private bool VerifyP2pkh(ITransaction tx, int index, PushDataOp sigPush, PushDataOp pubPush, ReadOnlySpan <byte> pubScrData, out string error) { var actualHash = hash160.ComputeHash(; if (!pubScrData.Slice(3, 20).SequenceEqual(actualHash)) { error = "Invalid hash."; return(false); } Signature sig; if (consensus.IsStrictDerSig(BlockHeight)) { if (!Signature.TryReadStrict(, out sig, out error)) { return(false); } } else { if (!Signature.TryReadLoose(, out sig, out error)) { return(false); } } if (!PublicKey.TryRead(, out PublicKey pubK)) { error = "Invalid public key"; return(false); } byte[] toSign = tx.SerializeForSigning(pubScrData.ToArray(), index, sig.SigHash); if (calc.Verify(toSign, sig, pubK, ForceLowS)) { error = null; return(true); } else { error = "Invalid signature"; return(false); } }
public void ComputeHash_ReuseTest() { using Ripemd160Sha256 hash160 = new Ripemd160Sha256(); byte[] data1 = Helper.HexToBytes(PubComp); byte[] expected1 = Helper.HexToBytes(PubComp_hash); byte[] data2 = Helper.HexToBytes(PubUnComp); byte[] expected2 = Helper.HexToBytes(PubUnComp_hash); byte[] data3 = Helper.HexToBytes("1e26fa6d260804f1a6d94b24be80ec1ab0ac6f7483dbb3dc9d30fb47bf50c514471040e26a9a8379"); byte[] expected3 = Helper.HexToBytes("3900c473d221f26099b6df89526b7203d1a7b5d2"); hash160.ComputeHash(data1); byte[] actual1 = hash160.ComputeHash(data1); byte[] actual2 = hash160.ComputeHash(data2); byte[] actual3 = hash160.ComputeHash(data3); Assert.Equal(expected1, actual1); Assert.Equal(expected2, actual2); Assert.Equal(expected3, actual3); }
/// <summary> /// Replaces top stack item with its hash digest. Return value indicates success. /// </summary> /// <param name="opData">Data to use</param> /// <param name="error">Error message (null if sucessful, otherwise will contain information about the failure)</param> /// <returns>True if operation was successful, false if otherwise</returns> public override bool Run(IOpData opData, out string error) { if (opData.ItemCount < 1) { error = Err.OpNotEnoughItems; return(false); } using Ripemd160Sha256 hash = new Ripemd160Sha256(); opData.Push(hash.ComputeHash(opData.Pop())); error = null; return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Return the pay to script hash address from the given <see cref="IScript"/>. /// </summary> /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"/> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"/> /// <param name="redeem">Redeem script to use</param> /// <param name="netType">[Default value = <see cref="NetworkType.MainNet"/>] Network type</param> /// <returns>The resulting address</returns> public string GetP2sh(IScript redeem, NetworkType netType = NetworkType.MainNet) { if (redeem is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(redeem), "Redeem script can not be null."); } byte ver = netType switch { NetworkType.MainNet => P2shVerMainNet, NetworkType.TestNet => P2shVerTestNet, NetworkType.RegTest => P2shVerRegTest, _ => throw new ArgumentException(Err.InvalidNetwork) }; using Ripemd160Sha256 hashFunc = new Ripemd160Sha256(); byte[] data = hashFunc.ComputeHash(redeem.Data).AppendToBeginning(ver); return(b58Encoder.EncodeWithCheckSum(data)); }
/// <summary> /// Return the pay to public key hash address from the given <see cref="PublicKey"/>. /// </summary> /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"/> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"/> /// <param name="pubk">Public key to use</param> /// <param name="useCompressed"> /// [Default value = true] /// Indicates wheter to use compressed or compressed public key to generate the address /// </param> /// <param name="netType">[Default value = <see cref="NetworkType.MainNet"/>] Network type</param> /// <returns>The resulting address</returns> public string GetP2pkh(PublicKey pubk, bool useCompressed = true, NetworkType netType = NetworkType.MainNet) { if (pubk is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(pubk), "Public key can not be null."); } byte ver = netType switch { NetworkType.MainNet => P2pkhVerMainNet, NetworkType.TestNet => P2pkhVerTestNet, NetworkType.RegTest => P2pkhVerRegTest, _ => throw new ArgumentException(Err.InvalidNetwork) }; using Ripemd160Sha256 hashFunc = new Ripemd160Sha256(); byte[] data = hashFunc.ComputeHash(pubk.ToByteArray(useCompressed)).AppendToBeginning(ver); return(b58Encoder.EncodeWithCheckSum(data)); }
/// <summary> /// Return the pay to witness public key hash address from the given <see cref="PublicKey"/>. /// </summary> /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"/> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"/> /// <param name="pubk">Public key to use</param> /// <param name="witVer">Witness version to use</param> /// <param name="useCompressed"> /// [Default value = true] /// Indicates wheter to use compressed or compressed public key to generate the address /// <para/> Note: using uncompressed public keys makes the output non-standard and can lead to money loss. /// </param> /// <param name="netType">[Default value = <see cref="NetworkType.MainNet"/>] Network type</param> /// <returns>The resulting address</returns> public string GetP2wpkh(PublicKey pubk, byte witVer, bool useCompressed = true, NetworkType netType = NetworkType.MainNet) { if (pubk is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(pubk), "Public key can not be null."); } if (witVer != 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Currently only address version 0 is defined for P2WPKH.", nameof(witVer)); } string hrp = netType switch { NetworkType.MainNet => HrpMainNet, NetworkType.TestNet => HrpTestNet, NetworkType.RegTest => HrpRegTest, _ => throw new ArgumentException(Err.InvalidNetwork), }; using Ripemd160Sha256 hashFunc = new Ripemd160Sha256(); byte[] hash160 = hashFunc.ComputeHash(pubk.ToByteArray(useCompressed)); return(b32Encoder.Encode(hash160, witVer, hrp)); }
public void ComputeHashTest(byte[] data, byte[] expected) { using Ripemd160Sha256 hash160 = new Ripemd160Sha256(); byte[] actual = hash160.ComputeHash(data); Assert.Equal(expected, actual); }
private unsafe bool LoopComp(string key, int missingCount, char missingChar, byte[] expectedHash) { int[] missingIndexes = new int[missingCount]; byte[] ba = new byte[32]; for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < ba.Length; i++) { int hi, lo; if (key[i * 2] == missingChar) { hi = 0; missingIndexes[j++] = i * 2; } else { hi = key[i * 2] - 65; hi = hi + 10 + ((hi >> 31) & 7); } if (key[i * 2 + 1] == '*') { lo = 0; missingIndexes[j++] = i * 2 + 1; } else { lo = key[i * 2 + 1] - 65; lo = lo + 10 + ((lo >> 31) & 7) & 0x0f; } ba[i] = (byte)(lo | hi << 4); } var cartesian = CartesianProduct.Create(Enumerable.Repeat(Enumerable.Range(0, 16), missingCount)); EllipticCurveCalculator calc = new EllipticCurveCalculator(); BigInteger smallVal = new BigInteger(ba, true, true); EllipticCurvePoint smallPub = calc.MultiplyByG(smallVal); Ripemd160Sha256 hash = new Ripemd160Sha256(); Parallel.ForEach(cartesian, (item, loopState) => { Span <byte> temp = new byte[32]; int mis = 0; foreach (int keyItem in item) { int misIndex = missingIndexes[mis]; if (misIndex % 2 == 0) { temp[misIndex / 2] |= (byte)(keyItem << 4); } else { temp[misIndex / 2] |= (byte)keyItem; } mis++; } BigInteger tempVal = new BigInteger(temp, true, true); EllipticCurvePoint tempPub = calc.MultiplyByG(tempVal); EllipticCurvePoint pub = calc.AddChecked(tempPub, smallPub); byte[] toHash = new byte[33]; toHash[0] = pub.Y.IsEven ? (byte)2 : (byte)3; byte[] xBytes = pub.X.ToByteArray(true, true); Buffer.BlockCopy(xBytes, 0, toHash, 33 - xBytes.Length, xBytes.Length); ReadOnlySpan <byte> actual = hash.ComputeHash(toHash); if (actual.SequenceEqual(expectedHash)) { char[] origHex = key.ToCharArray(); int index = 0; foreach (var keyItem in item) { origHex[missingIndexes[index++]] = GetHex(keyItem); } AddQueue($"Found a key: {new string(origHex)}"); loopState.Break(); } }); AddQueue("Failed to find any key."); return(false); }
public byte[] RipSha(byte[] data) => libRipSha.ComputeHash(data);