/// <summary> /// 更新角色战斗力 /// </summary> /// <param name="roleEntity"></param> private void UpdateFighting(RoleEntity roleEntity) { //1.计算角色基础属性 和等级有关 //给角色战斗相关的属性赋值 //职业 等级 JobEntity jobEntity = JobDBModel.Instance.Get(roleEntity.JobId); //职业等级数据 JobLevelEntity jobLevelEntity = JobLevelDBModel.Instance.Get(roleEntity.Level); roleEntity.MaxHP = jobLevelEntity.HP; roleEntity.MaxMP = jobLevelEntity.MP; roleEntity.Attack = (int)Math.Round(jobEntity.Attack * jobLevelEntity.Attack * 0.01f); roleEntity.Defense = (int)Math.Round(jobEntity.Defense * jobLevelEntity.Defense * 0.01f); roleEntity.Hit = (int)Math.Round(jobEntity.Hit * jobLevelEntity.Hit * 0.01f); roleEntity.Dodge = (int)Math.Round(jobEntity.Dodge * jobLevelEntity.Dodge * 0.01f); roleEntity.Cri = (int)Math.Round(jobEntity.Cri * jobLevelEntity.Cri * 0.01f); roleEntity.Res = (int)Math.Round(jobEntity.Res * jobLevelEntity.Res * 0.01f); //2.计算角色装备增加的属性 List <Role_EquipEntity> lst = Role_EquipDBModel.Instance.GetList(condition: string.Format("[RoleId]={0} and [IsPutOn]=1", roleEntity.Id)); if (lst != null && lst.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < lst.Count; i++) { Role_EquipEntity role_EquipEntity = lst[i]; //0=HP 1=MP 2=攻击 3=防御 4=命中 5=闪避 6=暴击 7=抗性 #region 基础属性1 switch (role_EquipEntity.BaseAttr1Type) { case 0: roleEntity.MaxHP += role_EquipEntity.BaseAttr1Value; break; case 1: roleEntity.MaxMP += role_EquipEntity.BaseAttr1Value; break; case 2: roleEntity.Attack += role_EquipEntity.BaseAttr1Value; break; case 3: roleEntity.Defense += role_EquipEntity.BaseAttr1Value; break; case 4: roleEntity.Hit += role_EquipEntity.BaseAttr1Value; break; case 5: roleEntity.Dodge += role_EquipEntity.BaseAttr1Value; break; case 6: roleEntity.Cri += role_EquipEntity.BaseAttr1Value; break; case 7: roleEntity.Res += role_EquipEntity.BaseAttr1Value; break; } #endregion #region 基础属性2 switch (role_EquipEntity.BaseAttr2Type) { case 0: roleEntity.MaxHP += role_EquipEntity.BaseAttr2Value; break; case 1: roleEntity.MaxMP += role_EquipEntity.BaseAttr2Value; break; case 2: roleEntity.Attack += role_EquipEntity.BaseAttr2Value; break; case 3: roleEntity.Defense += role_EquipEntity.BaseAttr2Value; break; case 4: roleEntity.Hit += role_EquipEntity.BaseAttr2Value; break; case 5: roleEntity.Dodge += role_EquipEntity.BaseAttr2Value; break; case 6: roleEntity.Cri += role_EquipEntity.BaseAttr2Value; break; case 7: roleEntity.Res += role_EquipEntity.BaseAttr2Value; break; } #endregion roleEntity.Attack += role_EquipEntity.Attack; roleEntity.Defense += role_EquipEntity.Defense; roleEntity.Hit += role_EquipEntity.Hit; roleEntity.Dodge += role_EquipEntity.Dodge; roleEntity.Cri += role_EquipEntity.Cri; roleEntity.Res += role_EquipEntity.Res; } } //3.计算综合战斗力 roleEntity.Fighting = roleEntity.Attack * 4 + roleEntity.Defense * 4 + roleEntity.Hit * 2 + roleEntity.Dodge * 2 + roleEntity.Cri + roleEntity.Res; RoleDBModel.Instance.Update(roleEntity); }
//100 武器 //200 护腕 //300 衣服 //400 护腿 //500 鞋 //600 戒指 //700 项链 //800 腰带 public void EquipPutOn(int roleId, int goodsId, int goodsServerId, ref List <Role_BackpackItemChangeEntity> changeList) { //1.检查原来的装备槽上是否有装备 有的话先卸下(卸下的装备加入背包更新项 新增) //2.把当前装备穿戴到身上(穿戴的装备加入背包更新项目 删除) //3.重新计算角色战斗力(发送角色战斗里更新消息) MFReturnValue <object> retValue = null; //excel表格中的数据 EquipEntity entity = EquipDBModel.Instance.Get(goodsId); //1.检查原来的装备槽上是否有装备 有的话先卸下(卸下的装备加入背包更新项 新增) bool isHasPutOffEquip = false; int putOffEquipServerId = 0; //脱下的装备服务器端编号 RoleEntity roleEntity = this.GetEntity(roleId); switch (entity.Type) { case 100: if (roleEntity.Equip_Weapon > 0) { isHasPutOffEquip = true; putOffEquipServerId = roleEntity.Equip_Weapon; } roleEntity.Equip_Weapon = goodsServerId; //设置新装备 break; case 200: if (roleEntity.Equip_Cuff > 0) { isHasPutOffEquip = true; putOffEquipServerId = roleEntity.Equip_Cuff; } roleEntity.Equip_Cuff = goodsServerId; //设置新装备 break; case 300: if (roleEntity.Equip_Clothes > 0) { isHasPutOffEquip = true; putOffEquipServerId = roleEntity.Equip_Clothes; } roleEntity.Equip_Clothes = goodsServerId; //设置新装备 break; case 400: if (roleEntity.Equip_Pants > 0) { isHasPutOffEquip = true; putOffEquipServerId = roleEntity.Equip_Pants; } roleEntity.Equip_Pants = goodsServerId; //设置新装备 break; case 500: if (roleEntity.Equip_Shoe > 0) { isHasPutOffEquip = true; putOffEquipServerId = roleEntity.Equip_Shoe; } roleEntity.Equip_Shoe = goodsServerId; //设置新装备 break; case 600: if (roleEntity.Equip_Ring > 0) { isHasPutOffEquip = true; putOffEquipServerId = roleEntity.Equip_Ring; } roleEntity.Equip_Ring = goodsServerId; //设置新装备 break; case 700: if (roleEntity.Equip_Necklace > 0) { isHasPutOffEquip = true; putOffEquipServerId = roleEntity.Equip_Necklace; } roleEntity.Equip_Necklace = goodsServerId; //设置新装备 break; case 800: if (roleEntity.Equip_Belt > 0) { isHasPutOffEquip = true; putOffEquipServerId = roleEntity.Equip_Belt; } roleEntity.Equip_Belt = goodsServerId; //设置新装备 break; } if (isHasPutOffEquip) { //找到当前身上穿的武器 设置状态为脱下 Role_EquipEntity equipPutOffEntity = Role_EquipDBModel.Instance.GetEntity(putOffEquipServerId); equipPutOffEntity.IsPutOn = false; Role_EquipDBModel.Instance.Update(equipPutOffEntity); //把脱下的武器加入背包 Role_BackpackEntity backpackEntity = new Role_BackpackEntity(); backpackEntity.Status = Mmcoy.Framework.AbstractBase.EnumEntityStatus.Released; backpackEntity.RoleId = roleId; backpackEntity.GoodsType = (byte)0; backpackEntity.GoodsId = equipPutOffEntity.EquipId; backpackEntity.GoodsOverlayCount = 1; backpackEntity.GoodsServerId = putOffEquipServerId; backpackEntity.CreateTime = DateTime.Now; backpackEntity.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now; retValue = Role_BackpackDBModel.Instance.Create(backpackEntity); backpackEntity.Id = retValue.GetOutputValue <int>("Id"); changeList.Add(new Role_BackpackItemChangeEntity() { BackpackId = backpackEntity.Id.Value, Type = BackpackItemChangeType.Add, GoodsType = GoodsType.Equip, GoodsId = equipPutOffEntity.EquipId, GoodsCount = 1, GoodsServerId = putOffEquipServerId }); } //2.把当前装备穿戴到身上(穿戴的装备加入背包更新项目 删除) Role_EquipEntity equipPutOnEntity = Role_EquipDBModel.Instance.GetEntity(goodsServerId); equipPutOnEntity.IsPutOn = true; Role_EquipDBModel.Instance.Update(equipPutOnEntity); //查询当前装备的背包项 Role_BackpackEntity currEquipBackpackEntity = Role_BackpackDBModel.Instance.GetEntity(string.Format(" [RoleId]={0} and [GoodsId]={1} and [GoodsType]=0 and [GoodsServerId]={2}", roleId, goodsId, goodsServerId)); Role_BackpackDBModel.Instance.Delete(currEquipBackpackEntity.Id); //从背包中移除 changeList.Add(new Role_BackpackItemChangeEntity() { BackpackId = currEquipBackpackEntity.Id.Value, Type = BackpackItemChangeType.Delete, GoodsType = GoodsType.Equip, GoodsId = goodsId, GoodsCount = 1, GoodsServerId = goodsServerId }); //3.重新计算角色战斗力 UpdateFighting(roleEntity); }
public void EquipPutOff(int roleId, int goodsId, int goodsServerId, ref List <Role_BackpackItemChangeEntity> changeList) { MFReturnValue <object> retValue = null; //1.把当前的装备卸下(卸下的装备加入背包更新项 新增) //excel表格中的数据 EquipEntity entity = EquipDBModel.Instance.Get(goodsId); RoleEntity roleEntity = this.GetEntity(roleId); switch (entity.Type) { case 100: roleEntity.Equip_Weapon = -1; // break; case 200: roleEntity.Equip_Cuff = -1; // break; case 300: roleEntity.Equip_Clothes = -1; // break; case 400: roleEntity.Equip_Pants = -1; // break; case 500: roleEntity.Equip_Shoe = -1; // break; case 600: roleEntity.Equip_Ring = -1; // break; case 700: roleEntity.Equip_Necklace = -1; // break; case 800: roleEntity.Equip_Belt = -1; // break; } //找到当前身上穿的武器 设置状态为脱下 Role_EquipEntity equipPutOffEntity = Role_EquipDBModel.Instance.GetEntity(goodsServerId); equipPutOffEntity.IsPutOn = false; Role_EquipDBModel.Instance.Update(equipPutOffEntity); //把脱下的武器加入背包 Role_BackpackEntity backpackEntity = new Role_BackpackEntity(); backpackEntity.Status = Mmcoy.Framework.AbstractBase.EnumEntityStatus.Released; backpackEntity.RoleId = roleId; backpackEntity.GoodsType = (byte)0; backpackEntity.GoodsId = goodsId; backpackEntity.GoodsOverlayCount = 1; backpackEntity.GoodsServerId = goodsServerId; backpackEntity.CreateTime = DateTime.Now; backpackEntity.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now; retValue = Role_BackpackDBModel.Instance.Create(backpackEntity); backpackEntity.Id = retValue.GetOutputValue <int>("Id"); changeList.Add(new Role_BackpackItemChangeEntity() { BackpackId = backpackEntity.Id.Value, Type = BackpackItemChangeType.Add, GoodsType = GoodsType.Equip, GoodsId = goodsId, GoodsCount = 1, GoodsServerId = goodsServerId }); //2.重新计算角色战斗力(发送角色战斗里更新消息) UpdateFighting(roleEntity); }
/// <summary> /// 修改 /// </summary> /// <param name="entity"></param> /// <returns></returns> public MFReturnValue <object> Update(Role_EquipEntity entity) { return(this.DBModel.Update(entity)); }
/// <summary> /// 物品加入背包 /// </summary> /// <param name="trans">事务</param> /// <param name="roleId">角色编号</param> /// <param name="goodsInType">物品入库类型</param> /// <param name="goodsType">物品类型</param> /// <param name="goodsId">物品编号</param> /// <param name="goodsCount">本次物品入库的数量</param> private bool Add(SqlTransaction trans, int roleId, GoodsInType goodsInType, GoodsType goodsType, int goodsId, int goodsCount, ref List <Role_BackpackItemChangeEntity> changeList) { Queue <int> goodsServerIdQueue = new Queue <int>(); //服务器端物品编号的队列 MFReturnValue <object> retValue = null; changeList = new List <Role_BackpackItemChangeEntity>(); try { int goodsServerId = 0; int speed = DateTime.Now.ToString("hhMMssfff").ToInt(); //种子 for (int i = 0; i < goodsCount; i++) { //1.加入物品库 装备 道具 材料(根据物品类型 加入对应的物品表 如果是装备 要进行随机属性和随机属性值处理) switch (goodsType) { case GoodsType.Equip: #region 装备入库 Role_EquipEntity equipEntity = new Role_EquipEntity(); equipEntity.Status = Mmcoy.Framework.AbstractBase.EnumEntityStatus.Released; equipEntity.RoleId = roleId; equipEntity.EquipId = goodsId; //拿到基础装备信息 EquipEntity baseEntity = EquipDBModel.Instance.Get(goodsId); //基础信息 equipEntity.BaseAttr1Type = (byte)baseEntity.BackAttrOneType; equipEntity.BaseAttr1Value = baseEntity.BackAttrOneValue; equipEntity.BaseAttr2Type = (byte)baseEntity.BackAttrTwoType; equipEntity.BaseAttr2Value = baseEntity.BackAttrTwoValue; //随机属性 //1.计算出随机属性的数量 一共是8个属性 我们随机取2-6个 也可以根据装备等级不同 随机数不同 int attrCount = new Random(speed).Next(2, 7); speed += 100; //0=HP 1=MP 2=攻击 3=防御 4=命中 5=闪避 6=暴击 7=抗性 int[] arr = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }; List <int> lst = new List <int>(); lst.AddRange(arr); #region 随机属性 for (int j = 0; j < attrCount; j++) { //随机获取一个索引 对他进行随机值 //随机算法 要根据具体的项目 结合数值策划提供的算法公式来做 比如根据角色的等级 VIP等级 运气值等等来计算 //这里是进行最基础的随机 int index = new Random(speed).Next(0, lst.Count); speed += 100; switch (lst[index]) { case 0: equipEntity.HP = new Random(speed).Next((int)(baseEntity.HP * 0.5f), (int)(baseEntity.HP * 1.5f)); speed += 100; break; case 1: equipEntity.MP = new Random(speed).Next((int)(baseEntity.MP * 0.5f), (int)(baseEntity.MP * 1.5f)); speed += 100; break; case 2: equipEntity.Attack = new Random(speed).Next((int)(baseEntity.Attack * 0.5f), (int)(baseEntity.Attack * 1.5f)); speed += 100; break; case 3: equipEntity.Res = new Random(speed).Next((int)(baseEntity.Res * 0.5f), (int)(baseEntity.Res * 1.5f)); speed += 100; break; case 4: equipEntity.Hit = new Random(speed).Next((int)(baseEntity.Hit * 0.5f), (int)(baseEntity.Hit * 1.5f)); speed += 100; break; case 5: equipEntity.Defense = new Random(speed).Next((int)(baseEntity.Defense * 0.5f), (int)(baseEntity.Defense * 1.5f)); speed += 100; break; case 6: equipEntity.Dodge = new Random(speed).Next((int)(baseEntity.Dodge * 0.5f), (int)(baseEntity.Dodge * 1.5f)); speed += 100; break; case 7: equipEntity.Cri = new Random(speed).Next((int)(baseEntity.Cri * 0.5f), (int)(baseEntity.Cri * 1.5f)); speed += 100; break; } //这个索引 也就是属性用过了 就移除 lst.RemoveAt(index); } #endregion equipEntity.CreateTime = DateTime.Now; equipEntity.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now; retValue = Role_EquipDBModel.Instance.Create(trans, equipEntity); #endregion break; case GoodsType.Item: #region 道具入库 Role_ItemEntity itemEntity = new Role_ItemEntity(); itemEntity.Status = Mmcoy.Framework.AbstractBase.EnumEntityStatus.Released; itemEntity.RoleId = roleId; itemEntity.ItemId = goodsId; itemEntity.CreateTime = DateTime.Now; itemEntity.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now; retValue = Role_ItemDBModel.Instance.Create(trans, itemEntity); #endregion break; case GoodsType.Material: #region 材料入库 Role_MaterialEntity materialEntity = new Role_MaterialEntity(); materialEntity.Status = Mmcoy.Framework.AbstractBase.EnumEntityStatus.Released; materialEntity.RoleId = roleId; materialEntity.MaterialId = goodsId; materialEntity.CreateTime = DateTime.Now; materialEntity.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now; retValue = Role_MaterialDBModel.Instance.Create(trans, materialEntity); #endregion break; } if (retValue.HasError) { return(false); } goodsServerId = retValue.OutputValues["Id"].ToInt(); //物品的服务器端编号 goodsServerIdQueue.Enqueue(goodsServerId); //2.添加物品入库日志(要先从 步骤1 拿到物品的服务器端编号) Log_GoodsInEntity goodsInEntity = new Log_GoodsInEntity(); goodsInEntity.Status = Mmcoy.Framework.AbstractBase.EnumEntityStatus.Released; goodsInEntity.RoleId = roleId; goodsInEntity.Type = (byte)goodsInType; goodsInEntity.GoodsType = (byte)goodsType; goodsInEntity.GoodsId = goodsId; goodsInEntity.GoodsServerId = goodsServerId; goodsInEntity.CreateTime = DateTime.Now; goodsInEntity.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now; retValue = Log_GoodsInDBModel.Instance.Create(trans, goodsInEntity); //加入入库日志 if (retValue.HasError) { return(false); } } //3.加入背包(要进行物品的叠加处理) //(1).拿到物品基础表的叠加数量 装备是1 道具材料是20 //(2).如果叠加数量是1 跳过此步骤 查询库中 该物品叠加数量最低的背包项 比如回血药 有两个背包项 20 5,那就按物品叠加数量正顺序排序 取出第一个5 //(3).如果叠加数量是1 跳过此步骤 对这个背包项进行填充 5 -> 20 //(4).进行剩余物品的处理 根据剩余物品的数量 该物品的叠加数量上限 动态创建背包项目 直到剩余物品全部添加完毕 #region (1).拿到物品基础表的叠加数量 装备是1 道具材料是20 int goodsOverlayCount = 1; //物品叠加数量 switch (goodsType) { case GoodsType.Item: ItemEntity itemEntity = ItemDBModel.Instance.Get(goodsId); if (itemEntity != null) { goodsOverlayCount = itemEntity.maxAmount; } break; case GoodsType.Material: MaterialEntity materialEntity = MaterialDBModel.Instance.Get(goodsId); if (materialEntity != null) { goodsOverlayCount = materialEntity.maxAmount; } break; } #endregion #region (2).如果叠加数量是1 跳过此步骤 查询库中 该物品叠加数量最低的背包项 比如回血药 有两个背包项 20 5,那就按物品叠加数量正顺序排序 取出第一个5 Role_BackpackEntity backpackEntity = null; if (goodsOverlayCount > 1) { MFReturnValue <List <Role_BackpackEntity> > retList = Role_BackpackDBModel.Instance.GetPageListWithTran(condition: string.Format("[RoleId]={0} AND [GoodsType]={1} AND [GoodsId]={2}", roleId, (byte)goodsType, goodsId), orderby: "[GoodsOverlayCount]", isDesc: false, pageSize: 1, pageIndex: 1, trans: trans); if (retList.HasError) { return(false); } if (retList.Value != null && retList.Value.Count > 0) { backpackEntity = retList.Value[0]; } } #endregion #region (3).如果叠加数量是1 跳过此步骤 如果能查到背包项 对这个背包项进行填充 5 -> 20 if (goodsOverlayCount > 1) { if (backpackEntity != null) { //需要填充的数量 = 物品的叠加数量 - 当前背包项的叠加数量 int needCount = goodsOverlayCount - backpackEntity.GoodsOverlayCount; if (needCount > 0) { int currOverlayCount = 0; if (goodsCount > needCount) { //当前叠加数量 = 物品叠加数量 currOverlayCount = goodsOverlayCount; goodsCount -= needCount; //本次添加的物品数量减少 } else { //当前叠加数量 = 原来的叠加数量 + 本次添加的物品数量 currOverlayCount = backpackEntity.GoodsOverlayCount + goodsCount; goodsCount = 0; } backpackEntity.GoodsOverlayCount = currOverlayCount; Role_BackpackDBModel.Instance.Update(trans, backpackEntity); changeList.Add(new Role_BackpackItemChangeEntity() { BackpackId = backpackEntity.Id.Value, Type = BackpackItemChangeType.Update, GoodsType = (GoodsType)backpackEntity.GoodsType, GoodsId = backpackEntity.GoodsId, GoodsCount = backpackEntity.GoodsOverlayCount, GoodsServerId = backpackEntity.GoodsServerId }); Console.WriteLine("背包项修改了==>" + backpackEntity.Id.Value); } } } #endregion #region (4).进行剩余物品的处理 根据剩余物品的数量 该物品的叠加数量上限 动态创建背包项目 直到剩余物品全部添加完毕 while (goodsCount > 0) { int currOverlayCount = 0; if (goodsCount > goodsOverlayCount) { currOverlayCount = goodsOverlayCount; goodsCount -= goodsOverlayCount; } else { currOverlayCount = goodsCount; goodsCount = 0; } Role_BackpackEntity entity = new Role_BackpackEntity(); entity.Status = Mmcoy.Framework.AbstractBase.EnumEntityStatus.Released; entity.RoleId = roleId; entity.GoodsType = (byte)goodsType; entity.GoodsId = goodsId; entity.GoodsOverlayCount = currOverlayCount; entity.GoodsServerId = goodsServerIdQueue.Dequeue(); entity.CreateTime = DateTime.Now; entity.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now; retValue = Role_BackpackDBModel.Instance.Create(trans, entity); if (retValue.HasError) { return(false); } else { entity.Id = retValue.GetOutputValue <int>("Id"); Console.WriteLine("背包项添加了==>" + entity.Id.Value); changeList.Add(new Role_BackpackItemChangeEntity() { BackpackId = entity.Id.Value, Type = BackpackItemChangeType.Add, GoodsType = (GoodsType)entity.GoodsType, GoodsId = entity.GoodsId, GoodsCount = entity.GoodsOverlayCount, GoodsServerId = entity.GoodsServerId }); } } #endregion return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("报错了==>" + ex.Message); return(false); } finally { goodsServerIdQueue.Clear(); goodsServerIdQueue = null; retValue = null; } }
private MFReturnValue <bool> Reduce(int roleId, int roleBackpackId, int goodsType, int goodsId, int goodsServerId, int count, GoodsOutType outType) { MFReturnValue <bool> retValue = new MFReturnValue <bool>(); //1.查询物品的售价 物品的已有数量 int sellPrice = 0; //售价 int maxAmount = 0; //叠加数量 int hasCount = 0; //已有数量 bool isCanSell = false; //是否可以销售 StringBuilder sbrSql = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder sbrSqlLog = new StringBuilder(); #region 查询 售价 叠加数量 已有数量 switch ((GoodsType)goodsType) { case GoodsType.Equip: EquipEntity equipEntity = EquipDBModel.Instance.Get(goodsId); if (equipEntity != null) { sellPrice = equipEntity.SellMoney; maxAmount = 1; } sbrSql.AppendFormat("[Status]=1 and [EquipId]={0}", goodsId); if (goodsServerId > 0) { sbrSql.AppendFormat(" and [Id]={0}", goodsServerId); } //已有数量 hasCount = Role_EquipDBModel.Instance.GetCount(sbrSql.ToString()); if (hasCount >= count) { isCanSell = true; } break; case GoodsType.Item: ItemEntity itemEntity = ItemDBModel.Instance.Get(goodsId); if (itemEntity != null) { sellPrice = itemEntity.SellMoney; maxAmount = itemEntity.maxAmount; } sbrSql.AppendFormat("[Status]=1 and [ItemId]={0}", goodsId); if (goodsServerId > 0 && maxAmount == 1) { sbrSql.AppendFormat(" and [Id]={0}", goodsServerId); } hasCount = Role_ItemDBModel.Instance.GetCount(sbrSql.ToString()); if (hasCount >= count) { isCanSell = true; } break; case GoodsType.Material: MaterialEntity materialEntity = MaterialDBModel.Instance.Get(goodsId); if (materialEntity != null) { sellPrice = materialEntity.SellMoney; maxAmount = materialEntity.maxAmount; } sbrSql.AppendFormat("[Status]=1 and [MaterialId]={0}", goodsId); if (goodsServerId > 0 && maxAmount == 1) { sbrSql.AppendFormat(" and [Id]={0}", goodsServerId); } hasCount = Role_MaterialDBModel.Instance.GetCount(sbrSql.ToString()); if (hasCount >= count) { isCanSell = true; } break; } #endregion //2.核对玩家拥有的物品数量是否满足出售数量 if (!isCanSell) { retValue.HasError = true; retValue.ReturnCode = -1; //数量不足 return(retValue); } Log_GoodsInEntity logInEntity; Log_GoodsOutEntity logOutEntity; int currGoodsServerId = 0; int currSellCount = count; //3.从对应的物品表中移除 #region 从对应的物品表中移除 while (currSellCount > 0) { sbrSql.Clear(); sbrSqlLog.Clear(); //从对应的物品表中删除 switch ((GoodsType)goodsType) { case GoodsType.Equip: sbrSql.AppendFormat("[Status]=1 and [EquipId]={0}", goodsId); if (goodsServerId > 0) { sbrSql.AppendFormat(" and [Id]={0}", goodsServerId); } Role_EquipEntity equipEntity = Role_EquipDBModel.Instance.GetEntity(sbrSql.ToString()); Role_EquipDBModel.Instance.Delete(equipEntity.Id); //删除物品 currGoodsServerId = equipEntity.Id.Value; break; case GoodsType.Item: sbrSql.AppendFormat("[Status]=1 and [ItemId]={0}", goodsId); if (goodsServerId > 0 && maxAmount == 1) { sbrSql.AppendFormat(" and [Id]={0}", goodsServerId); } Role_ItemEntity itemEntity = Role_ItemDBModel.Instance.GetEntity(sbrSql.ToString()); Role_ItemDBModel.Instance.Delete(itemEntity.Id); //删除物品 currGoodsServerId = itemEntity.Id.Value; break; case GoodsType.Material: sbrSql.AppendFormat("[Status]=1 and [MaterialId]={0}", goodsId); if (goodsServerId > 0 && maxAmount == 1) { sbrSql.AppendFormat(" and [Id]={0}", goodsServerId); } Role_MaterialEntity materialEntity = Role_MaterialDBModel.Instance.GetEntity(sbrSql.ToString()); Role_MaterialDBModel.Instance.Delete(materialEntity.Id); //删除物品 currGoodsServerId = materialEntity.Id.Value; break; } sbrSqlLog.AppendFormat("[Status]=1 and [RoleId]={0} and [GoodsType]={1} and [GoodsId]={2} and [GoodsServerId]={3}", roleId, goodsType, goodsId, currGoodsServerId); //添加出库日志 logInEntity = Log_GoodsInDBModel.Instance.GetEntity(sbrSqlLog.ToString()); //获取对应的入库日志 logOutEntity = new Log_GoodsOutEntity(); logOutEntity.Status = Mmcoy.Framework.AbstractBase.EnumEntityStatus.Released; logOutEntity.RoleId = roleId; logOutEntity.Type = (byte)outType; logOutEntity.GoodsType = (byte)goodsType; logOutEntity.GoodsId = goodsId; logOutEntity.GoodsServerId = currGoodsServerId; logOutEntity.LogGoodsInId = logInEntity.Id.Value; logOutEntity.CreateTime = DateTime.Now; logOutEntity.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now; Log_GoodsOutDBModel.Instance.Create(logOutEntity); currSellCount--; } #endregion //4.修改或者删除对应的背包项 currSellCount = count; //背包项改变列表 List <Role_BackpackItemChangeEntity> lst = new List <Role_BackpackItemChangeEntity>(); //roleBackpackId 更新背包项的时候,优先从这个背包项更新(修改或者删除) while (currSellCount > 0) { //roleBackpackId 第一次减的时候,这个背包项是肯定存在的 //出售50个 叠加是20 当前背包项13个 //1.先从传递过来的背包项中删除物品数量 Role_BackpackEntity backpackEntity = null; if (roleBackpackId > 1) { //获取传递过来的背包项 backpackEntity = this.GetEntity(roleBackpackId); roleBackpackId = 0; } else { //获取其他背包项 backpackEntity = this.GetEntity(string.Format("[Status]=1 and [RoleId]={0} and [GoodsType]={1} and [GoodsId]={2}", roleId, goodsType, goodsId)); } if (currSellCount >= backpackEntity.GoodsOverlayCount) { //如果出售的数量 大于等于当前的背包项数量 则把这个背包项删除 currSellCount -= backpackEntity.GoodsOverlayCount; //删除背包项目 this.Delete(backpackEntity.Id); //添加到背包项改变列表 lst.Add(new Role_BackpackItemChangeEntity() { BackpackId = backpackEntity.Id.Value, Type = BackpackItemChangeType.Delete, GoodsType = (GoodsType)goodsType, GoodsId = goodsId, GoodsServerId = backpackEntity.GoodsServerId, GoodsCount = 0 }); } else { //如果出售的数量小于 当前背包项的数量 则从当前背包项中 减去出售的数量 backpackEntity.GoodsOverlayCount -= currSellCount; this.Update(backpackEntity); //更新背包项目 currSellCount = 0; //添加到背包项改变列表 lst.Add(new Role_BackpackItemChangeEntity() { BackpackId = backpackEntity.Id.Value, Type = BackpackItemChangeType.Update, GoodsType = (GoodsType)goodsType, GoodsId = goodsId, GoodsServerId = backpackEntity.GoodsServerId, GoodsCount = backpackEntity.GoodsOverlayCount }); } } retValue.SetOutputValue("BackpackItemChange", lst); retValue.SetOutputValue("TotalSellPrice", sellPrice * count); //总售价 = 单价 * 数量 return(retValue); }