protected void CheckCascadeRefreshNeeded(CacheDependencyNode node) { CacheChangeItem[] cacheChangeItems = node.cacheChangeItems; if (cacheChangeItems == null) { return; } HashMap <IObjRef, CacheValueAndPrivilege> objRefToCacheValueMap = node.objRefToCacheValueMap; for (int c = cacheChangeItems.Length; c-- > 0;) { CacheChangeItem cci = cacheChangeItems[c]; if (cci == null) { continue; } IList <IObjRef> objectRefsToUpdate = cci.UpdatedObjRefs; IList <Object> objectsToUpdate = cci.UpdatedObjects; for (int a = objectRefsToUpdate.Count; a-- > 0;) { IObjRef objRefToUpdate = objectRefsToUpdate[a]; Object objectToUpdate = objectsToUpdate[a]; CacheValueAndPrivilege cacheValueAndPrivilege = objRefToCacheValueMap.Get(objRefToUpdate); if (cacheValueAndPrivilege == null) { // Current value in childCache is not in our interest here continue; } IEntityMetaData metaData = ((IEntityMetaDataHolder)objectToUpdate).Get__EntityMetaData(); RelationMember[] relationMembers = metaData.RelationMembers; if (relationMembers.Length == 0) { continue; } RootCacheValue cacheValue = cacheValueAndPrivilege.cacheValue; IObjRefContainer vhc = (IObjRefContainer)objectToUpdate; for (int relationIndex = relationMembers.Length; relationIndex-- > 0;) { if (ValueHolderState.INIT != vhc.Get__State(relationIndex)) { continue; } // the object which has to be updated has initialized relations. So we have to ensure // that these relations are in the RootCache at the time the target object will be updated. // This is because initialized relations have to remain initialized after update but the relations // may have been updated, too BatchPendingRelations(cacheValue, relationMembers[relationIndex], cacheValue.GetRelation(relationIndex), node); } } } }
protected bool HandleValueHolder(DirectValueHolderRef vhr, PrefetchPath[] cachePaths, IMap <ICacheIntern, IISet <IObjRef> > cacheToOrisToLoad, IMap <ICacheIntern, IMap <IObjRelation, bool> > cacheToOrelsToLoad, IMap <ICacheIntern, IISet <IObjRef> > cacheToOrisLoadedHistory, IMap <ICacheIntern, IISet <IObjRelation> > cacheToOrelsLoadedHistory, AlreadyHandledSet alreadyHandledSet, IList <PrefetchCommand> cascadeLoadItems) { RelationMember member = vhr.Member; bool newOriToLoad = false; if (vhr is IndirectValueHolderRef) { RootCacheValue rcv = (RootCacheValue)vhr.Vhc; ICacheIntern rootCache = ((IndirectValueHolderRef)vhr).RootCache; IEntityMetaData metaData = EntityMetaDataProvider.GetMetaData(rcv.EntityType); int relationIndex = metaData.GetIndexByRelation(member); IObjRef[] rcvObjRefs = rcv.GetRelation(relationIndex); if (rcvObjRefs == null) { IObjRelation self = ValueHolderContainerMixin.GetSelf(rcv, member.Name); ISet <IObjRelation> orelsLoadedHistory = cacheToOrelsLoadedHistory.Get(rootCache); if (orelsLoadedHistory == null || !orelsLoadedHistory.Contains(self)) { IMap <IObjRelation, bool> orelsToLoad = cacheToOrelsToLoad.Get(rootCache); if (orelsToLoad == null) { orelsToLoad = new HashMap <IObjRelation, bool>(); cacheToOrelsToLoad.Put(rootCache, orelsToLoad); } orelsToLoad.Put(self, vhr.ObjRefsOnly); AddCascadeLoadItem(vhr, cachePaths, cascadeLoadItems); } return(false); } else if (!vhr.ObjRefsOnly && rcvObjRefs.Length > 0) { ISet <IObjRef> orisLoadedHistory = cacheToOrisLoadedHistory.Get(rootCache); for (int b = rcvObjRefs.Length; b-- > 0;) { IObjRef ori = rcvObjRefs[b]; if (orisLoadedHistory != null && orisLoadedHistory.Contains(ori)) { // Object has been tried to load before but it is obviously not in the cache // So the load must have been failed somehow. It is assumed that the entity // is not persisted in the database anymore (deleted before) so the ORI is illegal. // We cleanup the ValueHolder so that future calls will not lead to // another unnecessary roundtrip to the server rcvObjRefs[b] = null; continue; } IISet <IObjRef> orisToLoad = cacheToOrisToLoad.Get(rootCache); if (orisToLoad == null) { orisToLoad = new CHashSet <IObjRef>(); cacheToOrisToLoad.Put(rootCache, orisToLoad); } orisToLoad.Add(ori); newOriToLoad = true; } if (newOriToLoad) { AddCascadeLoadItem(vhr, cachePaths, cascadeLoadItems); } } return(false); } IValueHolderContainer vhc = (IValueHolderContainer)vhr.Vhc; int relationIndex2 = vhc.Get__EntityMetaData().GetIndexByRelationName(member.Name); if (ValueHolderState.INIT == vhc.Get__State(relationIndex2)) { return(true); } ICacheIntern cache = vhc.__TargetCache; IObjRef[] objRefs = vhc.Get__ObjRefs(relationIndex2); if (objRefs == null) { IObjRelation self = vhc.Get__Self(relationIndex2); List <IObjRelation> orels = new List <IObjRelation>(); orels.Add(self); IList <IObjRelationResult> orelResults = cache.GetObjRelations(orels, cache, failEarlyReturnMisses); IObjRelationResult orelResult = orelResults[0]; if (orelResult == null) { ISet <IObjRelation> orelsLoadedHistory = cacheToOrelsLoadedHistory.Get(cache); if (orelsLoadedHistory == null || !orelsLoadedHistory.Contains(self)) { IMap <IObjRelation, bool> orelsToLoad = cacheToOrelsToLoad.Get(cache); if (orelsToLoad == null) { orelsToLoad = new HashMap <IObjRelation, bool>(); cacheToOrelsToLoad.Put(cache, orelsToLoad); } orelsToLoad.Put(self, vhr.ObjRefsOnly); AddCascadeLoadItem(vhr, cachePaths, cascadeLoadItems); } return(false); } objRefs = orelResult.Relations; if (objRefs != null) { vhc.Set__ObjRefs(relationIndex2, objRefs); } } if (!vhr.ObjRefsOnly && objRefs != null && objRefs.Length > 0) { IList <Object> loadedObjects = cache.GetObjects(new List <IObjRef>(objRefs), cache, failEarlyReturnMisses); try { for (int b = objRefs.Length; b-- > 0;) { IObjRef ori = objRefs[b]; Object loadedObject = loadedObjects[b]; if (loadedObject != null) { continue; } ISet <IObjRef> orisLoadedHistory = cacheToOrisLoadedHistory.Get(cache); if (orisLoadedHistory != null && orisLoadedHistory.Contains(ori)) { // Object has been tried to load before but it is obviously not in the cache // So the load must have been failed somehow. It is assumed that the entity // is not persisted in the database anymore (deleted before) so the ORI is illegal. // We cleanup the ValueHolder so that future calls will not lead to // another unnecessary roundtrip to the server objRefs[b] = null; continue; } IISet <IObjRef> orisToLoad = cacheToOrisToLoad.Get(cache); if (orisToLoad == null) { orisToLoad = new CHashSet <IObjRef>(); cacheToOrisToLoad.Put(cache, orisToLoad); } orisToLoad.Add(ori); newOriToLoad = true; } } finally { loadedObjects.Clear(); loadedObjects = null; } } if (objRefs == null || newOriToLoad) { AddCascadeLoadItem(vhr, cachePaths, cascadeLoadItems); return(false); } return(true); }