예제 #1
        private void AuthenticationButton_OnClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MainFrame.IsVisible = false;

            RobotImage.ScaleTo(3, 200);
            RobotImage.TranslateTo(0, 100, 200);
예제 #2
 public TargetListMessage(int robotID, RobotImage image, double timeStamp, int targetID, TargetTypes type)
     this.robotID   = robotID;
     this.image     = image;
     this.timeStamp = timeStamp;
     this.targetID  = targetID;
     this.type      = type;
예제 #3
 public TargetListMessage(int robotID, RobotImage image, double timeStamp, int targetID, Vector2 targetPose, Matrix targetCov, TargetTypes type)
     this.robotID    = robotID;
     this.image      = image;
     this.timeStamp  = timeStamp;
     this.targetID   = targetID;
     this.targetPose = targetPose;
     this.type       = type;
     this.cov        = targetCov;
예제 #4
 public TargetListWithImageMessage(int robotID, RobotImage img, List <RobotPose> targetState, List <RobotPose> lastPose, List <Matrix> targetCov,
                                   List <Vector2> pixelLTCorner, List <Vector2> pixelRBCorner, List <int> targetIDs, double timeStamp)
     this.robotID       = robotID;
     this.pixelLTCorner = pixelLTCorner;
     this.pixelRBCorner = pixelRBCorner;
     this.timeStamp     = timeStamp;
     this.targetID      = targetIDs;
     this.img           = img;
     this.state         = targetState;
     this.cov           = targetCov;
     this.lastPose      = lastPose;
예제 #5
        private void ParseImagePacket(BinaryReader br)
            UDPCameraMsg msg = new UDPCameraMsg();

            msg.index     = br.ReadInt32();
            msg.timestamp = br.ReadDouble();
            msg.width     = br.ReadInt32();
            msg.height    = br.ReadInt32();
            msg.size      = br.ReadInt32();
            msg.id        = br.ReadInt32();
            byte[]       jpgimg = br.ReadBytes(msg.size);
            MemoryStream ms     = new MemoryStream(jpgimg);

            Bitmap bmp = (Bitmap)System.Drawing.Bitmap.FromStream(ms);

            RobotImage ri = new RobotImage(msg.id, bmp, msg.timestamp);

            if (ImageReceived != null)
                ImageReceived(this, new TimestampedEventArgs <RobotImage>(msg.timestamp, ri));
예제 #6
        void queryClient_MsgReceived(object sender, MsgReceivedEventArgs <TargetQueryMessage> e)
            int    robotIDRequested = e.message.RobotID;          // this would be just zero... now let's reassign this.
            Bitmap gg;

            if (robotIDToPackage.Count == 0)             // send anything. The robot ID would be zero.
            //if (!robotIDToPackage.ContainsKey(robotIDRequested))
                Console.WriteLine("No detection found yet");
                string fileLocation = Directory.GetParent(Directory.GetParent(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()).ToString()) + "\\noDetection.png";
                gg = new Bitmap(fileLocation);
                RobotImage noImg = new RobotImage(robotIDRequested, gg, 0.0);
                targetListServer.SendUnreliably(new TargetListMessage(robotIDRequested, noImg, 0.0, -1, TargetTypes.Junk));
            int targetID = 0;

            //robotIDRequested = (int)Math.Ceiling(r.NextDouble() * robotIDToPackage.Count);
            //List<int> robotIDList = robotIDToPackage.Keys.ToList();
            robotIDRequested = robotIDToPackage.Keys.ToList()[(int)Math.Floor(r.NextDouble() * robotIDToPackage.Count)];
            RobotImage img = robotIDToPackage[robotIDRequested].GetUnconfirmedRobotImage(ref targetID, missingTargets);

            if (targetID == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("TargetID is not valid.");
            if (img == null)
                Console.WriteLine("No Image Queue to process OR no more unconfirmed image");
                string fileLocation = Directory.GetParent(Directory.GetParent(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()).ToString()) + "\\allConfirmed.png";
                gg = new Bitmap(fileLocation);
                RobotImage noImg = new RobotImage(robotIDRequested, gg, 0.0);
                targetListServer.SendUnreliably(new TargetListMessage(robotIDRequested, noImg, 0.0, -1, TargetTypes.Junk));
                gg = new Bitmap(img.image.Clone() as Image);

            //if (targetIDToInformation[targetID].targetCov[0, 0] > 0.5 && targetIDToInformation[targetID].targetCov[1, 1] > 0.5)
            //    Console.WriteLine("No Good Target with small covariance");
            //    string fileLocation = Directory.GetParent(Directory.GetParent(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()).ToString()) + "\\noGoodTarget.png";
            //    gg = new Bitmap(fileLocation);
            //    RobotImage noImg = new RobotImage(robotIDRequested, gg, 0.0);
            //    targetListServer.SendUnreliably(new TargetListMessage(robotIDRequested, noImg, 0.0, -1));
            //    return;

            Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(gg);

            Vector2 RBCorner = robotIDToPackage[robotIDRequested].pixelRBCorner[targetID];
            Vector2 LTCorner = robotIDToPackage[robotIDRequested].pixelLTCorner[targetID];

            //if (e.message.RobotID == 1)
            g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.Red, 3.0f), new Rectangle((int)(LTCorner.X / 2 * 1) - 10, (int)((LTCorner.Y / 2 * 1) - 10),
                                                                    (int)(RBCorner.X / 2 - LTCorner.X / 2) * 1 + 10, (int)((RBCorner.Y - LTCorner.Y) / 2 * 1 + 10)));

             * else
             *      g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.Red, 3.0f), new Rectangle((int)LTCorner.X - 10, (int)LTCorner.Y - 10,
             *                                              (int)(RBCorner.X - LTCorner.X) + 10, (int)(RBCorner.Y - LTCorner.Y) + 10));
            Bitmap   toSend = new Bitmap(160, 40);
            Graphics gr     = Graphics.FromImage(toSend);

            gr.DrawImage(gg, 0, 0, 160, 40);

            RobotImage rImg = new RobotImage(img.robotID, toSend, img.timeStamp);

            targetListServer.SendUnreliably(new TargetListMessage(robotIDRequested, rImg, robotIDToPackage[robotIDRequested].timeStamp[targetID], targetID, targetIDToInformation[targetID].targetState.ToVector2(), targetIDToInformation[targetID].targetCov, targetIDToInformation[targetID].type));
            detectionStateScanServer.SendUnreliably(new LidarPoseTargetMessage(robotIDRequested, targetID, targetIDToInformation[targetID].detectedPose, robotIDToPackage[robotIDRequested].lidarScan[targetID]));
예제 #7
        void UpdateDetectedPicture(Object o)
            int count = 0;

            while (isRunning)
                Dictionary <int, TargetListPackage> copy = new Dictionary <int, TargetListPackage>(robotIDToPackage);
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, TargetListPackage> pair in copy)
                    Dictionary <int, double> target2tsDict;
                    lock (locker)
                    { target2tsDict = new Dictionary <int, double>(pair.Value.timeStamp); }
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <int, double> target2ts in target2tsDict)
                        // make sure the detection time is already within the image queue
                        double ts = imageQueue.GetMostRecentTimestamp(pair.Key);
                        if (ts != -1 && target2ts.Value < ts)
                            RobotImage img = imageQueue.QueueClosestImage(pair.Key, target2ts.Value);
                            if (img != null)
                                pair.Value.robotImage[target2ts.Key] = img;

                // existing targets association
                Dictionary <int, TargetInformation> dict = new Dictionary <int, TargetInformation>();
                if (targetIDToInformation.Count != 0)
                    //dict.Add(targetIDToInformation.Keys.ToList()[0], targetIDToInformation.Values.ToList()[0]);
                    Dictionary <int, TargetInformation> targetIDInformationCopy;
                    lock (locker)
                        targetIDInformationCopy = new Dictionary <int, TargetInformation>(targetIDToInformation);
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <int, TargetInformation> pair in targetIDInformationCopy)
                        // find missing targets
                        if (!targetIDfromTracker.Contains(pair.Key) && targetIDfromTracker.Count > 0 && !missingTargets.Contains(pair.Key))
                        if (targetIDfromTracker.Contains(pair.Key) && missingTargets.Contains(pair.Key))

                        int dictLength = dict.Count; bool isWithinRange = false;
                        int i = 0;
                        for (i = 0; i < dictLength; i++)                                                             // go through the new list creating and check the distance
                            if (dict[dict.Keys.ToList()[i]].Equals(pair.Value) || missingTargets.Contains(pair.Key)) // if you're looking at the same object, ignore
                            double dist = dict[dict.Keys.ToList()[i]].targetState.ToVector2().DistanceTo(pair.Value.targetState.ToVector2());
                            if (dist < 0.5 || dist == 0)
                                isWithinRange = true;
                                break;                                 // if you find anything within this range, break and skip this thing (do not add to the list)
                        if (!isWithinRange)
                            dict.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value);
                        else                         // if the target is inside the range...
                            if (!associationDictionary.ContainsKey(pair.Key))
                                associationDictionary.Add(pair.Key, dict.Keys.ToList()[i]);                                 // make a dictionary that tells which targetID is which targetID
                            // from another robot.
                    associatedTargetID2Information = dict;

                if (count >= 10)
                    if (associatedTargetID2Information.Count != 0)
                        List <RobotPose> targetState = new List <RobotPose>(), detectedPose = new List <RobotPose>();
                        List <int>       targetID = new List <int>();; List <Matrix> targetCov = new List <Matrix>(); List <TargetTypes> ooiTypes = new List <TargetTypes>();
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <int, TargetInformation> pair in associatedTargetID2Information)
                            if (pair.Value.type != TargetTypes.Junk)
                        targetToCentralServer.SendUnreliably(new TargetList2CentralNodeMessage(targetState, targetCov, targetID, detectedPose, ooiTypes));
                        unconfirmedTargetNoServer.SendUnreliably(new UnconfirmedTargetNumberMessage(FindUnconfirmedTargetNumber(associatedTargetID2Information.Values.ToList()) - missingTargets.Count));
                        count = 0;
                        List <RobotPose> targetState = new List <RobotPose>(), detectedPose = new List <RobotPose>();
                        List <int>       targetID = new List <int>();; List <Matrix> targetCov = new List <Matrix>(); List <TargetTypes> ooiTypes = new List <TargetTypes>();
                        targetToCentralServer.SendUnreliably(new TargetList2CentralNodeMessage(targetState, targetCov, targetID, detectedPose, ooiTypes));
                        unconfirmedTargetNoServer.SendUnreliably(new UnconfirmedTargetNumberMessage(FindUnconfirmedTargetNumber(associatedTargetID2Information.Values.ToList()) - missingTargets.Count));
                        count = 0;