예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Use this constructor instead of the default constructor,
        /// otherwise the client will not be able to initialize
        /// </summary>
        Client(string sServerURL1, ref RetroEngine ParentX)
            sFuncNow  = "Client(" + sServerURL1 + ",...)";
            Parent    = ParentX;
            bContinue = true;
            try {
                packetOut = new Packet();
                //Script scriptIni = new Script();//srNow=File.OpenText(sFile);
                //if (!scriptIni.bErr) {

                if (sServerURL1.StartsWith("http://"))                 //debug if non-http
                    sServerURL = sServerURL1;
                    RReporting.Error_WriteLine("-sServerURL defaulted to " + sServerURL);

                //Create and register remoting channel
                HttpChannel chanRetroEngine = new HttpChannel();
                bServer = ClientConnectServer();                 //Init the remoting system
                if (!bServer)
                    RReporting.Error_WriteLine("Couldn't connect to server or single-player game. Both require that you check your firewall settings.");

                //string sOS = Environment.OSVersion.ToString;
                //System.PlatformID platformidOS = Environment.OSVersion.Platform;
                //System.Version versionOS = Environment.OSVersion.Version;
                //System.Type typeOS = Environment.OSVersion.GetType;
                portServer       = new Port();           //new Port("client");
                tsClientPacketer = new ThreadStart(ClientPacketer);
                tClientPacketer  = new Thread(tsClientPacketer);
                coreInClient = new Core();                 //this is just the mapper not the server
            catch (Exception exn) {
                if (bServer)
                    RReporting.WriteLine("Couldn't initialize client");
                    RReporting.ShowExn(exn, "Client constructor", "initializing client");
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public void Run()
            //sLogToFile=Environment.NewLine+"//  Comment:  Starting Window.  "+HTMLPage.DateTimePathString(true);
            bool bGood = true;

            retroengine = new RetroEngine(RetroEngine.sDataFolderSlash + "website.html", 800, 600);
            sFuncNow    = "Run()";
            int flags = (Sdl.SDL_HWSURFACE | Sdl.SDL_DOUBLEBUF | Sdl.SDL_ANYFORMAT);

            bGood = UpdateScreenVars(24);           //called again after surface bitdepth is found
            bool   bContinue      = true;
            Random rand           = new Random();
            string sFileTestMusic = RetroEngine.sDataFolderSlash + "music-test.ogg";
            string sFileTestSound = RetroEngine.sDataFolderSlash + "sound-test.wav";

            Sdl.SDL_Event sdleventX;
            try {
                int    iResultInit           = Sdl.SDL_Init(Sdl.SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING);
                IntPtr iptrSurfaceBackbuffer = Sdl.SDL_SetVideoMode(

                //debug NYI: replace with Tao.OpenAl

                int iResult = SdlMixer.Mix_OpenAudio(

                 * IntPtr iptrChunkMusic = SdlMixer.Mix_LoadMUS(sFileTestMusic);
                 * IntPtr iptrChunkSound = SdlMixer.Mix_LoadWAV(sFileTestSound);
                 * SdlMixer.MusicFinishedDelegate delMusicFinished=new SdlMixer.MusicFinishedDelegate(this.MusicHasStopped);
                 * SdlMixer.Mix_HookMusicFinished(delMusicFinished);
                 * iResult = SdlMixer.Mix_PlayMusic (iptrChunkMusic, 2);
                 * if (iResult == -1) {
                 *      sLastErr="Music Error: " + Sdl.SDL_GetError();
                 * }
                 * iResult = SdlMixer.Mix_PlayChannel(1,iptrChunkSound,1);
                 * if (iResult == -1) {
                 *      sLastErr="Sound Error: " + Sdl.SDL_GetError();
                 * }

                int rmask = 0x00000000;                //doesn't matter since shifted all the way right
                int gmask = 0x00ff0000;
                int bmask = 0x0000ff00;
                int amask = 0x000000ff;

                IntPtr videoInfoPointer = Sdl.SDL_GetVideoInfo();
                if (videoInfoPointer == IntPtr.Zero)
                    throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Video query failed: {0}", Sdl.SDL_GetError()));

                Sdl.SDL_VideoInfo videoInfo = (Sdl.SDL_VideoInfo)

                Sdl.SDL_PixelFormat pixelFormat = (Sdl.SDL_PixelFormat)
                try {
                    retroengine.WriteLine("hw_available:" + videoInfo.hw_available);
                    retroengine.WriteLine("wm_available:" + videoInfo.wm_available);
                    retroengine.WriteLine("blit_hw:" + videoInfo.blit_hw);
                    retroengine.WriteLine("blit_hw_CC:" + videoInfo.blit_hw_CC);
                    retroengine.WriteLine("blit_hw_A:" + videoInfo.blit_hw_A);
                    retroengine.WriteLine("blit_sw:" + videoInfo.blit_sw);
                    retroengine.WriteLine("blit_hw_CC:" + videoInfo.blit_hw_CC);
                    retroengine.WriteLine("blit_hw_A:" + videoInfo.blit_hw_A);
                    retroengine.WriteLine("blit_fill:" + videoInfo.blit_fill);
                    retroengine.WriteLine("video_mem:" + videoInfo.video_mem);
                    retroengine.WriteLine("BitsPerPixel:" + pixelFormat.BitsPerPixel);
                    retroengine.WriteLine("BytesPerPixel:" + pixelFormat.BytesPerPixel);
                    retroengine.WriteLine("Rmask:" + pixelFormat.Rmask);
                    retroengine.WriteLine("Gmask:" + pixelFormat.Gmask);
                    retroengine.WriteLine("Bmask:" + pixelFormat.Bmask);
                    retroengine.WriteLine("Amask:" + pixelFormat.Amask);
                catch (Exception exn) {
                    sLastErr = "Exception error displaying screen info--" + e.ToString();
                int             numeventarr = 10;
                Sdl.SDL_Event[] eventarr    = new Sdl.SDL_Event[numeventarr];
                //eventarr[0].type = Sdl.SDL_KEYDOWN;
                //eventarr[0].key.keysym.sym = (int)Sdl.SDLK_p;
                //eventarr[1].type = Sdl.SDL_KEYDOWN;
                //eventarr[1].key.keysym.sym = (int)Sdl.SDLK_z;
                //int iResult2 = Sdl.SDL_PeepEvents(eventarr, numeventarr, Sdl.SDL_ADDEVENT, Sdl.SDL_KEYDOWNMASK);
                //retroengine.WriteLine("Addevent iResult: " + iResult2);
                //TODO: discard clicks if interface is in a transition

                int   iSDLKeys        = 65536;
                int   iNow            = 0;
                int[] iarrAsciiOfSDLK = new int[iSDLKeys];
                try {
                    //debug NYI finish this:
                    iNow = (int)Sdl.SDLK_ASTERISK;
                    if (iNow >= iSDLKeys)
                        iSDLKeys = iNow + 1;
                    iarrAsciiOfSDLK[iNow]            = 42;
                    iarrAsciiOfSDLK[Sdl.SDLK_0]      = 48;
                    iarrAsciiOfSDLK[Sdl.SDLK_a]      = 97;
                    iarrAsciiOfSDLK[Sdl.SDLK_RSHIFT] = -32;                  //since a - 32 is A
                    iarrAsciiOfSDLK[Sdl.SDLK_LSHIFT] = -32;                  //since a - 32 is A
                    //debug NYI the rest of the above integers
                    retroengine.TextMessage("This is a long test sentence to test writing text over the edge of the screen.");
                catch (Exception exn) {
                    sLastErr = "Exception while setting iarrAsciiOfSDLK; maximum array size needed was " + iSDLKeys.ToString() + "--" + e.ToString();
                Sdl.SDL_WM_SetCaption(retroengine.sCaption, "default");
                Sdl.SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(0, 9999);
                #region Main Event Loop
                while (bContinue == true)
                    iResult = Sdl.SDL_PollEvent(out sdleventX);
                    try {
                        if (sdleventX.type == Sdl.SDL_QUIT)
                            try {
                                if (true)
                                    bContinue = false;                                    //TODO: if (retroengine.ConfirmQuit()) bContinue=false;
                            catch (Exception exn) {
                                sFuncNow = "Run()";
                                sLastErr = "Exception error trying to confirm, so quitting without confirmation--" + e.ToString();
                        else if (sdleventX.type == Sdl.SDL_KEYDOWN)
                            try {
                                if (sdleventX.key.keysym.sym == (int)Sdl.SDLK_ESCAPE)
                                    //((sdleventX.key.keysym.sym == (int)Sdl.SDLK_ESCAPE) ||
                                    //(sdleventX.key.keysym.sym == (int)Sdl.SDLK_q))
                                    try {
                                        if (true)
                                            bContinue = false;                                             //TODO: if (retroengine.ConfirmQuit()) bContinue=false;
                                    catch (Exception exn) {
                                        sFuncNow = "Run()";
                                        sLastErr = "Exception error trying to confirm Esc (escape), so quitting without confirmation--" + e.ToString();
                                //else if (sdleventX.key.keysym.sym == (int)Sdl.SDLK_p) {
                                //	retroengine.WriteLine("Key p event was added");
                                //else if (sdleventX.key.keysym.sym == (int)Sdl.SDLK_z) {
                                //	retroengine.WriteLine("Key z event was added");
                                if ((int)sdleventX.key.keysym.sym != 0)
                                    retroengine.KeyEvent(sdleventX.key.keysym.sym, sdleventX.key.keysym.unicode, true);
                                    //string sNow=Char.ToString((char)sdleventX.key.keysym.unicode);
                                    //short shNow=sdleventX.key.keysym.unicode;
                                    //retroengine.WriteLine("key="+shNow.ToString()+"    ");
                            catch (Exception exn) {
                                sLastErr = "Exception during KEYDOWN processing--" + e.ToString();
                        else if (sdleventX.type == Sdl.SDL_KEYUP)
                            //byarrKeysNow=Sdl.SDL_GetKeyState(256); //debug internationalization
                            //ushort wKey=Base.GetUnsignedLossless(sdleventX.key.keysym.scancode);
                            retroengine.KeyEvent(sdleventX.key.keysym.sym, 0, false);
                            //retroengine.WriteLine("keyup="+sdleventX.key.keysym.sym.ToString()+"    ");
                        else if (sdleventX.type == Sdl.SDL_MOUSEMOTION)
                            retroengine.WriteLine("mousemove=(" + sdleventX.motion.x + "," + sdleventX.motion.y + ")");
                        else if (sdleventX.type == Sdl.SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN)
                            retroengine.WriteLine("mousedown=(" + sdleventX.button.x + "," + sdleventX.motion.y + ")");
                        else if (sdleventX.type == Sdl.SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP)
                            retroengine.WriteLine("mouseup=(" + sdleventX.button.x + "," + sdleventX.motion.y + ")");
                    catch (Exception exn) {
                        sLastErr = "Exception during controller input processing--" + e.ToString();

                    try {
                        //if (iTryNow<iTargetBytesTotal){
                        //	byarrTemp[iTryNow]=255;
                        //	iTryNow++;
                        //if (iTryNow%30!=0) continue;

                        //debug performance: run Draw code below as separate thread.
                        bGood   = retroengine.DrawFrame();
                        iResult = Sdl.SDL_LockSurface(iptrSurfaceBackbuffer);
                        if (iTargetBPP == 32)
                            fixed(byte *lpSrc = retroengine.gbScreen.byarrData)
                                byte *lpSrcNow = lpSrc;

                                Sdl.SDL_Surface *lpsurface = (Sdl.SDL_Surface *)iptrSurfaceBackbuffer;
                                byte *           lpDestNow = (byte *)lpsurface->pixels;

                                for (int i = iTargetChunks64Total; i != 0; i--)
                                    *((UInt64 *)lpDestNow) = *((UInt64 *)lpSrcNow);
                                    lpDestNow += 8;
                                    lpSrcNow  += 8;
                        else if (iTargetBPP == 24)
                            fixed(byte *lpSrc = retroengine.gbScreen.byarrData)
                                byte *lpSrcNow = lpSrc;

                                Sdl.SDL_Surface *lpsurface = (Sdl.SDL_Surface *)iptrSurfaceBackbuffer;
                                byte *           lpDestNow = (byte *)lpsurface->pixels;

                                for (int i = (iTargetBytesTotal / 3) - 1; i != 0; i--)                          //-1 to avoid overwrite problems
                                    *((UInt32 *)lpDestNow) = *((UInt32 *)lpSrcNow);
                                    lpDestNow += 3;
                                    lpSrcNow  += 4;
                                //now copy the odd pixel:
                                *lpDestNow = *lpSrcNow;
                                *lpDestNow = *lpSrcNow;
                                *lpDestNow = *lpSrcNow;
                        else if (iTargetBPP < 24)
                            //NYI add other bit depths.
                            sLastErr  = "Wrong bit depth.";
                            bContinue = false;
                        iResult = Sdl.SDL_UnlockSurface(iptrSurfaceBackbuffer);
                        iResult = Sdl.SDL_Flip(iptrSurfaceBackbuffer);
                    catch (Exception) {
                        sLastErr = "Exception error copying buffer to screen";
                }                //end while bContinue
                #endregion Main Event Loop

                if (iTargetBPP < 24)
                    MessageBox.Show("You must change your Display settings to 32-bit (recommended) or at least 24-bit to run this program.");
            catch (Exception exn) {
                sFuncNow = "Run()";
                sLastErr = "Exception error--" + e.ToString();
            try {
                if (true)                  //TODO: if (RetroEngine.statusq.TrackedErrors>0) {
                    RetroEngine.statusq.Enq(".statusq {"
                                            + RetroEngine.statusq.DumpTrackedErrorsToStyleNotation()
                                            + "}"
            catch (Exception exn) {
                sFuncNow = "Run, after main event loop";
                sLastErr = "Exception error saving exception stats--" + e.ToString();