private void comboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!_valueWasAssigned || comboBox.SelectedIndex < 0 || comboBox.SelectedIndex >= _methods.Count)

            DesignerRightValueEnum propertRV = _property.Attribute as DesignerRightValueEnum;
            MethodDef m_ = _methods[comboBox.SelectedIndex] as MethodDef;
            MethodDef m  = new MethodDef(m_);

            m.Owner = VariableDef.kSelf;

            if (propertRV == null)
                _property.Property.SetValue(_object, m, null);
                object propertyMember = _property.Property.GetValue(_object, null);

                if (propertyMember != null)
                    RightValueDef oldvarRV = propertyMember as RightValueDef;
                    RightValueDef varRV    = new RightValueDef(m, oldvarRV.ValueClass);
                    _property.Property.SetValue(_object, varRV, null);

            this.RereshProperty(true, _property);

예제 #2
        public override void Update(object sender, DesignerPropertyInfo property)
            if (_obj != null)
                DesignerPropertyEditor oplEditor = GetEditor(_obj, "Opl");
                Debug.Check(oplEditor != null);
                if (oplEditor == sender)
                    VariableDef opl = (VariableDef)GetProperty(_obj, "Opl");

                    if (opl != null)
                        RightValueDef opr = (RightValueDef)GetProperty(_obj, "Opr");

                        if (opr != null && opl.ValueType != opr.ValueType)
                            DesignerPropertyEditor oprEditor = GetEditor(_obj, "Opr");
                            Debug.Check(oprEditor != null);

예제 #3
        public override void SetParameter(MethodDef.Param param, object obj, bool bReadonly)
            base.SetParameter(param, obj, bReadonly);

            _resetProperties = false;

            string      selectionName = string.Empty;
            VariableDef variable      = param.Value as VariableDef;

            if (variable != null)
                _valueOwner   = variable.ValueClass;
                selectionName = (variable.Property != null) ? variable.Property.DisplayName : variable.DisplayName;
                RightValueDef variableRV = param.Value as RightValueDef;

                if (variableRV != null)
                    _valueOwner   = variableRV.ValueClassReal;
                    selectionName = variableRV.DisplayName;

            Nodes.Behavior behavior = GetBehavior();
            _agentType = (behavior != null) ? behavior.AgentType : null;
            if (_valueOwner != VariableDef.kSelf)
                _agentType = Plugin.GetInstanceAgentType(_valueOwner, behavior, _agentType);

예제 #4
        public override void SetParameter(MethodDef.Param param, object obj)
            base.SetParameter(param, obj);

            _resetProperties = false;

            Behaviac.Design.Attachments.Attach evt      = obj as Behaviac.Design.Attachments.Attach;
            Behaviac.Design.Nodes.BaseNode     baseNode = (evt != null) ? evt.Node : obj as Behaviac.Design.Nodes.BaseNode;
            Behaviac.Design.Nodes.Behavior     behavior = (baseNode != null) ? baseNode.Behavior as Behaviac.Design.Nodes.Behavior : null;

            _agentType = (behavior != null) ? behavior.AgentType : null;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_globalType))
                _agentType = Plugin.GetInstanceAgentType(_globalType);

            string      selectionName = string.Empty;
            VariableDef variable      = param.Value as VariableDef;

            if (variable != null)
                selectionName = (variable.Property != null) ? variable.Property.DisplayName : variable.DisplayName;
                RightValueDef variableRV = param.Value as RightValueDef;
                if (variableRV != null)
                    selectionName = variableRV.DisplayName;

예제 #5
        private Type getDependedPropertyType(DesignerPropertyInfo prop, object obj)
            Debug.Check(obj != null);

            PropertyInfo pi = getDependedProperty(prop, obj);

            if (pi != null)
                object propertyMember = pi.GetValue(obj, null);

                VariableDef variable = propertyMember as VariableDef;

                if (variable != null)

                RightValueDef varRV = propertyMember as RightValueDef;

                if (varRV != null)

                MethodDef method = propertyMember as MethodDef;

                if (method != null)

예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new referenced behaviour. The behaviour which will be referenced is read from the Reference attribute.
        /// </summary>
        public ReferencedBehavior()
            : base(Resources.ReferencedBehavior, Resources.ReferencedBehaviorDesc)
            _genericChildren = new ConnectorMultiple(_children, string.Empty, Connector.kGeneric, 1, int.MaxValue);

            _referencedBehavior = null;
        private Type getPropertyType(DesignerPropertyInfo prop, object obj, string valueClass)
            if (prop.Property != null && obj != null)
                object propertyMember = prop.Property.GetValue(obj, null);
                if (propertyMember != null)
                    VariableDef variable = propertyMember as VariableDef;
                    if (variable != null)
                        variable.ValueClass = valueClass;

                    RightValueDef varRV = propertyMember as RightValueDef;
                    if (varRV != null)

            if (prop.Attribute != null)
                DesignerPropertyEnum enumAtt = prop.Attribute as DesignerPropertyEnum;
                if (enumAtt != null)

        private void setComboBox()
            object        action        = _property.Property.GetValue(_object, null);
            MethodDef     actionObj     = action as MethodDef;
            RightValueDef varRV         = action as RightValueDef;
            string        selectionName = string.Empty;

            if (actionObj != null)
                selectionName = actionObj.DisplayName;
            else if (varRV != null && varRV.Method != null)
                selectionName = varRV.Method.DisplayName;

            _methods = getMethods();

            foreach (MethodDef md in _methods)
                if (md.DisplayName == selectionName)


            comboBox.Text = selectionName;
        private void editor_ValueWasChanged(object sender, DesignerPropertyInfo property)
            // Set the owner for the method.
            if (_property.Property != null)
                object        propertyMember = _property.Property.GetValue(_object, null);
                RightValueDef varRV          = propertyMember as RightValueDef;

                if (varRV != null && varRV.IsMethod)
                    int methodIndex = -1;
                    int offset      = 0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < typeComboBox.Items.Count; ++i)
                        string item = typeComboBox.Items[i].ToString();
                        int    pos  = item.IndexOf(VariableDef.kMethod);

                        if (pos != -1)
                            methodIndex = i;

                            if (item == VariableDef.kSelfMethod)
                                offset = 1;


                    if (methodIndex != -1)
                        Debug.Check(varRV.Method != null);

                        if (typeComboBox.SelectedIndex - methodIndex - offset >= 0)
                            string owner = _currentNames[typeComboBox.SelectedIndex - methodIndex - offset];
                            int    pos   = owner.IndexOf(VariableDef.kMethod);

                            if (pos >= 0)
                                owner = owner.Substring(0, pos);

                            varRV.Method.Owner = owner;
                            varRV.Method.Owner = VariableDef.kSelf;

예제 #10
        private List <MethodDef> getMethods()
            List <MethodDef> methods = new List <MethodDef>();

            Behaviac.Design.Attachments.Attach evt      = _object as Behaviac.Design.Attachments.Attach;
            Behaviac.Design.Nodes.BaseNode     baseNode = (evt != null) ? evt.Node : _object as Behaviac.Design.Nodes.BaseNode;

            if (baseNode == null)
                baseNode = this._root;

            Behaviac.Design.Nodes.Behavior behavior = null;

            if (baseNode != null)
                behavior = baseNode.Behavior as Behaviac.Design.Nodes.Behavior;

            AgentType agentType = null;

            if (behavior != null && behavior.AgentType != null)
                agentType = behavior.AgentType;

            object        action = _property.Property.GetValue(_object, null);
            RightValueDef varRV  = action as RightValueDef;

            if (varRV != null && Plugin.IsInstanceName(varRV.ValueClassReal))
                agentType = Plugin.GetInstanceAgentType(varRV.ValueClassReal);

            if (agentType != null)
                DesignerRightValueEnum enumAttRV  = _property.Attribute as DesignerRightValueEnum;
                DesignerMethodEnum     attrMethod = _property.Attribute as DesignerMethodEnum;
                MethodType             methodType = attrMethod != null ? attrMethod.MethodType : MethodType.Getter;

                if (enumAttRV != null)
                    methodType = enumAttRV.MethodType;

                IList <MethodDef> actions = agentType.GetMethods(methodType);
                foreach (MethodDef actionType in actions)
                    if (Plugin.IsCompatibleType(this.FilterType, actionType.ReturnType, false))

예제 #11
        void createParamEditor(object owner, MethodDef method, bool enable, bool bReadonlyParent)
            List <MethodDef.Param> parameters = method.Params;

            foreach (MethodDef.Param p in parameters)
                Type   editorType    = typeof(DesignerParameterComboEnumEditor);
                string arugmentsName = "    " + p.DisplayName;
                bool   bReadonly     = bReadonlyParent | p.Attribute.HasFlags(DesignerProperty.DesignerFlags.ReadOnly);
                Label  label         = propertyGrid.AddProperty(arugmentsName, editorType, bReadonly);

                label.MouseEnter += new EventHandler(label_MouseEnter);

                DesignerPropertyEditor editor = (DesignerPropertyEditor)label.Tag;

                if (p.Type.Name == "IList")
                    lastListParam = p;

                if (p.Type.Name == "System_Object" && lastListParam != null)
                    p.ListParam = lastListParam;

                editor.Enabled = enable;
                editor.SetParameter(p, owner, bReadonly);

                editor.MouseEnter      += editor_MouseEnter;
                editor.ValueWasChanged += editor_ValueWasChanged;
                //editor.ValueType = p.Attribute.ValueType;

                MethodDef.Param arrayIndexElement = null;

                if (p.Value is VariableDef)
                    VariableDef var = p.Value as VariableDef;
                    arrayIndexElement = var.ArrayIndexElement;
                else if (p.Value is RightValueDef)
                    RightValueDef varRV = p.Value as RightValueDef;

                    if (varRV.Var != null)
                        arrayIndexElement = varRV.Var.ArrayIndexElement;

                if (arrayIndexElement != null)
                    createArrayIndexEditor(owner, "        ", arrayIndexElement);
예제 #12
 private void initTime()
     if (Workspace.Current.UseIntValue)
         _time = new RightValueDef(new VariableDef(1000));
         _time = new RightValueDef(new VariableDef(1000.0f));
예제 #13
 public static void GenerateClassConstructor(DefaultObject defaultObj, RightValueDef rightValue, StringWriter stream, string indent, string var)
     if (rightValue.IsMethod)
         MethodCsExporter.GenerateClassConstructor(defaultObj, rightValue.Method, stream, indent, var);
         VariableCsExporter.GenerateClassConstructor(defaultObj, rightValue.Var, stream, indent, var);
예제 #14
        private void valueComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!_valueWasAssigned ||
                typeComboBox.SelectedIndex < 0 || typeComboBox.SelectedIndex >= _currentNames.Count ||
                valueComboBox.SelectedIndex < 0 || valueComboBox.SelectedIndex >= _methods.Count)

            MethodDef m_ = _methods[valueComboBox.SelectedIndex] as MethodDef;
            MethodDef m  = new MethodDef(m_);

            m.Owner = _currentNames[typeComboBox.SelectedIndex];

            DesignerMethodEnum attrMethod = _property.Attribute as DesignerMethodEnum;

            if (attrMethod != null)
                if ((attrMethod.MethodType & MethodType.AllowNullMethod) == MethodType.AllowNullMethod &&
                    attrMethod.HasFlags(DesignerProperty.DesignerFlags.BeValid) &&
                    attrMethod.Display == DesignerProperty.DisplayMode.List)
                    object oldValue = _property.Property.GetValue(_object, null);

                    if (oldValue == null)
                        Nodes.Node n = this._object as Nodes.Node;

                        if (n != null)
                            //n.AddSubItem(new NodeViewData.SubItemProperty(n, _property, attrMethod));

                _property.Property.SetValue(_object, m, null);
                object        propertyMember = _property.Property.GetValue(_object, null);
                RightValueDef oldvarRV       = propertyMember as RightValueDef;

                RightValueDef v = new RightValueDef(m, oldvarRV.ValueClass);

                _property.Property.SetValue(_object, m, null);


            this.RereshProperty(true, _property);
예제 #15
파일: Wait.cs 프로젝트: zs9024/behaviac-1
        public Wait() : base(Resources.Wait, Resources.WaitDesc)
            _exportName = "Wait";

            if (Workspace.Current.UseIntValue)
                _time = new RightValueDef(new VariableDef(1000));
                _time = new RightValueDef(new VariableDef(1000.0f));
        public override bool ShouldAddProperty(DesignerPropertyInfo property)
            if (_obj != null)
                DesignerPropertyInfo oplProp      = DesignerProperty.GetDesignerProperty(_obj.GetType(), "Opl");
                DesignerPropertyInfo opr1Prop     = DesignerProperty.GetDesignerProperty(_obj.GetType(), "Opr1");
                DesignerPropertyInfo operatorProp = DesignerProperty.GetDesignerProperty(_obj.GetType(), "Operator");
                DesignerPropertyInfo opr2Prop     = DesignerProperty.GetDesignerProperty(_obj.GetType(), "Opr2");

                if (oplProp.Property != null)
                    RightValueDef rv = oplProp.GetValue(_obj) as RightValueDef;

                    if (rv != null && rv.IsMethod && rv.Method != null)
                        return(property.Property != opr1Prop.Property &&
                               property.Property != operatorProp.Property &&
                               property.Property != opr2Prop.Property);

                OperatorTypes operatorType = (OperatorTypes)GetProperty(_obj, "Operator");

                // action
                if (this.isAction())
                    return(property.Property != opr1Prop.Property &&
                           property.Property != operatorProp.Property &&
                           property.Property != opr2Prop.Property);

                // assign
                else if (operatorType == OperatorTypes.Assign)
                    return(property.Property != opr1Prop.Property);

                // compute
                else if (operatorType >= OperatorTypes.Add && operatorType <= OperatorTypes.Div)

                // compare
                else if (operatorType >= OperatorTypes.Equal && operatorType <= OperatorTypes.LessEqual)
                    return(property.Property != opr1Prop.Property);

예제 #17
        public override void SetProperty(DesignerPropertyInfo property, object obj)
            base.SetProperty(property, obj);

            _resetMethods = false;

            DesignerRightValueEnum enumAttRV = _property.Attribute as DesignerRightValueEnum;

            this.FilterType = null;

            if (enumAttRV != null && enumAttRV.DependedProperty != "")
                Type         objType    = _object.GetType();
                PropertyInfo pi         = objType.GetProperty(enumAttRV.DependedProperty);
                object       propMember = pi.GetValue(_object, null);
                VariableDef  var        = propMember as VariableDef;

                if (var != null)
                    this.FilterType = var.ValueType;
                    MethodDef method = propMember as MethodDef;

                    if (method != null)
                        this.FilterType = method.ReturnType;
                        RightValueDef varRVp = propMember as RightValueDef;

                        if (varRVp != null)
                            this.FilterType = varRVp.ValueType;
                this.FilterType = _property.Attribute.FilterType;


예제 #18
        public static string GenerateCode(DefaultObject defaultObj, RightValueDef rightValue, StringWriter stream, string indent, string typename, string var, string caller)
            string retStr = string.Empty;

            if (rightValue.IsMethod)
                retStr = MethodCsExporter.GenerateCode(defaultObj, rightValue.Method, stream, indent, rightValue.Method.NativeReturnType, var, caller);
                retStr = VariableCsExporter.GenerateCode(defaultObj, rightValue.Var, false, stream, indent, typename, var, caller);

예제 #19
        public override void ResetMembers(AgentType agentType, bool resetPar)
            if (this.Opl != null && this.Opl.ShouldBeReset(agentType, resetPar))
                this.Opl = null;

            if (this.Opr1 != null && this.Opr1.ShouldBeReset(agentType, resetPar))
                this.Opr1 = null;

            if (this.Opr2 != null && this.Opr2.ShouldBeReset(agentType, resetPar))
                this.Opr2 = null;

            base.ResetMembers(agentType, resetPar);
예제 #20
        private List <MethodDef> getMethods()
            List <MethodDef> methods = new List <MethodDef>();

            Nodes.Behavior behavior  = GetBehavior();
            AgentType      agentType = (behavior != null) ? behavior.AgentType : null;

            object      action = _property.Property.GetValue(_object, null);
            VariableDef var    = action as VariableDef;

            Debug.Check(var == null);

            RightValueDef varRV = action as RightValueDef;

            if (varRV != null && Plugin.IsInstanceName(varRV.ValueClassReal, behavior))
                agentType = Plugin.GetInstanceAgentType(varRV.ValueClassReal, behavior, agentType);

            if (agentType != null)
                DesignerRightValueEnum enumAttRV  = _property.Attribute as DesignerRightValueEnum;
                DesignerMethodEnum     attrMethod = _property.Attribute as DesignerMethodEnum;
                MethodType             methodType = attrMethod != null ? attrMethod.MethodType : MethodType.Getter;

                if (enumAttRV != null)
                    methodType = enumAttRV.MethodType;

                IList <MethodDef> actions = agentType.GetMethods(true, methodType);

                foreach (MethodDef actionType in actions)
                    if (Plugin.IsCompatibleType(this.ValueType, this.FilterType, actionType.ReturnType, false))

예제 #21
        public static void GenerateOperand(StreamWriter stream, string indent, RightValueDef operand, string operandName, string nodeName)
            if (operand != null)
                string typeName = DataCsExporter.GetGeneratedNativeType(operand.ValueType);
                typeName = typeName.Replace("::", ".");

                if (operand.IsMethod) // method
                    RightValueCsExporter.GenerateCode(operand, stream, indent, typeName, operandName, string.Empty);
                    RightValueCsExporter.PostGenerateCode(operand, stream, indent, typeName, operandName, string.Empty);
                    VariableDef var = operand.Var;
                    if (var != null)
                        if (var.IsProperty) // property
                            PropertyDef prop = var.Property;
                            if (prop != null)
                                string property = PropertyCsExporter.GetProperty(prop, var.ArrayIndexElement, stream, indent, operandName, nodeName);
                                string propName = prop.BasicName.Replace("[]", "");

                                if (prop.IsArrayElement && var.ArrayIndexElement != null)
                                    ParameterCsExporter.GenerateCode(var.ArrayIndexElement, stream, indent, "int", operandName + "_index", nodeName + "_opl");
                                    property = string.Format("({0})[{1}_index]", property, operandName);

                                stream.WriteLine("{0}{1} {2} = {3};", indent, typeName, operandName, property);
                        else if (var.IsConst) // const
                            RightValueCsExporter.GenerateCode(operand, stream, indent, typeName, operandName, string.Empty);
예제 #22
        public override void Update(object sender, DesignerPropertyInfo property)
            if (_obj != null)
                RightValueDef opl     = (RightValueDef)GetProperty(_obj, "Opl");
                bool          bEnable = (opl != null && (opl.Var != null || opl.Method != null));

                DesignerPropertyEditor opEditor = GetEditor(_obj, "Operator");
                if (opEditor != null)
                    opEditor.Enabled = bEnable;

                DesignerPropertyEditor oprEditor = GetEditor(_obj, "Opr");
                if (oprEditor != null)
                    oprEditor.Enabled = bEnable;
예제 #23
        public override bool ShouldAddProperty(DesignerPropertyInfo property)
            if (_obj != null)
                DesignerPropertyInfo oplProp      = DesignerProperty.GetDesignerProperty(_obj.GetType(), "Opl");
                DesignerPropertyInfo opr1Prop     = DesignerProperty.GetDesignerProperty(_obj.GetType(), "Opr1");
                DesignerPropertyInfo operatorProp = DesignerProperty.GetDesignerProperty(_obj.GetType(), "Operator");
                DesignerPropertyInfo opr2Prop     = DesignerProperty.GetDesignerProperty(_obj.GetType(), "Opr2");

                if (oplProp.Property != null)
                    RightValueDef rv = oplProp.GetValue(_obj) as RightValueDef;
                    if (rv != null && rv.IsMethod && rv.Method != null)
                        return(property.Property != opr1Prop.Property &&
                               property.Property != operatorProp.Property &&
                               property.Property != opr2Prop.Property);

        public override void SetParameter(MethodDef.Param param, object obj, bool bReadonly)
            base.SetParameter(param, obj, bReadonly);

            _resetProperties = false;

            Behaviac.Design.Attachments.Attach evt      = obj as Behaviac.Design.Attachments.Attach;
            Behaviac.Design.Nodes.BaseNode     baseNode = (evt != null) ? evt.Node : obj as Behaviac.Design.Nodes.BaseNode;
            Behaviac.Design.Nodes.Behavior     behavior = (baseNode != null) ? baseNode.Behavior as Behaviac.Design.Nodes.Behavior : null;

            string      selectionName = string.Empty;
            VariableDef variable      = param.Value as VariableDef;

            if (variable != null)
                _valueOwner   = variable.ValueClass;
                selectionName = (variable.Property != null) ? variable.Property.DisplayName : variable.DisplayName;
                RightValueDef variableRV = param.Value as RightValueDef;

                if (variableRV != null)
                    _valueOwner   = variableRV.ValueClassReal;
                    selectionName = variableRV.DisplayName;

            _agentType = (behavior != null) ? behavior.AgentType : null;
            if (_valueOwner != VariableDef.kSelf)
                _agentType = Plugin.GetInstanceAgentType(_valueOwner);

        private void setEditor(string valueType, DesignerPropertyEditor editor, DesignerPropertyInfo prop, object obj, bool isConst, bool isFunction)
            if (editor != null) {

                object propertyMember = prop.Property.GetValue(obj, null);
                VariableDef var = propertyMember as VariableDef;
                RightValueDef varRV = propertyMember as RightValueDef;

                DesignerPropertyEnum enumAtt = prop.Attribute as DesignerPropertyEnum;
                DesignerRightValueEnum enumAttRV = prop.Attribute as DesignerRightValueEnum;

                if (isConst) {
                    bool bHasDepend = false;
                    Type dependVarType = getDependedPropertyType(prop, obj);

                    if (dependVarType == null) {
                        dependVarType = getPropertyType(prop, obj, VariableDef.kConst);

                    } else {
                        bHasDepend = true;

                    Debug.Check(dependVarType != null);

                    object defaultValue = Plugin.DefaultValue(dependVarType);
                    Debug.Check(defaultValue != null);

                    //for a const bool, to use true as the default when it is the right operand
                    if (bHasDepend && (defaultValue is bool)) {
                        defaultValue = true;

                    if (var == null) {
                        var = new VariableDef(defaultValue);

                    if (var.Value == null || var.Value.GetType() != defaultValue.GetType())
                    { var.Value = defaultValue; }

                    var.ValueClass = VariableDef.kConst;

                    if (enumAttRV == null) {
                        prop.Property.SetValue(obj, var, null);
                        editor.SetVariable(var, obj);

                        if (enumAtt != null)
                        { editor.SetRange(enumAtt.MinValue, enumAtt.MaxValue); }

                    } else {
                        if (varRV == null || varRV.Var == null || varRV.ValueClass != var.ValueClass || varRV.ValueType != var.GetValueType()) {
                            varRV = new RightValueDef(var);

                        prop.Property.SetValue(obj, varRV, null);
                        editor.SetVariable(varRV.Var, obj);

                } else {
                    // VariableDef
                    if (enumAttRV == null) {
                        if (var == null) {
                            var = new VariableDef(null);
                            prop.Property.SetValue(obj, var, null);

                        var.ValueClass = valueType;

                    // RightValueDef
                    else {
                        if (varRV == null) {
                            varRV = new RightValueDef(var);
                            prop.Property.SetValue(obj, varRV, null);

                        varRV.ValueClass = valueType;

                    editor.ValueType = prop.Attribute.ValueType;
                    editor.SetProperty(prop, obj);

예제 #26
        public void SetReferenceBehavior(string referencedBehaviorFileName)
            this._referencedBehavior = new RightValueDef(new VariableDef(referencedBehaviorFileName));

        private void comboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!_valueWasAssigned || comboBox.SelectedIndex < 0 || comboBox.SelectedIndex >= _properties.Count)

            PropertyDef selectedProperty = _properties[comboBox.SelectedIndex];
            selectedProperty = new PropertyDef(selectedProperty);
            selectedProperty.Owner = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_globalType) ? _globalType : VariableDef.kSelf;

            if (_property.Property != null)
                object propertyMember = _property.Property.GetValue(_object, null);
                VariableDef var = propertyMember as VariableDef;
                DesignerRightValueEnum rvPropertyEnum = _property.Attribute as DesignerRightValueEnum;
                if (rvPropertyEnum == null)
                    if (var == null)
                        var = new VariableDef(selectedProperty, VariableDef.kSelf);
                        var.SetProperty(selectedProperty, var.ValueClass);

                    _property.Property.SetValue(_object, var, null);
                else if (propertyMember != null)
                    RightValueDef varRV = propertyMember as RightValueDef;

                    if (varRV == null)
                        //varRV = new RightValueDef(selectedProperty, VariableDef.kSelf);
                        if (varRV.IsMethod)
                            if (varRV.Var != null)
                                varRV.Var.SetProperty(selectedProperty, varRV.ValueClassReal);
                                var = new VariableDef(selectedProperty, varRV.ValueClassReal);
                                varRV = new RightValueDef(var);

                    _property.Property.SetValue(_object, varRV, null);
            else if (_param != null)
                string valueType = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_globalType) ? _globalType : VariableDef.kSelf;
                _param.Value = new VariableDef(selectedProperty, valueType);


            this.RereshProperty(false, _property);
예제 #28
        private void comboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!_valueWasAssigned || comboBox.SelectedIndex < 0 || comboBox.SelectedIndex >= _properties.Count)
            { return; }

            PropertyDef selectedProperty = _properties[comboBox.SelectedIndex];
            selectedProperty = selectedProperty.Clone();
            selectedProperty.Owner = _valueOwner;

            bool isArrayElement = selectedProperty.IsArrayElement;
            bool bForceFresh = false;

            if (_property.Property != null) {
                object propertyMember = _property.Property.GetValue(_object, null);
                VariableDef var = propertyMember as VariableDef;
                DesignerRightValueEnum rvPropertyEnum = _property.Attribute as DesignerRightValueEnum;

                if (rvPropertyEnum == null) {
                    if (var == null)
                    { var = new VariableDef(selectedProperty, VariableDef.kSelf); }

                    { var.SetProperty(selectedProperty, var.ValueClass); }

                    if (isArrayElement && var.ArrayIndexElement == null) {
                        var.ArrayIndexElement = new MethodDef.Param("ArrayIndex", typeof(int), "int", "ArrayIndex", "ArrayIndex");
                        var.ArrayIndexElement.IsArrayIndex = true;
                        bForceFresh = true;

                    } else if (!isArrayElement && var.ArrayIndexElement != null) {
                        var.ArrayIndexElement = null;
                        bForceFresh = true;

                    _property.Property.SetValue(_object, var, null);

                } else if (propertyMember != null) {
                    RightValueDef varRV = propertyMember as RightValueDef;

                    if (varRV == null) {
                        //varRV = new RightValueDef(selectedProperty, VariableDef.kSelf);

                    } else {
                        if (varRV.IsMethod) {

                        } else {
                            if (varRV.Var != null) {
                                varRV.Var.SetProperty(selectedProperty, varRV.ValueClassReal);

                            } else {
                                var = new VariableDef(selectedProperty, varRV.ValueClassReal);
                                varRV = new RightValueDef(var);

                    if (varRV != null && varRV.Var != null) {
                        if (isArrayElement && varRV.Var.ArrayIndexElement == null) {
                            varRV.Var.ArrayIndexElement = new MethodDef.Param("ArrayIndex", typeof(int), "int", "ArrayIndex", "ArrayIndex");
                            varRV.Var.ArrayIndexElement.IsArrayIndex = true;

                            bForceFresh = true;

                        } else if (!isArrayElement && varRV.Var.ArrayIndexElement != null) {
                            varRV.Var.ArrayIndexElement = null;
                            bForceFresh = true;

                    _property.Property.SetValue(_object, varRV, null);

            } else if (_param != null) {
                string valueType = _valueOwner;
                bool bOldArrayElment = false;

                if (_param.Value != null && _param.Value is VariableDef) {
                    VariableDef paramV = _param.Value as VariableDef;

                    if (paramV.ArrayIndexElement != null) {
                        bOldArrayElment = true;

                VariableDef paramValue = new VariableDef(selectedProperty, valueType);
                _param.Value = paramValue;

                if (isArrayElement && paramValue.ArrayIndexElement == null) {
                    paramValue.ArrayIndexElement = new MethodDef.Param("ArrayIndex", typeof(int), "int", "ArrayIndex", "ArrayIndex");
                    paramValue.ArrayIndexElement.IsArrayIndex = true;

                    bForceFresh = true;

                } else if (!isArrayElement && bOldArrayElment) {
                    paramValue.ArrayIndexElement = null;
                    bForceFresh = true;

            this.RereshProperty(bForceFresh, _property);

예제 #29
        public override void SetProperty(DesignerPropertyInfo property, object obj)
            base.SetProperty(property, obj);

            _isReady = false;

            DesignerPropertyEnum   enumAtt   = property.Attribute as DesignerPropertyEnum;
            DesignerRightValueEnum enumAttRV = property.Attribute as DesignerRightValueEnum;

            _methodOnly = true;


            int defaultSelect = 0;

            if (enumAtt.HasStyles(DesignerPropertyEnum.AllowStyles.Const))
                _methodOnly = false;
                _allowConst = true;

                _allowConst = false;

            if (enumAtt.HasStyles(DesignerPropertyEnum.AllowStyles.Self))
                _methodOnly = false;

                defaultSelect = _types.Count - 1;

            List <Plugin.InstanceName_t> instanceNames = this.InstanceNames;

            if (enumAtt.HasStyles(DesignerPropertyEnum.AllowStyles.Instance))
                _methodOnly = false;

                foreach (Plugin.InstanceName_t instanceName in instanceNames)

            if (enumAtt.HasStyles(DesignerPropertyEnum.AllowStyles.SelfMethod))

                if (enumAtt.HasStyles(DesignerPropertyEnum.AllowStyles.Instance))
                    foreach (Plugin.InstanceName_t instanceName in instanceNames)
                        _names.Add(instanceName.name_ + VariableDef.kMethod);
                        _types.Add(instanceName.displayName_ + VariableDef.kMethod);

            typeComboBox.Enabled = (_types.Count > 1);

            if (property.Property.PropertyType == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format(Resources.ExceptionDesignerAttributeExpectedEnum, property.Property.Name));

            object        propertyMember = property.Property.GetValue(obj, null);
            VariableDef   variable       = propertyMember as VariableDef;
            RightValueDef variableRV     = propertyMember as RightValueDef;

            //right value's default should be const
            if (enumAtt != null && enumAtt.DependedProperty != null && enumAtt.HasStyles(DesignerPropertyEnum.AllowStyles.Const))
                defaultSelect = 0;

            int typeIndex = -1;

            if (variableRV == null)
                if (variable != null)
                    typeIndex = getComboIndex(variable.ValueClass);
                    typeIndex = defaultSelect;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(variableRV.ValueClass))
                    typeIndex = getComboIndex(variableRV.ValueClass);
                    typeIndex = 0;

            if (_types.Count > 0 && typeIndex > -1)
                // Keep only one type for efficiency.

                this.typeComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0;

            _isReady = true;

            string selectedText = ((string)typeComboBox.SelectedItem);

            setPropertyEditor(CreateEditor(selectedText, _property, _object,
                                           _allowConst && selectedText == VariableDef.kConst,
                                           variableRV != null ? variableRV.IsMethod : false));

예제 #30
        private void setEditor(string valueType, DesignerPropertyEditor editor, DesignerPropertyInfo prop, object obj, bool isConst, bool isFunction)
            if (editor != null)

                object        propertyMember = prop.Property.GetValue(obj, null);
                VariableDef   var            = propertyMember as VariableDef;
                RightValueDef varRV          = propertyMember as RightValueDef;

                DesignerPropertyEnum   enumAtt   = prop.Attribute as DesignerPropertyEnum;
                DesignerRightValueEnum enumAttRV = prop.Attribute as DesignerRightValueEnum;

                if (isConst)
                    bool bHasDepend    = false;
                    Type dependVarType = getDependedPropertyType(prop, obj);

                    if (dependVarType == null)
                        dependVarType = getPropertyType(prop, obj, VariableDef.kConst);
                        bHasDepend = true;

                    Debug.Check(dependVarType != null);

                    object defaultValue = Plugin.DefaultValue(dependVarType);
                    Debug.Check(defaultValue != null);

                    //for a const bool, to use true as the default when it is the right operand
                    if (bHasDepend && (defaultValue is bool))
                        defaultValue = true;

                    if (var == null)
                        var = new VariableDef(defaultValue);

                    if (var.Value == null || var.Value.GetType() != defaultValue.GetType())
                        var.Value = defaultValue;

                    var.ValueClass = VariableDef.kConst;

                    if (enumAttRV == null)
                        prop.Property.SetValue(obj, var, null);
                        editor.SetVariable(var, obj);

                        if (enumAtt != null)
                            editor.SetRange(enumAtt.MinValue, enumAtt.MaxValue);
                        if (varRV == null || varRV.Var == null || varRV.ValueClass != var.ValueClass || varRV.ValueType != var.ValueType)
                            varRV = new RightValueDef(var);

                        prop.Property.SetValue(obj, varRV, null);
                        editor.SetVariable(varRV.Var, obj);
                    // VariableDef
                    if (enumAttRV == null)
                        if (var == null)
                            var = new VariableDef(null);
                            prop.Property.SetValue(obj, var, null);

                        var.ValueClass = valueType;

                    // RightValueDef
                        if (varRV == null)
                            varRV = new RightValueDef(var);
                            prop.Property.SetValue(obj, varRV, null);

                        varRV.ValueClass = valueType;

                    editor.ValueType = prop.Attribute.ValueType;
                    editor.SetProperty(prop, obj);

예제 #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new referenced behaviour. The behaviour which will be referenced is read from the Reference attribute.
        /// </summary>
        public ReferencedBehavior()
            : base(Resources.ReferencedBehavior, Resources.ReferencedBehaviorDesc)
            _genericChildren = new ConnectorMultiple(_children, string.Empty, Connector.kGeneric, 1, int.MaxValue);

            _referencedBehavior = null;
예제 #32
        private void comboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            if (!_valueWasAssigned || comboBox.SelectedIndex < 0 || comboBox.SelectedIndex >= _methods.Count)
            { return; }

            DesignerRightValueEnum propertRV = _property.Attribute as DesignerRightValueEnum;
            MethodDef m_ = _methods[comboBox.SelectedIndex] as MethodDef;
            MethodDef m = new MethodDef(m_);

            m.Owner = VariableDef.kSelf;

            if (propertRV == null) {
                _property.Property.SetValue(_object, m, null);

            } else {
                object propertyMember = _property.Property.GetValue(_object, null);
                RightValueDef oldvarRV = propertyMember as RightValueDef;
                RightValueDef varRV = new RightValueDef(m, oldvarRV.ValueClass);
                _property.Property.SetValue(_object, varRV, null);

            this.RereshProperty(true, _property);

예제 #33
        private void updateStructProperties(object owner)
            IList <DesignerPropertyInfo> properties = DesignerProperty.GetDesignerProperties(_structProperty.Type, DesignerProperty.SortByDisplayOrder);

            List <string> categories = new List <string>();

            foreach (DesignerPropertyInfo property in properties)
                if (!categories.Contains(property.Attribute.CategoryResourceString))

            UIObject uiObj = owner as UIObject;

            if (uiObj != null)
                uiPolicy = uiObj.CreateUIPolicy();

            foreach (string category in categories)
                if (categories.Count > 1)
                    propertyGrid.AddCategory(Plugin.GetResourceString(category), true);

                foreach (DesignerPropertyInfo property in properties)
                    if (property.Attribute.CategoryResourceString == category)
                        if (uiPolicy != null && !uiPolicy.ShouldAddProperty(property))

                        object             member         = property.GetValue(owner);
                        Type               type           = property.Attribute.GetEditorType(member);
                        DesignerMethodEnum propertyMethod = property.Attribute as DesignerMethodEnum;

                        if (propertyMethod != null)
                            if ((propertyMethod.MethodType & MethodType.Task) == MethodType.Task)
                                type = typeof(DesignerMethodEnumEditor);

                        string displayName = property.Attribute.DisplayName;

                        if (uiPolicy != null)
                            displayName = uiPolicy.GetLabel(property);

                        Label label = propertyGrid.AddProperty(displayName, type, property.Attribute.HasFlags(DesignerProperty.DesignerFlags.ReadOnly));
                        label.BackColor   = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(56)))), ((int)(((byte)(56)))), ((int)(((byte)(56)))));
                        label.MouseEnter += new EventHandler(label_MouseEnter);

                        if (type != null)
                            DesignerPropertyEditor editor = (DesignerPropertyEditor)label.Tag;
                            editor.SetProperty(property, owner);
                            editor.MouseEnter      += editor_MouseEnter;
                            editor.ValueWasChanged += editor_ValueWasChanged;

                            if (uiPolicy != null)

                        MethodDef method = null;

                        if (propertyMethod != null)
                            if (propertyMethod.MethodType != MethodType.Status)
                                method = member as MethodDef;
                            DesignerRightValueEnum propertyRV = property.Attribute as DesignerRightValueEnum;

                            if (propertyRV != null)
                                RightValueDef rv = member as RightValueDef;

                                if (rv != null && rv.IsMethod)
                                    method = rv.Method;

                        if (property.Attribute != null)
                            if (method != null)
                                if (property.Attribute.HasFlags(DesignerProperty.DesignerFlags.NoDisplayOnProperty))
                                    //don't dipslay on the property panel
                                    bool bReadonly = property.Attribute.HasFlags(DesignerProperty.DesignerFlags.ReadOnlyParams);

                                    createParamEditor(owner, method, true, bReadonly);
                                MethodDef.Param arrayIndexElement = null;

                                if (member is VariableDef)
                                    VariableDef var = member as VariableDef;
                                    arrayIndexElement = var.ArrayIndexElement;
                                else if (member is RightValueDef)
                                    RightValueDef varRV = member as RightValueDef;

                                    if (varRV.Var != null)
                                        arrayIndexElement = varRV.Var.ArrayIndexElement;

                                if (arrayIndexElement != null)
                                    createArrayIndexEditor(owner, "    ", arrayIndexElement);

            if (uiPolicy != null)
                uiPolicy.Update(null, new DesignerPropertyInfo());

            if (properties.Count > 0)
                propertyGrid.PropertiesVisible(true, true);
        private void valueComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            if (!_valueWasAssigned ||
                typeComboBox.SelectedIndex < 0 || typeComboBox.SelectedIndex >= _currentNames.Count ||
                valueComboBox.SelectedIndex < 0 || valueComboBox.SelectedIndex >= _methods.Count)
            { return; }

            MethodDef m_ = _methods[valueComboBox.SelectedIndex] as MethodDef;
            MethodDef m = new MethodDef(m_);
            m.Owner = _currentNames[typeComboBox.SelectedIndex];

            DesignerMethodEnum attrMethod = _property.Attribute as DesignerMethodEnum;

            if (attrMethod != null) {
                if ((attrMethod.MethodType & MethodType.AllowNullMethod) == MethodType.AllowNullMethod &&
                    attrMethod.Display == DesignerProperty.DisplayMode.List) {
                    object oldValue = _property.Property.GetValue(_object, null);

                    if (oldValue == null) {
                        Nodes.Node n = this._object as Nodes.Node;

                        if (n != null) {
                            //n.AddSubItem(new NodeViewData.SubItemProperty(n, _property, attrMethod));

                _property.Property.SetValue(_object, m, null);

            } else {
                object propertyMember = _property.Property.GetValue(_object, null);
                RightValueDef oldvarRV = propertyMember as RightValueDef;

                RightValueDef v = new RightValueDef(m, oldvarRV.ValueClass);

                _property.Property.SetValue(_object, m, null);

            this.RereshProperty(true, _property);

예제 #35
        static private void WritePropertyValue(BsonSerializer file, DesignerPropertyInfo property, object o)
            string str = property.GetExportValue(o);

            string[] tokens      = str.Split(' ');
            string   valueString = null;

            if (tokens.Length == 3 && tokens[0] == "const")
                valueString = tokens[2];
            else if (tokens.Length == 1)
                valueString = str;

            bool bW = false;

            if (valueString != null)
                object obj = property.Property.GetValue(o, null);

                object v = null;

                Type        valueType = null;
                VariableDef varType   = obj as VariableDef;

                if (varType != null)
                    valueType = varType.GetValueType();
                    RightValueDef rvarType = obj as RightValueDef;

                    if (rvarType != null)
                        if (rvarType.Method == null)
                            valueType = rvarType.ValueType;
                        MethodDef mType = obj as MethodDef;

                        if (mType != null)
                            valueType = obj.GetType();

                if (valueType != null && Plugin.InvokeTypeParser(null, valueType, valueString, (object value) => v = value, null))
                    file.WriteAttribute(property.Property.Name, v);
                    bW = true;

            if (!bW)
                file.WriteAttributeString(property.Property.Name, str);
        private void setEditor(DesignerPropertyEditor editor, DesignerPropertyInfo prop, object obj, bool isConst, bool isPar, bool isFunction)
            if (editor != null)

                object propertyMember = prop.Property.GetValue(obj, null);
                VariableDef var = propertyMember as VariableDef;
                RightValueDef varRV = propertyMember as RightValueDef;

                DesignerPropertyEnum enumAtt = prop.Attribute as DesignerPropertyEnum;
                DesignerRightValueEnum enumAttRV = prop.Attribute as DesignerRightValueEnum;

                if (isConst)
                    Type dependVarType = getDependedPropertyType(prop, obj);
                    if (dependVarType == null)
                        dependVarType = getPropertyType(prop, obj, VariableDef.kConst);
                    Debug.Check(dependVarType != null);

                    object defaultValue = Plugin.DefaultValue(dependVarType);
                    Debug.Check(defaultValue != null);

                    if (var == null)
                        var = new VariableDef(defaultValue);

                    if (var.Value == null || var.Value.GetType() != defaultValue.GetType())
                        var.Value = defaultValue;

                    var.ValueClass = VariableDef.kConst;

                    if (enumAttRV == null)
                        prop.Property.SetValue(obj, var, null);
                        editor.SetVariable(var, obj);
                        if (enumAtt != null)
                            editor.SetRange(enumAtt.MinValue, enumAtt.MaxValue);
                        if (varRV == null || varRV.Var == null || varRV.ValueClass != var.ValueClass || varRV.ValueType != var.GetValueType())
                            varRV = new RightValueDef(var);

                        prop.Property.SetValue(obj, varRV, null);
                        editor.SetVariable(varRV.Var, obj);
                else if (isPar)
                    Type dependVarType = getDependedPropertyType(prop, obj);
                    //if (dependVarType == null)
                    //    dependVarType = getPropertyType(prop, obj, VariableDef.kPar);
                    if (dependVarType == null)
                        dependVarType = prop.Attribute.FilterType;

                    object defaultValue = Plugin.DefaultValue((var != null) ? var.GetValueType() : dependVarType);

                    if (varRV == null || varRV.ValueClass != VariableDef.kPar)
                        if (var == null)
                            ParInfo par = new ParInfo(obj as Nodes.Node);
                            par.Variable = new VariableDef(defaultValue);

                            var = new VariableDef(par);

                        if (var.Value == null)
                            ParInfo par = new ParInfo(obj as Nodes.Node);
                            par.Variable = new VariableDef(defaultValue);

                            var.Value = par;

                        var.ValueClass = VariableDef.kPar;

                    editor.FilterType = dependVarType;

                    if (enumAttRV == null)
                        prop.Property.SetValue(obj, var, null);
                        editor.SetVariable(var, obj);
                        if (var != null &&
                            (varRV == null || varRV.Var == null ||
                                (varRV.ValueClass != var.ValueClass || (var.GetValueType() != null && varRV.ValueType != var.GetValueType())
                            varRV = new RightValueDef(var);

                        prop.Property.SetValue(obj, varRV, null);
                        editor.SetVariable(varRV.Var, obj);
                    // VariableDef
                    if (enumAttRV == null)
                        if (var == null)
                            var = new VariableDef(null);
                            prop.Property.SetValue(obj, var, null);

                        if (var != null && typeComboBox.SelectedIndex > -1)
                            var.ValueClass = _currentNames[typeComboBox.SelectedIndex];
                    // RightValueDef
                        if (varRV == null)
                            varRV = new RightValueDef(var);
                            prop.Property.SetValue(obj, varRV, null);

                        if (typeComboBox.SelectedIndex > -1)
                            varRV.ValueClass = _currentNames[typeComboBox.SelectedIndex];

                    editor.ValueType = prop.Attribute.ValueType;
                    editor.SetProperty(prop, obj);

예제 #37
        public override void Update(object sender, DesignerPropertyInfo property)
            if (_obj != null)
                DesignerPropertyEditor oplEditor = GetEditor(_obj, "Opl");
                Debug.Check(oplEditor != null);

                if (oplEditor == sender)
                    VariableDef opl = (VariableDef)GetProperty(_obj, "Opl");

                    if (opl != null)
                        RightValueDef opr = (RightValueDef)GetProperty(_obj, "Opr");

                        if (opr != null)
                            if (opl.ValueType != opr.ValueType)
                                DesignerPropertyEditor oprEditor = GetEditor(_obj, "Opr");
                                Debug.Check(oprEditor != null);
                                if (oprEditor != null)
                    DesignerPropertyEditor oplEditorCast = GetEditor(_obj, "CastRight");
                    Debug.Check(oplEditorCast != null);

                    if (oplEditorCast == sender)
                        PluginBehaviac.Nodes.Assignment assignNode = _obj as PluginBehaviac.Nodes.Assignment;

                        if (assignNode != null)
                            RightValueDef opr = (RightValueDef)GetProperty(_obj, "Opr");

                            if (opr != null)
                                DesignerPropertyEditor oprEditor = GetEditor(_obj, "Opr");
                                Debug.Check(oprEditor != null);

                                // oprEditor.ValueType might be overwritten in SetupCastSettings if casting
                                // so that here to backup it first so that it can be restored later if not casting
                                if (assignNode.IsCasting)
                                    _valueTypesBackup = oprEditor.ValueType;
                                    oprEditor.ValueType = _valueTypesBackup;

                                oprEditor.FilterType = null;
예제 #38
        public void SetReferenceBehavior(string referencedBehaviorFileName)
            this._referencedBehavior = new RightValueDef(new VariableDef(referencedBehaviorFileName));
