예제 #1
 public void Dispose()
     if (ResponseTimer != null)
         ResponseTimer = null;
예제 #2
파일: BaseAI.cs 프로젝트: Godkong/Origins
        public virtual void OnSpeech( SpeechEventArgs e )
            //Check Response
            if( e.Mobile.Alive && e.Mobile.InRange( m_Mobile.Location, 3 ) && m_Mobile.Body.IsHuman )
                if (!(m_Mobile is BaseHire) && !(m_Mobile is BaseEscortable))
                    m_Mobile.Direction = m_Mobile.GetDirectionTo(e.Mobile);
                    Timer m_timer = new ResponseTimer(m_Mobile, e, this);

                if (e.HasKeyword(0x9D) && WasNamed(e.Speech)) // *move*
                    if (m_Mobile.Combatant != null)
                        // I am too busy fighting to deal with thee!
                        int OldHue = m_Mobile.SpeechHue;
                        m_Mobile.SpeechHue = 0x3B2;
                        m_Mobile.Say(true, "I am too busy fighting to deal with thee!");
                        m_Mobile.SpeechHue = OldHue;
                        //m_Mobile.PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 501482 );
                        // Excuse me?
                        int OldHue = m_Mobile.SpeechHue;
                        m_Mobile.SpeechHue = 0x3B2;
                        m_Mobile.Say(true, "Excuse me?");
                        m_Mobile.SpeechHue = OldHue;
                        //m_Mobile.PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 501516 );
                        WalkRandomInHome(2, 2, 1);
                else if (e.HasKeyword(0x9E) && WasNamed(e.Speech)) // *time*
                    if (m_Mobile.Combatant != null)
                        // I am too busy fighting to deal with thee!
                        int OldHue = m_Mobile.SpeechHue;
                        m_Mobile.SpeechHue = 0x3B2;
                        m_Mobile.Say(true, "I am too busy fighting to deal with thee!");
                        m_Mobile.SpeechHue = OldHue;
                        //m_Mobile.PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 501482 );
                        int generalNumber;
                        string exactTime;

                        Clock.GetTime(m_Mobile, out generalNumber, out exactTime);

                        int OldHue = m_Mobile.SpeechHue;
                        m_Mobile.SpeechHue = 0x3B2;
                        switch (generalNumber - 1042950)
                            case 0: m_Mobile.Say(true, "'Tis the witching hour. 12 Midnight."); break;
                            case 1: m_Mobile.Say(true, "It's the middle of the night"); break;
                            case 2: m_Mobile.Say(true, "It's early in the morning"); break;
                            case 3: m_Mobile.Say(true, "It's late in the morning"); break;
                            case 4: m_Mobile.Say(true, "It's around noon"); break;
                            case 5: m_Mobile.Say(true, "It's the afternoon"); break;
                            case 6: m_Mobile.Say(true, "It's early in the evening"); break;
                            case 7: m_Mobile.Say(true, "It's late at night"); break;
                        m_Mobile.SpeechHue = OldHue;

                        //m_Mobile.PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, generalNumber );
                else if (e.HasKeyword(0x6C) && WasNamed(e.Speech)) // *train
                    if (m_Mobile.Combatant != null)
                        // I am too busy fighting to deal with thee!
                        int OldHue = m_Mobile.SpeechHue;
                        m_Mobile.SpeechHue = 0x3B2;
                        m_Mobile.Say(true, "I am too busy fighting to deal with thee!");
                        m_Mobile.SpeechHue = OldHue;
                        //m_Mobile.PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 501482 );
                        bool foundSomething = false;

                        Skills ourSkills = m_Mobile.Skills;
                        Skills theirSkills = e.Mobile.Skills;

                        for (int i = 0; i < ourSkills.Length && i < theirSkills.Length; ++i)
                            Skill skill = ourSkills[i];
                            Skill theirSkill = theirSkills[i];

                            if (skill != null && theirSkill != null && skill.Base >= 60.0 && m_Mobile.CheckTeach(skill.SkillName, e.Mobile))
                                double toTeach = skill.Base / 3.0;

                                if (toTeach > 42.0)
                                    toTeach = 42.0;

                                if (toTeach > theirSkill.Base)
                                    int number = 1043059 + i;

                                    if (number > 1043107)

                                    if (!foundSomething)
                                        m_Mobile.Say(true, "I can train the following:"); // I can train the following:

                                    //m_Mobile.Say( number );
                                    switch (i)
                                        case 0: m_Mobile.Say(true, "alchemy"); break;
                                        case 1: m_Mobile.Say(true, "anatomy"); break;
                                        case 2: m_Mobile.Say(true, "animal lore"); break;
                                        case 3: m_Mobile.Say(true, "item identification"); break;
                                        case 4: m_Mobile.Say(true, "armslore"); break;
                                        case 5: m_Mobile.Say(true, "parrying"); break;
                                        case 6: m_Mobile.Say(true, "begging"); break;
                                        case 7: m_Mobile.Say(true, "blacksmithy"); break;
                                        case 8: m_Mobile.Say(true, "fletching"); break;
                                        case 9: m_Mobile.Say(true, "peacemaking"); break;
                                        case 10: m_Mobile.Say(true, "camping"); break;
                                        case 11: m_Mobile.Say(true, "carpentry"); break;
                                        case 12: m_Mobile.Say(true, "cartography"); break;
                                        case 13: m_Mobile.Say(true, "cooking"); break;
                                        case 14: m_Mobile.Say(true, "detecting hidden"); break;
                                        case 15: m_Mobile.Say(true, "discordance"); break;
                                        case 16: m_Mobile.Say(true, "evaluate intelligence"); break;
                                        case 17: m_Mobile.Say(true, "healing"); break;
                                        case 18: m_Mobile.Say(true, "fishing"); break;
                                        case 19: m_Mobile.Say(true, "forensic evaluation"); break;
                                        case 20: m_Mobile.Say(true, "herding"); break;
                                        case 21: m_Mobile.Say(true, "hiding"); break;
                                        case 22: m_Mobile.Say(true, "provoking"); break;
                                        case 23: m_Mobile.Say(true, "inscription"); break;
                                        case 24: m_Mobile.Say(true, "lockpicking"); break;
                                        case 25: m_Mobile.Say(true, "magery"); break;
                                        case 26: m_Mobile.Say(true, "resist spells"); break;
                                        case 27: m_Mobile.Say(true, "tactics"); break;
                                        case 28: m_Mobile.Say(true, "snooping"); break;
                                        case 29: m_Mobile.Say(true, "musicianship"); break;
                                        case 30: m_Mobile.Say(true, "poisoning"); break;
                                        case 31: m_Mobile.Say(true, "archery"); break;
                                        case 32: m_Mobile.Say(true, "spirit speak"); break;
                                        case 33: m_Mobile.Say(true, "stealing"); break;
                                        case 34: m_Mobile.Say(true, "tailoring"); break;
                                        case 35: m_Mobile.Say(true, "taming"); break;
                                        case 36: m_Mobile.Say(true, "taste identification"); break;
                                        case 37: m_Mobile.Say(true, "tinkering"); break;
                                        case 38: m_Mobile.Say(true, "tracking"); break;
                                        case 39: m_Mobile.Say(true, "veterinary"); break;
                                        case 40: m_Mobile.Say(true, "swordsmanship"); break;
                                        case 41: m_Mobile.Say(true, "maces"); break;
                                        case 42: m_Mobile.Say(true, "fencing"); break;
                                        case 43: m_Mobile.Say(true, "wrestling"); break;
                                        case 44: m_Mobile.Say(true, "lumberjacking"); break;
                                        case 45: m_Mobile.Say(true, "mining"); break;
                                        //case 46: m_Mobile.Say(true, "meditation"); break;
                                        //case 47: m_Mobile.Say(true, "stealth"); break;
                                        case 48: m_Mobile.Say(true, "disarming traps"); break;
                                    foundSomething = true;

                        if (!foundSomething)
                            m_Mobile.Say(true, "Alas, I cannot teach thee anything."); // Alas, I cannot teach thee anything.

                        e.Handled = true;
                    SkillName toTrain = (SkillName)(-1);

                    for (int i = 0; toTrain == (SkillName)(-1) && i < e.Keywords.Length; ++i)
                        int keyword = e.Keywords[i];

                        if (keyword == 0x154)
                            toTrain = SkillName.Anatomy;
                        else if (keyword >= 0x6D && keyword <= 0x9C)
                            int index = keyword - 0x6D;

                            if (index >= 0 && index < m_KeywordTable.Length)
                                toTrain = m_KeywordTable[index];

                    if (toTrain != (SkillName)(-1) && WasNamed(e.Speech))
                        if (m_Mobile.Combatant != null)
                            // I am too busy fighting to deal with thee!
                            int OldHue = m_Mobile.SpeechHue;
                            m_Mobile.SpeechHue = 0x3B2;
                            m_Mobile.Say(true, "I am too busy fighting to deal with thee!");
                            m_Mobile.SpeechHue = OldHue;
                            e.Handled = true;
                            //m_Mobile.PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 501482 );
                            //m_Mobile.Say(true, "I am too busy fighting to deal with thee!");
                            Skills skills = m_Mobile.Skills;
                            Skill skill = skills[toTrain];

                            if (skill == null || skill.Base < 60.0 || !m_Mobile.CheckTeach(toTrain, e.Mobile))
                                m_Mobile.Say(true, "'Tis not something I can teach thee of."); // 'Tis not something I can teach thee of.
                                e.Handled = true;
                                m_Mobile.Teach(toTrain, e.Mobile, 0, false);
                                e.Handled = true;

            if( m_Mobile.Controlled && m_Mobile.Commandable )
            m_Mobile.DebugSay( "Listening..." );

            bool isOwner = (e.Mobile == m_Mobile.ControlMaster);
            bool isFriend = (!isOwner && m_Mobile.IsPetFriend( e.Mobile ));

            if( e.Mobile.Alive && (isOwner || isFriend) )
                m_Mobile.DebugSay( "It's from my master" );

                int[] keywords = e.Keywords;
                string speech = e.Speech;

                // First, check the all*
                /*for( int i = 0; i < keywords.Length; ++i )
                    int keyword = keywords[i];

                    switch( keyword )
                        case 0x164: // all come
                            if( !isOwner )

                            if( m_Mobile.CheckControlChance( e.Mobile ) )
                                m_Mobile.ControlTarget = null;
                                m_Mobile.ControlOrder = OrderType.Come;

                        case 0x165: // all follow
                            BeginPickTarget( e.Mobile, OrderType.Follow );
                        case 0x166: // all guard
                        case 0x16B: // all guard me
                            if( !isOwner )

                            if( m_Mobile.CheckControlChance( e.Mobile ) )
                                m_Mobile.ControlTarget = null;
                                m_Mobile.ControlOrder = OrderType.Guard;
                        case 0x167: // all stop
                            if( m_Mobile.CheckControlChance( e.Mobile ) )
                                m_Mobile.ControlTarget = null;
                                m_Mobile.ControlOrder = OrderType.Stop;
                        case 0x168: // all kill
                        case 0x169: // all attack
                            if( !isOwner )

                            BeginPickTarget( e.Mobile, OrderType.Attack );
                        case 0x16C: // all follow me
                            if( m_Mobile.CheckControlChance( e.Mobile ) )
                                m_Mobile.ControlTarget = e.Mobile;
                                m_Mobile.ControlOrder = OrderType.Follow;
                        case 0x170: // all stay
                            if( m_Mobile.CheckControlChance( e.Mobile ) )
                                m_Mobile.ControlTarget = null;
                                m_Mobile.ControlOrder = OrderType.Stay;

                    // No all*, so check *command
                    for( int i = 0; i < keywords.Length; ++i )
                        int keyword = keywords[i];

                        switch( keyword )
                            case 0x155: // *come
                                if( !isOwner )

                                if( WasNamed( speech ) && m_Mobile.CheckControlChance( e.Mobile ) && !e.Handled )
                                    if (m_Mobile is BaseHire)
                                        m_Mobile.Say(true, "Very well.");

                                    m_Mobile.ControlTarget = null;
                                    m_Mobile.ControlOrder = OrderType.Come;
                                    e.Handled = true;

                            case 0x156: // *drop
                                if( !isOwner )

                                if( !m_Mobile.IsDeadPet && !m_Mobile.Summoned && WasNamed( speech ) && m_Mobile.CheckControlChance( e.Mobile ) && !e.Handled )
                                    if (m_Mobile is BaseHire)
                                        m_Mobile.Say(true, "Very well.");

                                    m_Mobile.ControlTarget = null;
                                    m_Mobile.ControlOrder = OrderType.Drop;
                                    e.Handled = true;

                            case 0x15A: // *follow
                                if (WasNamed(speech) && m_Mobile.CheckControlChance(e.Mobile) && !e.Handled)
                                    if (m_Mobile is BaseHire)
                                        m_Mobile.Say(true, "Who shall I follow?");

                                    BeginPickTarget(e.Mobile, OrderType.Follow);
                                    e.Handled = true;

                            case 0x15B: // *friend
                                if( !isOwner )

                                if( WasNamed( speech ) && m_Mobile.CheckControlChance( e.Mobile ) && !e.Handled)
                                    if( m_Mobile.Summoned )
                                        e.Mobile.SendAsciiMessage( "Summoned creatures are loyal only to their summoners." ); // Summoned creatures are loyal only to their summoners.
                                    else if (e.Mobile.HasTrade)
                                        e.Mobile.SendAsciiMessage(" You cannot friend a pet with a trade pending."); // You cannot friend a pet with a trade pending
                                        if (m_Mobile is BaseHire)
                                            m_Mobile.Say(true, "I shall obey this person's orders as if they were your own.");

                                        BeginPickTarget(e.Mobile, OrderType.Friend);
                                    e.Handled = true;

                            case 0x15C: // *guard
                                if( !isOwner )

                                if( !m_Mobile.IsDeadPet && WasNamed( speech ) && m_Mobile.CheckControlChance( e.Mobile ) && !e.Handled )
                                    if (m_Mobile is BaseHire)
                                        m_Mobile.Say(true, "Very well.");

                                    m_Mobile.ControlTarget = null;
                                    m_Mobile.ControlOrder = OrderType.Guard;
                                    e.Handled = true;

                            case 0x15D: // *kill
                            case 0x15E: // *attack
                                if( !isOwner )

                                if (!m_Mobile.IsDeadPet && WasNamed(speech) && m_Mobile.CheckControlChance(e.Mobile) && !e.Handled)
                                    if (m_Mobile is BaseHire)
                                        m_Mobile.Say(true, "Who should I attack?");

                                    BeginPickTarget(e.Mobile, OrderType.Attack);
                                    e.Handled = true;

                            case 0x15F: // *patrol
                                if( !isOwner )

                                if( WasNamed( speech ) && m_Mobile.CheckControlChance( e.Mobile ) && !e.Handled )
                                    if (m_Mobile is BaseHire)
                                        m_Mobile.Say(true, "Patrolling.");

                                    m_Mobile.ControlTarget = null;
                                    m_Mobile.ControlOrder = OrderType.Patrol;
                                    e.Handled = true;

                            case 0x161: // *stop
                                if( WasNamed( speech ) && m_Mobile.CheckControlChance( e.Mobile ) && !e.Handled )
                                    if (m_Mobile is BaseHire)
                                        m_Mobile.Say(true, "Very well.");

                                    m_Mobile.ControlTarget = null;
                                    m_Mobile.ControlOrder = OrderType.Stop;
                                    e.Handled = true;

                            case 0x163: // *follow me
                                if( WasNamed( speech ) && m_Mobile.CheckControlChance( e.Mobile ) && !e.Handled)
                                    if (m_Mobile is BaseHire)
                                        m_Mobile.Say(true, "Very well.");

                                    m_Mobile.ControlTarget = e.Mobile;
                                    m_Mobile.ControlOrder = OrderType.Follow;
                                    e.Handled = true;

                            case 0x16D: // *release
                                if( !isOwner )

                                if( WasNamed( speech ) && m_Mobile.CheckControlChance( e.Mobile ) && !e.Handled)
                                    /*if( !m_Mobile.Summoned )
                                        e.Mobile.SendGump( new Gumps.ConfirmReleaseGump( e.Mobile, m_Mobile ) );
                                        if (m_Mobile is BaseHire)
                                            m_Mobile.Say(true, "I thank thee for thy kindness!");

                                        m_Mobile.ControlTarget = null;
                                        m_Mobile.ControlOrder = OrderType.Release;
                                        e.Handled = true;

                            case 0x16E: // *transfer
                                if( !isOwner )

                                if( !m_Mobile.IsDeadPet && WasNamed( speech ) && m_Mobile.CheckControlChance( e.Mobile ) && !e.Handled )
                                    /*if( m_Mobile.Summoned )
                                        e.Mobile.SendAsciiMessage( "You cannot transfer ownership of a summoned creature." ); // You cannot transfer ownership of a summoned creature.
                                    else */
                                    if (e.Mobile.HasTrade)
                                        e.Mobile.SendAsciiMessage("You cannot transfer a pet with a trade pending."); // You cannot transfer a pet with a trade pending
                                        if (m_Mobile is BaseHire)
                                            m_Mobile.Say(true, "Whom do you wish me to work for?");

                                        BeginPickTarget(e.Mobile, OrderType.Transfer);
                                    e.Handled = true;

                            case 0x16F: // *stay
                                if( WasNamed( speech ) && m_Mobile.CheckControlChance( e.Mobile ) && !e.Handled)
                                    if (m_Mobile is BaseHire)
                                        m_Mobile.Say(true, "Very well.");

                                    m_Mobile.ControlTarget = null;
                                    m_Mobile.ControlOrder = OrderType.Stay;
                                    e.Handled = true;

                if( e.Mobile.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster )
                    m_Mobile.DebugSay( "It's from a GM" );

                    if( m_Mobile.FindMyName( e.Speech, true ) )
                        string[] str = e.Speech.Split( ' ' );
                        int i;

                        for( i=0; i < str.Length; i++ )
                            string word = str[i];

                            if( Insensitive.Equals( word, "obey" ) )
                                m_Mobile.SetControlMaster( e.Mobile );

                                if( m_Mobile.Summoned )
                                    m_Mobile.SummonMaster = e.Mobile;
