public ActionResult LockAndCreate(string RoadmapGroupID) { try { AgentBase ABase = new AgentBase(); DatabaseContext dbx = ABase.GetContext(); RoadmapGroup group = dbx.RMManager.GetRoadmapGroup(Convert.ToInt32(RoadmapGroupID), false); dbx.RMManager.LockAndCreate(group.RoadmapGroupId); group.ConvertToVehicleInput_Status = Reco3_Enums.ConvertToVehicleInputStatus.Processing; dbx.SaveChanges(); return(Json(new { success = true, message = "RoadmapGroup successfully locked." }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); /* * if (true == dbx.RMManager.SaveRoadmap(Convert.ToInt32(StartYear), Convert.ToInt32(EndYear), Alias, Convert.ToInt32(RoadmapGroupID))) * return Json(new { success = true, message = "RoadmapGroup successfully updated." }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); * return Json(new { success = false, message = "Failed to save roadmapGroup. Internal error while finding the targetmap." }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); */ } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); return(Json(new { success = false, message = e.Message }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } //return RedirectToAction("Index"); }
public bool SaveRoadmap(int nStartYear, int nEndYear, string Alias, int nRoadmapGroupId) { try { // Get the roadmap, create if missing RoadmapGroup map = GetRoadmapGroup(nRoadmapGroupId, true); if (map != null) { map.StartYear = nStartYear; map.EndYear = nEndYear; map.RoadmapName = Alias; // If the roadmapgroup is newly created, add it to the database if (map.RoadmapGroupId == -1) { DbCtx.RoadmapGroups.Add(map); } DbCtx.SaveChanges(); return(true); } } catch { } return(false); }
public bool GenerateRoadmapsForGroup(RoadmapGroup group) { try { List <Roadmap> maps = GetRoadmaps(group.RoadmapGroupId); } catch { } return(false); }
public void Insert(RoadmapGroupDto data) { using (var ctx = DbContextManager <Reco4Context> .GetManager(_dbName)) { var item = new RoadmapGroup { OwnerSss = data.OwnerSss, RoadmapName = data.RoadmapName, Protected = data.Protected, CreationTime = data.CreationTime, StartYear = data.StartYear, EndYear = data.EndYear, Xml = data.Xml, Validation_Status = data.ValidationStatusValue, ConvertToVehicleInput_Status = data.ConvertToVehicleInputStatusValue }; ctx.DbContext.RoadmapGroups.Add(item); ctx.DbContext.SaveChanges(); data.RoadmapGroupId = item.RoadmapGroupId; } }
public RoadmapGroup GetRoadmapGroup(int nGroupId, bool bCreateIfMissing) { try { RoadmapGroup map = DbCtx .RoadmapGroups .Include("Roadmaps") .Where(x => x.RoadmapGroupId == nGroupId) .FirstOrDefault(); if ((map == null) && (bCreateIfMissing == true)) { map = new RoadmapGroup(); } return(map); } catch { } return(null); }
public bool LockAndCreate(int nRoadmapGroupId) { try { // Get the roadmap, do not create if missing RoadmapGroup mapGroup = GetRoadmapGroup(nRoadmapGroupId, false); if (mapGroup != null) { // Get the submaps (one per year in the roadmapgroup) List <Roadmap> maps = GetRoadmaps(mapGroup.RoadmapGroupId); if (maps != null) { // This should not be the case! } int nCurrentYear = mapGroup.StartYear; do { Roadmap tempMap = maps.Find(x => x.CurrentYear == nCurrentYear); if (tempMap == null) { // This creates a new roadmap, with all properties from the RoadmapGroup // except for the xml, and that the start/end-year is set to nCurrentYear DbCtx.Roadmaps.Add(new Roadmap(mapGroup, nCurrentYear)); } } while (++nCurrentYear <= mapGroup.EndYear); DbCtx.SaveChanges(); return(true); } return(false); } catch { } return(false); }
public ActionResult Edit(int id = 0) { if (id == -1) { Co2RoadmapModel model = new Co2RoadmapModel(); model.ReadOnly = false; model.Co2Roadmap = new RoadmapGroup(); return(View(model)); } else { AgentBase ABase = new AgentBase(); DatabaseContext dbx = ABase.GetContext(); RoadmapGroup job = dbx.RoadmapGroups.Include("Roadmaps").Where(x => x.RoadmapGroupId == id).First(); if (job != null) { Co2RoadmapModel model = new Co2RoadmapModel(); model.Co2Roadmap = job; model.ReadOnly = (job.ConvertToVehicleInput_Status != Reco3_Enums.ConvertToVehicleInputStatus.Pending); return(View(model)); } } return(Index()); }
public bool ConvertToTUGVehicles(string strVehicleTemplateFile, string strSignatureFile, string strAxleTemplateFile, string strVectoXsd, bool bEnsureSignatureIsPresent, RoadmapGroup group, Roadmap map, DatabaseContext dbx, string strFailedWinsLogFile, string strPatchListFile) { int nCount = 0; try { Log.Debug("=>ConvertToTUGVehicles"); XNamespace ns = Reco3Common.Reco3_Defines.DeclarationNamespace; XElement signatureTemplate = XElement.Load(strSignatureFile); XElement signatureNode = signatureTemplate.Descendants(ns + "Signature").FirstOrDefault(); XElement axleTemplate = XElement.Load(strAxleTemplateFile); XElement axleTemplateNode = axleTemplate.Descendants(ns + "Axle").FirstOrDefault(); XElement vehicleTemplate = XElement.Load(strVehicleTemplateFile); /* * Roadmap previousmap = group.Roadmaps * .OrderByDescending(x => x.CurrentYear) * .Where(x => x.CurrentYear < map.CurrentYear) * .First(); */ Log.Debug("=>ConvertToTUGVehicles.Initialize"); if (true == Converter.Initialize(ns, signatureNode, axleTemplateNode, DBContext, bEnsureSignatureIsPresent, map.CurrentYear)) { using (XmlReader schemaReader = XmlReader.Create(strVectoXsd)) { // Prepare schemaset XmlSchemaSet schemaSet = new XmlSchemaSet(); schemaSet.Add(XmlSchema.Read(schemaReader, new ValidationEventHandler( delegate(Object sender, ValidationEventArgs e) { } ))); DateTime dtStart = DateTime.Now; // Protect the roadmap for the time we process it, will change the status afterwards but the protection remains. map.ImprovedVehicleCount = 0; map.ConvertToVehicleInput_Status = Reco3_Enums.ConvertToVehicleInputStatus.Processing; map.Validation_Status = Reco3_Enums.ValidationStatus.ValidatedWithSuccess; map.Protected = true; dbx.SaveChanges(); Log.Debug("=>ConvertToTUGVehicles.Initialized. B4 vehicle-iteration"); List <Scania.Baseline.FailedPds.vehiclesVehicle> vehicleList = new List <Scania.Baseline.FailedPds.vehiclesVehicle>(); List <vehiclesVehicle> vehicles = Vehicles.vehicle.ToList(); List <Vehicle> readyVehicles = new List <Vehicle>(); // If we have a filtered VIN-list, then filter out the ones not listed List <string> strlVinList = GetVINList(strPatchListFile); if (strlVinList != null) { DateTime dtb4Filter = DateTime.Now; var hset = new HashSet <string>(strlVinList); vehicles = vehicles.Where(elem => hset.Contains(elem.VIN)).ToList(); DateTime dtafterFilter = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan span = dtafterFilter.Subtract(dtb4Filter); } foreach (vehiclesVehicle vehicle in vehicles) { // Thread.Sleep(10); nCount++; Log.Debug("=>ConvertToTUGVehicles.Initialized. B4 conversion: " + nCount + " VIN: " + vehicle.VIN); // 1: Make a copy of the template XElement currentVehicle = new XElement(vehicleTemplate); Console.WriteLine("=>ConvertToTUGVehicles.Initialized. B4 conversion: " + nCount + " VIN: " + vehicle.VIN); // 2: Construct the vehicle.xml bool bContainsImprovements = false; if (true == Converter.Convert2TUGVehicle(ref currentVehicle, vehicle, ref bContainsImprovements)) { // 3: Validate against the schema from TUG Log.Debug("=>ConvertToTUGVehicles.Initialized. B4 validating against schema."); bool errors = false; XDocument doc = new XDocument(currentVehicle); doc.Validate(schemaSet, (o, e) => { Log.Information("Schemafailure, vehicle: " + vehicle.VIN + ". " + e.Message); errors = true; }, true); if (errors == true) { Log.Debug("=>ConvertToTUGVehicles.Initialized. Schema validated, with failures..."); /* * // Failures in the schema? * Scania.Baseline.FailedPds.vehiclesVehicle VIN = new Scania.Baseline.FailedPds.vehiclesVehicle(); * VIN.VIN = vehicle.VIN; * VIN.SchemaFailures = new Scania.Baseline.FailedPds.vehiclesVehicleSchemaFailure[strErrorList.Count]; * int n = 0; * foreach (string strError in strErrorList) * { * vehiclesVehicleSchemaFailure failure = new vehiclesVehicleSchemaFailure(); * failure.description = strError; * VIN.SchemaFailures[n++] = failure; * } * * vehicleList.Add(VIN); */ } else { try { Vehicle v = null; if (strlVinList != null) { v = dbx.Vehicle .Where(x => x.VIN == vehicle.VIN) .Where(x => x.GroupId == map.RoadmapId) .First(); } if (v != null) { // Update the existing vehicle v.XML = doc.AsString(); dbx.Entry(v).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; dbx.SaveChanges(); // Update the report for this vehicle too var pRoadmapGroupId = new SqlParameter("@pRoadmapGroupId", group.RoadmapGroupId); var pRoadmapId = new SqlParameter("@pRoadmapId", map.RoadmapId); var pVehicleId = new SqlParameter("@pVehicleId", v.VehicleId); // I know!!!! This is fu##ing ugly but hey, if it offends you, stop reading, ok? dbx.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("exec GenerateRoadmapReportForVehicleId @pRoadmapGroupId , @pRoadmapId , @pVehicleId", pRoadmapGroupId, pRoadmapId, pVehicleId); } else { dbx.AddVehicle(doc.AsString(), vehicle.VIN, Reco3_Enums.VehicleMode.VectoDeclaration, map.RoadmapId); } /* * Vehicle v = new Vehicle(doc.AsString(), map.RoadmapId); * v.Vehicle_Mode = Reco3_Enums.VehicleMode.VectoDeclaration; * v.GroupId = map.RoadmapId; * dbx.Vehicle.Add(v); */ if (bContainsImprovements == true) { map.ImprovedVehicleCount += 1; } // dbx.SaveChanges(); //TriggerEvent(v); GCSettings.LargeObjectHeapCompactionMode = GCLargeObjectHeapCompactionMode.CompactOnce; GC.Collect(); /* * // 2.1: If no improvements where added,... * if (bContainsImprovements == false) * { * * // ...and we have the previous map,... * if (previousmap != null) * { * Log.Debug("=>ConvertToTUGVehicles.Initialized. Schema validated, with success, no changes and we have a previous version, so making a copy."); * // ...then fetch the previous version of the vehicle... * Vehicle oldVehicle = dbx.Vehicle * .Where(x => x.VIN == vehicle.VIN) * .Where(x => x.GroupId == previousmap.RoadmapId) * .First(); * * Vehicle clonedVehicle = oldVehicle.Clone(); * clonedVehicle.VehicleId = -1; * clonedVehicle.GroupId = map.RoadmapId; * dbx.Vehicle.Add(clonedVehicle); * dbx.SaveChanges(); * * // ..and copy the vsum... * List<VSumRecord> results = dbx.VSum.Where(x => x.VehicleId == oldVehicle.VehicleId).ToList(); * foreach (VSumRecord res in results) * { * // ...clone the result, patch with the new vehicle-id and roadmap-id * VSumRecord resCopy = res.Clone(); * resCopy.VehicleId = clonedVehicle.VehicleId; * resCopy.SimulationId = map.RoadmapId; * dbx.VSum.Add(resCopy); * } * } * else * { * map.ImprovedVehicleCount += 1; * Log.Debug("=>ConvertToTUGVehicles.Initialized. Schema validated, with success, no changes but we dont have a previous version, so making a fresh vehicle."); * // ...and we dont have the previous map so just add it as a new one... * //dbx.AddVehicle(doc.AsString(), vehicle.VIN, Reco3_Enums.VehicleMode.VectoDeclaration, map.RoadmapId); * } * * } * else * { * map.ImprovedVehicleCount += 1; * Log.Debug("=>ConvertToTUGVehicles.Initialized. Schema validated, with success, has changes so making a fresh vehicle."); * // ...(has changes) so just add it as a new one... * //dbx.AddVehicle(doc.AsString(), vehicle.VIN, Reco3_Enums.VehicleMode.VectoDeclaration, map.RoadmapId); * } * // ...and persist the changes... * dbx.SaveChanges(); * * GCSettings.LargeObjectHeapCompactionMode = GCLargeObjectHeapCompactionMode.CompactOnce; * GC.Collect(); */ } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Fatal(ex, "ConvertToTUGVehicles.Exception while updating db:"); Console.WriteLine("Exception while updating db: " + ex.Message); } } doc = null; } else { using (StreamWriter w = File.AppendText(strFailedWinsLogFile)) { w.WriteLine(vehicle.VIN); } Console.WriteLine(" ConvertToTUGVehicles==>Convert2TUGVehicle failed." + " (VIN: " + vehicle.VIN + ")"); Log.Debug("=>ConvertToTUGVehicles.Convert2TUGVehicle failed." + " (VIN: " + vehicle.VIN + ")"); } currentVehicle = null; GCSettings.LargeObjectHeapCompactionMode = GCLargeObjectHeapCompactionMode.CompactOnce; GC.Collect(); } map.ConvertToVehicleInput_Status = Reco3_Enums.ConvertToVehicleInputStatus.ConvertedWithSuccess; dbx.SaveChanges(); // Add the new failures,.... if (Converter.PDFailures.vehicle != null) { List <Scania.Baseline.FailedPds.vehiclesVehicle> tmpList = Converter.PDFailures.vehicle.ToList(); tmpList.AddRange(vehicleList); Converter.PDFailures.vehicle = tmpList.ToArray(); } else { Converter.PDFailures.vehicle = vehicleList.ToArray(); } DateTime dtEnd = DateTime.Now; Console.WriteLine("Conversion started: " + dtStart.ToShortDateString() + " " + dtStart.ToShortTimeString()); Console.WriteLine("Conversion done: " + dtEnd.ToShortDateString() + " " + dtEnd.ToShortTimeString()); Log.Debug("<=ConvertToTUGVehicles"); return(true); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Fatal(ex, "ConvertToTUGVehicles.OverallException"); Console.WriteLine(ex); } Log.Debug("<=ConvertToTUGVehicles"); return(false); }
public ActionResult UploadBaseline(string RoadmapGroupId) { try { int nRoadmapGroupId = -1; if (RoadmapGroupId.Contains("-1") == true) { logger.Debug("UploadBaseline failed, due to invalid GroupId (-1)"); return(Json(new { success = false, message = "Failed to upload baseline. Internal error: RoadmapId is invalid." }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } nRoadmapGroupId = Convert.ToInt32(RoadmapGroupId); AgentBase ABase = new AgentBase(); DatabaseContext dbx = ABase.GetContext(); RoadmapGroup map = dbx.RMManager.GetRoadmapGroup(nRoadmapGroupId, false); if (map != null) { if (map.Protected == true) { logger.Debug("UploadBaseline failed, due to locked roadmp"); return(Json(new { success = false, message = "Roadmap is locked for further changes. Action is aborted." }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } if (Request.Files.Count > 0) { var root = "/Filedrop"; string strDropFolder = GetVirtualFolder(root); if (strDropFolder.Length <= 0) { logger.Debug("UploadBaseline failed, due to filedrop-area is missing (Virtual folder"); return(Json(new { success = false, message = "Server-error, filedrop-area is missing (Virtual folder). Action is aborted." }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } for (int i = 0; i < Request.Files.Count; i++) { // First save the stream to disk var files = Request.Files[i]; var fileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(files.FileName); var path = System.IO.Path.Combine(strDropFolder, fileName); files.SaveAs(path); var fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite | FileShare.Delete); using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(fs, Encoding.UTF8)) { string content = reader.ReadToEnd(); map.Validation_Status = Reco3_Enums.ValidationStatus.Processing; map.XML = content; dbx.SaveChanges(); // Lets validate the input Reco3Config.ConfigModel Configuration = new ConfigModel(WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConfigFile"]); map.XMLSchemaFilename = ""; string strVectoSchemaFilename = Configuration.Reco3Config.Schemas.ToList().Find(x => == "Vecto.Declaration").filename; string strConversionLogFile = string.Format("{0}{1}", Configuration.Reco3Config.BackEnd.FilePaths.ToList().Find(x => == "Log").path, "BaselineModel.b.Conversion.txt"); BaselineModel.BaselineModel fleet = new BaselineModel.BaselineModel(strConversionLogFile); if (false == fleet.InitializeFromXML(map.XML, map.XMLSchemaFilename)) { // Tag the baseline as "not ok" map.Validation_Status = Reco3_Enums.ValidationStatus.ValidatedWithFailures; dbx.SaveChanges(); logger.Debug("UploadBaseline failed, due to validation-error of the baseline"); return(Json(new { success = false, message = "Failed to save roadmap. Internal error while validating the baseline using: " + map.XMLSchemaFilename + "." }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } // Tag the baseline as "ok" map.Validation_Status = Reco3_Enums.ValidationStatus.ValidatedWithSuccess; dbx.SaveChanges(); /* * try * { * // Indicating that there are no available roadmaps, so lets generated them * int nRoadmapId = -1; * if (nRoadmapId == -1) * { * for (int n = map.StartYear; n <= map.EndYear; n++) * { * Roadmap oldMap = map.Roadmaps.First(x => x.CurrentYear == n); * if (oldMap == null) * { * Roadmap newMap = new Roadmap(map, n); * map.Roadmaps.Add(newMap); * dbx.SaveChanges(); * if (nRoadmapId == -1) * nRoadmapId = newMap.RoadmapId; * } * * } * } * } * catch (Exception ex) * { * logger.Debug("UploadBaseline failed, failed to create roadmaps. {0}", ex.Message); * return Json(new { success = false, message = "Failed to create roadmaps for group : " + ex.Message }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); * } */ // Post a msmq-msg to indicate the newly uploaded file! BatchQueue.BatchQueue queue = new BatchQueue.BatchQueue(); queue.IsLocalQueue = true; queue.SetRecieverEndpoint(Configuration.Reco3Config.MSMQ.HostName, Configuration.Reco3Config.MSMQ.ConversionQueue); // Must look at this again!.... foreach (Roadmap map2 in map.Roadmaps) { if (map2.Protected == false) { queue.SendMsg(new Reco3Msg(map.RoadmapGroupId, map2.RoadmapId)); } } return(Json(new { success = true, message = "File uploaded successfully, file is queued for validation." }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } } return(Json(new { success = false, message = "Failed to save roadmap. Internal error while finding the targetmap." }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json(new { success = false, message = ex.Message }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } return(Json(new { success = false, message = "Fatal error!" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }