public void rez_init_player (RichChar  per, int stepID)
				try {
						if (per == null)
								throw new System.ArgumentNullException ("per");
						//RichChar per = a as RichChar;
						if (GameObject.Find (per.playername) == null) {
								//if (per.stand_at_prop_id == 0)
								//		throw new UnityException ("the object current step is not set! please refer to the character setup on :" + per.playername);
								//Property loc = getPropertyById (per.stand_at_prop_id);
								///if (loc == null)
								///		throw new UnityException ("cannot find the location by the property ID please go check it. Maybe this can help: set each player's stand_at_prop_id at 1.");
								//Vector3 pos = loc.getStepLocation ();
								if (per.prefab == null)
										throw new UnityException ("the object prefab is not set! please refer to the character setup on :" + per.playername);
								//per.currentstep = proertyIDtoIndex (per.stand_at_prop_id);
								GameObject MACHINE = (GameObject)Instantiate (per.prefab) as GameObject; = per.playername;
								CharacterControllerLogic control = MACHINE.GetComponentInChildren<CharacterControllerLogic> () as CharacterControllerLogic;
								control.FansCam = Camera.main.gameObject.GetComponent<FantasticCamera> () as FantasticCamera;
								//per.position = pos;
								//fcharacter_now.transform.position = pos;
								per.character_stage = MACHINE;
								per.setGroundMask (groundonlymask);
				} catch (UnityException e) {
						Debug.LogError (e.ToString ());
예제 #2
		public void rez_init_player (RichChar  per)
				try {
						if (per == null)
								throw new System.ArgumentNullException ("per");
						//RichChar per = a as RichChar;
						if (GameObject.Find (per.playername) == null) {
								if (per.stand_at_prop_id == 0)
										throw new UnityException ("the object current step is not set! please refer to the character setup on :" + per.playername);
								Property loc = getPropertyById (per.stand_at_prop_id);
								if (loc == null)
										throw new UnityException ("cannot find the location by the property ID please go check it. Maybe this can help: set each player's stand_at_prop_id at 1.");
								Vector3 pos = loc.getStepLocation ();
								if (per.prefab == null)
										throw new UnityException ("the object prefab is not set! please refer to the character setup on :" + per.playername);
								per.currentstep = proertyIDtoIndex (per.stand_at_prop_id);
								GameObject fcharacter_now = (GameObject)Instantiate (per.prefab) as GameObject; = per.playername;
								per.position = pos;
								fcharacter_now.transform.position = pos;
								per.character_stage = fcharacter_now;
								per.setGroundMask (ground_only_mask);
				} catch (UnityException e) {
						Debug.LogError (e.ToString ());
		public void initAll (RichChar camfocus)
				foreach (GameObject snapob in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Player")) {
						//snapob.SetActive (true);
						RichmanAnimator h = snapob.GetComponent<RichmanAnimator> ();
						h.enabled = true;
						h.stop_scope_allowance = _nodeStationAllowDistance;
						h.init (GetComponent<SplineCity> ().getSplineLoaded ());
				//focus to this player
				CharacterControllerLogic u = camfocus.character_stage.GetComponentInChildren<CharacterControllerLogic> () as CharacterControllerLogic;
				u.triggerFocusMain ();
예제 #4
		//called from the componenet
//      public void OnFinishedWaitingPanel ()
//      {
//              control_panel.SetActive (true);
//              waiting_panel.SetActive (false);
//              control_panel_alpha.PlayReverse ();
//              play_dice = false;
//      }
		public void StartPanelWithPlayerControl (RichChar plr)
				try {
						if (plr == null)
								throw new UnityException ("null pointer for RichChar plr");
						control_panel.SetActive (true);
						waiting_panel.SetActive (false);
						nametag.text = plr.playername;
						money.text = plr.moneyinhand.ToString ();
						panel_transition = DIR.BACKWARD;
						control_panel_alpha.PlayReverse ();
				} catch (UnityException e) {
						Debug.LogError (e.ToString ());
예제 #5
		public void withPlayer (RichChar user)
				user.landing = cache_current_property;
				user.stepdata = this;
				if (owner == -1) {
						buildingtitle = relation.UNCLAIMED;
				} else if (owner == -2) {
						buildingtitle = relation.FUNCTIONAL_LAND;
				} else {
						if (owner == user.owner_id)
								buildingtitle = relation.MY_PROPERTY;
						if (owner != user.owner_id) {
								buildingtitle = relation.OWNED_BY_OTHER;
예제 #6
		protected override void NewCameraFocusObject (RichChar t)
				//base.NewCameraFocusObject (t);
				CharacterControllerLogic control = t.character_stage.GetComponentInChildren<CharacterControllerLogic> () as CharacterControllerLogic;
				fantcam.triggerFocusMain (control, control.gameObject.transform);
예제 #7
		public UIPropertyList setPerson (RichChar person)
				inspecting_person = person;
				return this;
예제 #8
		public void RenderPropertyList (RichChar person)
				//inspecting_person = person;
				//StartCoroutine (clearList ());
				List<Property> landList = gameEngine.Instance.spline_city.getPropertyListByOwner (person) as List<Property>;
				int i = 0;
				//Debug.Log (person.bankmoney);
				if (landList != null) {
						if (!blockAdding) {
								foreach (Property place in landList) {
										Debug.Log (place.owned_by_id + ", id");
										appendItemToUIGrid (i, place);
						componentGrid.Reposition ();
				} else {
						Debug.Log ("land not found.");
예제 #9
		public IEnumerable<Property> getPropertyListByOwner (RichChar person)
				return	bigList.Where (building => building.owned_by_id == person.owner_id);
예제 #10
		//private RichChar search_player;

		public List<Property> getPropertyListByOwner (RichChar w)
				//Debug.Log (w.owner_id);
				return	bigList.FindAll (x => x.owned_by_id == w.owner_id);
예제 #11
		public BankDialogDescriptor (RichChar person)
				client = person;
				type = panel_helper_dialog.talk_type.BANK_SERVICE;
예제 #12
		public void setMoneyLogicFlow (DialogDescriptor descriptor, RichChar about_him, Action exit)
				activate_forward ();
				this.setActiveGirl (2);
				focus_player = about_him;

				mComplete = exit;

				descriptor.setPanelLookFeel (DIALOG, "Highlight2", dialog_colors [3]);

				talk = descriptor.type;
				this.DDescr = descriptor;
				playforward ();
예제 #13
		public PlayerData setPlayerStatus (RichChar.status e)
				this.player_status = e;
				return this;