public bool UpdatesAvailableSince(int revision) { root = RootInfo.GetRoot(rootUri, connection); user = UserInfo.GetUser(root.User.ApiRef, connection); return(user.LatestSyncRevision.HasValue && user.LatestSyncRevision.Value > revision); }
public bool BeginSyncTransaction() { // TODO: Check connection and auth (is getting root/user resources a sufficient check?) root = RootInfo.GetRoot(rootUri, connection); user = UserInfo.GetUser(root.User.ApiRef, connection); if (user.LatestSyncRevision.HasValue) { LatestRevision = user.LatestSyncRevision.Value; } else { VerifyLatestSyncRevision(user.LatestSyncRevision); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.CurrentSyncGuid)) { throw new TomboySyncException("No sync GUID for user provided in server response"); } pendingCommits = new List <NoteInfo> (); return(true); }
private void OnAuthButtonClicked(object sender, EventArgs args) { if (listener != null && listener.IsListening) { listener.Stop(); listener.Close(); } // TODO: Move this if (Auth == null) { Auth = new Api.OAuth(); } string rootUri = Server + "/api/1.0"; try { RootInfo root = RootInfo.GetRoot(rootUri, new Api.AnonymousConnection()); Auth.AuthorizeLocation = root.AuthorizeUrl; Auth.AccessTokenBaseUrl = root.AccessTokenUrl; Auth.RequestTokenBaseUrl = root.RequestTokenUrl; Auth.ConsumerKey = "anyone"; Auth.ConsumerSecret = "anyone"; Auth.Realm = "Snowy"; } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error("Failed to get Root resource " + rootUri + ". Exception was: " + e.ToString()); authButton.Label = Catalog.GetString("Server not responding. Try again later."); oauth = null; return; } if (!Auth.IsAccessToken) { listener = new HL.HttpListener(); int portToTry = 8000; string callbackUrl = string.Empty; while (!listener.IsListening && portToTry < 9000) { callbackUrl = String.Format("http://localhost:{0}/tomboy-web-sync/", portToTry); try { listener.Prefixes.Add(callbackUrl); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error("Exception while trying to add {0} as an HttpListener Prefix", callbackUrl); Logger.Error(e.ToString()); break; } try { listener.Start(); Auth.CallbackUrl = callbackUrl; } catch { listener.Prefixes.Clear(); portToTry++; } } if (!listener.IsListening) { Logger.Error("Unable to start HttpListener on any port between 8000-8999"); authButton.Label = Catalog.GetString("Server not responding. Try again later."); oauth = null; return; } Logger.Debug("Listening on {0} for OAuth callback", callbackUrl); string authUrl = string.Empty; try { authUrl = Auth.GetAuthorizationUrl(); } catch (Exception e) { listener.Stop(); listener.Close(); Logger.Error("Failed to get auth URL from " + Server + ". Exception was: " + e.ToString()); // Translators: The web service supporting Tomboy WebSync is not responding as expected authButton.Label = Catalog.GetString("Server not responding. Try again later."); oauth = null; return; } IAsyncResult result = listener.BeginGetContext(delegate(IAsyncResult localResult) { HL.HttpListenerContext context; try { context = listener.EndGetContext(localResult); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: Figure out why this error occurs Logger.Error("Error processing OAuth callback. Could be a sign that you pressed the button to reset the connection. Exception details:"); Logger.Error(e.ToString()); return; } // Assuming if we got here user clicked Allow Logger.Debug("Context request uri query section: " + context.Request.Url.Query); // oauth_verifier is required in OAuth 1.0a, not 1.0 var qs = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(context.Request.Url.Query); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(qs ["oauth_verifier"])) { Auth.Verifier = qs ["oauth_verifier"]; } try { if (!Auth.GetAccessAfterAuthorization()) { throw new ApplicationException("Unknown error getting access token"); } Logger.Debug("Successfully authorized web sync"); } catch (Exception e) { listener.Stop(); listener.Close(); Logger.Error("Failed to authorize web sync, with exception:"); Logger.Error(e.ToString()); Gtk.Application.Invoke(delegate { authButton.Label = Catalog.GetString("Authorization Failed, Try Again"); authButton.Sensitive = true; }); oauth = null; return; } string htmlResponse = String.Format(callbackHtmlTemplate, // Translators: Title of web page presented to user after they authorized Tomboy for sync Catalog.GetString("Tomboy Web Authorization Successful"), // Translators: Body of web page presented to user after they authorized Tomboy for sync Catalog.GetString("Please return to the Tomboy Preferences window and press Save to start synchronizing.")); using (var writer = new System.IO.StreamWriter(context.Response.OutputStream)) writer.Write(htmlResponse); listener.Stop(); listener.Close(); if (Auth.IsAccessToken) { Gtk.Application.Invoke(delegate { authButton.Sensitive = false; authButton.Label = Catalog.GetString("Connected. Press Save to start synchronizing"); }); } }, null); Logger.Debug("Launching browser to authorize web sync: " + authUrl); authButton.Label = Catalog.GetString("Authorizing in browser (Press to reset connection)"); try { Services.NativeApplication.OpenUrl(authUrl, Screen); } catch (Exception e) { listener.Stop(); listener.Close(); Logger.Error("Exception opening URL: " + e.Message); // Translators: Sometimes a user's default browser is not set, so we recommend setting it and trying again authButton.Label = Catalog.GetString("Set the default browser and try again"); return; } // Translators: The user must take action in their web browser to continue the authorization process authButton.Label = Catalog.GetString("Authorizing in browser (Press to reset connection)"); } }