예제 #1
 private void ExtendRiver(float[] flow, List <int>[] riverPaths, int index, RiverDef incomingRiver)
     if (riverPaths[index] != null)
         int      bestOutput = riverPaths[index].MaxBy((int ni) => flow[ni]);
         RiverDef riverDef   = incomingRiver;
         while (riverDef != null && (float)riverDef.degradeThreshold > flow[bestOutput])
             riverDef = riverDef.degradeChild;
         if (riverDef != null)
             Find.WorldGrid.OverlayRiver(index, bestOutput, riverDef);
             ExtendRiver(flow, riverPaths, bestOutput, riverDef);
         if (incomingRiver.branches != null)
             foreach (int alternateRiver in from ni in riverPaths[index]
                      where ni != bestOutput
                      select ni)
                 RiverDef.Branch branch2 = incomingRiver.branches.Where((RiverDef.Branch branch) => (float)branch.minFlow <= flow[alternateRiver]).MaxByWithFallback((RiverDef.Branch branch) => branch.minFlow);
                 if (branch2 != null && Rand.Value < branch2.chance)
                     Find.WorldGrid.OverlayRiver(index, alternateRiver, branch2.child);
                     ExtendRiver(flow, riverPaths, alternateRiver, branch2.child);
예제 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Determine if <paramref name="river"/> is large enough for all ships in <paramref name="pawns"/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="river"></param>
 /// <param name="pawns"></param>
 public static bool ShipsFitOnRiver(RiverDef river, List <Pawn> pawns)
     foreach (VehiclePawn vehicle in pawns.Where(p => p.IsBoat()))
         if ((vehicle.VehicleDef.properties.riverTraversability?.widthOnMap ?? int.MaxValue) > river.widthOnMap)
예제 #3
 public static bool ShipsFitOnRiver(RiverDef river, List <Pawn> pawns)
     foreach (Pawn p in pawns.Where(x => IsShip(x)))
         if ((p.def.GetCompProperties <CompProperties_Ships>()?.riverTraversability?.GetRiverSize() ?? 5) > river.GetRiverSize())
예제 #4
        public void OverlayRiver(int fromTile, int toTile, RiverDef riverDef)
            if (riverDef == null)
                Log.ErrorOnce("Attempted to remove river with overlayRiver; not supported", 90292250);
            RiverDef riverDef2 = GetRiverDef(fromTile, toTile, visibleOnly: false);

            if (riverDef2 == riverDef)
            Tile tile  = this[fromTile];
            Tile tile2 = this[toTile];

            if (riverDef2 != null)
                if (riverDef2.degradeThreshold >= riverDef.degradeThreshold)
                tile.potentialRivers.RemoveAll((Tile.RiverLink rl) => rl.neighbor == toTile);
                tile2.potentialRivers.RemoveAll((Tile.RiverLink rl) => rl.neighbor == fromTile);
            if (tile.potentialRivers == null)
                tile.potentialRivers = new List <Tile.RiverLink>();
            if (tile2.potentialRivers == null)
                tile2.potentialRivers = new List <Tile.RiverLink>();
            List <Tile.RiverLink> potentialRivers = tile.potentialRivers;

            Tile.RiverLink item = new Tile.RiverLink
                neighbor = toTile,
                river    = riverDef
            List <Tile.RiverLink> potentialRivers2 = tile2.potentialRivers;

            item = new Tile.RiverLink
                neighbor = fromTile,
                river    = riverDef
        public static SimpleCurve GetTemperatureToPowerOutputFactorCurveFor(Thing thing)
            RiverDef river = thing.Map.GetRiver();
            float    halfPowerProductionLowTemp = LowPowerProductionDict[river];

            return(new SimpleCurve()
                new CurvePoint(Mathf.RoundToInt(halfPowerProductionLowTemp * 1.5f), 0f),
                new CurvePoint(halfPowerProductionLowTemp, 0.5f),
                new CurvePoint(FullPowerProductionLowTemp, 1f),
                new CurvePoint(FullPowerProductionHighTemp, 1f),
                new CurvePoint(HalfPowerProductionHighTemp, 0.5f),
                new CurvePoint(ZeroPowerProductionHighTemp, 0f)
        private void CreateRivers(float[] flow, List <int>[] riverPaths, int index)
            List <int> list = new List <int>();

            Find.WorldGrid.GetTileNeighbors(index, list);
            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                float    targetFlow = flow[list[i]];
                RiverDef riverDef   = DefDatabase <RiverDef> .AllDefs.Where((RiverDef rd) => rd.spawnFlowThreshold > 0 && (float)rd.spawnFlowThreshold <= targetFlow).MaxByWithFallback((RiverDef rd) => rd.spawnFlowThreshold);

                if (riverDef != null && Rand.Value < riverDef.spawnChance)
                    Find.WorldGrid.OverlayRiver(index, list[i], riverDef);
                    ExtendRiver(flow, riverPaths, list[i], riverDef);
예제 #7
 public void OverlayRiver(int fromTile, int toTile, RiverDef riverDef)
     if (riverDef == null)
         Log.ErrorOnce("Attempted to remove river with overlayRiver; not supported", 90292250, false);
         RiverDef riverDef2 = this.GetRiverDef(fromTile, toTile, false);
         if (riverDef2 != riverDef)
             Tile tile  = this[fromTile];
             Tile tile2 = this[toTile];
             if (riverDef2 != null)
                 if (riverDef2.degradeThreshold >= riverDef.degradeThreshold)
                 tile.potentialRivers.RemoveAll((Tile.RiverLink rl) => rl.neighbor == toTile);
                 tile2.potentialRivers.RemoveAll((Tile.RiverLink rl) => rl.neighbor == fromTile);
             if (tile.potentialRivers == null)
                 tile.potentialRivers = new List <Tile.RiverLink>();
             if (tile2.potentialRivers == null)
                 tile2.potentialRivers = new List <Tile.RiverLink>();
             tile.potentialRivers.Add(new Tile.RiverLink
                 neighbor = toTile,
                 river    = riverDef
             tile2.potentialRivers.Add(new Tile.RiverLink
                 neighbor = fromTile,
                 river    = riverDef
예제 #8
        private void ExtendRiver(float[] flow, List <int>[] riverPaths, int index, RiverDef incomingRiver)
            if (riverPaths[index] == null)
            int      bestOutput = riverPaths[index].MaxBy((int ni) => flow[ni]);
            RiverDef riverDef   = incomingRiver;

            while (riverDef != null && (float)riverDef.degradeThreshold > flow[bestOutput])
                riverDef = riverDef.degradeChild;
            if (riverDef != null)
                Find.WorldGrid.OverlayRiver(index, bestOutput, riverDef);
                this.ExtendRiver(flow, riverPaths, bestOutput, riverDef);
            if (incomingRiver.branches != null)
                using (IEnumerator <int> enumerator = (from ni in riverPaths[index]
                                                       where ni != bestOutput
                                                       select ni).GetEnumerator())
                    while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                        int             alternateRiver = enumerator.Current;
                        RiverDef.Branch branch2        = (from branch in incomingRiver.branches
                                                          where (float)branch.minFlow <= flow[alternateRiver]
                                                          select branch).MaxByWithFallback((RiverDef.Branch branch) => branch.minFlow, null);
                        if (branch2 != null && Rand.Value < branch2.chance)
                            Find.WorldGrid.OverlayRiver(index, alternateRiver, branch2.child);
                            this.ExtendRiver(flow, riverPaths, alternateRiver, branch2.child);
예제 #9
 public static int GetRiverSize(this RiverDef river)
     if (river is null)
     if (river == RiverDefOf.Creek)
     if (river == RiverDefOf.River)
     if (river == RiverDefOf.LargeRiver)
     if (river == RiverDefOf.HugeRiver)
     throw new NotImplementedException("RiverDefSize");
예제 #10
        private void RawDataToTiles()
            if (this.tiles.Count != this.TilesCount)
                for (int m = 0; m < this.TilesCount; m++)
                    this.tiles.Add(new Tile());
                for (int j = 0; j < this.TilesCount; j++)
                    this.tiles[j].potentialRoads  = null;
                    this.tiles[j].potentialRivers = null;
            DataSerializeUtility.LoadUshort(this.tileBiome, this.TilesCount, delegate(int i, ushort data)
                this.tiles[i].biome = (DefDatabase <BiomeDef> .GetByShortHash(data) ?? BiomeDefOf.TemperateForest);
            DataSerializeUtility.LoadUshort(this.tileElevation, this.TilesCount, delegate(int i, ushort data)
                this.tiles[i].elevation = (float)(data - 8192);
            DataSerializeUtility.LoadByte(this.tileHilliness, this.TilesCount, delegate(int i, byte data)
                this.tiles[i].hilliness = (Hilliness)data;
            DataSerializeUtility.LoadUshort(this.tileTemperature, this.TilesCount, delegate(int i, ushort data)
                this.tiles[i].temperature = (float)data / 10f - 300f;
            DataSerializeUtility.LoadUshort(this.tileRainfall, this.TilesCount, delegate(int i, ushort data)
                this.tiles[i].rainfall = (float)data;
            DataSerializeUtility.LoadByte(this.tileSwampiness, this.TilesCount, delegate(int i, byte data)
                this.tiles[i].swampiness = (float)data / 255f;
            int[]    array  = DataSerializeUtility.DeserializeInt(this.tileRoadOrigins);
            byte[]   array2 = DataSerializeUtility.DeserializeByte(this.tileRoadAdjacency);
            ushort[] array3 = DataSerializeUtility.DeserializeUshort(this.tileRoadDef);
            for (int k = 0; k < array.Length; k++)
                int     num          = array[k];
                int     tileNeighbor = this.GetTileNeighbor(num, (int)array2[k]);
                RoadDef byShortHash  = DefDatabase <RoadDef> .GetByShortHash(array3[k]);

                if (byShortHash != null)
                    if (this.tiles[num].potentialRoads == null)
                        this.tiles[num].potentialRoads = new List <Tile.RoadLink>();
                    if (this.tiles[tileNeighbor].potentialRoads == null)
                        this.tiles[tileNeighbor].potentialRoads = new List <Tile.RoadLink>();
                    this.tiles[num].potentialRoads.Add(new Tile.RoadLink
                        neighbor = tileNeighbor,
                        road     = byShortHash
                    this.tiles[tileNeighbor].potentialRoads.Add(new Tile.RoadLink
                        neighbor = num,
                        road     = byShortHash
            int[]    array4 = DataSerializeUtility.DeserializeInt(this.tileRiverOrigins);
            byte[]   array5 = DataSerializeUtility.DeserializeByte(this.tileRiverAdjacency);
            ushort[] array6 = DataSerializeUtility.DeserializeUshort(this.tileRiverDef);
            for (int l = 0; l < array4.Length; l++)
                int      num2          = array4[l];
                int      tileNeighbor2 = this.GetTileNeighbor(num2, (int)array5[l]);
                RiverDef byShortHash2  = DefDatabase <RiverDef> .GetByShortHash(array6[l]);

                if (byShortHash2 != null)
                    if (this.tiles[num2].potentialRivers == null)
                        this.tiles[num2].potentialRivers = new List <Tile.RiverLink>();
                    if (this.tiles[tileNeighbor2].potentialRivers == null)
                        this.tiles[tileNeighbor2].potentialRivers = new List <Tile.RiverLink>();
                    this.tiles[num2].potentialRivers.Add(new Tile.RiverLink
                        neighbor = tileNeighbor2,
                        river    = byShortHash2
                    this.tiles[tileNeighbor2].potentialRivers.Add(new Tile.RiverLink
                        neighbor = num2,
                        river    = byShortHash2
 private static int <CreateRivers> m__1(RiverDef rd)
예제 #12
        public override void DoWindowContents(Rect inRect)
            Text.Font = GameFont.Small;

            Rect mainScrollRect     = new Rect(0, 20, inRect.width, inRect.height);
            Rect mainScrollVertRect = new Rect(0, 0, mainScrollRect.x, inRect.width);

            Widgets.BeginScrollView(mainScrollRect, ref mainScrollPosition, mainScrollVertRect);

            Rect group1 = new Rect(0, 0, inRect.width, inRect.height);

            if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(0, 0, 200, 20), Translator.Translate("DeleteSingleRoad")))
            if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(0, 25, 200, 20), Translator.Translate("DeleteRangeRoads")))
            if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(210, 0, 200, 20), Translator.Translate("DeleteSingleRiver")))
            if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(210, 25, 200, 20), Translator.Translate("DeleteRangeRivers")))
            if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(0, 50, 200, 20), Translator.Translate("DeleteAllRoads")))
            if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(210, 50, 200, 20), Translator.Translate("DeleteAllRivers")))

            if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(0, 80, 200, 20), Translator.Translate("NoText")))
                selectedRoad = null;
                Messages.Message($"Selected road: None", MessageTypeDefOf.NeutralEvent, false);
            int  roadListLength     = avaliableRoads.Count * 25;
            Rect roadScrollRect     = new Rect(0, 110, 200, 170);
            Rect roadScrollVertRect = new Rect(0, 0, roadScrollRect.x, roadListLength);
            int  yButtonPos         = 0;

            Widgets.BeginScrollView(roadScrollRect, ref scrollPosition, roadScrollVertRect);
            foreach (var road in avaliableRoads)
                if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(0, yButtonPos, 200, 20), road.label))
                    selectedRoad = road;
                    Messages.Message($"Selected road: {selectedRoad.LabelCap}", MessageTypeDefOf.NeutralEvent, false);

                    if (selectedRiver != null)
                        PaintMode = false;
                yButtonPos += 22;
            yButtonPos = 295;
            Widgets.Label(new Rect(0, yButtonPos, 50, 20), Translator.Translate("StartTileLabel"));
            roadId1     = Widgets.TextField(new Rect(65, yButtonPos, 130, 20), roadId1);
            yButtonPos += 30;
            Widgets.Label(new Rect(0, yButtonPos, 50, 20), Translator.Translate("EndTileLabel"));
            roadId2     = Widgets.TextField(new Rect(65, yButtonPos, 130, 20), roadId2);
            yButtonPos += 30;
            if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(0, yButtonPos, 200, 20), Translator.Translate("CreateRoadLabel")))

            if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(210, 80, 200, 20), Translator.Translate("NoText")))
                selectedRiver = null;
                Messages.Message($"Selected river: None", MessageTypeDefOf.NeutralEvent, false);
            yButtonPos = 110;
            int  riverListLength     = avaliableRivers.Count * 25;
            Rect riverScrollRect     = new Rect(210, 110, 200, 170);
            Rect riverScrollVertRect = new Rect(0, 0, riverScrollRect.x, riverListLength);

            Widgets.BeginScrollView(riverScrollRect, ref riverScrollPosition, riverScrollRect);
            foreach (var river in avaliableRivers)
                if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(210, yButtonPos, 200, 20), river.label))
                    selectedRiver = river;
                    Messages.Message($"Selected river: {selectedRiver.LabelCap}", MessageTypeDefOf.NeutralEvent, false);

                    if (selectedRoad != null)
                        PaintMode = false;
                yButtonPos += 22;
            yButtonPos = 295;
            Widgets.Label(new Rect(210, yButtonPos, 50, 20), Translator.Translate("StartTileLabel"));
            riverId1    = Widgets.TextField(new Rect(265, yButtonPos, 130, 20), riverId1);
            yButtonPos += 30;
            Widgets.Label(new Rect(210, yButtonPos, 50, 20), Translator.Translate("EndTileLabel"));
            riverId2    = Widgets.TextField(new Rect(265, yButtonPos, 130, 20), riverId2);
            yButtonPos += 30;
            if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(210, yButtonPos, 200, 20), Translator.Translate("CreateRiverLael")))
            yButtonPos += 30;

            if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(210, yButtonPos, 200, 20), Translator.Translate("CreateEdgeRiver")))

            yButtonPos += 30;

            Widgets.Label(new Rect(0, yButtonPos, 200, 20), $"Selected tile ID: {Find.WorldSelector.selectedTile}");
            if (Widgets.RadioButtonLabeled(new Rect(210, yButtonPos, 200, 20), Translator.Translate("PaintMode"), PaintMode))
