add(DayOfWeek.Tuesday.ToString()); row.Cells.Add(DayOfWeek.Wednesday.ToString()); row.Cells.Add(DayOfWeek.Thursday.ToString()); row.Cells.Add(DayOfWeek.Friday.ToString()); row.Cells.Add(DayOfWeek.Saturday.ToString()); }
/// <summary>マトリックスデータを取得 float[25]</summary> /// <returns></returns> public float[] GetMatrix() { var m = new float[25]; m[24] = 1; try { var f = Row1.Split(',').Take(4).ToArray(); for (var i = 0; i < f.Length; i++) { m[i] = float.Parse(f[i]); } f = Row2.Split(',').Take(4).ToArray(); for (var i = 0; i < f.Length; i++) { m[i + 5] = float.Parse(f[i]); } f = Row3.Split(',').Take(4).ToArray(); for (var i = 0; i < f.Length; i++) { m[i + 10] = float.Parse(f[i]); } f = Row4.Split(',').Take(4).ToArray(); for (var i = 0; i < f.Length; i++) { m[i + 15] = float.Parse(f[i]); } f = Row5.Split(',').Take(4).ToArray(); for (var i = 0; i < f.Length; i++) { m[i + 20] = float.Parse(f[i]); } } catch { // 設定ファイルに不正データがあった場合 反転なし状態で初期化 // (パース失敗がわかりやすいので) m = new float[25]; m[0] = 1; m[6] = 1; m[12] = 1; m[18] = 1; m[24] = 1; } return(m); }
public List <ClsTicketDetails> GetUserTicketList(Int64 UserID = 0, int StartCount = 0, int EndCount = 0) { try { DBParameterCollection ObJParameterCOl = new DBParameterCollection(); DBParameter objDBParameter = new DBParameter("@UserID", UserID, DbType.Int64); ObJParameterCOl.Add(objDBParameter); objDBParameter = new DBParameter("@StartCount", StartCount, DbType.Int32); ObJParameterCOl.Add(objDBParameter); objDBParameter = new DBParameter("@EndCount", EndCount, DbType.Int32); ObJParameterCOl.Add(objDBParameter); DBHelper objDbHelper = new DBHelper(); DataSet ds = objDbHelper.ExecuteDataSet(Constant.GetUserTicketList, ObJParameterCOl, CommandType.StoredProcedure); List <ClsTicketDetails> objUserDetails = new List <ClsTicketDetails>(); if (ds != null) { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { objUserDetails = ds.Tables[0].AsEnumerable().Select(Row => new ClsTicketDetails { Ref_Ticket_ID = Row.Field <Int64>("Ref_User_ID"), Ref_TicketType_ID = Row.Field <Int64>("Ref_TicketType_ID"), Ref_User_ID = Row.Field <Int64>("Ref_User_ID"), Subject = Row.Field <string>("Subject"), Description = Row.Field <string>("Description"), FileManager = ds.Tables[1].AsEnumerable().Select(Row2 => new ClsFileManager { FileManagerID = Row2.Field <Int64>("Ref_FileManager_ID"), FileIdentifier = Row2.Field <string>("FileIdentifier"), FileName = Row2.Field <string>("FileName"), FilePath = Row2.Field <string>("FilePath"), FileExtension = Row2.Field <string>("FileExtension"), FileSize = Row2.Field <Int64>("FileSize"), FileType = Row2.Field <string>("FileType"), Sequence = Row2.Field <int>("Sequence"), }).ToList(), }).ToList(); } } return(objUserDetails); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
//====================== private void LoadData() { DataTable dt1 = dbClass.Execute_Proc("dbo.GetTags"); foreach (DataRow Row1 in dt1.Rows) { Tag tag = new Tag ( Row1.Field <int?>("TagID"), Row1.Field <int?>("ParentCategoryID"), Row1.Field <string>("Name"), Row1.Field <string>("ColorID"), Row1.Field <bool?>("IsUserCreated"), Row1.Field <bool?>("IsFeelingGoodBad") ); if (tag.ParentCategoryID == null) { TagViewModel.CategoryTagList.Add(tag); } else { TagViewModel.SubcategoryTagList.Add(tag); } } DataTable dt2 = dbClass.Execute_Proc("dbo.GetFoodEntrys"); foreach (DataRow Row2 in dt2.Rows) { FoodEntry foodEntry = new FoodEntry ( Row2.Field <int?>("FoodEntryId"), Row2.Field <string>("Picture"), Row2.Field <DateTime>("DateTime"), Row2.Field <string>("Description"), Row2.Field <bool?>("IsFeelingGoodBad") ); DataTable dt3 = dbClass.GetFoodEntry_Tags("dbo.GetFoodEntry_Tags", (int)foodEntry.FoodEntryID); foreach (DataRow Row3 in dt3.Rows) { int TagID = Row3.Field <int>("TagID"); Tag foundTag = TagViewModel.SubcategoryTagList.Where(tag => TagID == tag.TagID).FirstOrDefault(); foodEntry.FoodEntry_TagList.Add(foundTag); } EntryViewModel.FoodEntryList.Add(foodEntry); } }
private static void CreateList(Table2 table, PdfFormFieldList fieldList) { for (int i = 0; i < fieldList.Count; i++) { Row2 row = table.Rows.Add(20); row.Cells.Add(fieldList[i].FullName); row.Cells.Add(GetFieldType(fieldList[i])); row.Cells.Add(fieldList[i].GetValue()); if (fieldList[i].HasChildFields == true) { CreateList(table, fieldList[i].ChildFields); } } }
/// <summary> /// Updates denominator table /// </summary> /// <param name="denominatorColIndex"></param> /// <param name="appliedColIndexes"></param> public void UpdateDenominatorTable(int denominatorColIndex, string appliedColIndexes) { DataRow NewRow; DataTable TempTable; String TempAppliedColIndex = string.Empty; // update denominator column info if (this._DenominatorTable != null) { // delete already mapped row where denominator column is equal to denominator column index foreach (DataRow Row in this._DenominatorTable.Select(DenominatorColumns.DenominatorColumn + " = '" + denominatorColIndex.ToString() + "'")) { Row.Delete(); } // delete already mapped row where denominator column is equal to applied column indexes foreach (string appliedColIndex in DICommon.SplitString(appliedColIndexes, ",")) { if (TempAppliedColIndex.Length > 0) { TempAppliedColIndex += ","; } TempAppliedColIndex = "'" + appliedColIndex + "'"; } foreach (DataRow Row1 in this._DenominatorTable.Select(DenominatorColumns.DenominatorColumn + " IN ( " + TempAppliedColIndex + ")")) { Row1.Delete(); } // delete already mapped row where applied column is equal to denominator column foreach (DataRow Row2 in this._DenominatorTable.Select(DenominatorColumns.AppliedColumn + " = '" + denominatorColIndex + "'")) { Row2.Delete(); } // add denominator column index and applied columns indexes foreach (string appliedColIndex in DICommon.SplitString(appliedColIndexes, ",")) { NewRow = this._DenominatorTable.NewRow(); NewRow[DenominatorColumns.DenominatorColumn] = denominatorColIndex.ToString(); NewRow[DenominatorColumns.AppliedColumn] = appliedColIndex; this._DenominatorTable.Rows.Add(NewRow); } this._DenominatorTable.AcceptChanges(); } }
public static void CreateRow(Table2 table, TableReportData.Table data) { Row2 row = table.Rows.Add(20); row.Cells.Add(data.ID.ToString(), Font.Helvetica, 12, RgbColor.Black, RgbColor.LightGrey, 1); row.Cells.Add(data.ProductName); row.Cells.Add(data.SupplierID.ToString()); row.Cells.Add(data.CategoryID.ToString()); row.Cells.Add(data.QuantityPerUnit); row.Cells.Add(data.UnitPrice.ToString("$0.00")); row.Cells.Add(data.UnitInStock.ToString()); row.Cells.Add(data.UnitsOnOrder.ToString()); row.Cells.Add(data.ReorderLevel.ToString()); row.Cells.Add(data.Discontinued.ToString()); }
private string BuildLine(IReadOnlyList <ColumnX> columns) { verticalBorderCount = columns.Count + 1; row1VerticalBorders = Row1?.CalculateVerticalBorderVisibility(columns.Count) ?? Enumerable.Repeat(false, verticalBorderCount).ToList(); row2VerticalBorders = Row2?.CalculateVerticalBorderVisibility(columns.Count) ?? Enumerable.Repeat(false, verticalBorderCount).ToList(); StringBuilder sb = new(); for (int i = 0; i < columns.Count; i++) { char cornerChar = CalculateCornerChar(i); sb.Append(cornerChar); char bodyChar = CalculateBodyChar(); string bodyLine = new(bodyChar, columns[i].Width);
private void SpawnRows() { for (int row = 0; row < enemyRows; row++) { for (int enemiesInRow = 0; enemiesInRow < enemiesPerRow; enemiesInRow++) { GameObject enemyPrefab = attackerPrefab; if ((row == 2) || (row == 3)) { enemyPrefab = hornetPrefab; } else if (row == 4) { enemyPrefab = bomberPrefab; } Vector3 position = firstEnemyPosition + (enemiesInRow * horizontalGap) + (row * verticalGap); GameObject enemy = Instantiate(enemyPrefab, position, Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0)); switch (row) { case 0: Row0.Add(enemy); break; case 1: Row1.Add(enemy); break; case 2: Row2.Add(enemy); break; case 3: Row3.Add(enemy); break; case 4: Row4.Add(enemy); break; default: break; } enemy.SendMessage("ChangeSpeed", initialEnemySpeed); } } }
public static void CreateRowHeadings(Table2 table) { Row2 row = table.Rows.Add(40, Font.TimesBold, 12, RgbColor.Black, RgbColor.LightGrey); row.CellDefault.Align = TextAlign.Center; row.CellDefault.VAlign = VAlign.Top; row.Cells.Add("ID"); row.Cells.Add("Product Name"); row.Cells.Add("Supplier ID"); row.Cells.Add("Category ID"); row.Cells.Add("Quantity Per Unit"); row.Cells.Add("Unit Price"); row.Cells.Add("Unit In Stock"); row.Cells.Add("Units On Order"); row.Cells.Add("Reorder Level"); row.Cells.Add("Discontinued"); }
private void UpdateRect(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) { Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke( delegate { var mousePos = FormsControl.MousePosition; _cropRegion.X2 = mousePos.X; _cropRegion.Y2 = mousePos.Y; Row0.SetValue(RowDefinition.HeightProperty, new GridLength(_cropRegion.TopLeft.Y + TopLeftOffset, GridUnitType.Pixel)); Row1.SetValue(RowDefinition.HeightProperty, new GridLength(_cropRegion.BottomRight.Y - _cropRegion.TopLeft.Y, GridUnitType.Pixel)); Row2.SetValue(RowDefinition.HeightProperty, new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star)); Col0.SetValue(ColumnDefinition.WidthProperty, new GridLength(_cropRegion.TopLeft.X + TopLeftOffset, GridUnitType.Pixel)); Col1.SetValue(ColumnDefinition.WidthProperty, new GridLength(_cropRegion.BottomRight.X - _cropRegion.TopLeft.X, GridUnitType.Pixel)); Col2.SetValue(ColumnDefinition.WidthProperty, new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star)); } ); }
public void Compare_Correct() { Assert.AreEqual(0, Row.Empty.CompareTo(Row.Empty)); Assert.AreEqual(-1, Row.Empty.CompareTo(Row1)); Assert.AreEqual(-1, Row.Empty.CompareTo(Row2)); Assert.AreEqual(-1, Row.Empty.CompareTo(Row3)); Assert.AreEqual(-1, Row.Empty.CompareTo(Row4)); Assert.AreEqual(-1, Row.Empty.CompareTo(Row5)); Assert.AreEqual(1, Row1.CompareTo(Row.Empty)); Assert.AreEqual(0, Row1.CompareTo(Row1)); Assert.AreEqual(-1, Row1.CompareTo(Row2)); Assert.AreEqual(-1, Row1.CompareTo(Row3)); Assert.AreEqual(-1, Row1.CompareTo(Row4)); Assert.AreEqual(-1, Row1.CompareTo(Row5)); Assert.AreEqual(1, Row2.CompareTo(Row.Empty)); Assert.AreEqual(1, Row2.CompareTo(Row1)); Assert.AreEqual(0, Row2.CompareTo(Row2)); Assert.AreEqual(-1, Row2.CompareTo(Row3)); Assert.AreEqual(-1, Row2.CompareTo(Row4)); Assert.AreEqual(-1, Row2.CompareTo(Row5)); Assert.AreEqual(1, Row3.CompareTo(Row.Empty)); Assert.AreEqual(1, Row3.CompareTo(Row1)); Assert.AreEqual(1, Row3.CompareTo(Row2)); Assert.AreEqual(0, Row3.CompareTo(Row3)); Assert.AreEqual(-1, Row3.CompareTo(Row4)); Assert.AreEqual(-1, Row3.CompareTo(Row5)); Assert.AreEqual(1, Row4.CompareTo(Row.Empty)); Assert.AreEqual(1, Row4.CompareTo(Row1)); Assert.AreEqual(1, Row4.CompareTo(Row2)); Assert.AreEqual(1, Row4.CompareTo(Row3)); Assert.AreEqual(0, Row4.CompareTo(Row4)); Assert.AreEqual(-1, Row4.CompareTo(Row5)); Assert.AreEqual(1, Row5.CompareTo(Row.Empty)); Assert.AreEqual(1, Row5.CompareTo(Row1)); Assert.AreEqual(1, Row5.CompareTo(Row2)); Assert.AreEqual(1, Row5.CompareTo(Row3)); Assert.AreEqual(1, Row5.CompareTo(Row4)); Assert.AreEqual(0, Row5.CompareTo(Row5)); }
void ReleaseDesignerOutlets() { if (Row1 != null) { Row1.Dispose(); Row1 = null; } if (Row2 != null) { Row2.Dispose(); Row2 = null; } if (Row3 != null) { Row3.Dispose(); Row3 = null; } if (Row4 != null) { Row4.Dispose(); Row4 = null; } if (Row5 != null) { Row5.Dispose(); Row5 = null; } if (Shift != null) { Shift.Dispose(); Shift = null; } }
public List <ClsUserDetails> SignIn(ClsUserSignIn ObjUser) { try { DBParameterCollection ObJParameterCOl = new DBParameterCollection(); DBParameter objDBParameter = new DBParameter("@UserCode", ObjUser.User_Code, DbType.String); ObJParameterCOl.Add(objDBParameter); objDBParameter = new DBParameter("@password", ObjUser.Password, DbType.String); ObJParameterCOl.Add(objDBParameter); objDBParameter = new DBParameter("@IsSocialLogin", ObjUser.IsSocialLogin, DbType.Boolean); ObJParameterCOl.Add(objDBParameter); DBHelper objDbHelper = new DBHelper(); DataSet ds = objDbHelper.ExecuteDataSet(Constant.SignIn, ObJParameterCOl, CommandType.StoredProcedure); List <ClsUserDetails> objUserDetails = new List <ClsUserDetails>(); if (ds != null) { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { objUserDetails = ds.Tables[0].AsEnumerable().Select(Row => new ClsUserDetails { Ref_User_ID = Row.Field <Int64>("Ref_User_ID"), UserCode = Row.Field <string>("UserCode"), FullName = Row.Field <string>("FullName"), EmailID = Row.Field <string>("EmailID"), MobileNumber = Row.Field <string>("MobileNumber"), Bio = Row.Field <string>("Bio"), Gender = Row.Field <string>("Gender"), StudioGears = Row.Field <string>("StudioGears"), PayPalEmailID = Row.Field <string>("PayPalEmailID"), SocialProfileUrl = Row.Field <string>("SocialProfileUrl"), Response = Row.Field <string>("Response"), FileManager = ds.Tables[1].AsEnumerable().Select(Row2 => new ClsFileManager { FileManagerID = Row2.Field <Int64>("Ref_FileManager_ID"), FileIdentifier = Row2.Field <string>("FileIdentifier"), FileName = Row2.Field <string>("FileName"), FilePath = Row2.Field <string>("FilePath"), FileExtension = Row2.Field <string>("FileExtension"), FileSize = Row2.Field <Int64>("FileSize"), FileType = Row2.Field <string>("FileType"), Sequence = Row2.Field <int>("Sequence"), }).ToList(), UserMaster = ds.Tables[2].AsEnumerable().Select(Row2 => new ClsUserMasterMapping { MasterName = Row2.Field <string>("MasterName"), MasterDataName = Row2.Field <string>("MasterDataName"), }).ToList(), }).ToList(); } } return(objUserDetails); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public override int GetHashCode() { return(Col1.GetHashCode() ^ Col2.GetHashCode() ^ Dx1.GetHashCode() ^ Dx2.GetHashCode() ^ Dy1.GetHashCode() ^ Dy2.GetHashCode() ^ Row1.GetHashCode() ^ Row2.GetHashCode() ^ AnchorType.GetHashCode()); }
IEnumerator ApplyPositions() { yield return(new WaitUntil(() => GameManager.k_Manager.CharactersUp)); yield return(new WaitUntil(() => GameManager.k_Manager.EnemiesUp)); foreach (Transform tp_spawn in transform) { if ( == "SpawnPoint" && tp_spawn.transform.FindChild("Character(Clone)") != null) { while (true) { if (Column1.Contains(tp_spawn)) { SetPosition(tp_spawn, 1, true); break; } if (Column2.Contains(tp_spawn)) { SetPosition(tp_spawn, 2, true); break; } if (Column3.Contains(tp_spawn)) { SetPosition(tp_spawn, 3, true); break; } if (Column4.Contains(tp_spawn)) { SetPosition(tp_spawn, 4, true); break; } } while (true) { if (Row1.Contains(tp_spawn)) { SetPosition(tp_spawn, 1, false); break; } if (Row2.Contains(tp_spawn)) { SetPosition(tp_spawn, 2, false); break; } if (Row3.Contains(tp_spawn)) { SetPosition(tp_spawn, 3, false); break; } if (Row4.Contains(tp_spawn)) { SetPosition(tp_spawn, 4, false); break; } } ApplyPositionToCharacter(tp_spawn.transform.FindChild("Character(Clone)").GetComponent <CharacterClass> ()); } } GameManager.k_Manager.Applied = true; }
/// <summary> /// Returns the hashcode for the object. /// </summary> public override int GetHashCode() { return(GeometRi3D.HashFunction(Row1.GetHashCode(), Row2.GetHashCode(), Row3.GetHashCode())); }
private void CheckWinner() { int Row1, Row2, Row3; int Column1, Column2, Column3; int Diagonal1, Diagonal2; Row1 = GameArrayGrid[0] + GameArrayGrid[1] + GameArrayGrid[2]; Row2 = GameArrayGrid[3] + GameArrayGrid[4] + GameArrayGrid[5]; Row3 = GameArrayGrid[6] + GameArrayGrid[7] + GameArrayGrid[8]; Column1 = GameArrayGrid[0] + GameArrayGrid[3] + GameArrayGrid[6]; Column2 = GameArrayGrid[1] + GameArrayGrid[4] + GameArrayGrid[7]; Column3 = GameArrayGrid[2] + GameArrayGrid[5] + GameArrayGrid[8]; Diagonal1 = GameArrayGrid[0] + GameArrayGrid[4] + GameArrayGrid[8]; Diagonal2 = GameArrayGrid[2] + GameArrayGrid[4] + GameArrayGrid[6]; Console.WriteLine("Row 1: " + Row1 + "\n" + "Row 2: " + Row2 + "\n" + "Row 3: " + Row3 + "\n" + "Column 1: " + Column1 + "\n" + "Column 2: " + Column2 + "\n" + "Column 3: " + Column3 + "\n" + "Diagonal 1: " + Diagonal1 + "\n" + "Diagonal 2: " + Diagonal2 + "\n"); if (Row1.Equals(3) || Row2.Equals(3) || Row3.Equals(3)) // CHECK FOR ROW WIN FOR O { label_WinnerText.Visible = true; label_WinnerText.Text = "Winner: Player O"; disableButtons(); } else if (Row1.Equals(-3) || Row2.Equals(-3) || Row3.Equals(-3)) //CHECK FOR ROW WIN FOR X { label_WinnerText.Visible = true; label_WinnerText.Text = "Winner: Player X"; disableButtons(); } else if (Column1.Equals(3) || Column2.Equals(3) || Column3.Equals(3)) { label_WinnerText.Visible = true; label_WinnerText.Text = "Winner: Player O"; disableButtons(); } else if (Column1.Equals(-3) || Column2.Equals(-3) || Column3.Equals(-3)) { label_WinnerText.Visible = true; label_WinnerText.Text = "Winner: Player X"; disableButtons(); } else if (Diagonal1.Equals(3) || Diagonal2.Equals(3)) { label_WinnerText.Visible = true; label_WinnerText.Text = "Winner: Player O"; disableButtons(); } else if (Diagonal1.Equals(-3) || Diagonal2.Equals(-3)) { label_WinnerText.Visible = true; label_WinnerText.Text = "Winner: Player X"; disableButtons(); } else if (isBoardFull()) { label_WinnerText.Visible = true; label_WinnerText.Text = "It's a Draw!"; disableButtons(); } }
public string FTP_CASantaBarbara(string houseno, string sname, string sttype, string parcelNumber, string unitnumber, string searchType, string orderNumber, string ownername, string directParcel) { GlobalClass.global_orderNo = orderNumber; HttpContext.Current.Session["orderNo"] = orderNumber; GlobalClass.global_parcelNo = parcelNumber; string StartTime = "", AssessmentTime = "", TaxTime = "", CitytaxTime = "", LastEndTime = ""; var driverService = PhantomJSDriverService.CreateDefaultService(); driverService.HideCommandPromptWindow = true; // driver = new PhantomJSDriver(); // driver = new ChromeDriver(); using (driver = new PhantomJSDriver()) { try { StartTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss"); if (searchType == "titleflex") { gc.TitleFlexSearch(orderNumber, parcelNumber, ownername, "", "CA", "Santa Barbara"); if (HttpContext.Current.Session["titleparcel"] != null && ownername.Trim() != "") { string[] strowner = ownername.Split(' '); gc.TitleFlexSearch(orderNumber, parcelNumber, strowner[0], "", "CA", "Santa Barbara"); } if ((HttpContext.Current.Session["TitleFlex_Search"] != null && HttpContext.Current.Session["TitleFlex_Search"].ToString() == "Yes")) { driver.Quit(); return("MultiParcel"); } else if (HttpContext.Current.Session["titleparcel"].ToString() == "") { HttpContext.Current.Session["Nodata_CASantaBarbara"] = "Zero"; driver.Quit(); return("No Data Found"); } searchType = "parcel"; parcelNumber = HttpContext.Current.Session["titleparcel"].ToString(); } if (searchType == "address") { driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(""); Thread.Sleep(2000); driver.FindElement(By.Id("HouseNumberTextBox")).SendKeys(houseno); driver.FindElement(By.Id("StreetNameTextBox")).SendKeys(sname); driver.FindElement(By.Id("UnitNumberTextBox")).SendKeys(unitnumber); //Screen-Shot gc.CreatePdf_WOP(orderNumber, "AddressSearch", driver, "CA", "Santa Barbara"); driver.FindElement(By.Id("SearchButton")).SendKeys(Keys.Enter); Thread.Sleep(2000); //MultiParcel try { IWebElement MultiParcelTable = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("/html/body/form/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/table/tbody/tr[2]/td/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/table/tbody/tr[3]/td[2]/table/tbody/tr[5]/td/table")); IList <IWebElement> MultiParcelTR = MultiParcelTable.FindElements(By.TagName("tr")); IList <IWebElement> MultiParcelTD; foreach (IWebElement multi in MultiParcelTR) { MultiParcelTD = multi.FindElements(By.TagName("td")); if (multi.Text.Contains("Assessor Parcel Number (APN)")) { strAssess = "MultiParcel"; } if (MultiParcelTD.Count != 0 && strAssess.Trim() == "MultiParcel" && !multi.Text.Contains("Assessor Parcel Number (APN)") && MultiParcelTD.Count != 1 && MultiParcelTD[1].Text != "") { HttpContext.Current.Session["multiParcel_CASantaBarbara"] = "Yes"; parcelNumber = MultiParcelTD[1].Text; Situs_Address = MultiParcelTD[2].Text; MultiParcelData = Situs_Address; gc.insert_date(orderNumber, parcelNumber, 220, MultiParcelData, 1, DateTime.Now); } } if (strAssess == "MultiParcel") { driver.Quit(); return("MultiParcel"); } } catch { } } if (searchType == "parcel") { driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(""); Thread.Sleep(2000); driver.FindElement(By.Id("APNTextBox")).SendKeys(parcelNumber); gc.CreatePdf(orderNumber, parcelNumber, "ParcelSearch", driver, "CA", "Santa Barbara"); driver.FindElement(By.Id("SearchButton")).SendKeys(Keys.Enter); Thread.Sleep(2000); } try { IWebElement Inodata = driver.FindElement(By.Id("ErrorLabel")); if (Inodata.Text.Contains("There were no properties matching your query")) { HttpContext.Current.Session["Nodata_CASantaBarbara"] = "Zero"; driver.Quit(); return("No Data Found"); } } catch { } //Scrapped Data //Property Deatails string propdet = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='form1']/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/table/tbody/tr[2]/td/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/table/tbody/tr[3]/td[2]/table/tbody/tr[5]/td/table/tbody/tr[2]/td/table/tbody")).Text.Replace("\r\n", " "); outparcelno = gc.Between(propdet, "Parcel Number:", "Address:").Trim().Replace("Value Notice", ""); outparcelnowoh = outparcelno.Replace("-", "").Trim(); Street_Address = gc.Between(propdet, "Address:", "Transfer Date:").Trim().Replace("Value Notice", ""); TRA = gc.Between(propdet, "TRA:", "Document").Trim(); Transfer_TaxAmount = GlobalClass.After(propdet, "Transfer Tax Amount:").Trim(); string propdet1 = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='form1']/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/table/tbody/tr[2]/td/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/table/tbody/tr[3]/td[2]/table/tbody/tr[5]/td/table/tbody/tr[3]/td/table")).Text.Replace("\r\n", " "); Use_Description = gc.Between(propdet1, "Use Description:", "Jurisdiction:").Trim(); Jurisdiction = gc.Between(propdet1, "Jurisdiction:", "Acreage:").Trim(); Acreage = gc.Between(propdet1, "Acreage:", "Square Feet:").Trim(); Year_Built = gc.Between(propdet1, "Year Built:", "Bedrooms:").Trim(); gc.CreatePdf(orderNumber, outparcelnowoh, "Assement", driver, "CA", "Santa Barbara"); property_Address = Street_Address + "~" + TRA + "~" + Transfer_TaxAmount + "~" + Use_Description + "~" + Jurisdiction + "~" + Acreage + "~" + Year_Built; gc.insert_date(orderNumber, outparcelno, 221, property_Address, 1, DateTime.Now); //Assessment Details Land_MineralRights = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("/html/body/form/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/table/tbody/tr[2]/td/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/table/tbody/tr[3]/td[2]/table/tbody/tr[5]/td/table/tbody/tr[6]/td/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[3]")).Text; Improvements = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("/html/body/form/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/table/tbody/tr[2]/td/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/table/tbody/tr[3]/td[2]/table/tbody/tr[5]/td/table/tbody/tr[6]/td/table/tbody/tr[4]/td[3]")).Text; Personal_Property = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("/html/body/form/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/table/tbody/tr[2]/td/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/table/tbody/tr[3]/td[2]/table/tbody/tr[5]/td/table/tbody/tr[6]/td/table/tbody/tr[6]/td[3]")).Text; Home_OwnerExemption = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("/html/body/form/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/table/tbody/tr[2]/td/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/table/tbody/tr[3]/td[2]/table/tbody/tr[5]/td/table/tbody/tr[6]/td/table/tbody/tr[8]/td[3]")).Text; Other_Exemption = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("/html/body/form/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/table/tbody/tr[2]/td/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/table/tbody/tr[3]/td[2]/table/tbody/tr[5]/td/table/tbody/tr[6]/td/table/tbody/tr[10]/td[3]")).Text; Net_AssessedValue = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("/html/body/form/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/table/tbody/tr[2]/td/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/table/tbody/tr[3]/td[2]/table/tbody/tr[5]/td/table/tbody/tr[6]/td/table/tbody/tr[12]/td[3]")).Text; assement_details = Land_MineralRights + "~" + Improvements + "~" + Personal_Property + "~" + Home_OwnerExemption + "~" + Other_Exemption + "~" + Net_AssessedValue; gc.insert_date(orderNumber, outparcelno, 222, assement_details, 1, DateTime.Now); AssessmentTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss"); //Download the pdf for Tax Details String Parent_Window = driver.CurrentWindowHandle; string cururl = driver.Url; //Value_Notice IWebElement ValueNotice = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("/html/body/form/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/table/tbody/tr[2]/td/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/table/tbody/tr[3]/td[2]/table/tbody/tr[5]/td/table/tbody/tr[2]/td/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[3]/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/span/strong/a")); IJavaScriptExecutor js1 = driver as IJavaScriptExecutor; js1.ExecuteScript("arguments[0].click();", ValueNotice); Thread.Sleep(2000); System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12; driver.SwitchTo().Window(driver.WindowHandles.Last()); Thread.Sleep(2000); gc.CreatePdf(orderNumber, outparcelnowoh, "Value_Tax.pdf", driver, "CA", "Santa Barbara"); // driver.SwitchTo().Window(Parent_Window); driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(cururl); Thread.Sleep(2000); //Jurisdiction Details try { taxUrl = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='lblAuditorLink']/a")).GetAttribute("href").ToString(); driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(taxUrl); IWebElement SelectOption = driver.FindElement(By.Id("Criteria#001")); IList <IWebElement> Select = SelectOption.FindElements(By.TagName("option")); List <string> option = new List <string>(); string opt = ""; int Check = 0; foreach (IWebElement Op in Select) { if (Check == 1) { //option.Add(Op.Text); opt = Op.Text; break; } Check++; } //foreach (string item in option) //{ var SelectAddress = driver.FindElement(By.Id("Criteria#001")); var SelectAddressTax = new SelectElement(SelectAddress); SelectAddressTax.SelectByText(opt); driver.FindElement(By.Name("Submit")).Click(); Thread.Sleep(2000); IWebElement asstable = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("/html/body/table[5]/tbody/tr/td[2]/table[1]/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/h1/table[1]/tbody")); IList <IWebElement> asstr = asstable.FindElements(By.TagName("tr")); IList <IWebElement> asstd; foreach (IWebElement tax in asstr) { asstd = tax.FindElements(By.TagName("td")); if (asstd.Count != 0 && asstd.Count == 5 && tax.Text.Trim() != "" && !tax.Text.Contains("Parcel Number") || (tax.Text.Contains("Basic") || tax.Text.Contains("Total") || tax.Text.Contains("Fixed") || tax.Text.Contains("Situs"))) { Taxrate_Area = asstd[2].Text.Trim(); NetAssessed_Value = asstd[4].Text.Trim(); } } gc.CreatePdf(orderNumber, outparcelnowoh, "Property_Tax.pdf", driver, "CA", "Santa Barbara"); NoteTax = Taxrate_Area + "~" + NetAssessed_Value + "~" + "-" + "~" + "-"; gc.insert_date(orderNumber, outparcelno, 239, NoteTax, 1, DateTime.Now); //} IWebElement TBTax = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("/html/body/table[5]/tbody/tr/td[2]/table[1]/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/h1/table[2]/tbody")); IList <IWebElement> TRTax = TBTax.FindElements(By.TagName("tr")); IList <IWebElement> TDTax; foreach (IWebElement tax in TRTax) { TDTax = tax.FindElements(By.TagName("td")); if (TDTax.Count != 0 && TDTax.Count != 1 && tax.Text.Trim() != "" && !tax.Text.Contains("Fund") || (tax.Text.Contains("Basic") || tax.Text.Contains("Total") || tax.Text.Contains("Fixed") || tax.Text.Contains("Bonds") || tax.Text.Contains("9801 - County School Srvc Fund"))) { try { Fund = TDTax[0].Text; Amount = TDTax[2].Text; } catch { Amount = "-"; } proprtyTax = "-" + "~" + "-" + "~" + Fund + "~" + Amount; gc.insert_date(orderNumber, parcelNumber, 239, proprtyTax, 1, DateTime.Now); } } } catch { } driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(""); Thread.Sleep(2000); gc.CreatePdf(orderNumber, outparcelnowoh, "Current_Authority.pdf", driver, "CA", "Santa Barbara"); Tax_Authority = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='ctl00_PageContentBody_ASPxPageControl1_C0']/div/div[1]/div[2]/div/h4")).Text + " " + driver.FindElement(By.XPath("/html/body/form/div[3]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div/div[2]/div[1]/div/div[1]/div/div[1]/div[2]/div/ul")).Text; //Tax Information driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(""); Thread.Sleep(2000); try { IWebElement TaxInfo = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("/html/body/form/div[3]/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div/a")); IJavaScriptExecutor TI = driver as IJavaScriptExecutor; TI.ExecuteScript("arguments[0].click();", TaxInfo); Thread.Sleep(2000); WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)); var element = wait.Until(ExpectedConditions.ElementIsVisible(By.XPath("/html/body/form/div[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/table/tbody/tr/td[2]"))); Actions action = new Actions(driver); action.MoveToElement(element).Perform(); Thread.Sleep(2000); driver.FindElement(By.XPath("/html/body/form/div[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div/div[2]/div/ul/li[1]/div/span")).Click(); Thread.Sleep(2000); driver.FindElement(By.Id("ctl00_ASPxCallbackPanel1_combo_Search_I")).SendKeys(outparcelno); gc.CreatePdf(orderNumber, outparcelnowoh, "City_Info.pdf", driver, "CA", "Santa Barbara"); driver.FindElement(By.Id("ctl00_ASPxCallbackPanel1_btn_Search")).Click(); Thread.Sleep(2000); gc.CreatePdf(orderNumber, outparcelnowoh, "City_Info_tax.pdf", driver, "CA", "Santa Barbara"); //Tax Bill //Download the pdf for Tax Details //String Parent_Window1 = driver.CurrentWindowHandle; //IWebElement taxbill = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='ctl00_PageContentBody_tabControl_Propertys_gridView_BillDetail_cell1_0_BillMenu_DXI0_T']")); //IJavaScriptExecutor TB = driver as IJavaScriptExecutor; //TB.ExecuteScript("arguments[0].click();", taxbill); //Thread.Sleep(2000); //System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12; //driver.SwitchTo().Window(driver.WindowHandles.Last()); //Thread.Sleep(4000); //gc.CreatePdf_Chrome(orderNumber, outparcelno, "Tax_Bill.pdf", driver, "CA", "Santa Barbara"); //driver.SwitchTo().Window(Parent_Window1); //Thread.Sleep(2000); } catch { } try { //Current Tax Details Property_Type = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("/html/body/form/div[3]/div[2]/div[2]/div/table/tbody/tr/td/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]")).Text; try { Current_PropertyAddress = driver.FindElement(By.Id("ctl00_PageContentBody_gridView_Propertys_cell0_2_ASPxSitusAddressLine1")).Text + " " + driver.FindElement(By.Id("ctl00_PageContentBody_gridView_Propertys_cell0_2_ASPxSitusAddressLine2")).Text; } catch { } Property_Remarks = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("/html/body/form/div[3]/div[2]/div[2]/div/table/tbody/tr/td/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[4]")).Text; TotalDue = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("/html/body/form/div[3]/div[2]/div[2]/div/table/tbody/tr/td/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[6]")).Text; gc.CreatePdf(orderNumber, outparcelnowoh, "Current_Tax.pdf", driver, "CA", "Santa Barbara"); Bill_Tax1 = Property_Type + "~" + Current_PropertyAddress + "~" + Property_Remarks + "~" + TotalDue + "~" + "-" + "~" + "-" + "~" + "-" + "~" + "-" + "~" + "-" + "~" + "-" + "~" + "-"; gc.insert_date(orderNumber, outparcelno, 242, Bill_Tax1, 1, DateTime.Now); IWebElement TBCurrnetTax = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("/html/body/form/div[3]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div[2]/div/div[1]/div/table/tbody/tr/td/table[2]/tbody")); IList <IWebElement> TRCurrnetTax = TBCurrnetTax.FindElements(By.TagName("tr")); IList <IWebElement> TDCurrnetTax; int i = 3; foreach (IWebElement CurrentTax in TRCurrnetTax) { TDCurrnetTax = CurrentTax.FindElements(By.TagName("td")); if (TDCurrnetTax.Count != 0 && !CurrentTax.Text.Contains("Bill Menu") && !CurrentTax.Text.Contains("Paid Bills") && !CurrentTax.Text.Contains("Date") && !CurrentTax.Text.Contains("Year") && !CurrentTax.Text.Contains("Property Address") && !CurrentTax.Text.Contains("First Installment") && !CurrentTax.Text.Contains("Second Installment") && CurrentTax.Text.Trim() != "") { Bill_No = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("/html/body/form/div[3]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div[2]/div/div[1]/div/table/tbody/tr/td/table[2]/tbody/tr[" + i + "]/td[2]/div")).Text; if (Bill_No.Contains("\r\n")) { Bill_No = Bill_No.Replace("\r\n", " "); } Bill_Date = TDCurrnetTax[2].Text; Bill_Year = TDCurrnetTax[3].Text; Bill_PropertyAddress = TDCurrnetTax[4].Text; Bill_FirstInstallment = TDCurrnetTax[5].Text; Bill_SecondInstallment = TDCurrnetTax[6].Text; Bill_Tax = "-" + "~" + "-" + "~" + "-" + "~" + "-" + "~" + Bill_No + "~" + Bill_Date + "~" + Bill_Year + "~" + Bill_PropertyAddress + "~" + Bill_FirstInstallment + "~" + Bill_SecondInstallment + "~" + "-"; gc.insert_date(orderNumber, outparcelno, 242, Bill_Tax, 1, DateTime.Now); i++; } } try { IWebElement Ilink = driver.FindElement(By.Id("ctl00_PageContentBody_tabControl_Propertys_gridView_BillDetail_cell1_0_BillMenu_DXI0_T")); string strLink = "" + gc.Between(Ilink.GetAttribute("href"), "javascript: PopUpCenter('", "||"); gc.downloadfile(strLink, orderNumber, outparcelnowoh, "TaxBill.pdf", "CA", "Santa Barbara"); } catch { } // driver.Navigate().Back(); // Thread.Sleep(2000); } catch { } try { Taxauthority = "-" + "~" + "-" + "~" + "-" + "~" + "-" + "~" + "-" + "~" + "-" + "~" + "-" + "~" + "-" + "~" + "-" + "~" + "-" + "~" + Tax_Authority; gc.insert_date(orderNumber, outparcelnowoh, 242, Taxauthority, 1, DateTime.Now); } catch { } try { //Taxes and Values Details string Ok = ""; IWebElement Tax_Value = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='ctl00_PageContentBody_tabControl_Propertys_T1T']")); IJavaScriptExecutor TV = driver as IJavaScriptExecutor; TV.ExecuteScript("arguments[0].click();", Tax_Value); Thread.Sleep(2000); List <string> List1 = new List <string>(); List <string> List2 = new List <string>(); List <string> List3 = new List <string>(); List <string> List4 = new List <string>(); int K = 0; IWebElement valuetableElement = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("/html/body/form/div[3]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div[2]/div/div[2]/div/div/table/tbody/tr/td/div[1]/table/tbody")); IList <IWebElement> valuetableRow = valuetableElement.FindElements(By.TagName("tr")); IList <IWebElement> valuerowTD; gc.CreatePdf(orderNumber, outparcelnowoh, "Current_Value.pdf", driver, "CA", "Santa Barbara"); foreach (IWebElement row in valuetableRow) { valuerowTD = row.FindElements(By.TagName("td")); if (valuerowTD.Count != 0 && valuerowTD.Count != 1 && Ok == "OK") { if (valuerowTD.Count == 2) { if (valuerowTD[0].Text.Trim() != "") { string Taxnumber = valuerowTD[0].Text; List4.Add(Taxnumber); } } else { if (valuerowTD[1].Text.Trim() != "" && valuerowTD[2].Text.Trim() != "" && valuerowTD[3].Text.Trim() != "") { string Value1 = valuerowTD[1].Text; List1.Add(Value1); string Value2 = valuerowTD[2].Text; List2.Add(Value2); string Value3 = valuerowTD[3].Text; List3.Add(Value3); } } } if (valuerowTD.Count != 0 && valuerowTD.Count != 1) { if (valuerowTD[0].Text.Contains("Tax Bills")) { if (K == 1) { Ok = "OK"; } K++; } } } Tax_Bills = List4[0] + "~" + List4[1] + "~" + List4[2]; Frow1 = List4[0] + "~" + List1[0] + "~" + List2[0] + "~" + List3[0]; Row1 = ""; for (int X = List1.Count - 1; X >= 0; X--) { Row1 = List1[X] + "~" + Row1; } Row1 = List4[0] + "~" + Row1 + "Wer"; Row1 = Row1.Replace("~Wer", ""); gc.insert_date(orderNumber, outparcelno, 259, Row1, 1, DateTime.Now); Frow2 = List4[0] + "~" + List1[0] + "~" + List2[0] + "~" + List3[0]; Row2 = ""; for (int X = List2.Count - 1; X >= 0; X--) { Row2 = List2[X] + "~" + Row2; } Row2 = List4[1] + "~" + Row2 + "Wer"; Row2 = Row2.Replace("~Wer", ""); gc.insert_date(orderNumber, outparcelno, 259, Row2, 1, DateTime.Now); Frow3 = List4[0] + "~" + List1[0] + "~" + List2[0] + "~" + List3[0]; Row3 = ""; for (int X = List3.Count - 1; X >= 0; X--) { Row3 = List3[X] + "~" + Row3; } Row3 = List4[2] + "~" + Row3 + "Wer"; Row3 = Row3.Replace("~Wer", ""); gc.insert_date(orderNumber, outparcelno, 259, Row3, 1, DateTime.Now); } catch { } //Tax Payment Receipts try { try { Tax_Receipt = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='ctl00_PageContentBody_tabControl_Propertys_T2T']")); } catch { } gc.CreatePdf(orderNumber, outparcelnowoh, "Current_Payment.pdf", driver, "CA", "Santa Barbara"); IJavaScriptExecutor TR = driver as IJavaScriptExecutor; TR.ExecuteScript("arguments[0].click();", Tax_Receipt); Thread.Sleep(2000); int i = 0; IWebElement TBTaxReceipts = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("/html/body/form/div[3]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div[2]/div/div[3]/div/table/tbody/tr/td/table[2]/tbody")); IList <IWebElement> TRTaxReceipts = TBTaxReceipts.FindElements(By.TagName("tr")); IList <IWebElement> TDTaxReceipts; gc.CreatePdf(orderNumber, outparcelno, "Current_Payment.pdf", driver, "CA", "Santa Barbara"); foreach (IWebElement TaxReceipt in TRTaxReceipts) { TDTaxReceipts = TaxReceipt.FindElements(By.TagName("td")); if (TDTaxReceipts.Count == 9) { Payment_Date = TDTaxReceipts[0].Text; Effective_PaymentDate = TDTaxReceipts[1].Text; BillNumber = TDTaxReceipts[2].Text; Year = TDTaxReceipts[3].Text; TaxBill_Type = TDTaxReceipts[4].Text; Installment = TDTaxReceipts[5].Text; Payment_Batch = TDTaxReceipts[6].Text; Payment_Type = TDTaxReceipts[7].Text; Payment_Amount = TDTaxReceipts[8].Text; Tax_Receipts = Payment_Date + "~" + Effective_PaymentDate + "~" + BillNumber + "~" + Year + "~" + TaxBill_Type + "~" + Installment + "~" + Payment_Batch + "~" + Payment_Type + "~" + Payment_Amount; gc.insert_date(orderNumber, outparcelno, 244, Tax_Receipts, 1, DateTime.Now); i++; } } } catch { } TaxTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss"); LastEndTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss"); gc.insert_TakenTime(orderNumber, "CA", "Santa Barbara", StartTime, AssessmentTime, TaxTime, CitytaxTime, LastEndTime); driver.Quit(); //megrge pdf files gc.mergpdf(orderNumber, "CA", "Santa Barbara"); return("Data Inserted Successfully"); } catch (Exception ex) { driver.Quit(); throw ex; } } }
/// <summary> /// Return the Mat4 as a string. /// </summary> /// <returns>The Mat4 formatted as a string.</returns> public override string ToString() { return("(" + Row1.ToString() + ", " + Row2.ToString() + ", " + Row3.ToString() + ", " + Row4.ToString() + ")"); }
public List <ClsTrackAndBeatDetails> GetTrackAndBeatDetails(Int64 UserID, Int64 TrackID) { try { DBParameterCollection ObJParameterCOl = new DBParameterCollection(); DBParameter objDBParameter = new DBParameter("@UserID", UserID, DbType.Int64); ObJParameterCOl.Add(objDBParameter); objDBParameter = new DBParameter("@TrackID", TrackID, DbType.Int64); ObJParameterCOl.Add(objDBParameter); DBHelper objDbHelper = new DBHelper(); DataSet Ds = objDbHelper.ExecuteDataSet(Constant.GetTrackAndBeatDetails, ObJParameterCOl, CommandType.StoredProcedure); List <ClsTrackAndBeatDetails> objTrackAndBeatDetails = new List <ClsTrackAndBeatDetails>(); if (Ds != null) { if (Ds.Tables.Count > 0) { if (Ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { IList <ClsTrackAndBeatDetails> List = Ds.Tables[0].AsEnumerable().Select(Row => new ClsTrackAndBeatDetails { Ref_Track_ID = Row.Field <Int64>("Ref_Track_ID"), CategoryName = Row.Field <string>("CategoryName"), TrackName = Row.Field <string>("TrackName"), TrackType = Row.Field <string>("TrackType"), Bio = Row.Field <string>("Bio"), Mood = Row.Field <string>("Mood"), Key = Row.Field <string>("TrackKey"), Tag = Row.Field <string>("Tag"), Duration = Row.Field <string>("Duration"), Price = Row.Field <decimal>("Price"), PriceWithProjectFiles = Row.Field <decimal>("PriceWithProjectFiles"), BMP = Row.Field <int>("BMP"), DAW = Row.Field <string>("DAW"), IsVocals = Row.Field <string>("IsVocals"), IsTrack = Row.Field <string>("IsTrack"), Favourite = Row.Field <string>("Favourite"), SoldOut = Row.Field <string>("SoldOut"), FileManager = Ds.Tables[1].AsEnumerable().Where(x => x.Field <Int64>("ModuleID") == Row.Field <Int64>("Ref_Track_ID")).Select(Row1 => new ClsFileManager { FileManagerID = Row1.Field <Int64>("Ref_FileManager_ID"), FileIdentifier = Row1.Field <string>("FileIdentifier"), FileName = Row1.Field <string>("FileName"), FilePath = Row1.Field <string>("FilePath"), FileExtension = Row1.Field <string>("FileExtension"), FileSize = Row1.Field <Int64>("FileSize"), FileType = Row1.Field <string>("FileType"), Sequence = Row1.Field <int>("Sequence"), }).ToList(), RelatedTrack = Ds.Tables[2].AsEnumerable().Select(Row2 => new ClsRelatedTrackList { Ref_Track_ID = Row2.Field <Int64>("Ref_Track_ID"), CategoryName = Row2.Field <string>("CategoryName"), TrackName = Row2.Field <string>("TrackName"), Bio = Row2.Field <string>("Bio"), Price = Row2.Field <decimal>("Price"), IsTrack = Row2.Field <string>("IsTrack"), PlayUrl = Row2.Field <string>("PlayUrl"), Favourite = Row2.Field <string>("Favourite"), SoldOut = Row2.Field <string>("SoldOut"), ThumbnailImageUrl = Row2.Field <string>("Thumbnail"), }).ToList(), }).ToList(); objTrackAndBeatDetails.AddRange(List); } } } return(objTrackAndBeatDetails); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public override string ToString() { return(Row0.ToString() + "\n" + Row1.ToString() + "\n" + Row2.ToString() + "\n" + Row3.ToString()); }
public List <ClsServiceDetails> GetServiceDetails(Int64 Ref_Service_ID, string AliasName) { try { DBParameterCollection ObJParameterCOl = new DBParameterCollection(); DBParameter objDBParameter = new DBParameter("@Ref_Service_ID", Ref_Service_ID, DbType.Int64); ObJParameterCOl.Add(objDBParameter); objDBParameter = new DBParameter("@AliasName", AliasName, DbType.String); ObJParameterCOl.Add(objDBParameter); DBHelper objDbHelper = new DBHelper(); DataSet ds = objDbHelper.ExecuteDataSet(Constant.GetServiceDetails, ObJParameterCOl, CommandType.StoredProcedure); List <ClsServiceDetails> objServiceList = new List <ClsServiceDetails>(); if (ds != null) { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { objServiceList = ds.Tables[0].AsEnumerable().Select(Row => new ClsServiceDetails { Ref_Service_ID = Row.Field <Int64>("Ref_Service_ID"), Ref_Category_ID = Row.Field <Int64>("Ref_Category_ID"), ServiceTitle = Row.Field <string>("ServiceTitle"), AliasName = Row.Field <string>("AliasName"), Description = Row.Field <string>("Description"), Price = Row.Field <decimal>("Price"), PriceWithProjectFiles = Row.Field <decimal>("PriceWithProjectFiles"), Revision = Row.Field <int>("Revision"), DeliveryDate = Row.Field <string>("DeliveryDate"), IsActive = Row.Field <Boolean>("IsActive"), IsDeleted = Row.Field <Boolean>("IsDeleted"), CreatedBy = Row.Field <Int64>("CreatedBy"), CreatedName = Row.Field <string>("CreatedName"), CreatedDateTime = Row.Field <DateTime?>("CreatedDateTime"), MetaTitle = Row.Field <string>("MetaTitle"), MetaKeywords = Row.Field <string>("MetaKeywords"), MetaDescription = Row.Field <string>("MetaDescription"), FAQDetails = ds.Tables[1].AsEnumerable().Where(x => x.Field <Int64>("Ref_Service_ID") == Row.Field <Int64>("Ref_Service_ID")).Select(Row1 => new ClsFAQDetails { Ref_Service_ID = Row1.Field <Int64>("Ref_Service_ID"), Questions = Row1.Field <string>("Question"), Answer = Row1.Field <string>("Answer") }).ToList(), FileManager = ds.Tables[2].AsEnumerable().Where(x => x.Field <Int64>("ModuleID") == Row.Field <Int64>("Ref_Service_ID")).Select(Row2 => new ClsFileManager { FileManagerID = Row2.Field <Int64>("Ref_FileManager_ID"), FileIdentifier = Row2.Field <string>("FileIdentifier"), FileName = Row2.Field <string>("FileName"), FilePath = Row2.Field <string>("FilePath"), FileExtension = Row2.Field <string>("FileExtension"), FileSize = Row2.Field <Int64>("FileSize"), FileType = Row2.Field <string>("FileType"), Sequence = Row2.Field <int>("Sequence"), }).ToList(), }).ToList(); } } return(objServiceList); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public static Page CreateCalendarPage(DateTime date) { Page page = new Page(PageSize.Letter, PageOrientation.Landscape); // Uncomment the line below to add a loyout grid to the page //page.Elements.Add( new LayoutGrid() ); // Create a table and set it's properties Table2 table = new Table2(0, 40, page.Dimensions.Body.Width, page.Dimensions.Body.Height - 40, Font.Helvetica, 12); table.CellDefault.TextColor = RgbColor.Navy; table.CellDefault.Border.Color = RgbColor.CornflowerBlue; table.Border.Color = RgbColor.CornflowerBlue; AddColumns(table, page.Dimensions.Body.Width); CreateDaysOfWeekHeader(table); // Calculate some properties of the month int startDay = (43 - date.Day + (int)date.DayOfWeek) % 7; int daysInMonth = DateTime.DaysInMonth(date.Year, date.Month); int requiredRows = (int)Math.Ceiling((daysInMonth + startDay) / 7.0f); float rowHeight = (page.Dimensions.Body.Height - 60) / requiredRows; Row2 row = null; int position = 0; // Add a blank entry for Sunday if (startDay != 0) { row = table.Rows.Add(rowHeight, Font.Helvetica, 14); row.Cells.Add(" ", Font.Helvetica, 15, RgbColor.Red, RgbColor.AliceBlue, 1); position++; } // Add any additional blank entries days of previous month while (position < startDay) { row.Cells.Add(" "); position++; } // Add the days of the month to the myTable for (int day = 1; day <= daysInMonth; day++) { if (position++ % 7 == 0) { row = table.Rows.Add(rowHeight, Font.Helvetica, 14); row.Cells.Add(day.ToString(), Font.Helvetica, 14, RgbColor.Red, RgbColor.AliceBlue, 1); } else { row.Cells.Add(day.ToString()); } } // Add any additional blank entries to the end of the table while (position++ % 7 != 0) { row.Cells.Add(" "); } // Add the table to the Page page.Elements.Add(table); // Create and add a Month label to the calendar Label label = new Label(date.ToString("MMMM yyyy"), 0, 0, page.Dimensions.Body.Width, 50, Font.Helvetica, 23, TextAlign.Center, RgbColor.DeepPink); page.Elements.Add(label); return(page); }