public RocksDbCacheClient(RpcClient rpcClient, string cachePath) { this.rpcClient = rpcClient; if (!Directory.Exists(cachePath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(cachePath); } var columnFamilies = GetColumnFamilies(cachePath); db = RocksDb.Open(new DbOptions().SetCreateIfMissing(true), cachePath, columnFamilies);
public Snapshot(Store store, RocksDb db) { = store; this.db = db; this.snapshot = db.CreateSnapshot(); this.batch = new WriteBatch(); options = new ReadOptions(); options.SetFillCache(false); options.SetSnapshot(snapshot); }
public DbOnTheRocks(string dbPath, IDbConfig dbConfig, ILogManager logManager = null) // TODO: check column families { ILogger logger = logManager?.GetClassLogger(); if (!Directory.Exists(dbPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dbPath); } if (logger != null) { if (logger.IsInfo) { logger.Info($"Using database directory {dbPath}"); } } if (dbPath.EndsWith(StateDbPath)) { _dbInstance = DbInstance.State; } else if (dbPath.EndsWith(BlockInfosDbPath)) { _dbInstance = DbInstance.BlockInfos; } else if (dbPath.EndsWith(BlocksDbPath)) { _dbInstance = DbInstance.Blocks; } else if (dbPath.EndsWith(CodeDbPath)) { _dbInstance = DbInstance.Code; } else if (dbPath.EndsWith(ReceiptsDbPath)) { _dbInstance = DbInstance.Receipts; } else if (dbPath.EndsWith(PendingTxsDbPath)) { _dbInstance = DbInstance.PendingTxs; } else if (dbPath.EndsWith(TraceDbPath)) { _dbInstance = DbInstance.Trace; } else { _dbInstance = DbInstance.Other; } DbOptions options = BuildOptions(dbConfig, _dbInstance); _db = DbsByPath.GetOrAdd(dbPath, path => RocksDb.Open(options, path)); }
public RocksDbContext(string path = "ChainLachain") { _dbpath = path; _writeOptions = new WriteOptions(); _writeOptions.DisableWal(0); _writeOptions.SetSync(true); var options = new DbOptions().SetCreateIfMissing(); _rocksDb = RocksDb.Open(options, _dbpath); }
public LocalStateRepository(ILogger <LocalStateRepository> logger, IOptions <RuntimeDirectory> runtimeDirOptions) { _logger = logger; _runtimeDirectory = runtimeDirOptions; _formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); var options = new DbOptions().SetCreateIfMissing(true); _dbInstance = RocksDb.Open(options, Path.Combine(_runtimeDirectory.Value.LocalStateRepositoryDb, "LocalOptions.db")); }
public RocksDbChainStore(Network network, DataFolder dataFolder, ChainIndexer chainIndexer) { this.dataFolder = dataFolder.ChainPath; = network; this.ChainIndexer = chainIndexer; this.headers = new MemoryCountCache <uint256, BlockHeader>(601); = new object(); this.dbOptions = new DbOptions().SetCreateIfMissing(true); this.rocksDb = RocksDb.Open(this.dbOptions, this.dataFolder); }
public RocksDBLogStore(RaftStateMachine rn, string path) { this.stateMachine = rn; string logdbFile = path + "_logdb.db"; var options = new DbOptions() .SetCreateIfMissing(true); db = RocksDb.Open(options, logdbFile); this.ReloadFromStorage(); }
/// <summary> /// Lists the column families from <see cref="RocksDbSharp.RocksDb"/> located at <paramref name="rocksdbPath"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="rocksdbPath">The path of <see cref="RocksDbSharp.RocksDb"/> to load.</param> public void List([Option] string? rocksdbPath = null) { rocksdbPath ??= Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); var options = new DbOptions(); var columnFamilies = RocksDb.ListColumnFamilies( options, rocksdbPath); foreach (var columnFamily in columnFamilies) { _inputOutputErrorContainer.Out.WriteLine(columnFamily); } }
internal static RocksDb OpenRocksDb( DbOptions options, string dbPath, ColumnFamilies?columnFamilies = null) { if (!Directory.Exists(dbPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dbPath); } return(columnFamilies is null ? RocksDb.Open(options, dbPath) : RocksDb.Open(options, dbPath, columnFamilies)); }
private ColumnFamilyHandle CreateColumnFamilyIfMissing(RocksDb db, string columnFamily) { try { return(db.GetColumnFamily(columnFamily)); } catch { var options = new ColumnFamilyOptions(); return(db.CreateColumnFamily(options, columnFamily)); } }
/// <summary> /// Materialize a <see cref="InMemoryKeyValueStore"/> with the given name. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="KS">New serializer for <typeparamref name="K"/> type</typeparam> /// <typeparam name="VS">New serializer for <typeparamref name="V"/> type</typeparam> /// <param name="storeName">the name of the underlying <see cref="IKTable{K, V}"/> state store; valid characters are ASCII alphanumerics, '.', '_' and '-'.</param> /// <returns>a new <see cref="InMemory{K, V}"/> instance with the given storeName</returns> public static RocksDb <K, V> @As <KS, VS>(string storeName) where KS : ISerDes <K>, new() where VS : ISerDes <V>, new() { var m = new RocksDb <K, V>(storeName, new RocksDbKeyValueBytesStoreSupplier(storeName)) { KeySerdes = new KS(), ValueSerdes = new VS() }; return(m); }
public void Initialize(string connection, string database) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(connection)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(connection), "No connection / path provided for RocksDB"); } //Connection = path in rocksDB, but I don't like this - we need to rethink how we could //Make this signature more generic for all of the varieties of repositories var options = new DbOptions().SetCreateIfMissing(true); _rocksDb = RocksDb.Open(options, connection); }
private bool disposedValue = false; // To detect redundant calls protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!disposedValue) { if (disposing) { _dbInstance.Dispose(); } _dbInstance = null; disposedValue = true; } }
private bool disposedValue = false; // To detect redundant calls protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!disposedValue) { if (disposing) { _preAggDatabase?.Dispose(); } _preAggDatabase = null; disposedValue = true; } }
public RocksdbChainStore(Network network, DataFolder dataFolder, ChainIndexer chainIndexer) { = network; this.ChainIndexer = chainIndexer; this.nearTipHeaders = new MemoryCountCache <uint256, BlockHeader>(601); this.recentHeaders = new MemoryCountCache <uint256, BlockHeader>(100); = new object(); // Open a connection to a new DB and create if not found var options = new DbOptions().SetCreateIfMissing(true); this.rocksdb = RocksDb.Open(options, dataFolder.ChainPath); }
public RocksDbBlockRepository(Network network, string dataFolder, DBreezeSerializer dataStoreSerializer) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dataFolder); this.dbOptions = new DbOptions().SetCreateIfMissing(true); this.rocksDb = RocksDb.Open(this.dbOptions, dataFolder); this.dBreezeSerializer = dataStoreSerializer; = new object(); this.logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); = network; this.genesisTransactions = network.GetGenesis().Transactions.ToDictionary(k => k.GetHash()); }
public Cache(bool shouldRestart) { var cachePath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("CACHE_PATH") ?? "cache"; if (shouldRestart) { HandleRestart(cachePath); } var options = new DbOptions().SetCreateIfMissing(true); _rocksDb = RocksDb.Open(options, cachePath); }
public RocksDbContext(RocksDbConfig config) { if (config == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(config)); } // Initialize RocksDB (Connection String is the path to use) var options = new DbOptions().SetCreateIfMissing(); // TODO #358: please avoid sync IO in constructor -> Open connection with the first operation for now _rocksDb = RocksDb.Open(options, config.FilePath); }
public DbOnTheRocks(string basePath, string dbPath, IDbConfig dbConfig, ILogManager logManager, ColumnFamilies columnFamilies = null, bool deleteOnStart = false) { RocksDb Open(DbOptions options, string path, ColumnFamilies families) { return(families == null?RocksDb.Open(options, path) : RocksDb.Open(options, path, families)); } string fullPath = dbPath.GetApplicationResourcePath(basePath); _logger = logManager?.GetClassLogger() ?? NullLogger.Instance; if (!Directory.Exists(fullPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(fullPath); } else if (deleteOnStart) { try { Directory.Delete(fullPath, true); } catch (Exception e) { if (_logger.IsWarn) { _logger.Warn($"This is not a problem but I could not delete the pending tx database on startup. {e.Message}"); } } } try { // ReSharper disable once VirtualMemberCallInConstructor if (_logger.IsDebug) { _logger.Debug($"Building options for {Name} DB"); } DbOptions options = BuildOptions(dbConfig); // ReSharper disable once VirtualMemberCallInConstructor if (_logger.IsInfo) { _logger.Info($"Loading {Name.PadRight(16)} from {fullPath} with max memory footprint of {_maxThisDbSize / 1024 / 1024}MB"); } Db = DbsByPath.GetOrAdd(fullPath, path => Open(options, path, columnFamilies)); } catch (DllNotFoundException e) when(e.Message.Contains("libdl")) { throw new ApplicationException($"Unable to load 'libdl' necessary to init the RocksDB database. Please run{Environment.NewLine}" + "sudo apt update && sudo apt install libsnappy-dev libc6-dev libc6"); } }
public void Dispose() { is_disposed = true; if (leveld_db != null) { leveld_db.Dispose(); leveld_db = null; } if (struct_db != null) { struct_db.Dispose(); struct_db = null; } }
public void Initialize() { this.dbOptions = new DbOptions().SetCreateIfMissing(true); this.rocksDb = RocksDb.Open(this.dbOptions, this.dataFolder); Block genesis =; if (this.GetTipHash() == null) { this.SetBlockHash(new HashHeightPair(genesis.GetHash(), 0)); } this.logger.Info("Coinview initialized with tip '{0}'.", this.persistedCoinviewTip); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new <seealso cref="RocksDBStore"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="path">The path of the directory where the storage files will be saved. /// </param> /// <param name="blockCacheSize">The capacity of the block cache.</param> /// <param name="txCacheSize">The capacity of the transaction cache.</param> /// <param name="statesCacheSize">The capacity of the states cache.</param> public RocksDBStore( string path, int blockCacheSize = 512, int txCacheSize = 1024, int statesCacheSize = 10000 ) { _logger = Log.ForContext <RocksDBStore>(); if (path is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(path)); } path = Path.GetFullPath(path); if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } _txCache = new LruCache <TxId, object>(capacity: txCacheSize); _blockCache = new LruCache <HashDigest <SHA256>, BlockDigest>(capacity: blockCacheSize); _statesCache = new LruCache <HashDigest <SHA256>, IImmutableDictionary <string, IValue> >( capacity: statesCacheSize ); _lastStateRefCaches = new Dictionary <Guid, LruCache <string, Tuple <HashDigest <SHA256>, long> > >(); _path = path; _options = new DbOptions() .SetCreateIfMissing(); _blockDb = RocksDBUtils.OpenRocksDb(_options, RocksDbPath(BlockDbName)); _txDb = RocksDBUtils.OpenRocksDb(_options, RocksDbPath(TxDbName)); _stateDb = RocksDBUtils.OpenRocksDb(_options, RocksDbPath(StateDbName)); _stagedTxDb = RocksDBUtils.OpenRocksDb(_options, RocksDbPath(StagedTxDbName)); // When opening a DB in a read-write mode, you need to specify all Column Families that // currently exist in a DB. var chainDbColumnFamilies = GetColumnFamilies(_options, ChainDbName); _chainDb = RocksDBUtils.OpenRocksDb( _options, RocksDbPath(ChainDbName), chainDbColumnFamilies); var stateRefDbColumnFamilies = GetColumnFamilies(_options, StateRefDbName); _stateRefDb = RocksDBUtils.OpenRocksDb( _options, RocksDbPath(StateRefDbName), stateRefDbColumnFamilies); }
public PageRepository(IOptions <CachingConfig> cachingConfig, ILogger <CachingConfig> logger) { _cachingConfig = cachingConfig; _logger = logger; var options = new DbOptions() .SetCreateIfMissing(true); _dbInstance = RocksDb.OpenWithTtl(options, Path.Combine(_cachingConfig.Value.Path, "PageCache.db"), _cachingConfig.Value.CacheTimeToLive); _formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); }
private static bool CheckPwd(string base64Pwd) { byte[] pwdBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(base64Pwd); string pwd = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(pwdBytes); DbOptions dbop = new DbOptions() .SetCreateIfMissing() .SetEnableWriteThreadAdaptiveYield(true); RocksDb db = RocksDb.Open(dbop, @"E:\db\rocksdb\asset"); // db里的密码做了sha256 string password = db.Get("assetPwd"); db.Dispose(); return(SecurityHelp.StringSHA256(pwd) == password); }
public DataContext(string path = "ether.db") { _lastTxIdDictionary = new Dictionary <string, long>(); var options = new DbOptions() .SetCreateIfMissing(true) .SetCreateMissingColumnFamilies(true); // Create column families IEnumerable <string> cols = null; ColumnFamilies columnFamilies = new ColumnFamilies(); try { cols = RocksDb.ListColumnFamilies(options, path); foreach (var col in cols) { columnFamilies.Add(col, new ColumnFamilyOptions()); } } catch (Exception e) { // Database not exist nothing todo } finally { _db = RocksDb.Open(options, path, columnFamilies); // Load column families to the dictionary _columnFamiliesDictionary = new Dictionary <string, ColumnFamilyHandle>(); if (cols != null) { foreach (var col in cols) { _columnFamiliesDictionary.Add(col, _db.GetColumnFamily(col)); } foreach (var col in cols) { // Load latest transaction Ids if (!col.Contains(':') && col != "default") { var lastTxIdstr = _db.Get("lastTxId", GetColFamily(col + ":lastid")); _lastTxIdDictionary.Add(col, string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastTxIdstr) ? 0 : long.Parse(lastTxIdstr)); } } } } }
static ColumnFamilies GetColumnFamilies(string path) { if (RocksDb.TryListColumnFamilies(new DbOptions(), path, out var names)) { var columnFamilyOptions = new ColumnFamilyOptions(); var families = new ColumnFamilies(); foreach (var name in names) { families.Add(name, columnFamilyOptions); } return(families); } return(new ColumnFamilies()); }
static RocksDb GetRocksDb() { // try find on network var options = new DbOptions() .SetCreateIfMissing(true) .SetCreateMissingColumnFamilies(true); var columnFamilies = new ColumnFamilies { { COLUMN_FAMILY, new ColumnFamilyOptions() } }; var db = RocksDb.Open(options, _path, columnFamilies); return(db); }
public static IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <byte[], TValue> > Find <TValue>(this RocksDb db, byte[] keyPrefix, ColumnFamilyHandle?columnFamily = null, ReadOptions?readOptions = null) where TValue : ISerializable, new() { using (var iterator = db.NewIterator(columnFamily, readOptions)) { iterator.Seek(keyPrefix); while (iterator.Valid()) { yield return(new KeyValuePair <byte[], TValue>( iterator.Key(), iterator.Value().AsSerializable <TValue>())); iterator.Next(); } } }
public void ExistAsyncWithExistingBlockReturnsTrue() { string dir = CreateTestDir(this); Block block = this.Network.Consensus.ConsensusFactory.CreateBlock(); using (var engine = RocksDb.Open(new DbOptions().SetCreateIfMissing(true), dir)) { engine.Put(DBH.Key(RocksdbBlockRepository.BlockTableName, block.GetHash().ToBytes()), block.ToBytes()); } using (IBlockRepository repository = this.SetupRepository(this.Network, dir)) { Assert.True(repository.Exist(block.GetHash())); } }
public void GetTrxAsyncWithoutTransactionIndexReturnsNewTransaction() { string dir = CreateTestDir(this); using (var engine = RocksDb.Open(new DbOptions().SetCreateIfMissing(true), dir)) { engine.Put(DBH.Key(RocksdbBlockRepository.CommonTableName, new byte[0]), this.DataStoreSerializer.Serialize(new HashHeightPair(uint256.Zero, 1))); engine.Put(DBH.Key(RocksdbBlockRepository.CommonTableName, new byte[1]), BitConverter.GetBytes(false)); } using (IBlockRepository repository = this.SetupRepository(this.Network, dir)) { Assert.Equal(default(Transaction), repository.GetTransactionById(uint256.Zero)); } }