예제 #1
    static void Solve(int size, int forbidden, int seed)
        RoutingModel routing = new RoutingModel(size, 1);

        // Setting first solution heuristic (cheapest addition).

        // Setting the cost function.
        // Put a permanent callback to the distance accessor here. The callback
        // has the following signature: ResultCallback2<int64, int64, int64>.
        // The two arguments are the from and to node inidices.
        RandomManhattan distances = new RandomManhattan(size, seed);


        // Forbid node connections (randomly).
        Random randomizer            = new Random();
        long   forbidden_connections = 0;

        while (forbidden_connections < forbidden)
            long from = randomizer.Next(size - 1);
            long to   = randomizer.Next(size - 1) + 1;
            if (routing.NextVar(from).Contains(to))
                Console.WriteLine("Forbidding connection {0} -> {1}", from, to);

        // Add dummy dimension to test API.
        routing.AddDimension(new ConstantCallback(),
                             size + 1,
                             size + 1,

        // Solve, returns a solution if any (owned by RoutingModel).
        Assignment solution = routing.Solve();

        if (solution != null)
            // Solution cost.
            Console.WriteLine("Cost = {0}", solution.ObjectiveValue());
            // Inspect solution.
            // Only one route here; otherwise iterate from 0 to routing.vehicles() - 1
            int route_number = 0;
            for (long node = routing.Start(route_number);
                 node = solution.Value(routing.NextVar(node)))
                Console.Write("{0} -> ", node);
예제 #2
        public override void Solve()
            var pparser = new Pparser(FpatIn);
            int n, l;

            pparser.Fetch(out n, out l);
            var rgnode = pparser.FetchN <string>(n);

            rgnode.Insert(0, "X");
            var model = new RoutingModel(n, 1);

            model.SetCost(new NodeEval(rgnode.ToArray()));
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                var varI = model.NextVar(i);
                for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
                    if (i == j)
                    if (!NodeEval.FMatch(rgnode[i], rgnode[j]))

            Assignment solution = model.Solve();

            model.UpdateTimeLimit(1000 * 60 * 3);
            if (solution != null)
                // Solution cost.
                Console.WriteLine("Cost = {0}", solution.ObjectiveValue());
                for (var inode = (int)model.Start(0); !model.IsEnd(inode); inode = (int)solution.Value(model.NextVar(inode)))
예제 #3
         * Number of Vehicles:

        public static void Solve(int vehicles, string pathToXml = null)
             * Add custom distance function

            var dist = (pathToXml == null) ? new Distance() : new XmlDistance(pathToXml);

             * Generate constraint model

            // Third argument defines depot, i.e. start-end node for round trip.
            var model = new  RoutingModel(dist.MapSize(), vehicles, 0);


             * This modification forces all Vehicles to visit at least one city.

            /*for (int i = 0; i < Vehicles; i++) {
             *  IntVar first = model.NextVar(model.Start(i));
             *  first.SetMax(dist.MapSize() - 1);
             * }
             * /*
             * Solve problem and display solution

            Assignment assignment = model.Solve();

            if (assignment != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Total Distance: " + assignment.ObjectiveValue() + "\n");

                for (int i = 0; i < vehicles; i++)
                     * Display Round Trip:

                    Console.WriteLine("Round Trip for Vehicle " + i + "\n");

                    for (long node = model.Start(i); node < model.End(i); node = model.Next(assignment, node))
                        Console.Write(node + " -> ");

                    Console.WriteLine(model.Start(i) + "\n");

                     * Display individual Section Distances for Verification:

                    var source = (int)model.Start(i);

                    while (source < model.End(i))
                        var target = (int)model.Next(assignment, source);

                        if (source < dist.MapSize() && target < dist.MapSize())
                            Console.WriteLine("From " + source + " travel to " + target + " -> distance = " +
                                              dist.Run(source, target));
                        else if (source < dist.MapSize())
                            Console.WriteLine("From " + source + " travel to 0 -> distance = " + dist.Run(source, 0));

                        source = target;


예제 #4
        public static void Solve(int vehicles, Distance distances)
             * Generate constraint model

            // Third argument defines depot, i.e. start-end node for round trip.
            var model = new RoutingModel(distances.MapSize(), vehicles, 0);

            // Node costs vs. Arc Costs

             * A vehicle must not visit more than 7 cities

            //model.AddConstantDimension(1, 7, true, "count");

             * A vehicle must visit at least 3 cities

            /*model.AddConstantDimension(1, Int32.MaxValue, true, "count");
             * var count = model.GetDimensionOrDie("count");
             * for (int i = 0; i < vehicles; i++) {
             *  count.CumulVar(model.End(i)).SetMin(3);
             * }*/

             * City 3 and 5 must NOT be visited by the same vehicle

            //model.solver().Add(model.VehicleVar(3) != model.VehicleVar(5));

             * City 3 must be visited before city 5 (not necessarily by the same vehicle)

            /*model.AddConstantDimension(1, Int32.MaxValue, true, "time");
             * var time = model.GetDimensionOrDie("time");
             * model.solver().Add(time.CumulVar(3) < time.CumulVar(5));*/

             * City 3 must be visited right after city 5 (not necessarily by the same vhicle)

            /*model.AddConstantDimension(1, Int32.MaxValue, true, "time");
             * var time = model.GetDimensionOrDie("time");
             * model.solver().Add(time.CumulVar(5) + 1 == time.CumulVar(3));*/

             * Solve problem and display solution

            Assignment assignment = model.Solve();

            if (assignment != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Depot: " + model.GetDepot());
                Console.WriteLine("Total Distance: " + assignment.ObjectiveValue() + "\n");

                for (int i = 0; i < vehicles; i++)
                     * Display Trips:

                    Console.WriteLine("Round Trip for Vehicle " + i + ":");

                    long total  = 0;
                    var  source = model.Start(i);

                    while (!model.IsEnd(source))
                        var target = model.Next(assignment, source);

                        var from = model.IndexToNode(source);
                        var to   = model.IndexToNode(target);

                        total += distances.Run(from, to);
                            $" - From {distances.ToString(@from),-3} travel to {distances.ToString(to),-3} with distance: {distances.Run(@from, to),-3}");
                        source = target;

                    Console.WriteLine("Total Distance for Vehicle " + i + ": " + total + "\n");

예제 #5
        public static void Solve(int vehicles, int capacity, Distance distances, Demands demands)
             * Generate constraint model

            // Third argument defines depot, i.e. start-end node for round trip.
            var model = new RoutingModel(distances.MapSize(), vehicles, 0);

            // Node costs vs. Arc Costs

             * Capacity Constraints

            if (distances.MapSize() != demands.MapSize())
                throw new ArgumentException("Define demand for each city.");

            model.AddDimension(demands, 0, capacity, true, "capacity");

             * Solve problem and display solution

            Assignment assignment = model.Solve();

            if (assignment != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Depot: " + model.GetDepot());
                Console.WriteLine("Total Distance: " + assignment.ObjectiveValue() + "\n");

                for (int i = 0; i < vehicles; i++)
                     * Display Trips:

                    Console.WriteLine("Round Trip for Vehicle " + i + ":");

                    long total  = 0;
                    var  source = model.Start(i);

                    while (!model.IsEnd(source))
                        var s = model.IndexToNode(source);
                        var t = model.IndexToNode(model.Next(assignment, source));

                        total += distances.Run(s, t);

                        Console.WriteLine(String.Format(" - From {0,-2} (demand: {1,-1}) travel to {2,-2} (demand: {3,-1}) with distance: {4,-2}",
                                                        distances.Run(s, t)));
                        source = model.Next(assignment, source);

                    Console.WriteLine("Total Distance for Vehicle " + i + ": " + total + "\n");
