static void Main(string[] args) { // Assemble your system here from all the classes Door _door = new Door(); RfidReaderSimulator _rfid = new RfidReaderSimulator(); UsbChargerSimulator _usbCharger = new UsbChargerSimulator(); DisplayOutput _displayOutput = new DisplayOutput(); DisplaySimulator _display = new DisplaySimulator(_displayOutput); ChargeControl _chargeControl = new ChargeControl(_display, _usbCharger); LogOutput _logOutput = new LogOutput(); LogfileWriter _logfile = new LogfileWriter(_logOutput); StationControl _stationControl = new StationControl(_chargeControl, _door, _rfid, _display, _logfile); bool finish = false; System.Console.WriteLine("Indtast:\n" + "(E) Exit\n" + "(O) Open\n" + "(C) Close\n" + "(R) Read RF-ID"); do { string input = null; // Gate the blocking ReadLine function if (Console.KeyAvailable) { input = Console.ReadLine(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input)) { continue; } input = input.ToUpper(); switch (input[0]) { case 'E': finish = true; break; case 'O': _door.DoorOpened(); break; case 'C': _door.DoorClosed(); break; case 'R': System.Console.WriteLine("Indtast RFID id: "); string idString = System.Console.ReadLine(); int id = Convert.ToInt32(idString); _rfid.ScanRfidTag(id); break; default: break; } System.Console.WriteLine("Indtast:\n" + "(E) Exit\n" + "(O) Open\n" + "(C) Close\n" + "(R) Read RF-ID"); } while (!finish); }
public void ScanRfidTag_NoSubscribers_NoThrow() { // An exception would fail this test case _uut.ScanRfidTag(12); }