private ResultPath GetResultPath(InputTriangle inputTriangle, int[][] leftSums, int[][] rightSums, int[][] bestSums)
            var resultPath = new ResultPath {
                Nodes = new List <Node>()

            if (bestSums[0][0] == NoAllowedStep)

            resultPath.PathSum = bestSums[0][0] + inputTriangle.Levels[0][0];

            var bestColumn = 0;

            for (int level = 0; level < inputTriangle.Levels.Length; level++)
                resultPath.Nodes.Add(new Node
                    Column = bestColumn,
                    Value  = inputTriangle.Levels[level][bestColumn]
                if (level < inputTriangle.Levels.Length - 1 &&
                    bestSums[level][bestColumn] == rightSums[level][bestColumn])

예제 #2
        private void FillResultPath(ResultPath resultPath, Node bestNode)
            if (!resultPath.Nodes.Any())
                resultPath.PathSum = GetMaxFromTwo(bestNode.GoLeftSum, bestNode.GoRightSum) + bestNode.Value;

            if (bestNode == null)


            if (bestNode.GoLeftSum != null && bestNode.GoRightSum == null ||
                bestNode.GoLeftSum >= bestNode.GoRightSum)
                FillResultPath(resultPath, bestNode.LeftChild);
            else if (bestNode.GoRightSum != null && bestNode.GoLeftSum == null ||
                     bestNode.GoRightSum >= bestNode.GoLeftSum)
                FillResultPath(resultPath, bestNode.RightChild);
        public void DisplaysTenRow_when_TenRowTriangleGiven()
            var inputTriangle = new InputTriangle
                Levels = new int[][]
                    new int[] { 1 },
                    new int[] { 2, 3 },
                    new int[] { 4, 5, 6 }

            var resultPath = new ResultPath {
                Nodes = new List <Node> {
                    new Node {
                        Value = 7
                    }, new Node {
                        Value = 2
                    }, new Node {
                        Value = 5
                }, PathSum = 14, SolvingTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3)

            _sut.Display(inputTriangle, resultPath);

            _consoleWrapperMock.Verify(x => x.Write("  1"), Times.Once);
            _consoleWrapperMock.Verify(x => x.Write("  2"), Times.Once);
            _consoleWrapperMock.Verify(x => x.Write("  3"), Times.Once);
            _consoleWrapperMock.Verify(x => x.Write("  4"), Times.Once);
            _consoleWrapperMock.Verify(x => x.Write("  5"), Times.Once);
            _consoleWrapperMock.Verify(x => x.Write("  6"), Times.Once);
            _consoleWrapperMock.Verify(x => x.Write(It.Is <string>(y => y.Contains("maximum"))), Times.Once);
            _consoleWrapperMock.Verify(x => x.WriteLine(It.Is <string>(y => y.Contains("quit"))), Times.Once);
예제 #4
        private static void RepairResultPath()
            if (ResultPath.Contains('.'))
                var indexOfDot = ResultPath.LastIndexOf('.');
                ResultPath = ResultPath.Substring(0, ResultPath.Length - (ResultPath.Length - indexOfDot));

            ResultPath = ResultPath + "." + OutputFormat.ToString().ToLower();
예제 #5
        public ResultPath Solve(InputTriangle inputTriangle)
            var topNode = _graphCreator.Create(inputTriangle);

            VisitNode(topNode, inputTriangle.Levels.Length);

            var resultPath = new ResultPath {
                Nodes = new List <Node>()

            if (topNode.GoLeftSum != null || topNode.GoRightSum != null)
                FillResultPath(resultPath, topNode);

예제 #6
파일: Dijkstra.cs 프로젝트: sheviak/Train
        /// <summary>
        /// Формирование пути
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startVertex">Начальная вершина</param>
        /// <param name="endVertex">Конечная вершина</param>
        /// <returns>Путь</returns>
        ResultPath GetPath(GraphVertex startVertex, GraphVertex endVertex)
            var result = new ResultPath();


            while (startVertex != endVertex)
                var vertexInfo = GetVertexInfo(endVertex);
                endVertex = vertexInfo.PreviousVertex;

                result.Weight.Insert(0, vertexInfo.weight);
                result.Train.Insert(0, vertexInfo.train);
                result.Path.Insert(0, endVertex.ToString()); // + path;

        public void DisplaysOneRow_when_SimplestTriangleGiven()
            var inputTriangle = new InputTriangle
                Levels = new int[][]
                    new int[] { 7 }

            var resultPath = new ResultPath {
                Nodes = new List <Node> {
                    new Node {
                        Value = 7
                }, PathSum = 7, SolvingTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)

            _sut.Display(inputTriangle, resultPath);

            _consoleWrapperMock.Verify(x => x.Write("  7"), Times.Once);
            _consoleWrapperMock.Verify(x => x.Write(It.Is <string>(y => y.Contains("maximum"))), Times.Once);
            _consoleWrapperMock.Verify(x => x.WriteLine(It.Is <string>(y => y.Contains("quit"))), Times.Once);
예제 #8
        public void Execute()
            Location current = null;
            var      start   = new Location {
                X = From.X, Y = From.Y
            var target = new Location {
                X = To.X, Y = To.Y
            var openList   = new List <Location>();
            var closedList = new List <Location>();
            int g          = 0;

            while (openList.Count > 0)
                // get the square with the lowest F score
                var lowest = openList.Min(l => l.F);
                current = openList.First(l => l.F == lowest);

                // add the current square to the closed list

                // remove it from the open list

                // if we added the destination to the closed list, we've found a path
                if (closedList.FirstOrDefault(l => l.X == target.X && l.Y == target.Y) != null)

                var adjacentSquares = GetWalkableAdjacentSquares(current.X, current.Y, map.Map);

                foreach (var adjacentSquare in adjacentSquares)
                    // if this adjacent square is already in the closed list, ignore it
                    if (closedList.FirstOrDefault(l => l.X == adjacentSquare.X &&
                                                  l.Y == adjacentSquare.Y) != null)

                    // if it's not in the open list...
                    if (openList.FirstOrDefault(l => l.X == adjacentSquare.X &&
                                                l.Y == adjacentSquare.Y) == null)
                        // compute its score, set the parent
                        adjacentSquare.G      = g;
                        adjacentSquare.H      = ComputeHScore(adjacentSquare.X, adjacentSquare.Y, target.X, target.Y);
                        adjacentSquare.F      = adjacentSquare.G + adjacentSquare.H;
                        adjacentSquare.Parent = current;

                        // and add it to the open list
                        openList.Insert(0, adjacentSquare);
                        // test if using the current G score makes the adjacent square's F score
                        // lower, if yes update the parent because it means it's a better path
                        if (g + adjacentSquare.H < adjacentSquare.F)
                            adjacentSquare.G      = g;
                            adjacentSquare.F      = adjacentSquare.G + adjacentSquare.H;
                            adjacentSquare.Parent = current;

            // assume path was found; let's show it
            while (current != null)
                current = current.Parent;

            // end
예제 #9
 private string GetResultPath()
     return($"{ResultFormat} {ResultPath.DoubleQuoteIfNeeded()}");