예제 #1

        // Create the preview of a translation support.
        public static void PreviewTanslationSupport(this Rhino.Display.CustomDisplay display, Node n, Vector3d axis, double displayFactor)
            Point3d  ptc    = n.Location - axis * displayFactor;
            Point3d  pbc    = n.Location - axis * 1.1 * displayFactor;
            Vector3d localX = new Vector3d(axis.Z, axis.X, axis.Y);
            Vector3d localY = new Vector3d(axis.Y, axis.Z, axis.X);
            Vector3d Xt     = localX * 0.5 * displayFactor;
            Vector3d Yt     = localY * 0.5 * displayFactor;
            Vector3d Xb     = localX * 0.55 * displayFactor;
            Vector3d Yb     = localY * 0.55 * displayFactor;

            List <Point3d> pts = new List <Point3d> {
                ptc + Xt + Yt, ptc + Xt - Yt, ptc - Xt - Yt, ptc - Xt + Yt
            List <Point3d> pbs = new List <Point3d> {
                pbc + Xb + Yb, pbc + Xb - Yb, pbc - Xb - Yb, pbc - Xb + Yb

            display.AddPolygon(pbs, Color.Brown, Color.Black, true, true);
            display.AddPolygon(pts, Color.Brown, Color.Black, true, true);

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                display.AddPolygon(new Point3d[] { pts[i], pts[(i + 1) % 4], n.Location }, Color.Brown, Color.Black, true, true);
예제 #2

        // Create the preview of bars.
        public static void AddBarPreview(this Rhino.Display.CustomDisplay display, Model model, IEnumerable <int> ids, out HashSet <int> nodeIds, double graphicFactor, double elementFactor, double textFactor, bool showComponentNumbers, bool showElementNumbers, bool showLCS, bool showThk = false, string barResultType = "None", bool showResultValues = false)
            nodeIds = new HashSet <int>();
            if (model.Bars.Count == 0)

            // Take all results out first to determine min & max, otherwise could be done inside the loop.
            Dictionary <int, double[]> barResults = new Dictionary <int, double[]>();
            double BFactor = 0;

            if (barResultType != "None")
                barResults = model.Mesh.GetElementResults(barResultType);
                double barExtreme = barResults.Values.Select(r => Math.Max(Math.Abs(r[0]), Math.Abs(r[1]))).Max();
                BFactor = elementFactor / barExtreme * 10;

            ids = ids.Count() == 0 ? Enumerable.Range(0, model.Bars.Count) : ids.Select(i => i - 1);

            foreach (int i in ids)
                Bar   bar    = model.Bars[i];
                Plane locLCS = new Plane(bar.LCS);
                locLCS.Rotate(bar.Rotation, locLCS.ZAxis);
                locLCS.Translate(locLCS.XAxis * bar.Offset.X);
                locLCS.Translate(locLCS.YAxis * bar.Offset.Y);

                Vector3d hOffset = locLCS.XAxis * (bar.Profile.GetHeight() * 0.5);
                if (showThk)
                    hOffset *= 2;

                Plane tp = new Plane(locLCS.Origin, bar.LCS.YAxis, Vector3d.ZAxis);
                Curve[] profileCurves = bar.Profile.ToRhinoProfile();

                if (showComponentNumbers)
                    Rhino.Display.Text3d t = new Rhino.Display.Text3d("Bar " + bar.CCXId(), tp, elementFactor * 0.6 * textFactor);
                    t.Bold = true;
                    display.AddText(t, Color.DarkRed);

                foreach (Element element in bar.Elements)
                    Element1D e   = element as Element1D;
                    int       eId = e.Id.AsInteger;


                    Point3d[] endPts = e.GetVertices().ToArray();
                    Point3d   c      = (endPts[0] + endPts[1]) * 0.5;

                    display.AddLine(new Line(endPts[0], endPts[1]), Color.Aqua);

                    if (showThk)
                        Plane          eP = new Plane(locLCS);
                        List <Point3d> elementVertices = e.GetVertices().ToList();
                        eP.Translate(elementVertices[0] - bar.LCS.Origin);
                        Transform ptp = Transform.PlaneToPlane(Plane.WorldXY, eP);

                        // Use DisplayPipeline to get surface preview! Now a temporary solution given.
                        foreach (Curve pc in profileCurves)
                            Curve opc = pc.DuplicateCurve();
                            opc.Translate(elementVertices[1] - elementVertices[0]);

                    if (barResultType != "None")
                        Vector3d graphDir;
                        switch (barResultType)
                        case "Myy":
                            graphDir = locLCS.XAxis;

                        case "Mxx":
                            graphDir = locLCS.YAxis;

                            string barResDir = barResultType.ToString().Substring(1, 1);
                            graphDir = barResDir == "y" ? locLCS.YAxis : locLCS.XAxis;

                        graphDir *= BFactor * graphicFactor;
                        Point3d[] cPts = new Point3d[] { endPts[0], endPts[1], endPts[1] + graphDir * barResults[eId][1], endPts[0] + graphDir * barResults[eId][0] };
                        display.AddPolygon(cPts, Color.CornflowerBlue, Color.Black, true, true);

                        if (showResultValues && barResults.Count != 0)
                            Plane tp1 = new Plane(tp);
                            tp1.Translate(endPts[0] - tp1.Origin + graphDir * barResults[eId][0]);
                            Rhino.Display.Text3d t1 = new Rhino.Display.Text3d(barResults[eId][0].ToString("G2"), tp1, elementFactor * 0.4 * textFactor);
                            t1.Bold = true;
                            display.AddText(t1, Color.Black);
                            Plane tp2 = new Plane(tp);
                            tp2.Translate(endPts[1] - tp2.Origin + graphDir * barResults[eId][1]);
                            Rhino.Display.Text3d t2 = new Rhino.Display.Text3d(barResults[eId][1].ToString("G2"), tp2, elementFactor * 0.4 * textFactor);
                            t2.Bold = true;
                            display.AddText(t2, Color.Black);

                    if (showLCS)
                        display.AddVector(c, locLCS.XAxis * elementFactor * graphicFactor, Color.Red);
                        display.AddVector(c, locLCS.YAxis * elementFactor * graphicFactor, Color.Green);
                        display.AddVector(c, locLCS.ZAxis * elementFactor * graphicFactor, Color.Blue);

                    if (showElementNumbers)
                        Plane etp = new Plane(tp);
                        etp.Translate(c - bar.LCS.Origin);
                        Rhino.Display.Text3d t = new Rhino.Display.Text3d(e.CCXId(), etp, elementFactor * 0.4 * textFactor);
                        t.Bold = true;
                        display.AddText(t, Color.Black);
예제 #3

        // Create the preview of panels.
        public static void AddPanelPreview(this Rhino.Display.CustomDisplay display, Model model, IEnumerable <int> ids, out HashSet <int> nodeIds, double graphicFactor, double elementFactor, double textFactor, double forceFactor, bool showComponentNumbers, bool showElementNumbers, bool showLCS, bool showLoads, bool showLoadValues, bool showEdges, bool showThk = false, Grasshopper.GUI.Gradient.GH_Gradient gradient = null, string panelResultType = "None", bool showResultValues = false)
            nodeIds = new HashSet <int>();
            if (model.Panels.Count == 0)

            // Take all results out first to determine min & max, otherwise could be done inside the loop.
            Dictionary <int, double> panelTopResults    = new Dictionary <int, double>();
            Dictionary <int, double> panelBottomResults = new Dictionary <int, double>();
            double panelMax = 0;
            double panelMin = 0;

            if (panelResultType != "None")
                Dictionary <int, double[]> panelResults = model.Mesh.GetElementResults(panelResultType);
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, double[]> elResult in panelResults)
                    int      id              = elResult.Key;
                    double[] results         = elResult.Value;
                    int      halfResultCount = results.Length / 2;

                    panelTopResults.Add(id, results.Skip(halfResultCount).Average());
                    panelBottomResults.Add(id, results.Take(halfResultCount).Average());

                panelMax = Math.Max(panelTopResults.Values.Max(), panelBottomResults.Values.Max());
                panelMin = Math.Min(panelTopResults.Values.Min(), panelBottomResults.Values.Min());

            ids = ids.Count() == 0 ? Enumerable.Range(0, model.Panels.Count) : ids.Select(i => i - 1);

            foreach (int i in ids)
                Panel panel = model.Panels[i];

                if (showComponentNumbers)
                    Vector3d fOffset = panel.LCS.ZAxis * 0.002;
                    if (showThk)
                        fOffset += panel.LCS.ZAxis * 0.5 * panel.Thickness;

                    Plane fp = new Plane(panel.LCS.Origin + fOffset, panel.LCS.ZAxis);
                    Plane bp = new Plane(panel.LCS.Origin - fOffset, -panel.LCS.ZAxis);
                    Rhino.Display.Text3d ft = new Rhino.Display.Text3d("Panel " + panel.CCXId(), fp, elementFactor * 0.6 * textFactor);
                    Rhino.Display.Text3d bt = new Rhino.Display.Text3d("Panel " + panel.CCXId(), bp, elementFactor * 0.6 * textFactor);
                    ft.Bold = true;
                    bt.Bold = true;
                    display.AddText(ft, Color.DarkRed);
                    display.AddText(bt, Color.DarkRed);

                foreach (Element element in panel.Elements)
                    Element2D e   = element as Element2D;
                    int       eId = e.Id.AsInteger;
                    foreach (Node n in e.Nodes.Take(e.PrimaryNodeCount))

                    Color bottomColor;
                    Color topColor;

                    if (panelResultType == "None")
                        bottomColor = topColor = Color.Aqua;
                        bottomColor = gradient.ColourAt((panelBottomResults[eId] - panelMin) / (panelMax - panelMin));
                        topColor    = gradient.ColourAt((panelTopResults[eId] - panelMin) / (panelMax - panelMin));

                    Point3d  centroid  = e.GetCentroid();
                    Vector3d normal    = e.GetNormal();
                    Vector3d minOffset = normal * 0.001;
                    Vector3d offset    = showThk ? normal * 0.5 * panel.Thickness : minOffset;

                    List <Point3d> front = new List <Point3d>();
                    List <Point3d> back  = new List <Point3d>();

                    foreach (Point3d v in e.GetVertices())
                        front.Add(v + offset);
                        back.Add(v - offset);
                    display.AddPolygon(front, topColor, Color.Black, true, showEdges);
                    display.AddPolygon(back, bottomColor, Color.Black, true, showEdges);

                    if (showThk)
                        for (int j = 0; j < front.Count - 1; j++)
                            List <Point3d> fv = front.GetRange(j, 2);
                            List <Point3d> bv = back.GetRange(j, 2);
                            display.AddPolygon(fv, Color.Aqua, Color.Black, true, true);

                    Plane tp = new Plane(panel.LCS);
                    tp.Origin = centroid + offset + minOffset;
                    tp.XAxis *= -1;
                    tp.ZAxis *= -1;
                    Plane bp = new Plane(panel.LCS);
                    bp.Origin = centroid - offset - minOffset;

                    if (showResultValues && panelTopResults.Count != 0)
                        Rhino.Display.Text3d t1 = new Rhino.Display.Text3d(panelTopResults[eId].ToString("G2"), tp, elementFactor * 0.4 * textFactor);
                        t1.Bold = true;
                        display.AddText(t1, Color.Black);
                        Rhino.Display.Text3d t2 = new Rhino.Display.Text3d(panelBottomResults[eId].ToString("G2"), bp, elementFactor * 0.4 * textFactor);
                        t2.Bold = true;
                        display.AddText(t2, Color.Black);

                    if (showLCS)
                        display.AddVector(centroid, e.Orientation[0] * elementFactor * graphicFactor, Color.Red);
                        display.AddVector(centroid, e.Orientation[1] * elementFactor * graphicFactor, Color.Green);
                        display.AddVector(centroid, normal * elementFactor * graphicFactor, Color.Blue);

                    if (showLoads && e.Pressure != 0)
                        Vector3d       pv             = normal * e.Pressure / forceFactor * elementFactor * 5 * graphicFactor;
                        List <Point3d> pressurePoints = new List <Point3d>();
                        foreach (Point3d pt in e.PopulateWithPoints())
                            if (e.Pressure > 0)
                                display.AddVector(pt - pv - offset, pv);
                                display.AddVector(pt - pv + offset, pv);

                        if (showLoadValues)
                            Plane p;
                            if (e.Pressure > 0)
                                p = new Plane(e.GetCentroid() - pv * 1.1 - offset, Vector3d.XAxis, Vector3d.ZAxis);
                                p = new Plane(e.GetCentroid() - pv * 1.1 + offset, Vector3d.XAxis, Vector3d.ZAxis);

                            Rhino.Display.Text3d t = new Rhino.Display.Text3d(e.Pressure.ToString("G2"), p, elementFactor * 0.4 * textFactor);
                            t.Bold = true;
                            display.AddText(t, Color.Magenta);

                    if (showElementNumbers)
                        Rhino.Display.Text3d tt = new Rhino.Display.Text3d(e.CCXId(), tp, elementFactor * 0.4 * textFactor);
                        Rhino.Display.Text3d bt = new Rhino.Display.Text3d(e.CCXId(), bp, elementFactor * 0.4 * textFactor);
                        tt.Bold = true;
                        bt.Bold = true;
                        display.AddText(tt, Color.Black);
                        display.AddText(bt, Color.Black);