예제 #1
            public void UnpublishService(int index)

                AdvertisementWrapper advertiser = null;

                lock (thisLock)
                    if (index > advertisers.Count - 1)
                        throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Attempted to stop service not found in list");

                    advertiser = advertisers[index];

                catch (Exception ex)
                    RootPage.NotifyUser("Stop Advertisement Failed: " + ex.Message, NotifyType.ErrorMessage);
예제 #2
            public void CloseSession(int index)
                SessionWrapper session = null;

                // First remove from list
                lock (thisLock)
                    if (index > connectedSessions.Count - 1)
                        throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Attempted to close session not found in list");

                    session = connectedSessions[index];
                    // Session will remove self from list when its status changes

                // Close session by disposing underlying WiFiDirectServiceSession
                RootPage.NotifyUser("Closed Session", NotifyType.StatusMessage);
예제 #3
        public void InitializeBtleWatcher(string aqsFilter)
            if (Watcher != null)


            Debug.WriteLine("BTLEWatcher aqsFilter: " + aqsFilter);

            // Create the Watcher for the BTLE - GATT_STREAM_SERVICE_UUID //
            // List of additional properties
            // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/devices-sensors/device-information-properties
            Watcher = DeviceInformation.CreateWatcher(aqsFilter);       // An AQS string that filters the DeviceInformation objects to enumerate

            // Hook up handlers for the watcher events before starting the watcher //

            // Added //
            _handlerAdded = async(watcher, deviceInfo) =>
                // Since we have the collection databound to a UI element, we need to update the collection on the UI thread.
                await RootPage.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Low, () =>
                    // Check for duplicate entry
                    var isDuplicate = ResultCollection.Any(bleInfoDisp => deviceInfo.Id == bleInfoDisp.Id);
                    if (isDuplicate)

                    // DeviceID W4 - \\?\BTHLEDevice#{151c0000-4580-4111-9ca1-5056f3454fbc}_f7a30813de8a#6&2e59d2a&f9&000c#{6e3bb679-4372-40c8-9eaa-4509df260cd8}
                    Debug.WriteLine(Name + " - " + deviceInfo.Id);
                    ResultCollection.Add(new DeviceInformationDisplay(deviceInfo));

                    //MainPage.Debug_DisplayDeviceParams( deviceInfo, ResultCollection.Count );

                    RootPage.NotifyUser(string.Format(Name + "-{0} devices found.", ResultCollection.Count), NotifyType.StatusMessage);

                    // Fire Event
                    var args = new BtleWatcherEventsArgs
                        Event       = WatcherEvents.Added,
                        TimeReached = DateTime.Now
            Watcher.Added += _handlerAdded;

            // Updated //
            _handlerUpdated = async(watcher, deviceInfoUpdate) =>
                // Since we have the collection databound to a UI element, we need to update the collection on the UI thread.
                await RootPage.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Low, () =>
                    // Find the corresponding updated DeviceInformation in the collection and pass the update object
                    // to the Update method of the existing DeviceInformation. This automatically updates the object for us.
                    foreach (DeviceInformationDisplay deviceInfoDisp in ResultCollection)
                        if (deviceInfoDisp.Id != deviceInfoUpdate.Id)

                        deviceInfoDisp.Update(deviceInfoUpdate, Name);

                    // Fire Event
                    var args = new BtleWatcherEventsArgs
                        Event       = WatcherEvents.Updated,
                        TimeReached = DateTime.Now
            Watcher.Updated += _handlerUpdated;

            // Removed //
            _handlerRemoved = async(watcher, deviceInfoUpdate) =>
                // Since we have the collection databound to a UI element, we need to update the collection on the UI thread.
                await RootPage.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Low, () =>
                    // Find the corresponding DeviceInformation in the collection and remove it
                    foreach (DeviceInformationDisplay deviceInfoDisp in ResultCollection)
                        if (deviceInfoDisp.Id != deviceInfoUpdate.Id)

                        if (ResultCollection.Contains(deviceInfoDisp))

                    RootPage.NotifyUser(string.Format(Name + "-{0} devices found.", ResultCollection.Count), NotifyType.StatusMessage);

                    // Fire Event
                    var args = new BtleWatcherEventsArgs
                        Event       = WatcherEvents.Removed,
                        TimeReached = DateTime.Now
            Watcher.Removed += _handlerRemoved;

            // EnumerationCompleted //
            _handlerEnumCompleted = async(watcher, obj) =>
                await RootPage.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Low, () =>
                    EnumCompleted = true;
                    Debug.WriteLine(Name + " Enumeration completed: {0} devices found .... Watching for updates...", ResultCollection.Count);
                    RootPage.NotifyUser(string.Format(Name + "-{0} devices found.\n{1}-Enumeration completed.\n{1}-Watching for updates...", ResultCollection.Count, Name), NotifyType.StatusMessage);

                    // Fire Event
                    var args = new BtleWatcherEventsArgs
                        Event       = WatcherEvents.EnumerationCompleted,
                        TimeReached = DateTime.Now
            Watcher.EnumerationCompleted += _handlerEnumCompleted;

            // Stopped //
            _handlerStopped = async(watcher, obj) =>
                await RootPage.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Low, () =>
                    RootPage.NotifyUser(string.Format(Name + "-{0} devices found. Watcher {1}.",
                                                      ResultCollection.Count, DeviceWatcherStatus.Aborted == watcher.Status ? "aborted" : "stopped"),

                    // Fire Event
                    var args = new BtleWatcherEventsArgs
                        Event       = WatcherEvents.Stopped,
                        TimeReached = DateTime.Now
            Watcher.Stopped += _handlerStopped;
예제 #4
            public async void DiscoverServicesAsync(string serviceName, string requestedServiceInfo)

                    RootPage.NotifyUser("Discover services... (name='" + serviceName + "', requestedInfo='" + requestedServiceInfo + "')", NotifyType.StatusMessage);

                    // Clear old results

                    // Discovery depends on whether service information is requested
                    string serviceSelector = "";
                    if (requestedServiceInfo == "")
                        // Just search by name
                        serviceSelector = WiFiDirectService.GetSelector(serviceName);
                        using (var serviceInfoDataWriter = new DataWriter(new InMemoryRandomAccessStream()))
                            // Discover by name and try to discover service information
                            serviceSelector = WiFiDirectService.GetSelector(serviceName, serviceInfoDataWriter.DetachBuffer());

                    List <string> additionalProperties = new List <string>();

                    // Note: This sample demonstrates finding services with FindAllAsync, which does a discovery and returns a list
                    // It is also possible to use DeviceWatcher to receive updates as soon as services are found and to continue the discovery until it is stopped
                    // See the DeviceWatcher sample for an example on how to use that class instead of DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync
                    DeviceInformationCollection deviceInfoCollection = await DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(serviceSelector, additionalProperties);

                    if (deviceInfoCollection != null && deviceInfoCollection.Count > 0)
                        RootPage.NotifyUser("Done discovering services, found " + deviceInfoCollection.Count + " services", NotifyType.StatusMessage);

                        foreach (var device in deviceInfoCollection)
                            discoveredDevices.Add(new DiscoveredDeviceWrapper(device, this));
                        RootPage.NotifyUser("Done discovering services, No services found", NotifyType.StatusMessage);

                    // Update UI list
                    if (scenario3 != null)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    RootPage.NotifyUser(String.Format("Failed to discover services: {0}", ex.Message), NotifyType.ErrorMessage);
                    throw ex;
예제 #5
            public void StartAdvertisement(
                string serviceName,
                bool autoAccept,
                bool preferGO,
                string pin,
                IList <WiFiDirectServiceConfigurationMethod> configMethods,
                WiFiDirectServiceStatus status,
                uint customStatus,
                string serviceInfo,
                string deferredServiceInfo,
                IList <String> prefixList

                // Create Advertiser object for the service
                // NOTE: service name is internally limited to up to 255 bytes in UTF-8 encoding
                // Valid characters include alpha-numeric, '.', '-', and any multi-byte character
                // characters a-z, A-Z are case-insensitive when discovering services
                WiFiDirectServiceAdvertiser advertiser = new WiFiDirectServiceAdvertiser(serviceName);

                // Auto-accept services will connect without interaction from advertiser
                // NOTE: if the config method used for a connection requires a PIN, then the advertiser will have to accept the connection
                advertiser.AutoAcceptSession = autoAccept;

                // Set the Group Owner intent to a large value so that the advertiser will try to become the group owner (GO)
                // NOTE: The GO of a P2P connection can connect to multiple clients while the client can connect to a single GO only
                advertiser.PreferGroupOwnerMode = preferGO;

                // Default status is "Available", but services may use a custom status code (value > 1) if applicable
                advertiser.ServiceStatus           = status;
                advertiser.CustomServiceStatusCode = customStatus;

                // Service information can be up to 65000 bytes.
                // Service Seeker may explicitly discover this by specifying a short buffer that is a subset of this buffer.
                // If seeker portion matches, then entire buffer is returned, otherwise, the service information is not returned to the seeker
                // This sample uses a string for the buffer but it can be any data
                if (serviceInfo != null && serviceInfo.Length > 0)
                    using (var tempStream = new Windows.Storage.Streams.InMemoryRandomAccessStream())
                        using (var serviceInfoDataWriter = new Windows.Storage.Streams.DataWriter(tempStream))
                            advertiser.ServiceInfo = serviceInfoDataWriter.DetachBuffer();
                    advertiser.ServiceInfo = null;

                // This is a buffer of up to 144 bytes that is sent to the seeker in case the connection is "deferred" (i.e. not auto-accepted)
                // This buffer will be sent when auto-accept is false, or if a PIN is required to complete the connection
                // For the sample, we use a string, but it can contain any data
                if (deferredServiceInfo != null && deferredServiceInfo.Length > 0)
                    using (var tempStream = new Windows.Storage.Streams.InMemoryRandomAccessStream())
                        using (var deferredSessionInfoDataWriter = new Windows.Storage.Streams.DataWriter(tempStream))
                            advertiser.DeferredSessionInfo = deferredSessionInfoDataWriter.DetachBuffer();
                    advertiser.DeferredSessionInfo = null;

                // The advertiser supported configuration methods
                // Valid values are PIN-only (either keypad entry, display, or both), or PIN (keypad entry, display, or both) and WFD Services default
                // WFD Services Default config method does not require explicit PIN entry and offers a more seamless connection experience
                // Typically, an advertiser will support PIN display (and WFD Services Default), and a seeker will connect with either PIN entry or WFD Services Default
                if (configMethods != null)
                    foreach (var configMethod in configMethods)

                // Advertiser may also be discoverable by a prefix of the service name. Must explicitly specify prefixes allowed here.
                if (prefixList != null && prefixList.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var prefix in prefixList)

                // For this sample, we wrap the advertiser in our own object which handles the advertiser events
                AdvertisementWrapper advertiserWrapper = new AdvertisementWrapper(advertiser, this, pin);


                RootPage.NotifyUser("Starting service...", NotifyType.StatusMessage);

                    // This may fail if the driver is unable to handle the request or if services is not supported
                    // NOTE: this must be called from the UI thread of the app
                catch (Exception ex)
                    RootPage.NotifyUser(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Failed to start service: {0}", ex.Message), NotifyType.ErrorMessage);