public void ProcessConvergePriorAttempt(NetworkResponse response) { ResponseConvergePriorAttempt args = response as ResponseConvergePriorAttempt; ConvergeAttempt attempt = args.attempt; //add new attempt to list if response includes an attempt if (attempt.attempt_id == Constants.ID_NOT_SET) { Debug.LogError("attempt_id not valid in ProcessConvergePriorAttempt"); } else { attemptList.Add(attempt); if (attempt.hint_id != Constants.ID_NOT_SET) { priorHintIdList.Add(attempt.hint_id); } } //Once all attempts have been processed, finalize. if (attemptList.Count == attemptCount) { FinalizeLoadPriorAttempts(); } }
public static NetworkResponse Parse(MemoryStream dataStream) { ResponseConvergePriorAttempt response = new ResponseConvergePriorAttempt(); using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(dataStream, Encoding.UTF8)) { int playerId = br.ReadInt32 (); int ecosystemId = br.ReadInt32 (); int attemptId = br.ReadInt32 (); bool allowHints = br.ReadBoolean (); int hintId = br.ReadInt32 (); short fldSize = br.ReadInt16 (); String config = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString (br.ReadBytes (fldSize)); fldSize = br.ReadInt16 (); String csv = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString (br.ReadBytes (fldSize)); ConvergeAttempt attempt = new ConvergeAttempt (playerId, ecosystemId, attemptId, allowHints, hintId, config, csv //null ); response.attempt = attempt; } return response; }
public static NetworkResponse Parse(MemoryStream dataStream) { ResponseConvergePriorAttempt response = new ResponseConvergePriorAttempt(); using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(dataStream, Encoding.UTF8)) { int playerId = br.ReadInt32(); int ecosystemId = br.ReadInt32(); int attemptId = br.ReadInt32(); bool allowHints = br.ReadBoolean(); int hintId = br.ReadInt32(); short fldSize = br.ReadInt16(); String config = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(br.ReadBytes(fldSize)); fldSize = br.ReadInt16(); String csv = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(br.ReadBytes(fldSize)); ConvergeAttempt attempt = new ConvergeAttempt(playerId, ecosystemId, attemptId, allowHints, hintId, config, csv, null ); response.attempt = attempt; } return(response); }