static void Send_Notification_Response(object[] data, Action <object[]> concluding_method) { Response_Status status = Http_Client.Parse_Status(data[0]); if (status < Response_Status.Network_Error) { SimpleJSON.JSONNode raw = SimpleJSON.JSON.Parse((string)data[2]); if (status == Response_Status.Ok) { if (raw["failure"].Value == "0") { Debug.Log("Success on sending notification."); concluding_method?.Invoke(new object[] { status, raw["success"].Value, "0" }); } else { Debug.LogWarning("Correct HTTP response but sending failures exists! (" + raw["success"].Value + " success, " + raw["failure"].Value + " failures)"); concluding_method?.Invoke(new object[] { status, raw["success"].Value, raw["failure"].Value }); } } else { concluding_method?.Invoke(new object[] { status, raw["error"].Value, "-1" }); } } }
// ______________________________________ // // 6. NOTIFICATION SENDING. // ______________________________________ // public static void Send_Notification(FCM_Params param) { if (param.Notification_Key == "") { Get_Notification_Key("user_id" + param.User_Id.ToString(), (object[] data_get) => { Response_Status status_get = Http_Client.Parse_Status(data_get[0]); if (status_get == Response_Status.Ok) { param.Notification_Key = (string)data_get[1]; Send_Notification(param); } else { Debug.LogWarning("Could not send notification due to error on getting the notification_key!"); param.Concluding_Method?.Invoke(new object[] { Response_Status.HTTP_Error, "notification_key not found", "-1" }); } }); return; } string content = "{" + s + "to" + s + ":" + s + param.Notification_Key + s + "," + s + "data" + s + ":{"; if (param.Data_Pairs != null) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> data in param.Data_Pairs) { content += s + data.Key + s + ":" + s + data.Value + s + ","; } } if (content[content.Length - 1] == ',') { content = content.Substring(0, content.Length - 1); } content += "}" + s + "notification" + s + ": " + "{" + s + "title" + s + ": " + s + param.Title + s + "," + s + "body" + s + ": " + s + param.Body + s + "," + s + "priority" + s + ": " + param.Priority + "}" + "}"; Http_Client.Send_HTTP_Request( "", Http_Client.Request_Type.POST, default_header, Send_Notification_Response, param.Concluding_Method, content ); }
static void Get_Notification_Key_Response(object[] data, Action <object[]> concluding_method) { Response_Status status = Http_Client.Parse_Status(data[0]); if (status < Response_Status.Network_Error) { SimpleJSON.JSONNode raw = SimpleJSON.JSON.Parse((string)data[2]); if (status == Response_Status.Ok) { if (raw["notification_key"] != null) { Debug.Log("Notification key is " + raw["notification_key"].Value); concluding_method?.Invoke(new object[] { status, raw["notification_key"].Value }); } else { Debug.LogError("Correct HTTP response but notification key is null!"); } } else { concluding_method?.Invoke(new object[] { status, raw["error"].Value }); } } }
//private async Task<string> CheckNetwork(string uri) //{ // Domoticz_Times result = null; // string baseUrl = string.Empty; // try // { // baseUrl = uri; // _baseUrl = uri; // uri = $"{baseUrl}{Constants.GetSunRiseSunSet}"; // result = await GetSunRiseSunSet(uri); // if (result?.status == Response_Status.OK.ToString()) // { // //_baseUrl = baseUrl; // SetCaptions(result); // } // else // { // baseUrl = string.Empty; // } // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Error Message: {0}", ex.Message)); // Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Error Inner: {0}", ex.InnerException)); // } // return baseUrl; //} //private void SetCaptions(Domoticz_Times result) //{ // if (result.Sunrise != _sunriseText) // { // _sunriseText = $"Sunrise: {result.Sunrise}"; // } // if (result.Sunset != _sunsetText) // { // _sunsetText = $"Sunset: {result.Sunset}"; // } // TimeSpan now = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay; // int indexPeriod = now.ToString().LastIndexOf('.'); // string updateInfo = now.ToString().Remove(indexPeriod); // if (_statusUpdated.CompareTo($"{updateInfo}") != 0) // { // //string up = String.Format("{0:d/M/yyyy HH:mm:ss}", now); // _statusUpdated = $"Updated: {updateInfo}"; // } //} //private async Task<bool> CheckNetworkConnectionsAsync() //{ // string result = null; // try // { // // First check local network // CheckingLanNetwork = true; // CheckingWanNetwork = true; // result = await CheckNetwork(GetLocalServerUri(true)); // if (result != null && result != string.Empty) // { // CheckingLanNetwork = false; // SetLanAvailable(true); // _baseUrl = GetLocalServerUri(false); // } // else // { // SetLanAvailable(false); // } // CheckingLanNetwork = false; // result = await CheckNetwork(GetWanServerUri(true)); // if (result != null && result != string.Empty) // { // CheckingWanNetwork = false; // SetWanAvailable(true); // _baseUrl = GetWanServerUri(false); // } // else // { // SetWanAvailable(false); // } // CheckingWanNetwork = false; // } // catch (Exception) // { // return false; // } // return true; // #region MyRegion // //// failing calls // //var reachable1 = await CrossConnectivity.Current.IsReachable("", 2000); // //var reachable1b = await CrossConnectivity.Current.IsReachable("", 2000); // //var reachable2 = await CrossConnectivity.Current.IsReachable("", 2000); // //var reachable3 = await CrossConnectivity.Current.IsRemoteReachable("", 2000); // //IEnumerable<ConnectionType> y = CrossConnectivity.Current.ConnectionTypes; // //IEnumerable<UInt64> z = CrossConnectivity.Current.Bandwidths; // //string localServer = CrossSettings.Current.GetValueOrDefault("Address", ""); // //string remoteServer = CrossSettings.Current.GetValueOrDefault("WanAddress", ""); // //bool available1 = System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable(); // //bool available2 = CrossConnectivity.Current.IsConnected; // //var remoteAvailable = await CrossConnectivity.Current.IsRemoteReachable($"http://{remoteServer}"); // //var localAvailable = await CrossConnectivity.Current.IsReachable(localServer, 3000); // //if (!available1 && !available2) // //{ // // //UseLanAddress = false; // // //UseWanAddress = false; // // await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Network Unavailable", "Please set the correct address and retry.", "OK"); // // await _navigationService.NavigateAsync("SettingsPage"); // //} // //else if (remoteAvailable) // //{ // // //UseLanAddress = false; // // //UseWanAddress = true; // //} // //else if (localAvailable && available1 && available2) // //{ // // IsSwitchBusy = false; // // IsSceneBusy = false; // // //UseLanAddress = true; // // //UseWanAddress = false; // //} // //else // //{ // // IsSwitchBusy = false; // // IsSceneBusy = false; // // //UseWanAddress = true; // // await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Servers not found", "Please set the correct address and retry.", "OK"); // // await _navigationService.NavigateAsync("SettingsPage"); // //} // #endregion //} private async void BackgroundTasks() { while (true) { // Establish if Network is available bool networkSeen = await CheckNetworkConnections(); if (!networkSeen) { await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Network Unavailable", "Please enable the network and retry.", "OK"); // await _navigationService.NavigateAsync("SettingsPage"); } // Establish connection with Domoticz string primaryUri = $"{Preferences.Get ( "Protocol", "Http://" )}{Preferences.Get ( "Address", "" )}:{Preferences.Get ( "Port", "8080" )}/json.htm?username=brad=&password=elky454=&{SunRiseSunSet}"; Response_Status primaryDomoticzIsSeen = await CheckNetworkForDomoticz(primaryUri); string secondaryUri = $"{Preferences.Get ( "Protocol", "Http://" )}{Preferences.Get ( "SecondaryAddress", "" )}:{Preferences.Get ( "SecondaryPort", "8080" )}/json.htm?username=brad=&password=elky454=&{SunRiseSunSet}"; Response_Status secondaryDomoticzIsSeen = await CheckNetworkForDomoticz(secondaryUri); await Task.Delay(5000); } }
void Handle_Response(UnityWebRequest www, Action <object[], Action <object[]> > processing_method, Action <object[]> concluding_method) { StringBuilder header = new StringBuilder(); Response_Status status = Response_Status.Ok; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> dict in www.GetResponseHeaders()) { header.Append(dict.Key).Append(": \t[").Append(dict.Value).Append("]\n"); } if (www.isNetworkError) { status = Response_Status.Network_Error; if (www.error == "Cannot resolve destination host") { Message.ShowMessage("No estás conectad@ a internet."); } else { Message.ShowMessage(www.error); } Debug.LogError("HTTP Response: " + www.error + "\nHeader:\n" + header.ToString() + "\nContent:\n" + www.downloadHandler.text + "\nConcluding Method: " + processing_method.Method.Name); } else if (www.isHttpError) { status = Response_Status.HTTP_Error; Debug.LogWarning("HTTP Response: " + www.error + "\nHeader:\n" + header.ToString() + "\nContent:\n" + www.downloadHandler.text + "\nConcluding Method: " + processing_method.Method.Name); } else { Debug.Log("HTTP Response:\nHeader:\n" + header.ToString() + "\nContent:\n" + www.downloadHandler.text + "\nConcluding method: " + processing_method.Method.Name); } processing_method( new object[] { status, header.ToString(), www.downloadHandler.text }, concluding_method ); }
private async Task <Response_Status> CheckNetworkForDomoticz(string uri) { Domoticz_Times result = null; Response_Status success = Response_Status.ERR; try { // You must set the Uri to the base HtpClient or the request fails _baseUrl = uri; result = await GetSunRiseSunSet(uri); if (result?.status == Response_Status.OK.ToString( )) { success = Response_Status.OK; } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Error Message: {0}", ex.Message)); Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Error Inner: {0}", ex.InnerException)); } return(success); }