예제 #1
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            GH_String        style = new GH_String("");
            GH_String        layer = new GH_String("");
            GH_Point         stop  = new GH_Point();
            GH_Point         sbtm  = new GH_Point();
            List <Parameter> param = new List <Parameter>();

            if (!DA.GetDataList <Parameter>("Parameters", param))
                param = new List <Parameter>();

            DA.GetData <GH_String>("Style", ref style);
            DA.GetData <GH_String>("Layer", ref layer);

            DA.GetData <GH_Point>("PointTop", ref stop);
            DA.GetData <GH_Point>("PointBottom", ref sbtm);

            Column s = new Column(style.Value, layer.Value, param, sbtm.ToGrevitPoint(), stop.ToGrevitPoint(), "", true);


            Rhino.Geometry.Circle  c   = new Rhino.Geometry.Circle(sbtm.Value, 0.5);
            Rhino.Geometry.Surface srf = Rhino.Geometry.NurbsSurface.CreateExtrusion(c.ToNurbsCurve(), new Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d(new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(stop.Value.X - sbtm.Value.X, stop.Value.Y - sbtm.Value.Y, stop.Value.Z - sbtm.Value.Z)));
            SetPreview(s.GID, srf.ToBrep());
            DA.SetData("GrevitComponent", s);
예제 #2
        public void drawColumn(Rhino.Geometry.Point3d point1, double length, double radius)
            Rhino.Geometry.Circle c = new Rhino.Geometry.Circle(point1, radius);

            Rhino.Geometry.Surface srf = Rhino.Geometry.NurbsSurface.CreateExtrusion(c.ToNurbsCurve(),
                                                                                     new Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d(0, 0, (length * -1)));

예제 #3
        public void drawColumn(Rhino.Geometry.Point3d point1, Rhino.Geometry.Point3d point2, double radius)
            Rhino.Geometry.Plane  plane = new Rhino.Geometry.Plane(point1, new Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d((point2 - point1)));
            Rhino.Geometry.Circle c     = new Rhino.Geometry.Circle(plane, point1, radius);

            Rhino.Geometry.Surface srf = Rhino.Geometry.Surface.CreateExtrusion(c.ToNurbsCurve(), new Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d((point2 - point1)));

예제 #4
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            Types.Assembly assembly = new Types.Assembly();
            DA.GetData <Types.Assembly>("Material", ref assembly);

            GH_Point   point          = new GH_Point();
            GH_Integer piles          = new GH_Integer(1);
            GH_Number  radius         = new GH_Number(0);
            GH_Number  plateThickness = new GH_Number(0);
            GH_Number  plateLength    = new GH_Number(0);
            GH_Number  plateWidth     = new GH_Number(0);
            GH_Number  pileLength     = new GH_Number(0);

            DA.GetData <GH_Point>("Point", ref point);
            DA.GetData <GH_Number>("Pile Radius", ref radius);
            DA.GetData <GH_Integer>("Piles", ref piles);
            DA.GetData <GH_Number>("Plate Thickness", ref plateThickness);
            DA.GetData <GH_Number>("Plate Length", ref plateLength);
            DA.GetData <GH_Number>("Plate Width", ref plateWidth);
            DA.GetData <GH_Number>("Pile Length", ref pileLength);

            drawExtrusion(point.Value, plateLength.Value, plateWidth.Value, plateThickness.Value);
            Rhino.Geometry.Circle circle = new Rhino.Geometry.Circle(point.Value, (plateWidth.Value / 2) * 0.8);

            double numberOfPiles = piles.Value;

            for (int i = 1; i <= piles.Value; i++)
                double iteration = i;
                double factor    = 2.0 * Math.PI * (iteration / numberOfPiles);
                Rhino.Geometry.Point3d center = (piles.Value == 1)? point.Value : circle.ToNurbsCurve().PointAt(factor);
                drawColumn(center, pileLength.Value, radius.Value);

            double calculationVolume = (piles.Value * pileLength.Value * radius.Value) + (plateThickness.Value * plateLength.Value * plateWidth.Value);

            Types.Result result = new Types.Result()
                GlobalWarmingPotential     = new Types.UnitDouble <Types.LCA.CO2e>(assembly.GlobalWarmingPotential.Value * calculationVolume),
                Acidification              = new Types.UnitDouble <Types.LCA.kgSO2>(assembly.Acidification.Value * calculationVolume),
                DepletionOfNonrenewbles    = new Types.UnitDouble <Types.LCA.MJ>(assembly.DepletionOfNonrenewbles.Value * calculationVolume),
                DepletionOfOzoneLayer      = new Types.UnitDouble <Types.LCA.kgCFC11>(assembly.DepletionOfOzoneLayer.Value * calculationVolume),
                Eutrophication             = new Types.UnitDouble <Types.LCA.kgPhostphate>(assembly.Eutrophication.Value * calculationVolume),
                FormationTroposphericOzone = new Types.UnitDouble <Types.LCA.kgNOx>(assembly.FormationTroposphericOzone.Value * calculationVolume)

            DA.SetData("LCA Result", result);
예제 #5
    public static Rhino.Commands.Result AddCircle(Rhino.RhinoDoc doc)
        Rhino.Geometry.Point3d center = new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(0, 0, 0);
        const double           radius = 10.0;

        Rhino.Geometry.Circle c = new Rhino.Geometry.Circle(center, radius);
        if (doc.Objects.AddCircle(c) != Guid.Empty)
예제 #6
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            GH_Point point = new GH_Point();

            Grevit.Types.Wall wall = null;

            GH_String layer = new GH_String("");
            GH_String style = new GH_String("");

            List <Parameter> param = new List <Parameter>();

            if (!DA.GetDataList <Parameter>("Parameters", param))
                param = new List <Parameter>();

            DA.GetData <GH_Point>("Point", ref point);
            DA.GetData <GH_String>("Layer", ref layer);
            DA.GetData <GH_String>("Style", ref style);
            DA.GetData <Wall>("wall", ref wall);

            Door d = new Door();

            d.stalledForReference = true;
            d.TypeOrLayer         = layer.Value;
            d.FamilyOrStyle       = style.Value;
            d.locationPoint       = point.ToGrevitPoint();
            d.parameters          = param;

            Rhino.Geometry.Circle  c   = new Rhino.Geometry.Circle(point.Value, 0.5);
            Rhino.Geometry.Surface srf = Rhino.Geometry.NurbsSurface.CreateExtrusion(c.ToNurbsCurve(), new Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d(0, 0, 2));

            SetPreview(d.GID, srf.ToBrep());

            GH_Surface ghb = new GH_Surface(srf);

            DA.SetData("GrevitComponent", d);
 public static Rhino.Commands.Result AddCylinder(Rhino.RhinoDoc doc)
     Rhino.Geometry.Point3d center_point = new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(0, 0, 0);
     Rhino.Geometry.Point3d height_point = new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(0, 0, 10);
     Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d zaxis = height_point - center_point;
     Rhino.Geometry.Plane plane = new Rhino.Geometry.Plane(center_point, zaxis);
     const double radius = 5;
     Rhino.Geometry.Circle circle = new Rhino.Geometry.Circle(plane, radius);
     Rhino.Geometry.Cylinder cylinder = new Rhino.Geometry.Cylinder(circle, zaxis.Length);
     Rhino.Geometry.Brep brep = cylinder.ToBrep(true, true);
     if (brep != null)
     return Rhino.Commands.Result.Success;
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Create Rhino open ArcCurve from Edge(Arc).
        /// </summary>
        public static Rhino.Geometry.ArcCurve ToRhinoArcCurve(Geometry.Edge obj)
            if (obj.Points.Count == 3)
                Rhino.Geometry.Arc arc = new Rhino.Geometry.Arc(obj.Points[0].ToRhino(), obj.Points[1].ToRhino(), obj.Points[2].ToRhino());
                return(new Rhino.Geometry.ArcCurve(arc));

                Rhino.Geometry.Interval interval = new Rhino.Geometry.Interval(obj.StartAngle, obj.EndAngle);
                Rhino.Geometry.Plane    plane    = new Rhino.Geometry.Plane(obj.Points[0].ToRhino(), obj.XAxis.ToRhino(), obj.Normal.Cross(obj.XAxis).Normalize().ToRhino());
                Rhino.Geometry.Circle   circle   = new Rhino.Geometry.Circle(plane, obj.Radius);
                Rhino.Geometry.Arc      arc      = new Rhino.Geometry.Arc(circle, interval);
                return(new Rhino.Geometry.ArcCurve(arc));
예제 #9
    public static Rhino.Commands.Result AddCylinder(Rhino.RhinoDoc doc)
        Rhino.Geometry.Point3d  center_point = new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(0, 0, 0);
        Rhino.Geometry.Point3d  height_point = new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(0, 0, 10);
        Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d zaxis        = height_point - center_point;
        Rhino.Geometry.Plane    plane        = new Rhino.Geometry.Plane(center_point, zaxis);
        const double            radius       = 5;

        Rhino.Geometry.Circle   circle   = new Rhino.Geometry.Circle(plane, radius);
        Rhino.Geometry.Cylinder cylinder = new Rhino.Geometry.Cylinder(circle, zaxis.Length);
        Rhino.Geometry.Brep     brep     = cylinder.ToBrep(true, true);
        if (brep != null)
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the circumscribed center from the face
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="f">A face index.</param>
        /// <returns>The location of the specified face's circumcenter</returns>
        public PlanktonXYZ GetFaceCircumCenter(int f)
            // Gene Added function
            // temperary using Rhino circle to find the circumscribed center, because it is easier.
            if (this.GetFaceVertices(f).Count() != 3)
                int[] v = this.GetFaceVertices(f);

                Rhino.Geometry.Circle circum = new Rhino.Geometry.Circle(
                    new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(_mesh.Vertices[v[0]].X, _mesh.Vertices[v[0]].X, _mesh.Vertices[v[0]].X),
                    new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(_mesh.Vertices[v[1]].X, _mesh.Vertices[v[1]].X, _mesh.Vertices[v[1]].X),
                    new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(_mesh.Vertices[v[2]].X, _mesh.Vertices[v[2]].X, _mesh.Vertices[v[2]].X));

                return(new PlanktonXYZ((float)circum.Center.X, (float)circum.Center.Y, (float)circum.Center.Z));
예제 #11
        bool CreateHole(out Rhino.Geometry.Brep outBrep)
            outBrep = null;

            // Make sure the "hole" goes completely through the solid so
            // the Boolean operation will succeed.

            Rhino.Geometry.Point3d origin = new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(0.0, 0.0, -1.0);
            Rhino.Geometry.Circle  circle = new Rhino.Geometry.Circle(origin, 4.0);

            Rhino.Geometry.Cylinder cylinder = new Rhino.Geometry.Cylinder(circle, 12.0);
            Rhino.Geometry.Brep     brep     = cylinder.ToBrep(true, true);

            bool rc = brep.IsValid;

            if (rc)
                outBrep = brep;

예제 #12
        bool CreateSolid(double tolerance, out Rhino.Geometry.Brep outBrep)
            outBrep = null;

            Rhino.Geometry.Point3d  origin = new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
            Rhino.Geometry.Circle   circle = new Rhino.Geometry.Circle(origin, 10.0);
            Rhino.Geometry.ArcCurve curve  = new Rhino.Geometry.ArcCurve(circle);

            Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d direction = new Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d(0, 0, 10);
            Rhino.Geometry.Surface  surface   = Rhino.Geometry.Surface.CreateExtrusion(curve, direction);

            Rhino.Geometry.Brep brep  = Rhino.Geometry.Brep.CreateFromSurface(surface);
            Rhino.Geometry.Brep solid = brep.CapPlanarHoles(tolerance);

            bool rc = solid.IsValid;

            if (rc)
                outBrep = solid;

예제 #13
        public void drawColumn(Rhino.Geometry.Point3d point1, Rhino.Geometry.Point3d point2, double radius)
            Rhino.Geometry.Plane plane = new Rhino.Geometry.Plane(point1, new Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d((point2 - point1)));
            Rhino.Geometry.Circle c = new Rhino.Geometry.Circle(plane,point1,radius);

            Rhino.Geometry.Surface srf = Rhino.Geometry.Surface.CreateExtrusion(c.ToNurbsCurve(), new Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d((point2 - point1)));

예제 #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Create Rhino closed ArcCurve from Edge(Circle).
 /// </summary>
 public static Rhino.Geometry.ArcCurve ToRhinoArcCurveFromCircle(Geometry.Edge obj)
     Rhino.Geometry.Plane  plane  = new Rhino.Geometry.Plane(obj.Points[0].ToRhino(), obj.Normal.ToRhino());
     Rhino.Geometry.Circle circle = new Rhino.Geometry.Circle(plane, obj.Radius);
     return(new Rhino.Geometry.ArcCurve(circle));
예제 #15
        public void drawColumn(Rhino.Geometry.Point3d point1, double length, double radius)
            Rhino.Geometry.Circle c = new Rhino.Geometry.Circle(point1,radius);

            Rhino.Geometry.Surface srf = Rhino.Geometry.NurbsSurface.CreateExtrusion(c.ToNurbsCurve(),
                new Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d(0,0,(length*-1)));

예제 #16
파일: Bake.cs 프로젝트: liulei2776/Mothra5
        public override void BakeGeometry(Rhino.RhinoDoc doc, Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectAttributes att, List<Guid> obj_ids)
            Rhino.Geometry.Transform zDown_airy = Rhino.Geometry.Transform.Translation(0, 0, 2d);
            Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectAttributes a2 = att.Duplicate();
            a2.LayerIndex = 2;
            Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectAttributes a3 = att.Duplicate();
            a3.LayerIndex = 3;
            Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectAttributes a4 = att.Duplicate();
            a4.LayerIndex = 4;
            Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectAttributes a5 = att.Duplicate();
            a5.LayerIndex = 5;
            Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectAttributes a6 = att.Duplicate();
            a6.LayerIndex = 6;
            Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectAttributes a7 = att.Duplicate();
            a7.LayerIndex = 7;
            foreach (var leaf in listLeaf)
                var airySrf=leaf.airySrf.Duplicate() as Rhino.Geometry.NurbsSurface;
                Guid id = doc.Objects.AddSurface(airySrf, a2);
                var srf = leaf.shellSrf.Duplicate() as Rhino.Geometry.NurbsSurface;
                id = doc.Objects.AddSurface(srf, a3);
            foreach (var branch in listBranch)
                //var airyCrv=branch.airyCrv.Duplicate() as Rhino.Geometry.NurbsCurve;
                //Guid id = doc.Objects.AddCurve(airyCrv, a2);
                if (branch.branchType == branch.type.kink || branch.branchType == branch.type.reinforce||branch.branchType == branch.type.open)
                    var crv = branch.shellCrv.Duplicate() as Rhino.Geometry.NurbsCurve;
                    Guid id = doc.Objects.AddCurve(crv, a7);
            if (crossMagenta != null)
                foreach (var line in crossMagenta)
                    Guid id = doc.Objects.AddLine(line, a4);
            if (listBranch != null)
                foreach (var branch in listBranch)
                    if (branch.branchType == branch.type.fix)
                        if (branch.tuples != null)
                            foreach (var tup in branch.tuples)
                                var circle = new Rhino.Geometry.Circle(new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(tup.x, tup.y, tup.z), 0.5);
                                Guid id = doc.Objects.AddCircle(circle, a6);
                                circle = new Rhino.Geometry.Circle(new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(tup.x, tup.y, branch.slice2.height), 0.5);
                                id = doc.Objects.AddCircle(circle, a6);
                    if (branch.branchType == branch.type.kink || branch.branchType == branch.type.reinforce||branch.branchType==branch.type.open)
                        if (branch.tuples != null)
                            foreach (var tup in branch.tuples)
                                var D = tup.SPK[0, 0]/2d;
                                if (D > 0)
                                    var line = new Rhino.Geometry.Line(new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(tup.x, tup.y, tup.z), new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(tup.x, tup.y, tup.z + D));
                                    Guid id = doc.Objects.AddLine(line, a5);

예제 #17
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            GH_String style = new GH_String("");
            GH_String layer = new GH_String("");
            GH_Point stop = new GH_Point();
            GH_Point sbtm = new GH_Point();
            List<Parameter> param = new List<Parameter>();
            if (!DA.GetDataList<Parameter>("Parameters", param)) param = new List<Parameter>();

            DA.GetData<GH_String>("Style", ref style);
            DA.GetData<GH_String>("Layer", ref layer);

            DA.GetData<GH_Point>("PointTop", ref stop);
            DA.GetData<GH_Point>("PointBottom", ref sbtm);

            Column s = new Column(style.Value,layer.Value,param,sbtm.ToGrevitPoint(),stop.ToGrevitPoint(),"",true );

            Rhino.Geometry.Circle c = new Rhino.Geometry.Circle(sbtm.Value, 0.5);
            Rhino.Geometry.Surface srf = Rhino.Geometry.NurbsSurface.CreateExtrusion(c.ToNurbsCurve(), new Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d(new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(stop.Value.X - sbtm.Value.X, stop.Value.Y - sbtm.Value.Y, stop.Value.Z - sbtm.Value.Z)));
            SetPreview(s.GID, srf.ToBrep());
            DA.SetData("GrevitComponent", s);
예제 #18
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            GH_Point point = new GH_Point();
            Grevit.Types.Wall wall = null;

            GH_String layer = new GH_String("");
            GH_String style = new GH_String("");

            List<Parameter> param = new List<Parameter>();
            if (!DA.GetDataList<Parameter>("Parameters", param)) param = new List<Parameter>();

            DA.GetData<GH_Point>("Point", ref point);
            DA.GetData<GH_String>("Layer", ref layer);
            DA.GetData<GH_String>("Style", ref style);
            DA.GetData<Wall>("wall", ref wall);

            Door d = new Door();
            d.stalledForReference = true;
            d.TypeOrLayer = layer.Value;
            d.FamilyOrStyle = style.Value;
            d.locationPoint = point.ToGrevitPoint();
            d.parameters = param;

               Rhino.Geometry.Circle c = new Rhino.Geometry.Circle(point.Value, 0.5);
               Rhino.Geometry.Surface srf = Rhino.Geometry.NurbsSurface.CreateExtrusion(c.ToNurbsCurve(), new Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d(0,0, 2));

            SetPreview(d.GID, srf.ToBrep());

            GH_Surface ghb = new GH_Surface(srf);

            DA.SetData("GrevitComponent", d);
예제 #19
 public override void BakeGeometry(Rhino.RhinoDoc doc, Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectAttributes att, List <Guid> obj_ids)
     Rhino.Geometry.Transform          zDown_airy = Rhino.Geometry.Transform.Translation(0, 0, 2d);
     Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectAttributes a2         = att.Duplicate();
     a2.LayerIndex = 2;
     Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectAttributes a3 = att.Duplicate();
     a3.LayerIndex = 3;
     Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectAttributes a4 = att.Duplicate();
     a4.LayerIndex = 4;
     Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectAttributes a5 = att.Duplicate();
     a5.LayerIndex = 5;
     Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectAttributes a6 = att.Duplicate();
     a6.LayerIndex = 6;
     Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectAttributes a7 = att.Duplicate();
     a7.LayerIndex = 7;
     foreach (var leaf in listLeaf)
         var airySrf = leaf.airySrf.Duplicate() as Rhino.Geometry.NurbsSurface;
         Guid id = doc.Objects.AddSurface(airySrf, a2);
         var srf = leaf.shellSrf.Duplicate() as Rhino.Geometry.NurbsSurface;
         id = doc.Objects.AddSurface(srf, a3);
     foreach (var branch in listBranch)
         //var airyCrv=branch.airyCrv.Duplicate() as Rhino.Geometry.NurbsCurve;
         //Guid id = doc.Objects.AddCurve(airyCrv, a2);
         if (branch.branchType == branch.type.kink || branch.branchType == branch.type.reinforce)
             var crv = branch.shellCrv.Duplicate() as Rhino.Geometry.NurbsCurve;
             Guid id = doc.Objects.AddCurve(crv, a7);
     if (crossMagenta != null)
         foreach (var line in crossMagenta)
             Guid id = doc.Objects.AddLine(line, a4);
     if (listBranch != null)
         foreach (var branch in listBranch)
             if (branch.branchType == branch.type.fix)
                 if (branch.tuples != null)
                     foreach (var tup in branch.tuples)
                         var circle = new Rhino.Geometry.Circle(new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(tup.x, tup.y, tup.z), 0.5);
                         Guid id = doc.Objects.AddCircle(circle, a6);
                         circle = new Rhino.Geometry.Circle(new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(tup.x, tup.y, branch.slice2.height), 0.5);
                         id = doc.Objects.AddCircle(circle, a6);
             if (branch.branchType == branch.type.kink || branch.branchType == branch.type.reinforce)
                 if (branch.tuples != null)
                     foreach (var tup in branch.tuples)
                         var D = tup.SPK[0, 0] / 2d;
                         if (D > 0)
                             var line = new Rhino.Geometry.Line(new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(tup.x, tup.y, tup.z), new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(tup.x, tup.y, tup.z + D));
                             Guid id = doc.Objects.AddLine(line, a5);
예제 #20
        private string getInputs(GH_Component ThisComponent, IGH_DataAccess DA, int i)
            string datahere  = "";
            string paramType = "";

                if (ThisComponent.Params.Input[i].Access == GH_ParamAccess.item)
                    convetToItem(ThisComponent, i, DA);
                    IGH_Goo inputObject = null;
                    DA.GetData(i, ref inputObject);
                    paramType = inputObject.GetType().ToString();

                    if (paramType == "Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line")
                        convetToItem(ThisComponent, i, DA);
                        Rhino.Geometry.Line inputLine = Rhino.Geometry.Line.Unset;
                        DA.GetData(i, ref inputLine);
                        datahere = "\"gCPy.Line(" + inputLine.FromX.ToString() + ", "
                                   + inputLine.FromY.ToString() + ", "
                                   + inputLine.FromZ.ToString() + ", "
                                   + inputLine.ToX.ToString() + ", "
                                   + inputLine.ToY.ToString() + ", "
                                   + inputLine.ToZ.ToString() + ")\"";
                    else if
                    (paramType == "Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Point")
                        convetToItem(ThisComponent, i, DA);
                        Rhino.Geometry.Point3d inputPoint = Rhino.Geometry.Point3d.Unset;
                        DA.GetData(i, ref inputPoint);
                        datahere = "\"gCPy.Point(" + inputPoint.X.ToString() + ", "
                                   + inputPoint.Y.ToString() + ", "
                                   + inputPoint.Z.ToString() + ")\"";
                    else if (paramType == "Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Circle")
                        convetToItem(ThisComponent, i, DA);
                        Rhino.Geometry.Circle inputCircle = Rhino.Geometry.Circle.Unset;
                        DA.GetData(i, ref inputCircle);
                        datahere = "\"gCPy.Circle(" + inputCircle.Center.X.ToString() + ","     // xpos
                                   + inputCircle.Center.Y.ToString() + ","                      // ypos
                                   + inputCircle.Center.Z.ToString() + ","                      // zpos
                                   + inputCircle.Radius.ToString() + ","                        // radius
                                   + inputCircle.Plane.XAxis.ToString() + ","                   // x axis vector0 , x axis vector1 , x axis vector 2
                                   + inputCircle.Plane.YAxis.ToString() + ","                   // y axis vector
                                   + inputCircle.Plane.ZAxis.ToString() + ")\"";                // z axis vector
                    else if (paramType == "Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve")
                        datahere += "\"Ok This is a curve ... Take Care .. add all your things here\"";
                    else if (paramType == "Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_String")
                        convetToItem(ThisComponent, i, DA);
                        string inputString = string.Empty;
                        DA.GetData(i, ref inputString);
                        datahere = "\"" + inputString.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "\\n").Replace("'", @"\'").Replace("\"", "\\\\" + "\"").Replace("\\n", "\\\\n") + "\"";
                    else if (paramType == "Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Integer")
                        convetToItem(ThisComponent, i, DA);
                        int inputInt = 0;
                        DA.GetData(i, ref inputInt);
                        datahere = inputInt.ToString();
                    else if (paramType == "Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Number")
                        convetToItem(ThisComponent, i, DA);
                        double inputNum = 0.0;
                        DA.GetData(i, ref inputNum);
                        datahere = inputNum.ToString();
                    else if (paramType == "Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Boolean")
                        convetToItem(ThisComponent, i, DA);
                        bool inputBool = false;
                        DA.GetData(i, ref inputBool);
                        datahere = inputBool ? "True" : "False";
                        datahere = "None";
                    string thisInputString = ThisComponent.Params.Input[i].VolatileData.DataDescription(false, false).Trim().Replace(System.Environment.NewLine, ",");
                    datahere = recomposeInputString(thisInputString);
            catch (Exception errf)
            { //MessageBox.Show(errf.ToString());

예제 #21
        public override void DrawViewportWires(Grasshopper.Kernel.IGH_PreviewArgs args)
            if (Hidden)
            if (listArrow != null)
                args.Display.DrawLines(listArrow, System.Drawing.Color.Red);
            if (listPnt != null)
                args.Display.DrawPoints(targetSrf, Rhino.Display.PointStyle.Simple, 1, System.Drawing.Color.White);
            if (crossCyan != null)
                args.Display.DrawLines(crossCyan, System.Drawing.Color.Cyan);
            if (crossMagenta != null)
                args.Display.DrawLines(crossMagenta, System.Drawing.Color.Magenta);
            if (listError != null)
                foreach (var error in listError)
                    args.Display.DrawCurve(error, System.Drawing.Color.Red, 10);
            /*if (listSlice != null)
                foreach (var slice in listSlice.Values)
                    var pl = slice.pl;
                    args.Display.DrawPolygon(new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d[] { pl.PointAt(-2, -2), pl.PointAt(-2, 2), pl.PointAt(2, 2), pl.PointAt(2, -2) }, System.Drawing.Color.Azure, true);
            foreach (var branch in listBranch)
                switch (branch.branchType)
                    case Mothra4.branch.type.fix:
                        args.Display.DrawCurve(branch.crv, System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 3);
                    case Mothra4.branch.type.reinforce:
                        args.Display.DrawCurve(branch.crv, System.Drawing.Color.Cyan, 3);
                    case Mothra4.branch.type.kink:
                        args.Display.DrawCurve(branch.crv, System.Drawing.Color.Purple, 3);
                    case Mothra4.branch.type.open:
                        args.Display.DrawCurve(branch.crv, System.Drawing.Color.Green, 3);
            foreach (var leaf in listLeaf)
                if (leaf.airySrf != null)
                    var srf = leaf.airySrf.Duplicate() as Rhino.Geometry.NurbsSurface;
                    args.Display.DrawSurface(srf, System.Drawing.Color.Brown, 3);
            foreach (var leaf in listLeaf)
                if (leaf.shellSrf != null)
                    var srf = leaf.shellSrf.Duplicate() as Rhino.Geometry.NurbsSurface;
                    args.Display.DrawSurface(srf, System.Drawing.Color.Brown, 3);
            /*foreach (var branch in listBranch)
                if (branch.airyCrv != null)
                    var crv = branch.airyCrv.Duplicate() as Rhino.Geometry.NurbsCurve;
                    args.Display.DrawCurve(crv, System.Drawing.Color.SeaGreen, 4);
            foreach (var branch in listBranch)
                if (branch.branchType == branch.type.fix)
                    double x = 0, y = 0, z = branch.slice2.height;
                    for (int i = 0; i < branch.N; i++)
                        x += branch.crv.Points[i].Location.X;
                        y += branch.crv.Points[i].Location.Y;
                        z += branch.crv.Points[i].Location.Z;
                    x /= branch.N;
                    y /= branch.N;
                    args.Display.DrawLine(new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(x - 1d, y - 1d, z), new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(x + 1d, y - 1d, z), System.Drawing.Color.Blue);
                    args.Display.DrawLine(new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(x - 1d, y - 1d, z), new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(x - 1d, y + 1d, z), System.Drawing.Color.Blue);
                    args.Display.DrawLine(new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(x + 1d, y + 1d, z), new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(x + 1d, y - 1d, z), System.Drawing.Color.Blue);
                    args.Display.DrawLine(new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(x + 1d, y + 1d, z), new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(x - 1d, y + 1d, z), System.Drawing.Color.Blue);
            foreach (var branch in listBranch)
                if (branch.shellCrv != null)
                    if (branch.branchType == branch.type.kink || branch.branchType == branch.type.reinforce || branch.branchType == branch.type.open)

                        var crv = branch.shellCrv.Duplicate() as Rhino.Geometry.NurbsCurve;
                        args.Display.DrawCurve(crv, System.Drawing.Color.SeaGreen, 3);
            //find max value of reinforcement
            if (listBranch != null)
                foreach (var branch in listBranch)
                    if (branch.tuples != null)
                        if (branch.branchType == branch.type.fix)
                            foreach (var tup in branch.tuples)
                                var circle = new Rhino.Geometry.Circle(new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(tup.x, tup.y, tup.z), 0.5);
                                args.Display.DrawCircle(circle, System.Drawing.Color.Yellow, 2);
                                circle = new Rhino.Geometry.Circle(new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(tup.x, tup.y, branch.slice2.height), 0.5);
                                args.Display.DrawCircle(circle, System.Drawing.Color.Yellow, 2);
                            foreach (var tup in branch.tuples)
                                var D = tup.SPK[0, 0]/2d;
                                if (D > 0)
                                    var line = new Rhino.Geometry.Line(new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(tup.x, tup.y, tup.z), new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(tup.x, tup.y, tup.z + D));
                                    args.Display.DrawLine(line, System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2);
                                    var line = new Rhino.Geometry.Line(new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(tup.x, tup.y, tup.z), new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(tup.x, tup.y, tup.z + D));
                                    args.Display.DrawLine(line, System.Drawing.Color.Blue, 2);

            if (a != null)
                args.Display.DrawPoints(a, Rhino.Display.PointStyle.X, 2, System.Drawing.Color.Blue);

            if (a2 != null)
                args.Display.DrawPoints(a2, Rhino.Display.PointStyle.X, 2, System.Drawing.Color.Blue);

예제 #22
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            Types.Assembly assembly = new Types.Assembly();
            DA.GetData<Types.Assembly>("Material", ref assembly);

            GH_Point point = new GH_Point();
            GH_Integer piles = new GH_Integer(1);
            GH_Number radius = new GH_Number(0);
            GH_Number plateThickness = new GH_Number(0);
            GH_Number plateLength = new GH_Number(0);
            GH_Number plateWidth = new GH_Number(0);
            GH_Number pileLength = new GH_Number(0);

            DA.GetData<GH_Point>("Point", ref point);
            DA.GetData<GH_Number>("Pile Radius", ref radius);
            DA.GetData<GH_Integer>("Piles", ref piles);
            DA.GetData<GH_Number>("Plate Thickness", ref plateThickness);
            DA.GetData<GH_Number>("Plate Length", ref plateLength);
            DA.GetData<GH_Number>("Plate Width", ref plateWidth);
            DA.GetData<GH_Number>("Pile Length", ref pileLength);

            drawExtrusion(point.Value, plateLength.Value, plateWidth.Value, plateThickness.Value);
            Rhino.Geometry.Circle circle = new Rhino.Geometry.Circle(point.Value, (plateWidth.Value / 2) * 0.8);

            double numberOfPiles = piles.Value;

            for (int i = 1; i <= piles.Value; i++)
                double iteration = i;
                double factor = 2.0 * Math.PI * (iteration / numberOfPiles);
                Rhino.Geometry.Point3d center = (piles.Value == 1)? point.Value : circle.ToNurbsCurve().PointAt(factor);
                drawColumn(center, pileLength.Value, radius.Value);

            double calculationVolume = (piles.Value * pileLength.Value * radius.Value) + (plateThickness.Value * plateLength.Value * plateWidth.Value);

            Types.Result result = new Types.Result()
                GlobalWarmingPotential = new Types.UnitDouble<Types.LCA.CO2e>(assembly.GlobalWarmingPotential.Value * calculationVolume),
                Acidification = new Types.UnitDouble<Types.LCA.kgSO2>(assembly.Acidification.Value * calculationVolume),
                DepletionOfNonrenewbles = new Types.UnitDouble<Types.LCA.MJ>(assembly.DepletionOfNonrenewbles.Value * calculationVolume),
                DepletionOfOzoneLayer = new Types.UnitDouble<Types.LCA.kgCFC11>(assembly.DepletionOfOzoneLayer.Value * calculationVolume),
                Eutrophication = new Types.UnitDouble<Types.LCA.kgPhostphate>(assembly.Eutrophication.Value * calculationVolume),
                FormationTroposphericOzone = new Types.UnitDouble<Types.LCA.kgNOx>(assembly.FormationTroposphericOzone.Value * calculationVolume)

            DA.SetData("LCA Result", result);
예제 #23
        public override void DrawViewportWires(Grasshopper.Kernel.IGH_PreviewArgs args)
            if (Hidden)
            if (listArrow != null)
                args.Display.DrawLines(listArrow, System.Drawing.Color.Red);
            if (listPnt != null)
                args.Display.DrawPoints(targetSrf, Rhino.Display.PointStyle.Simple, 1, System.Drawing.Color.White);
            if (crossCyan != null)
                args.Display.DrawLines(crossCyan, System.Drawing.Color.Cyan);
            if (crossMagenta != null)
                args.Display.DrawLines(crossMagenta, System.Drawing.Color.Magenta);
            if (listError != null)
                foreach (var error in listError)
                    args.Display.DrawCurve(error, System.Drawing.Color.Red, 10);

            /*if (listSlice != null)
             * {
             *  foreach (var slice in listSlice.Values)
             *  {
             *      var pl = slice.pl;
             *      args.Display.DrawPolygon(new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d[] { pl.PointAt(-2, -2), pl.PointAt(-2, 2), pl.PointAt(2, 2), pl.PointAt(2, -2) }, System.Drawing.Color.Azure, true);
             *  }
             * }*/
            foreach (var branch in listBranch)
                switch (branch.branchType)
                case Mothra4.branch.type.fix:
                    args.Display.DrawCurve(branch.crv, System.Drawing.Color.Orange, 3);

                case Mothra4.branch.type.reinforce:
                    args.Display.DrawCurve(branch.crv, System.Drawing.Color.Cyan, 3);

                case Mothra4.branch.type.kink:
                    args.Display.DrawCurve(branch.crv, System.Drawing.Color.Purple, 3);

                case Mothra4.branch.type.open:
                    args.Display.DrawCurve(branch.crv, System.Drawing.Color.Green, 3);
            foreach (var leaf in listLeaf)
                if (leaf.airySrf != null)
                    var srf = leaf.airySrf.Duplicate() as Rhino.Geometry.NurbsSurface;
                    args.Display.DrawSurface(srf, System.Drawing.Color.Brown, 3);
            foreach (var leaf in listLeaf)
                if (leaf.shellSrf != null)
                    var srf = leaf.shellSrf.Duplicate() as Rhino.Geometry.NurbsSurface;
                    args.Display.DrawSurface(srf, System.Drawing.Color.Brown, 3);

            /*foreach (var branch in listBranch)
             * {
             *  if (branch.airyCrv != null)
             *  {
             *      var crv = branch.airyCrv.Duplicate() as Rhino.Geometry.NurbsCurve;
             *      crv.Transform(zScale);
             *      args.Display.DrawCurve(crv, System.Drawing.Color.SeaGreen, 4);
             *  }
             * }*/
            foreach (var branch in listBranch)
                if (branch.branchType == branch.type.fix)
                    double x = 0, y = 0, z = branch.slice2.height;
                    for (int i = 0; i < branch.N; i++)
                        x += branch.crv.Points[i].Location.X;
                        y += branch.crv.Points[i].Location.Y;
                        z += branch.crv.Points[i].Location.Z;
                    x /= branch.N;
                    y /= branch.N;
                    args.Display.DrawLine(new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(x - 1d, y - 1d, z), new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(x + 1d, y - 1d, z), System.Drawing.Color.Blue);
                    args.Display.DrawLine(new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(x - 1d, y - 1d, z), new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(x - 1d, y + 1d, z), System.Drawing.Color.Blue);
                    args.Display.DrawLine(new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(x + 1d, y + 1d, z), new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(x + 1d, y - 1d, z), System.Drawing.Color.Blue);
                    args.Display.DrawLine(new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(x + 1d, y + 1d, z), new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(x - 1d, y + 1d, z), System.Drawing.Color.Blue);
                if (branch.branchType == branch.type.open && branch.endTypeL == branch.endtype.fix)
                    double x = branch.crv.Points[0].Location.X;
                    double y = branch.crv.Points[0].Location.Y;
                    double z = branch.sliceL.height;
                    args.Display.DrawLine(new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(x - 1d, y - 1d, z), new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(x + 1d, y - 1d, z), System.Drawing.Color.Blue);
                    args.Display.DrawLine(new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(x - 1d, y - 1d, z), new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(x - 1d, y + 1d, z), System.Drawing.Color.Blue);
                    args.Display.DrawLine(new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(x + 1d, y + 1d, z), new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(x + 1d, y - 1d, z), System.Drawing.Color.Blue);
                    args.Display.DrawLine(new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(x + 1d, y + 1d, z), new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(x - 1d, y + 1d, z), System.Drawing.Color.Blue);
                if (branch.branchType == branch.type.open && branch.endTypeR == branch.endtype.fix)
                    double x = branch.crv.Points[branch.crv.Points.Count - 1].Location.X;
                    double y = branch.crv.Points[branch.crv.Points.Count - 1].Location.Y;
                    double z = branch.sliceR.height;
                    args.Display.DrawLine(new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(x - 1d, y - 1d, z), new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(x + 1d, y - 1d, z), System.Drawing.Color.Blue);
                    args.Display.DrawLine(new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(x - 1d, y - 1d, z), new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(x - 1d, y + 1d, z), System.Drawing.Color.Blue);
                    args.Display.DrawLine(new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(x + 1d, y + 1d, z), new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(x + 1d, y - 1d, z), System.Drawing.Color.Blue);
                    args.Display.DrawLine(new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(x + 1d, y + 1d, z), new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(x - 1d, y + 1d, z), System.Drawing.Color.Blue);
            foreach (var branch in listBranch)
                if (branch.shellCrv != null)
                    if (branch.branchType == branch.type.kink || branch.branchType == branch.type.reinforce || branch.branchType == branch.type.open)
                        var crv = branch.shellCrv.Duplicate() as Rhino.Geometry.NurbsCurve;
                        args.Display.DrawCurve(crv, System.Drawing.Color.SeaGreen, 3);
            //find max value of reinforcement
            if (listBranch != null)
                foreach (var branch in listBranch)
                    if (branch.tuples != null)
                        if (branch.branchType == branch.type.fix)
                            foreach (var tup in branch.tuples)
                                var circle = new Rhino.Geometry.Circle(new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(tup.x, tup.y, tup.z), 0.5);
                                args.Display.DrawCircle(circle, System.Drawing.Color.Yellow, 2);
                                circle = new Rhino.Geometry.Circle(new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(tup.x, tup.y, branch.slice2.height), 0.5);
                                args.Display.DrawCircle(circle, System.Drawing.Color.Yellow, 2);
                            foreach (var tup in branch.tuples)
                                var D = tup.SPK[0, 0] / 2d;
                                if (D > 0)
                                    var line = new Rhino.Geometry.Line(new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(tup.x, tup.y, tup.z), new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(tup.x, tup.y, tup.z + D));
                                    args.Display.DrawLine(line, System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2);
                                    var line = new Rhino.Geometry.Line(new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(tup.x, tup.y, tup.z), new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(tup.x, tup.y, tup.z + D));
                                    args.Display.DrawLine(line, System.Drawing.Color.Blue, 2);

             * if (a != null)
             * {
             *  args.Display.DrawPoints(a, Rhino.Display.PointStyle.X, 2, System.Drawing.Color.Blue);
             * }*/
            if (a2 != null)
                args.Display.DrawPoints(a2, Rhino.Display.PointStyle.X, 2, System.Drawing.Color.Blue);
예제 #24
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            GH_String level = new GH_String("none");
            GH_String family = new GH_String("none");
            GH_String type = new GH_String("none");
            GH_Point topPoint = new GH_Point();
            GH_Point bottomPoint = new GH_Point();
            GH_String gid = new GH_String("");
            List<Parameter> parameters = new List<Parameter>();
            if (!DA.GetDataList<Parameter>("Parameters", parameters)) parameters = new List<Parameter>();

            DA.GetData<GH_String>("Family", ref family);
            DA.GetData<GH_String>("Type", ref type);
            DA.GetData<GH_String>("Level", ref level);
            DA.GetData<GH_Point>("PointTop", ref topPoint);
            DA.GetData<GH_Point>("PointBottom", ref bottomPoint);
            DA.GetData<GH_String>("GID", ref gid);

            Column column = new Column(family.Value,type.Value,parameters, topPoint.ToGrevitPoint(), bottomPoint.ToGrevitPoint(),level.Value,true);


            Rhino.Geometry.Circle circle = new Rhino.Geometry.Circle(bottomPoint.Value,0.5);
            Rhino.Geometry.Surface srf = Rhino.Geometry.NurbsSurface.CreateExtrusion(circle.ToNurbsCurve(), new Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d(new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(topPoint.Value.X-bottomPoint.Value.X,topPoint.Value.Y-bottomPoint.Value.Y,topPoint.Value.Z-bottomPoint.Value.Z)));

            SetPreview(column.GID, srf.ToBrep());

            DA.SetData("GrevitComponent", column);