예제 #1
    }// end loadData()

    private void prepareLavagnaDynamicPortion()
        int loggedUsrLevel = RoleChecker.TryRoleChecker(

         *  0  unlogged
         *  1  admin
         *  2  writer
         *  3  reader
        if (
            1 == loggedUsrLevel ||
            2 == loggedUsrLevel
            this.grdDatiPaginati.Columns[4].Visible = true; // disable column "add-Doc", for ALL rows.
            this.grdDatiPaginati.Columns[6].Visible = true; // disable column "update-Abstract", for ALL rows.
            this.grdDatiPaginati.Columns[4].Visible = false; // disable column "add-Doc", for ALL rows.
            this.grdDatiPaginati.Columns[6].Visible = false; // disable column "update-Abstract", for ALL rows.
    }// end prepareLavagnaDynamicPortion()
예제 #2
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // in test
        //string lang = ClientLanguageChecker.ClientLanguageGet( this.Request);
        //if ("it" == lang.ToLower().Trim())
        //    // TODO this.hplCandidatoLoad.Text = "test:_label_italiana_";
        //    // TODO
        // tasto di chiusura-browser. Inutilizzato in questa implementazione.
        //this.btnTerminateSession.Attributes["onclick"] = "ChiusuraSessione()";
        if (
            null == this.Session["lasciapassare"]
            this.lblStato.Text     = "unbekannter Benutzer / L'utente non e' ancora stato riconosciuto. Procedere alla Login per fare accesso all'applicazione.";
            this.tblTimbro.Enabled = false;
            //----- start admin privileges---
            this.pnlAdminLinks.Enabled = false;
            this.pnlAdminLinks.Visible = false;
            this.pnlInsert.Enabled = false;
            this.pnlInsert.Visible = false;
            //-----end admin privileges-----
        else// user logged, differentiate by level.
            this.lblStato.Text     = "Benutzer: / L'utente collegato e': " + ((Entity.BusinessEntities.Permesso.Patente)(this.Session["lasciapassare"])).username;
            this.tblTimbro.Enabled = true;
            int loggedUsrLevel = RoleChecker.TryRoleChecker(
            ////----- start differentiate by level---

             *  0  unlogged
             *  1  admin
             *  2  writer
             *  3  reader
            if (
                1 == loggedUsrLevel  // admin
                this.pnlAdminLinks.Enabled = true;
                this.pnlAdminLinks.Visible = true;
                this.pnlInsert.Enabled          = true;
                this.pnlInsert.Visible          = true;
                this.hplCategoriaInsert.Enabled = true;
                this.hplCategoriaInsert.Visible = true;
            else if (
                2 == loggedUsrLevel  // writer
                this.pnlAdminLinks.Enabled = false;
                this.pnlAdminLinks.Visible = false;
                this.pnlInsert.Enabled          = true;
                this.pnlInsert.Visible          = true;
                this.hplCategoriaInsert.Enabled = true;
                this.hplCategoriaInsert.Visible = true;
            else // reader
                this.pnlAdminLinks.Enabled = false;
                this.pnlAdminLinks.Visible = false;
                this.pnlInsert.Enabled          = false;
                this.pnlInsert.Visible          = false;
                this.hplCategoriaInsert.Enabled = false;
                this.hplCategoriaInsert.Visible = false;
            ////----- end differentiate by level---
            string relativeUrl = this.Request.AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath;
            string pageName    = relativeUrl.Substring(
                relativeUrl.LastIndexOf("/") + 1
            pageName = pageName.Substring(0, pageName.Length - 5);// 5==(4 of .ext + 1 for zero-based -str)
            // NB. ReEntrantChecker not here, since it is executed AFTER the container_Page Page_Load().
            // each container page Page_Load already called ReEntrantChecker.
            if (// going to a NOT_View_enabled_Page -> Dtor(View).
                "candidatoLoad" != pageName &&
                "cvMultiRead" != pageName &&
                "PrimeDataGrid" != pageName &&
                "queryCandidato" != pageName
                // add here:  ||"otherName" != pageName
            // NB. the following code destructs the View, even when it must NOT be done. DON'T DO THAT.
            //else // going to a View_enabled_Page -> check if I have to preserve the existing view, or build a new one. Don't: the Cacher::Ctor does it.
            //    if ( false==((bool)(this.Session["IsReEntrant"]) ) )// NOT IsReEntrant: change between pages, both ViewEnabled, but with DIFFERENT Views.
            //    {
            //    }// else navigating back on the same view-anabled page -> preserve existing view.
            switch (pageName)
            default:     // stands for phase*  (ex writeSingleProc)
            case "Default":
            case "home":
            case "errore":
                if (
                    null == this.Session["lasciapassare"]
                    this.hplCandidatoLoad.Enabled   = false;
                    this.hplCandidatoInsert.Enabled = false;
                    this.hplLogViewerWeb.Enabled    = false;
                    this.hplChangePwd.Enabled       = false;
                    this.hplCategoriaInsert.Enabled = false;
                    this.hplPrimes.Enabled          = false;
                    this.hplCandidatoLoad.Enabled   = true;
                    this.hplCandidatoInsert.Enabled = true;
                    this.hplLogViewerWeb.Enabled    = true;
                    this.hplChangePwd.Enabled       = true;
                    this.hplCategoriaInsert.Enabled = true;
                    this.hplPrimes.Enabled          = true;

            case "candidatoLoad":
                this.hplCandidatoLoad.Enabled   = false;
                this.hplCandidatoInsert.Enabled = true;
                this.hplLogViewerWeb.Enabled    = true;
                this.hplChangePwd.Enabled       = true;
                this.hplCategoriaInsert.Enabled = true;
                this.hplPrimes.Enabled          = true;

            case "candidatoInsert":
                this.hplCandidatoLoad.Enabled   = true;
                this.hplCandidatoInsert.Enabled = false;
                this.hplLogViewerWeb.Enabled    = true;
                this.hplChangePwd.Enabled       = true;
                this.hplCategoriaInsert.Enabled = true;
                this.hplPrimes.Enabled          = true;

            case "categoriaInsert":
                this.hplCandidatoLoad.Enabled   = true;
                this.hplCandidatoInsert.Enabled = true;
                this.hplLogViewerWeb.Enabled    = true;
                this.hplChangePwd.Enabled       = true;
                this.hplCategoriaInsert.Enabled = false;
                this.hplPrimes.Enabled          = true;

            case "queryCandidato":
                this.hplQueryCandidato.Enabled = false;
                this.hplCandidatoLoad.Enabled   = true;
                this.hplCandidatoInsert.Enabled = true;
                this.hplLogViewerWeb.Enabled    = true;
                this.hplChangePwd.Enabled       = true;
                this.hplCategoriaInsert.Enabled = true;
                this.hplPrimes.Enabled          = true;

            case "cvMultiRead":    // NB. dalle pagine docMulti si deve poter navigare su quelle generali( i.e. di tutti i candidati).
            case "cvMultiInsert":
                this.hplCandidatoLoad.Enabled   = true;
                this.hplCandidatoInsert.Enabled = true;
                this.hplLogViewerWeb.Enabled    = true;
                this.hplChangePwd.Enabled       = true;
                this.hplCategoriaInsert.Enabled = true;
                this.hplPrimes.Enabled          = true;

            case "changePwd":
                this.hplCandidatoLoad.Enabled   = true;
                this.hplCandidatoInsert.Enabled = true;
                this.hplLogViewerWeb.Enabled    = true;
                this.hplChangePwd.Enabled       = false;
                this.hplCategoriaInsert.Enabled = true;
                this.hplPrimes.Enabled          = true;

            case "PrimeDataGrid":
                this.hplCandidatoLoad.Enabled   = true;
                this.hplCandidatoInsert.Enabled = true;
                this.hplLogViewerWeb.Enabled    = true;
                this.hplChangePwd.Enabled       = true;
                this.hplCategoriaInsert.Enabled = true;
                this.hplPrimes.Enabled          = false;

            case "LogViewerWeb":
                this.hplCandidatoLoad.Enabled   = true;
                this.hplCandidatoInsert.Enabled = true;
                this.hplLogViewerWeb.Enabled    = false;
                this.hplChangePwd.Enabled       = true;
                this.hplCategoriaInsert.Enabled = true;
                this.hplPrimes.Enabled          = true;
            } // end switch
        }     // end "user-logged".
         // ready
    }// end Page_Load