public void GetScoreFromJudge_Run2_CorrectValue() { var cont = new RoundContestant(); cont.EnsureListsAreInitialized(); cont.RunJudgings.Add(new RunJudging() { Score = 5, RunNo = 1, JudgeId = 1 }); cont.RunJudgings.Add(new RunJudging() { Score = null, RunNo = 1, JudgeId = 1 }); cont.RunJudgings.Add(new RunJudging() { Score = 10, RunNo = 1, JudgeId = 1 }); cont.RunJudgings.Add(new RunJudging() { Score = 8, RunNo = 1, JudgeId = 2 }); cont.RunJudgings.Add(new RunJudging() { Score = 10, RunNo = 2, JudgeId = 1 }); var res = cont.GetScoreFromJudgeRun(judgeId: 1L, runNo: 2); Assert.AreEqual(10M, res); }
public void GetScoreFromJudge_NoData_Null() { var cont = new RoundContestant(); cont.EnsureListsAreInitialized(); var res = cont.GetScoreFromJudgeRun(0, 0); Assert.IsNull(res); }
public RunJudgementViewModel(List <RunJudging> runJudgings, NordicArenaDomainModels.Models.Judge judge = null, RoundContestant roundContestant = null, int?runNo = null) : this() { if ((roundContestant == null || runNo == null || judge == null) && (runJudgings == null || runJudgings.Count == 0)) { throw new ArgumentException("No entries in list or list null, while not supplied judge, roundContestant and runNo explicitly"); } if (roundContestant == null) { roundContestant = runJudgings[0].RoundContestant; } if (runNo == null) { runNo = runJudgings[0].RunNo; } if (judge == null) { judge = runJudgings[0].Judge; } ContestantName = roundContestant.Contestant != null ? roundContestant.Contestant.Name : "(not set)"; RunNo = runNo.Value; JudgeName = judge.Name; RoundContestantId = roundContestant.Id; JudgeId = judge.Id; RunJudgeScore = roundContestant.GetScoreFromJudgeRun(judge.Id, runNo.Value); foreach (var rj in runJudgings) { if (rj.RunNo != runNo) { throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Expected all runJudgements to be from run {0}, but one is from run {1}", runNo, rj.RunNo)); } if (rj.RoundContestantId != roundContestant.Id) { throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Expected all runJudgements to be from roundContestantId {0}, but one is from {1}", roundContestant.Id, rj.RoundContestantId)); } if (rj.JudgeId != judge.Id) { throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Expected all runJudgements to be from judgeId {0}, but one is from {1}", judge.Id, rj.JudgeId)); } Scores.Add(rj.Score); } }