         *                                                                    *
         *                 checkForNewExperiment()
         *                                                                    *
         Sends a request to the server if an experiment is queued.
         insert detailed description for checkForNewExperiment here...
         @cond INTERNAL
         documented by t.wilhelmer, 8.11.2015
         <param name="restAPI">In: RESTapi object with personalized x-apikey and userID. </param>
         <returns>New status for state machine.  </returns>
        public Status checkForNewExperiment(RestAPI restAPI)
            GETStatusResponse expResponse = new GETStatusResponse();
                expResponse = (GETStatusResponse)restAPI.GETRequest(RequestEndpoint.status);
            catch(Exception e)
                logger.errorLog("An exception occurred in checkForNewExperiment() using apis/engine/experiment/" + RequestEndpoint.status);
                logger.errorLog("Exception message:");
                return Status.EXCEPTION;

            if (expResponse.success == true)
                Console.WriteLine("\nExperiment found!");
                logger.log("(" + expResponse.timestamp + ") - Experiment found : ExpId = " + expResponse.expId + "\n");
                return Status.DEQUEUEEXPERIMENT;
                Console.WriteLine("No experiment found!");
                return Status.CHECKFOREXPERIMENT;
        public Result UpdateTimesheetRecordIdByEmployeeAndWeekStartDate(TimesheetByEmployeeAndStartDateAndStatusViewModel objTimesheetRecord, string siteUrl)
            Result res = new Result();

                List <TimesheetWithWorkItems> objTimesheetList = GetTimesheetsByEmployeeAndWeekStartDate(objTimesheetRecord, siteUrl);
                foreach (var _recordIDObj in objTimesheetList)
                    Timesheet objTimesheet = new Timesheet();
                    objTimesheet.ID       = _recordIDObj.ID;
                    objTimesheet.RecordID = objTimesheetRecord.RecordID;
                    UpdateTimesheet(objTimesheet, siteUrl);
                res.StatusCode = StatusCode.Success;
                res.Message    = Messages.MsgSuccessUpdate;
            catch (Exception ex)
                string guid = RestAPI.WriteException(ex, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.Name);
                res.Message    = Messages.MsgSomethingWentWrong;
                res.StatusCode = StatusCode.Error;
예제 #3
        static async Task <int> Main(string[] args)
                //dapper test
                var db = new SqlConnection(secrets.ConnectionString);
                var ddd = db.Query <object>("select * from users");

                //woocommerce api test
                RestAPI  rest = new RestAPI(secrets.SiteAddress, secrets.ConsumerKey, secrets.ConsumerPass);
                WCObject wc   = new WCObject(rest);

                //Get all products
                var products = await wc.Product.GetAll();

            catch (Exception ex)
                var msg = ex.Message.UnicodeToString();
예제 #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            RestAPI plivo = new RestAPI("Your AUTH_ID", "Your AUTH_TOKEN");

            IRestResponse <MessageResponse> resp = plivo.send_message(new Dictionary <string, string>()
                { "src", "1111111111" }, // Sender's phone number with country code
                { "dst", "2222222222" }, // Receiver's phone number wiht country code
                // Your SMS text message - English
                { "text", "This randomly generated text can be used in your layout (webdesign , websites, books, posters ... ) for free. This text is entirely free of law. Feel free to link to this site by using the image below or by making a simple text link" }
                // Send uicode text
                // Your SMS text message - Japanese
                // {"text", "このランダムに生成されたテキストは、自由のためのあなたのレイアウト(ウェブデザイン、ウェブサイト、書籍、ポスター...)で使用することができます。このテキストは、法律の完全に無料です。下の画像を使用して、または単純なテキストリンクを作ることで、このサイトへのリンクフリーです"}
                // Your SMS text message - French
                // {"text", "Ce texte généré aléatoirement peut-être utilisé dans vos maquettes (webdesign, sites internet,livres, affiches...) gratuitement. Ce texte est entièrement libre de droit. N'hésitez pas à faire un lien sur ce site en utilisant l'image ci-dessous ou en faisant un simple lien texte}

            //Prints the message details

            // Get the details of the sent message
            string uuid = resp.Data.message_uuid[0];

            RestAPI plivo1 = new RestAPI("Your AUTH_ID", "Your AUTH_TOKEN");

            IRestResponse <Message> response = plivo1.get_message(new Dictionary <string, string>()
                { "record_id", uuid } // Message UUID

            Console.WriteLine("Number of units : {0}", response.Data.units);
        public Result UpdateTimesheetRecordId(List <SyncRecordID> objRecordIDs, string siteUrl)
            Result res = new Result();

                Timesheet objTimesheet          = new Timesheet();
                int       recordsUpdatedCounter = 0;
                foreach (var _recordIDObj in objRecordIDs)
                    Result updateResult = new Result();
                    objTimesheet.ID       = _recordIDObj.ID;
                    objTimesheet.RecordID = _recordIDObj.RecordID;
                    updateResult          = UpdateTimesheet(objTimesheet, siteUrl);
                    if (updateResult.StatusCode.Equals(1))
                res.StatusCode = StatusCode.Success;
                res.Message    = recordsUpdatedCounter + " " + Messages.MsgSuccessRecordsUpdate;
            catch (Exception ex)
                string guid = RestAPI.WriteException(ex, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.Name);
                res.Message    = Messages.MsgSomethingWentWrong;
                res.StatusCode = StatusCode.Error;
예제 #6
        public async Task <List <string> > GetTopSellerReport(Dictionary <string, string> parms = null)
            string json = await API.SendHttpClientRequest("reports/sales/top_sellers", RequestMethod.GET, string.Empty, parms);

            json = json.Substring(json.IndexOf(':') + 1, json.Length - json.IndexOf(':') - 2);
            return(RestAPI.DeserializeJSon <List <string> >(json));
예제 #7
        public async Task <WebhookDeliveryList> GetWebhookDeliveries(int webhookid, Dictionary <string, string> parms = null)
            string json = await API.SendHttpClientRequest("webhooks/" + webhookid.ToString() + "/deliveries", RequestMethod.GET, string.Empty, parms);

            json = json.Substring(json.IndexOf(':') + 1, json.Length - json.IndexOf(':') - 2);
            return(RestAPI.DeserializeJSon <WebhookDeliveryList>(json));
예제 #8
        public APIController()
            // Utilizamos o segredo aqui no caso de exemplo
            RestAPI rest = new RestAPI("https://mindboggle-257618.easywp.com/wp-json/wc/v3/", "ck_677e2069693b2a64310671ca9de93c1090f7e294", "cs_b1b0300b985fa3ccf3bbdec4f3d57e3734a05837");

            wc = new WCObject(rest);
예제 #9
        public async Task <Customer> GetCustomerByEmail(string email, Dictionary <string, string> parms = null)
            string json = await API.SendHttpClientRequest("customers/email/" + email, RequestMethod.GET, string.Empty, parms);

            json = json.Substring(json.IndexOf(':') + 1, json.Length - json.IndexOf(':') - 2);
            return(RestAPI.DeserializeJSon <Customer>(json));
예제 #10
        public async Task <WebhookDelivery> GetWebhookDelivery(int webhookid, int deliveryid, Dictionary <string, string> parms = null)
            string json = await API.GetRestful("webhooks/" + webhookid.ToString() + "/deliveries/" + deliveryid.ToString(), parms);

            json = json.Substring(json.IndexOf(':') + 1, json.Length - json.IndexOf(':') - 2);
            return(RestAPI.DeserializeJSon <WebhookDelivery>(json));
예제 #11
            public WCOrderItem(RestAPI api) : base(api)
                API = api;

                Notes   = new WCSubItem <T7>(api, APIEndpoint);
                Refunds = new WCSubItem <T8>(api, APIEndpoint);
예제 #12
            public WCProductItem(RestAPI api) : base(api)
                API = api;

                Reviews    = new WCSubItem <T4>(api, APIEndpoint);
                Variations = new WCSubItem <T5>(api, APIEndpoint);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            RestAPI plivo = new RestAPI("Your AUTH_ID", "Your AUTH_TOKEN");

            // Link an application to a phone number    
            IRestResponse<GenericResponse> resp = plivo.link_application_number(new Dictionary<string,string>()
                {"number","1111111111"}, // Number that has to be linked to an application
                {"app_id","16632742496743552"} // Application ID that has to be linked


            // Unlink an application from a phone number            
            IRestResponse<GenericResponse> response = plivo.unlink_application_number(new Dictionary<string, string>()
                {"number","1111111111"} // Number that has to be unlikned to an application

예제 #14
        public WCObject(RestAPI api)
            if (api.Version != APIVersion.Version3)
                throw new Exception("Please use WooCommerce Restful API Version 3 url for this WCObject. e.g.: http://www.yourstore.co.nz/wp-json/wc/v3/");

            API = api;

            Coupon           = new WCItem <T1>(api);
            Customer         = new WCItem <T2>(api);
            Product          = new WCProductItem(api);
            Order            = new WCOrderItem(api);
            Attribute        = new WCAttributeItem(api);
            Category         = new WCItem <T11>(api);
            ShippingClass    = new WCItem <T12>(api);
            Tag              = new WCItem <T13>(api);
            Report           = new WCItem <Report>(api);
            TaxRate          = new WCItem <T14>(api);
            TaxClass         = new WCItem <T15>(api);
            Webhook          = new WCItem <Webhook>(api);
            PaymentGateway   = new WCItem <PaymentGateway>(api);
            ShippingZone     = new WCShippingZoneItem(api);
            ShippingMethod   = new WCItem <ShippingMethod>(api);
            SystemStatus     = new WCItem <SystemStatus>(api);
            SystemStatusTool = new WCItem <SystemStatusTool>(api);
            Setting          = new WCItem <Setting>(api);
            Data             = new WCItem <Data>(api);
            Plugin           = new WCItem <Plugins>(api);
예제 #15
            public WCShippingZoneItem(RestAPI api) : base(api)
                API = api;

                Locations = new WCSubItem <ShippingZoneLocation>(api, APIEndpoint);
                Methods   = new WCSubItem <ShippingZoneMethod>(api, APIEndpoint);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            RestAPI plivo = new RestAPI("Your AUTH_ID", "Your AUTH_TOKEN");

            // Without Filters
            IRestResponse<CDRList> resp = plivo.get_cdrs(new Dictionary<string, string>() {});

            //Prints the message details

            // Filtering the response

            IRestResponse<CDRList> resp = plivo.get_cdrs(new Dictionary<string, string>() 
                { "end_time_gt", "2015-02-10 11:47" }, // Filter out calls according to the time of completion. gte stands for greater than or equal.
                { "call_direction", "outbound" }, // Filter the results by call direction. The valid inputs are inbound and outbound
                { "from_number","1111111111"}, // Filter the results by the number from where the call originated
                { "to_number","2222222222"}, // Filter the results by the number to which the call was made
                { "limit","2"}, // The number of results per page
                { "offset","0"} // The number of value items by which the results should be offset

            //Prints the message details

        static void Main(string[] args)
            RestAPI plivo = new RestAPI("Your AUTH_ID", "Your AUTH_TOKEN");

            // API ID is returned for every API request. 
            // Request UUID is request id of the call. This ID is returned as soon as the call is fired irrespective of whether the call is answered or not
            IRestResponse<Call> resp = plivo.make_call(new Dictionary<string, string>() 
                { "from", "1111111111" }, // The phone number to which the call has to be placed
                { "to", "2222222222" }, // The phone number to be used as the caller Id
                { "answer_url", "http://dotnettest.apphb.com/speak" }, // The URL invoked by Plivo when the outbound call is answered
                { "answer_method","GET"} // The method used to invoke the answer_url

            //Prints the response

            // Call UUID is th id of a live call. This ID is returned only after the call is answered.

            IRestResponse<LiveCall> resp = plivo.get_live_call(new Dictionary<string,string>() 
                { "call_uuid", "cd8fb3a0-b2a6-11e4-9a04-f5504e456438" } // The status of the call

            //Prints the message details

예제 #18
        public async Task <Order_Refund> GetOrderRefund(int orderid, int refundid, Dictionary <string, string> parms = null)
            string json = await API.SendHttpClientRequest("orders/" + orderid.ToString() + "/refunds/" + refundid.ToString(), RequestMethod.GET, string.Empty, parms);

            json = json.Substring(json.IndexOf(':') + 1, json.Length - json.IndexOf(':') - 2);
            return(RestAPI.DeserializeJSon <Order_Refund>(json));
예제 #19
        public async Task <IRestResult <List <CovidUpdatesModel> > > GetCovidUpdates(bool globalData, CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource = default(CancellationTokenSource))
            Dictionary <string, string> param = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            param.Add("globalData", globalData.ToString());
            return(await RestAPI.GetAsync <List <CovidUpdatesModel> >(APIConstants.CovidUpdates, param, cancellationTokenSource));
예제 #20
        public async Task <Product_Category> GetProductCategory(int categoryid, Dictionary <string, string> parms = null)
            string json = await API.SendHttpClientRequest("products/categories/" + categoryid.ToString(), RequestMethod.GET, string.Empty, parms);

            json = json.Substring(json.IndexOf(':') + 1, json.Length - json.IndexOf(':') - 2);
            return(RestAPI.DeserializeJSon <Product_Category>(json));
예제 #21
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int type = 99;

        int[] args = new int[10] {
            0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
        string[] strArgs = new String[3] {
            "", "", ""

        if (!int.TryParse(Utility.GetQueryString(Request, "type", "99"), out type))

        for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
            if (!int.TryParse(Utility.GetQueryString(Request, "Arg" + (i + 1), "99"), out args[i]))

        for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
            strArgs[i] = Utility.SecureInput(Utility.GetQueryString(Request, "StrArg" + (i + 1), ""));

        Response.ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
        Response.Write(RestAPI.Get(type, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7], args[8], args[9], strArgs[0], strArgs[1], strArgs[2]));
예제 #22
        public RestAPI CheckUser(string username, string password)
            RestAPI  restAPI  = new RestAPI();
            UesrInfo userinfo = new UesrInfo();

            using (SHA256 sha256Hash = SHA256.Create())
                // ComputeHash - returns byte array
                byte[] bytes = sha256Hash.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password));

                // Convert byte array to a string
                StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
                for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++)
                User user = new User();
                user = _DouligoDbContext.User.Where(x => x.username == username).
                       Where(x => x.password == builder.ToString()).Where(x => x.activated == 1).FirstOrDefault();
                if (user != null)
                    restAPI.StatusCode = 200;
                    userinfo.username  = user.username;
                    userinfo.email     = user.email;
                    restAPI.Data       = userinfo;
                    restAPI.StatusCode = -1;
예제 #23
        static void Main(string[] args)
            RestAPI plivo = new RestAPI("Your AUTH_ID", "Your AUTH_TOKEN");

            IRestResponse<MessageResponse> resp = plivo.send_message(new Dictionary<string, string>()
                { "src", "1111111111" }, // Sender's phone number with country code
                { "dst", "2222222222" }, // Receiver's phone number wiht country code
                // Your SMS text message - English
                { "text", "This randomly generated text can be used in your layout (webdesign , websites, books, posters ... ) for free. This text is entirely free of law. Feel free to link to this site by using the image below or by making a simple text link" }
                // Send uicode text
                // Your SMS text message - Japanese
                // {"text", "このランダムに生成されたテキストは、自由のためのあなたのレイアウト(ウェブデザイン、ウェブサイト、書籍、ポスター...)で使用することができます。このテキストは、法律の完全に無料です。下の画像を使用して、または単純なテキストリンクを作ることで、このサイトへのリンクフリーです"}
                // Your SMS text message - French
                // {"text", "Ce texte généré aléatoirement peut-être utilisé dans vos maquettes (webdesign, sites internet,livres, affiches...) gratuitement. Ce texte est entièrement libre de droit. N'hésitez pas à faire un lien sur ce site en utilisant l'image ci-dessous ou en faisant un simple lien texte}

            //Prints the message details

            // Get the details of the sent message
            string uuid = resp.Data.message_uuid[0];

            RestAPI plivo1 = new RestAPI("Your AUTH_ID", "Your AUTH_TOKEN");

            IRestResponse<Message> response = plivo1.get_message(new Dictionary<string, string>()
                { "record_id", uuid } // Message UUID

            Console.WriteLine("Number of units : {0}", response.Data.units);
예제 #24
        private async void InitRemote()
            if (_isInitialized.Value)

                var models = await RestAPI.Get(ApiEndpoint);

                foreach (var model in models)
                    var dim = new DataDimension();
                    dim.Column      = model["column"].Value <string>();
                    dim.DisplayName = model["displayName"].Value <string>();
                    dim.HideTicks   = model["hideTicks"].Value <bool>();
                    dim.Ticks       = model["ticks"].Select(t => new DataDimension.Tick
                        Name  = t["name"].Value <string>(),
                        Value = t["value"].Value <float>()


            catch (Exception e)
        public async Task <IRestResult <string> > GetOtp(string phoneNumber, CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource = default(CancellationTokenSource))
            Dictionary <string, string> param = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            param.Add("PhoneNumber", phoneNumber);
            return(await RestAPI.PostAsync <string>(APIConstants.GetOTPUrl, param, cancellationTokenSource));
예제 #26
        public static async void GetAllProduct1()
            var      key    = "ck_11eedd67dd05dadef7e9e3e5142d34536e6b5c4e";
            var      secret = "cs_bf52a8cf72941b774a9dd3e8ea1ea7314f67324c";
            RestAPI  rest   = new RestAPI("http://jivori.com/wp-json/wc/v3/", key, secret);
            WCObject wc     = new WCObject(rest);
            var      dic    = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <string, string>();

            dic.Add("per_page", "100");
            int pageNumber = 1;

            dic.Add("page", pageNumber.ToString());
            var products = new List <Product>();

            bool endWhile = false;

            while (!endWhile)
                var productsTemp = wc.Product.GetAll(dic).Result;
                if (productsTemp.Count > 0)
                    products.ForEach(p => {
                    dic["page"] = pageNumber.ToString();
                    endWhile = true;
            Console.WriteLine("products.Count=" + products.Count);
예제 #27
        public async Task <int> GetProductCount()
            int     _count   = 0;
            RestAPI _RestAPI = _Woo.GetRootRestAPI;

                string Result = await _RestAPI.GetRestful("products/count");

                if (Result.Contains("count"))
                    int _from = Result.IndexOf(":");
                    int _to   = Result.IndexOf("}");
                    _count = Convert.ToInt32(Result.Substring(_from + 1, _to - _from - 1));
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (_Woo.Logger != null)
                    _Woo.Logger.LogError("Error calling WOO REST ROOT API: " + ex.Message);
예제 #28
        static void Main(string[] args)
            RestAPI plivo = new RestAPI("Your AUTH_ID", "Your AUTH_TOKEN");

            IRestResponse<MessageResponse> resp = plivo.send_message(new Dictionary<string, string>()
                { "src", "1111111111" }, // Sender's phone number with country code
                { "dst", "2222222222" }, // Receiver's phone number wiht country code
                { "text", "Hi, text from Plivo." } // Your SMS text message
                // To send Unicode text
                // {"text", "こんにちは、元気ですか?"} // Your SMS text message - Japanese
                // {"text", "Ce est texte généré aléatoirement"} // Your SMS text message - French
                { "url", "http://dotnettest.apphb.com/delivery_report"}, // The URL to which with the status of the message is sent
                { "method", "POST"} // Method to invoke the url

            //Prints the message details

            // Print the message_uuid

            // Print the api_id

예제 #29
        private async Task <List <Product> > GetAllWithParams(Dictionary <string, string> pProductParams)
            List <Product> _WooProducts = null;
            int            _Page        = 1;
            bool           _GetMore     = true;

            // if there is no page setting adding
            if (pProductParams.ContainsKey("page"))
                pProductParams["page"] = "0";
                pProductParams.Add("page", "0");
            if (pProductParams.ContainsKey("per_page"))
                pProductParams["per_page"] = "20";
                pProductParams.Add("per_page", "20");
            // retrieve products until the number of products returned is 0.
                RestAPI  _RestAPI = _Woo.GetJSONRestAPI;
                WCObject _WC      = new WCObject(_RestAPI);
                while (_GetMore)
                    pProductParams["page"] = _Page.ToString();
                    List <Product> TwentyProducts = await _WC.Product.GetAll(pProductParams);

                    if (TwentyProducts.Count > 0)
                        if (_WooProducts == null)
                            _WooProducts = TwentyProducts;
                        _GetMore = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (_Woo.Logger != null)
                    _Woo.Logger.LogError("Error calling WOO REST API: " + ex.Message);
예제 #30
        static void Main(string[] args)
            RestAPI plivo = new RestAPI(auth_id, auth_token);

            // Place a call
            IRestResponse<Call> resp = plivo.make_call(new dict {
                { "to", "11111111111" },
                { "from", "22222222222" },
                { "answer_url", "http://some.domain/answer/" },
                { "answer_method", "GET" },
		// add sip headers
                //{ "sip_headers", "sipheader1=value1,sipheader2=value2" },
            if (resp.Data != null)
                PropertyInfo[] proplist = resp.Data.GetType().GetProperties();
                foreach (PropertyInfo property in proplist)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", property.Name, property.GetValue(resp.Data, null));

            // Place bulk call with sip headers for each call
            IRestResponse<BulkCall> resp = plivo.make_bulk_call(new dict {
                { "from", "22222222222" },
                { "answer_url", "http://some.domain/answer/" },
                { "answer_method", "GET" },
예제 #31
        public async Task <OrderList> GetOrders(Dictionary <string, string> parms = null)
            string json = await API.SendHttpClientRequest("orders", RequestMethod.GET, string.Empty, parms);

            json = json.Substring(json.IndexOf(':') + 1, json.Length - json.IndexOf(':') - 2);
            return(RestAPI.DeserializeJSon <OrderList>(json));
예제 #32
        private async void btn_login_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            progress_bar.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
            btn_login.IsEnabled = false;

            LoginRequest loginRequest = new LoginRequest
                username = txt_username.Text,
                password = txt_password.Password

            LoginResponse loginResponse = await RestAPI.PostLogin(loginRequest);

            progress_bar.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
            if (loginResponse.token != null)
                LoginResponse.access_token = loginResponse.token;

                if (send != null)
                MessageBox.Show("Login Fail");
                btn_login.IsEnabled = true;
예제 #33
        public async Task <DownloadList> GetCustomerDownloads(int id, Dictionary <string, string> parms = null)
            string json = await API.GetRestful("customers/" + id.ToString() + "/downloads", parms);

            json = json.Substring(json.IndexOf(':') + 1, json.Length - json.IndexOf(':') - 2);
            return(RestAPI.DeserializeJSon <DownloadList>(json));
예제 #34
        public async Task <Coupon> GetCoupon(string code, Dictionary <string, string> parms = null)
            string json = await API.SendHttpClientRequest("coupons/code/" + code, RequestMethod.GET, string.Empty, parms);

            json = json.Substring(json.IndexOf(':') + 1, json.Length - json.IndexOf(':') - 2);
            return(RestAPI.DeserializeJSon <Coupon>(json));
        public static Result AddListItem <T>(string listName, T obj)
            string id           = string.Empty;
            string itemPostBody = GenerateJsonFromObject.GenerateJson <T>(obj, out id);

            string DomainName   = Convert.ToString(WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DomainName"]);
            string SiteUrl      = Convert.ToString(WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SiteUrl"]);
            string accessToken  = (HttpContext.Current.Request.Headers["Authorization"]).Split(' ')[1];
            string errorLogPath = Convert.ToString(WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ErrorLogPath"]);
            Result res          = new Result();

                RestAPI.AddListItems(SiteUrl, errorLogPath, accessToken, Lists.ListURLs.RestUrlList(listName),
                                     Lists.ListURLs.RestUrlListItemWithQuery(listName, false), itemPostBody, Convert.ToString(GetUserInfo.UserID));

                res.StatusCode = StatusCode.Success;
                res.Message    = Messages.MsgSuccessAdd;

            catch (Exception ex)
                string guid = RestAPI.WriteException(ex, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.Name);
                throw new Exception(string.Format(Lists.Messages.MsgExceptionOccured, guid));
예제 #36
        public async Task <ProductReviewList> GetProductReviews(int productid, Dictionary <string, string> parms = null)
            string json = await API.SendHttpClientRequest("products/" + productid.ToString() + "/reviews", RequestMethod.GET, string.Empty, parms);

            json = json.Substring(json.IndexOf(':') + 1, json.Length - json.IndexOf(':') - 2);
            return(RestAPI.DeserializeJSon <ProductReviewList>(json));
        public Result UpdateTimesheetSyncStatusByRecordID(List <SyncStatusByRecordID> objSyncStatus, string siteUrl)
            Result res = new Result();

                int recordsUpdatedCounter = 0;
                foreach (var _recordIDObj in objSyncStatus)
                    List <TimesheetWithWorkItems> objWorkItemList = GetTimesheetByRecordID(_recordIDObj.RecordID, siteUrl);
                    foreach (var timesheetRecord in objWorkItemList)
                        Timesheet objTimesheetItem = new Timesheet();
                        Result    updateResult     = new Result();
                        objTimesheetItem.ID       = timesheetRecord.ID;
                        objTimesheetItem.IsSynced = _recordIDObj.IsSynced;
                        updateResult = UpdateTimesheet(objTimesheetItem, siteUrl);
                        if (updateResult.StatusCode.Equals(1))
                res.StatusCode = StatusCode.Success;
                res.Message    = recordsUpdatedCounter + " " + Messages.MsgSuccessRecordsUpdate;
            catch (Exception ex)
                string guid = RestAPI.WriteException(ex, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.Name);
                res.Message    = Messages.MsgSomethingWentWrong;
                res.StatusCode = StatusCode.Error;
        public Program()
            Get["/record_api"] = x =>
                Plivo.XML.Response resp = new Plivo.XML.Response();
                String getdigits_action_url = "http://dotnettest.apphb.com/recording_action";
                GetDigits gd = new GetDigits("", new Dictionary<string, string>() 
                    {"action",getdigits_action_url}, // The URL to which the digits are sent
                    {"method","GET"}, // Submit to action URL using GET or POST.
                    {"timeout","7"}, // Time in seconds to wait to receive the first digit.
                    {"numDigitd","1"}, // Maximum number of digits to be processed in the current operation.
                    {"retries","1"}, // Indicates the number of retries the user is allowed to input the digits
                    {"redirect","false"} // Redirect to action URL if true. If false,only request the URL and continue to next element.

                gd.AddSpeak("Press 1 to record this call", new Dictionary<string, string>());
                resp.AddWait(new Dictionary<string, string>() 
                    {"length","10"} // Time to wait in seconds


                var output = resp.ToString();
                var res = (Nancy.Response)output;
                res.ContentType = "text/xml";
                return res;

            Get["/recording_action"] = x =>
                String digits = Request.Query["Digits"];
                String uuid = Request.Query["CallUUID"];
                Debug.WriteLine("Digit pressed : {0}, Call UUID : {1}", digits, uuid);

                if (digits == "1")
                    string auth_id = "Your AUTH_ID";
                    string auth_token = "Your AUTH_TOKEN";

                    RestAPI plivo = new RestAPI(auth_id, auth_token);

                    IRestResponse<Plivo.API.Record> resp = plivo.record(new Dictionary<string, string>() 
                        { "call_uuid", uuid } // ID of the call


                return "OK";
예제 #39
		public void SetUp()
			api = new RestAPI(NetellerEnvironment.Test);

			//always use same culture to avoid formatting differences
			Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-US");
			Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new CultureInfo("en-US");
        static void Main(string[] args)
            RestAPI plivo = new RestAPI("Your AUTH_ID", "Your AUTH_TOKEN");

            IRestResponse<PlivoPricing> resp = plivo.pricing(new Dictionary<string, string>()

        static void Main(string[] args)
            RestAPI plivo = new RestAPI("Your AUTH_ID", "Your AUTH_TOKEN");

            IRestResponse<Message> resp = plivo.get_message(new Dictionary<string, string>() 
                { "record_id", "1aead330-8ff9-11e4-9bd8-22000afa12b9" } // Message UUID

            //Prints the message details

        public Program()
            // Generates a Conference XML
            Get["/conference"] = x =>
                Plivo.XML.Response resp = new Plivo.XML.Response();
                resp.AddSpeak("You will now be placed into a demo conference. This is brought to you by Plivo. To know more, visit us at Plivo.com", new Dictionary<string, string>() { });
                resp.AddConference("demo", new Dictionary<string, string>()
                    {"enterSound","beep:1"}, // Used to play a sound when a member enters the conference
                    {"callbackUrl","http://dotnettest.apphb.com/conf_callback"}, // If specified, information is sent back to this URL
                    {"callbackMethod","GET"}, // Method used to notify callbackUrl


                var output = resp.ToString();
                var res = (Nancy.Response)output;
                res.ContentType = "text/xml";
                return res;

            // Record API is called in the callback URL to record the conference
            Get["/conf_callback"] = x =>
                String events = Request.Query["Event"];
                String conf_name = Request.Query["ConferenceName"];

                // The recording starts when the user enters the conference room 
                if (events == "ConferenceEnter")
                    string auth_id = "Your AUTH_ID";
                    string auth_token = "Your AUTH_TOKEN";

                    RestAPI plivo = new RestAPI(auth_id, auth_token);
                    IRestResponse<Plivo.API.Record> resp = plivo.record_conference(new Dictionary<string, string>()
                        {"conference_name",conf_name} // Name of the conference


                return "Done";
        static void Main(string[] args)
            RestAPI plivo = new RestAPI("Your AUTH_ID", "Your AUTH_TOKEN");
            IRestResponse<CDR> resp = plivo.get_cdr(new Dictionary<string, string>() 
                { "record_id", "064c0e98-b1e2-11e4-989e-c73b3246dc2a" } // The ID of the call

            //Prints the message details

        static void Main(string[] args)
            RestAPI plivo = new RestAPI("Your AUTH_ID", "Your AUTH_TOKEN");
            IRestResponse<GenericResponse> resp = plivo.hangup_call(new Dictionary<string, string>() 
                { "call_uuid", "defb0706-86a6-11e4-b303-498d468c930b" } // UUID of the call to be hung up

            //Prints the response

        static void Main(string[] args)
            RestAPI plivo = new RestAPI("Your AUTH_ID", "Your AUTH_TOKEN");
            IRestResponse<LiveCall> resp = plivo.get_live_call(new Dictionary<string,string>() 
                { "call_uuid", "cd8fb3a0-b2a6-11e4-9a04-f5504e456438" } // The status of the call

            //Prints the message details

        static void Main(string[] args)
            RestAPI plivo = new RestAPI("Your AUTH_ID", "Your AUTH_TOKEN");
            IRestResponse<MessageResponse> resp = plivo.send_message(new Dictionary<string, string>() 
                { "src", "ALPHA" }, // Alphanumeric sender ID
                { "dst", "1111111111" }, // Receiver's phone number wiht country code
                { "text", "Hi, text from plivo" } // Your SMS text message

            //Prints the message details
예제 #47
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SmsService" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="authToken"> The plivo AuthToken. </param>
        /// <param name="accountSid"> The plivo Account Sid. </param>
        /// <param name="fromNumber"> the plivo from number. </param> 
        /// <param name="loggerService"> The logger service</param>
        /// <param name="mapperFactory">the mapper factory</param>
        public SmsService(string authToken, string accountSid, string fromNumber, ILoggerService loggerService, IMapperFactory mapperFactory)
                this.plivo = new RestAPI(accountSid, authToken);
            catch (Exception ex)

            this.fromNumber = fromNumber;
            this.loggerService = loggerService;
            this.mapperFactory = mapperFactory;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            RestAPI plivo = new RestAPI("Your AUTH_ID", "Your AUTH_TOKEN");

            // To record a call
            IRestResponse<Plivo.API.Record> resp = plivo.record(new Dictionary<string, string>() 
                {"call_uuid", "xxxxxxxxxxx" } // ID of the call
                {"time_limit","40"}, // Max recording duration in seconds
                {"callback_url","http://dotnettest.apphb.com/record_callback"}, // The URL invoked by the API when the recording ends
                {"callback_method","GET"}, // The method which is used to invoke the callback_url
                {"transcriptionType","auto"}, // The type of transcription required
                {"transcriptionUrl","http://dotnettest.apphb.com/transcription"}, // The URL where the transcription while be sent from Plivo
                {"transcriptionMethod","GET"}, // The method used to invoke transcriptionUrl 



            // To stop recording a call
            IRestResponse<Plivo.API.Record> resp = plivo.stop_record(new Dictionary<string, string>() 
                { "call_uuid", "xxxxxxxxxxx" } // ID of the call


            // To record a conference call
            IRestResponse<Plivo.API.Record> resp = plivo.record_conference(new Dictionary<string, string>() 
                {"conference_name", "demo" } // The conference name
                {"callback_url","http://dotnettest.apphb.com/record_callback"}, // The URL invoked by the API when the recording ends
                {"callback_method","GET"}, // The method which is used to invoke the callback_url


            // To stop recording a conference
            IRestResponse<Plivo.API.Record> resp = plivo.stop_record_conference(new Dictionary<string, string>() 
                {"conference_name", "demo" } // The conference name


        static void Main(string[] args)
            RestAPI plivo = new RestAPI("Your AUTH_ID", "Your AUTH_TOKEN");

            // Search for a new phone number
            IRestResponse<PhoneNumberList> resp = plivo.search_phone_numbers(new Dictionary<string,string>()
                {"country_iso","US"}, // The ISO code A2 of the country
                {"type","local"}, // The type of number you are looking for. The possible number types are local, national and tollfree.
                {"pattern","210"}, // Represents the pattern of the number to be searched.
                {"region","Texas"} // This filter is only applicable when the number_type is local. Region based filtering can be performed.

            // Buy a new phone number
            IRestResponse<PhoneNumberResponse> res = plivo.buy_phone_number(new Dictionary<string, string>()
                {"number","12109206499"} // The phone number that has to be rented


            //Modify a number
            IRestResponse<PhoneNumberResponse> res = plivo.modify_number(new Dictionary<string, string>()
                {"number","12109206499"}, // The phone number that has to be rented
                {"alias","Test"}, //The textual name given to the number
                {"subaccount","Your SUB_AUTH_ID"} //The auth_id of the subaccount to which this number should be added.

            // Unrent a number
            IRestResponse<GenericResponse> response = plivo.unrent_number(new Dictionary<string, string>()
                {"number","12109206499"} // Number that has to be unrented

        static void Main(string[] args)
            RestAPI plivo = new RestAPI("Your AUTH_ID", "Your AUTH_TOKEN");
            IRestResponse<Call> resp = plivo.make_call(new Dictionary<string,string>() 
                { "to", "2222222222<3333333333" }, // The phone number to which the call has to be placed
                {"from", "1111111111"}, // The phone number to be used as the caller id
                {"answer_url","http://dotnettest.apphb.com/response/conference"}, // The URL invoked by Plivo when the outbound call is answered
                {"answer_method","GET"} // The method used to call the answer_url

            //Prints the message details

        static void Main(string[] args)
            RestAPI plivo = new RestAPI("Your AUTH_ID", "Your AUTH_TOKEN");
            IRestResponse<Call> resp = plivo.make_call(new Dictionary<string, string>() 
                { "from", "1111111111" }, // The phone number to which the call has to be placed
                { "to", "sip:[email protected]" }, // The phone number to be used as the caller Id
                { "answer_url", "http://dotnettest.apphb.com/speak" }, // The URL invoked by Plivo when the outbound call is answered
                {"answer_method","GET"}, // The method used to invoke the answer_url
                {"sip_headers","Test=Sample"} // List of SIP Headers in the form of 'key=value' pairs, separated by commas 

            //Prints the response

예제 #52
		public void GetAllSubscriptions()
			//note: throws an exception if no subscriptions exist, by design of Neteller.

			NetellerEnvironment[] environments = new[] { NetellerEnvironment.Test, NetellerEnvironment.Production };
			foreach (var environment in environments)

				api = new RestAPI(environment);

				Console.WriteLine("Subscriptions in " + environment);

				var subs = api.GetSubscriptions();
				foreach (var subscription in subs.list.ToList())

					//with resource expansion (not supported by Neteller on this function yet!)
					//string customerId = subscription.Customer.id;
					//string planId = subscription.Plan.planId;

					//wihtout resource expansion
					string customerId = subscription.Customer.link.url.Substring(subscription.Customer.link.url.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);
					string planId = subscription.Plan.link.url.Substring(subscription.Plan.link.url.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);

					//Customer customer = api.GetCustomerFromCustomerId(customerId);
					//string customerInfo = string.Format("Email {0} Name {1} {2}", customer.accountProfile.email, customer.accountProfile.firstName, customer.accountProfile.lastName);
					string customerInfo = string.Format("ID {0}", customerId);

					Console.WriteLine("Subscription ID {0,-3} Status {1} Start {2} End {3} Customer {4} PlanID: {5}",

				Assert.That(subs.list, Is.Not.Empty);

        static void Main(string[] args)
            RestAPI plivo = new RestAPI("Your AUTH_ID", "Your AUTH_TOKEN");
            IRestResponse<Call> resp = plivo.make_call(new Dictionary<string, string>() 
                { "from", "1111111111" }, // The phone number to which the call has to be placed
                { "to", "2222222222" }, // The phone number to be used as the caller Id
                { "answer_url", "http://dotnettest.apphb.com/speak" }, // The URL invoked by Plivo when the outbound call is answered
                { "answer_method","GET"}, // The method used to invoke the answer_url
                // Example for Asynchronous request
                // {"callback_url","http://dotnettest.apphb.com/callback"},
                // {"callback_method","GET"}

            //Prints the response

예제 #54
        static void Main(string[] args)

            IRestResponse<MessageResponse> resp = plivo.send_message(new Dictionary<string, string>()
                { "src", "11212121211" },
                { "dst", "12212121211" },
                { "text", "Hi, text from Plivo." },
                { "url", "http://some.domain/receivestatus/" },
                { "method", "GET" }
            if (resp.Data != null)
                PropertyInfo[] proplist = resp.Data.GetType().GetProperties();
                foreach (PropertyInfo property in proplist)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", property.Name, property.GetValue(resp.Data, null));
        static void Main(string[] args)
            RestAPI plivo = new RestAPI("Your AUTH_ID", "Your AUTH_TOKEN");

            // Get all numbers
            IRestResponse<NumberList> resp = plivo.get_numbers();


            // Get a particular number
            IRestResponse<Number> res = plivo.get_number(new Dictionary<string, string>()
                {"number","1111111111"} // Phone number for which the details have to be retrieved

        static void Main(string[] args)
            RestAPI plivo = new RestAPI("Your AUTH_ID", "Your AUTH_TOKEN");
            // Make an outbound call
            IRestResponse<Call> resp = plivo.make_call(new Dictionary<string,string>() 
                { "to", "2222222222" }, // The phone number to which the call has to be placed
                {"from", "1111111111"}, // The phone number to be used as the caller id
                {"answer_url","http://dotnettest.apphb.com/detect"}, // The URL invoked by Plivo when the outbound call is answered
                {"answer_method","GET"}, // Method to invoke the answer_url
                {"machine_detection","true"}, // Used to detect if the call has been answered by a machine. The valid values are true and hangup.
                {"machine_detection_time","10000"}, // Time allotted to analyze if the call has been answered by a machine. The default value is 5000 ms.
                {"machine_detection_url","http://dotnettest.apphb.com/machine_detection"}, // A URL where machine detection parameters will be sent by Plivo.
                {"machine_detection_method","GET"} // Method used to invoke machine_detection_url

            //Prints the message details

예제 #57
        static void Main(string[] args)
            RestAPI plivo = new RestAPI("Your AUTH_ID", "Your AUTH_TOKEN");

            IRestResponse<MessageResponse> resp = plivo.send_message(new Dictionary<string, string>()
                { "src", "1111111111" }, // Sender's phone number with country code
                { "dst", "2222222222<3333333333" }, // Receiver's phone number wiht country code
                { "text", "Hi, text from Plivo." } // Your SMS text message

            //Prints the message details

            // Loop through the message_uuid
            int count = resp.Data.message_uuid.Count;
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("Message UUID : {0}", resp.Data.message_uuid[i]);

            // Print the api_id
            Console.WriteLine("Api ID : {0}", resp.Data.api_id);

            // When an invalid number is given as a dst parameter, an error will be thrown and the message will not be sent

            IRestResponse<MessageResponse> response = plivo.send_message(new Dictionary<string, string>()
                { "src", "1111111111" }, // Sender's phone number with country code
                { "dst", "111111<2222222222" }, // Receiver's phone number wiht country code
                { "text", "Hi, text from Plivo." } // Your SMS text message

            //Prints the message details

        static void Main(string[] args)
            RestAPI plivo = new RestAPI("Your AUTH_ID", "Your AUTH_TOKEN");

            IRestResponse<MessageList> resp = plivo.get_messages();

            //Prints the message details

            // Filter the response
            IRestResponse<MessageList> response = plivo.get_messages(new Dictionary<string, string>() 
                { "limit", "2" }, // Number of results per page
                { "offset", "0" }, // The number of value items by which the results should be offset
                { "message_state", "delivered" }, // The state of the essage to be filtered
                { "message_direction", "inbound"}, // The direction of the message to be filtered
                { "subaccount", "SubAccount_AUTH_ID"} // The id of the subaccount, if SMS details of the subaccount is needed.

            // Print the response
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string auth_id = "<your_auth_id>";
            string auth_token = "<your_auth_token>";
            RestAPI plivo = new RestAPI(auth_id, auth_token);

            string call_uuid = // get the live call's uuid
            // Record a live call
            IRestResponse<Record> resp = plivo.record(new dict {
                { "call_uuid", call_uuid },
                { "transcription_url", "http://some.server/url/" },
                { "transcription_method", "GET" },
                { "transcription_type", "auto" },
            if (resp.Data != null)
                PropertyInfo[] proplist = resp.Data.GetType().GetProperties();
                foreach (PropertyInfo property in proplist)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", property.Name, property.GetValue(resp.Data, null));
        static void Main(string[] args)
            RestAPI plivo = new RestAPI("Your AUTH_ID", "Your AUTH_TOKEN");
            // Create an endpoint
            IRestResponse<Endpoint> resp = plivo.create_endpoint(new Dictionary<string,string>()
              {"username", "testuser"}, // The username for the endpoint to be created
              {"password", "testt"}, // The password for your endpoint username
              {"alias", "Test"} // Alias for this endpoint

            //Prints the response

            Sample Output
              "alias": "Test",
              "api_id": "db41f044-b5cb-11e4-b423-22000ac8a2f8",
              "endpoint_id": "29147375335448",
              "message": "created",
              "username": "******"
            // Get details of all existing applications
            IRestResponse<EndpointList> res = plivo.get_endpoints(new Dictionary<string, string>()
                {"limit","2"}, // The number of results per page
                {"offset","0"} // The number of value items by which the results should be offset

            //Prints the response

            // Prints the total number of apps
            Console.WriteLine("Total count : " + res.Data.meta.total_count);

              "api_id": "f09822ba-b5cb-11e4-ac1f-22000ac51de6",
              "meta": {
                "limit": 2,
                "next": "/v1/Account/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/Endpoint/?limit=2&offset=2",
                "offset": 0,
                "previous": null,
                "total_count": 3
              "objects": [
                  "alias": "Test",
                  "application": "/v1/Account/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/Application/16982793927977910/",
                  "endpoint_id": "29147375335448",
                  "password": "******",
                  "resource_uri": "/v1/Account/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/Endpoint/29147375335448/",
                  "sip_registered": "false",
                  "sip_uri": "sip:[email protected]",
                  "sub_account": null,
                  "username": "******"
                  "alias": "TestSample",
                  "application": "/v1/Account/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/Application/16632742496743552/",
                  "endpoint_id": "24753112937214",
                  "password": "******",
                  "resource_uri": "/v1/Account/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/Endpoint/24753112937214/",
                  "sip_registered": "false",
                  "sip_uri": "sip:[email protected]",
                  "sub_account": null,
                  "username": "******"
            Total count : 3
            // Get details of a single application
            IRestResponse<Endpoint> res1 = plivo.get_endpoint(new Dictionary<string, string>()
                {"endpoint_id","29147375335448"} // ID of the endpoint for which the details have to be retrieved

            //Prints the response

            Sample Output 
              "alias": "Test",
              "api_id": "798973ee-b5cc-11e4-b423-22000ac8a2f8",
              "application": "/v1/Account/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/Application/16982793927977910/",
              "endpoint_id": "29147375335448",
              "password": "******",
              "resource_uri": "/v1/Account/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/Endpoint/29147375335448/",
              "sip_registered": "false",
              "sip_uri": "sip:[email protected]",
              "sub_account": null,
              "username": "******"
            // Modify an application
            IRestResponse<GenericResponse> res2 = plivo.modify_endpoint(new Dictionary<string, string>()
                {"endpoint_id","29147375335448"}, // ID of the endpoint that has to be modified
                {"alias","Testing"} // Values that have to be updated

            //Prints the response

            Sample Output
              "api_id": "97305b10-b5cc-11e4-b423-22000ac8a2f8",
              "message": "changed"
            // Delete an application
            IRestResponse<GenericResponse> res3 = plivo.delete_endpoint(new Dictionary<string,string>()
              {"endpoint_id","29147375335448"}  // ID of the endpoint that as to be deleted

            //Prints the response

            Successful Output
            " "
            Unsuccessful output
              "api_id": "be4512a4-b5cc-11e4-9107-22000afaaa90",
              "error": "not found"