예제 #1
        public async Task ToggleLam(IUser user)
            if (IsSelf(user))
                await ReplyAsync("You can't change this role for yourself.");


            var msg = await ReplyAsync($"{user.Mention}: Just a moment...");

            var result = await RoleSyncHelpers.ToggleSyncedRolesAsync(user, LargeAreaManager.Ids, Context);

            if (result == SyncedRoleStatus.Added)
                await RoleSyncHelpers.RemoveSyncedRolesAsync((SocketGuildUser)user, StateManager.Ids, Context.Client);

                await RoleSyncHelpers.RemoveSyncedRolesAsync((SocketGuildUser)user, AreaManager.Ids, Context.Client);

                // some guilds have LAM and AM, some only have AM. have to do this to manage that.
                await RoleSyncHelpers.AddSyncedRolesAsync((SocketGuildUser)user, LargeAreaManager.Ids, Context.Client);

                await msg.ModifyAsync(m => m.Content = $"{user.Mention}: Added LAM, removed SM and AM (if applicable).");
            else if (result == SyncedRoleStatus.Removed)
                await msg.ModifyAsync(m => m.Content = $"{user.Mention}: Removed LAM.");
예제 #2
        public async Task ToggleL4(IUser user)
            if (IsSelf(user))
                await ReplyAsync("You can't change this role for yourself.");


            var msg = await ReplyAsync($"{user.Mention}: Just a moment...");

            var result = await RoleSyncHelpers.ToggleSyncedRolesAsync(user, Level4.Ids, Context);

            if (result == SyncedRoleStatus.Added)
                await RoleSyncHelpers.RemoveSyncedRolesAsync((SocketGuildUser)user, Level6.Ids, Context.Client);

                await RoleSyncHelpers.RemoveSyncedRolesAsync((SocketGuildUser)user, Level5.Ids, Context.Client);

                await RoleSyncHelpers.RemoveSyncedRolesAsync((SocketGuildUser)user, Level3.Ids, Context.Client);

                await RoleSyncHelpers.RemoveSyncedRolesAsync((SocketGuildUser)user, Level2.Ids, Context.Client);

                await RoleSyncHelpers.RemoveSyncedRolesAsync((SocketGuildUser)user, Level1.Ids, Context.Client);

                await msg.ModifyAsync(m => m.Content = $"{user.Mention}: Added L4, removed other level roles.");
            else if (result == SyncedRoleStatus.Removed)
                await msg.ModifyAsync(m => m.Content = $"{user.Mention}: Removed L4.");
예제 #3
        public async Task ToggleL1(IUser user)
            var msg = await ReplyAsync($"{user.Mention}: Just a moment...");

            var result = await RoleSyncHelpers.ToggleSyncedRolesAsync(user, Level1.Ids, Context);

            if (result == SyncedRoleStatus.Added)
                await RoleSyncHelpers.RemoveSyncedRolesAsync((SocketGuildUser)user, Level6.Ids, Context.Client);

                await RoleSyncHelpers.RemoveSyncedRolesAsync((SocketGuildUser)user, Level5.Ids, Context.Client);

                await RoleSyncHelpers.RemoveSyncedRolesAsync((SocketGuildUser)user, Level4.Ids, Context.Client);

                await RoleSyncHelpers.RemoveSyncedRolesAsync((SocketGuildUser)user, Level3.Ids, Context.Client);

                await RoleSyncHelpers.RemoveSyncedRolesAsync((SocketGuildUser)user, Level2.Ids, Context.Client);

                await msg.ModifyAsync(m => m.Content = $"{user.Mention}: Added L1, removed other level roles.");
            else if (result == SyncedRoleStatus.Removed)
                await msg.ModifyAsync(m => m.Content = $"{user.Mention}: Removed L1.");
예제 #4
        public static async Task SyncRoles(SocketGuildUser user, IDiscordClient client)
            var newGuild = user.Guild;

            // here we go boiz
            foreach (var guild in await RoleSyncHelpers.GetUserGuildsAsync(user, client))
                var roleSet   = false;
                var guildUser = guild.GetUser(user.Id);

                // loop through each role we're tracking in the guild
                foreach (var role in _roleIds)
                    // check if the new guild has this role
                    if (!role.TryGetValue(newGuild.Id, out var newRoleId))

                    // check if the guild being checked has this role
                    if (!role.TryGetValue(guild.Id, out var roleId))

                    // check if this user has this role in the guild being checked
                    if (!guildUser.Roles.Any(r => r.Id == roleId))

                    // at this point, we've verified that:
                    // - the new guild has this role
                    // - the guild being checked has this role
                    // - the user has this role in the guild being checked
                    // this means we can sync the role

                    // first, get the role in the new guild
                    var newRole = newGuild.GetRole(newRoleId);

                    // now add the role to the user in the new guild
                    await user.AddRoleAsync(newRole);

                    // set this to true so the top loop is broken
                    roleSet = true;


                if (roleSet)
예제 #5
        public async Task ToggleMentor(IUser user)
            if (IsSelf(user))
                await ReplyAsync("You can't change this role for yourself.");


            var msg = await ReplyAsync($"{user.Mention}: Just a moment...");

            var result = await RoleSyncHelpers.ToggleSyncedRolesAsync(user, Mentor.Ids, Context);

            if (result == SyncedRoleStatus.Added)
                await msg.ModifyAsync(m => m.Content = $"{user.Mention}: Added mentor.");
            else if (result == SyncedRoleStatus.Removed)
                await msg.ModifyAsync(m => m.Content = $"{user.Mention}: Removed mentor.");