// // GET: /GUID/ public JsonResult GetGuid() { string guidString = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); guidString=guidString.Substring(0, guidString.Length-4); ResponseBasic response = new ResponseBasic() { Result = guidString, ErrorInfo="Success" }; return Json(response, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
public HttpResponseMessage Notify(JObject jnotification) { var request = Request; Guid Id = Guid.Empty; var responseBasic = new ResponseBasic(); HttpStatusCode returnCode = HttpStatusCode.OK; try { responseBasic.ResultInfo = "invalid jsonnotificaction"; NotificationBase notification = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<NotificationBase>(jnotification.ToString()); responseBasic.ResultInfo = "valid jsonnotificaction"; _log.InfoFormat("Received notification id {0} : Notification type {1} ", notification.Id, notification.TypeRef); bool isValid = notification != null; Id = notification.Id; if (isValid) { _log.InfoFormat("Id {0} Placed on bus", notification.Id); var n = new NotificationProcessingAudit(); n.DateInserted = DateTime.Now; n.Id = notification.Id; n.Status=NotificationProcessingStatus.Pending; n.Type = notification.TypeRef; n.JsonNotification = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(notification); _notificationProcessing.Add(n); responseBasic.Result = "Notification Processed"; } } catch (Exception ex) { responseBasic.Result = "Processing Failed"; responseBasic.ErrorInfo = ex.Message; _log.Error("Failed to process Notification", ex); } HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(returnCode, responseBasic); _log.InfoFormat("ResponseMessage : NotificationId = {0} : response code = {1} : Response Result = {2}", Id, returnCode, responseBasic.Result); return response; }
public JsonResult Procces(string masterDataCollective, string jsonDTO) { MasterBaseDTO data = _masterDataDTODeserialize.DeserializeMasterDataDTO(masterDataCollective, jsonDTO); ResponseBasic response = null; if (data == null) { response = new ResponseBasic { Result = "Invalid", ErrorInfo = "Failed" }; } else { try { MasterDataDTOSaveCollective ct = GetMasterDataCollective(masterDataCollective); _publishMasterData.Publish(data, ct); response = new ResponseBasic { Result = "OK", ErrorInfo = "Success" }; } catch (Exception ex) { _log.InfoFormat("ERROR Processing MasterData : {0} with {1} Exception {2} ", masterDataCollective, jsonDTO,ex.Message); } } return Json(response); }
public async Task <ResponseBasic> ManageUsersInRole(UsersInRoleModel model) { ResponseBasic response = new ResponseBasic(); var role = await this.RoleManager.FindByIdAsync(model.Id); int rows = 0; if (role == null) { response.Mensagge = "El Role No Existe"; response.Errors.Add(new ErrorMessage("", "El Role No Ha Sido Encontrado")); return(response); } foreach (string user in model.EnrolledUsers) { var appUser = await this.UserManager.FindByIdAsync(user); if (appUser == null) { response.Errors.Add(new ErrorMessage("", String.Format("Usuario: {0} No Existe", user))); continue; } if (!this.UserManager.IsInRole(user, role.Name)) { IdentityResult result = await UserManager.AddToRoleAsync(user, role.Name); if (!result.Succeeded) { response.Errors.Add(new ErrorMessage("", String.Format("Usuario: {0} No Se Le Ha Agregado El Role", user))); } rows++; } } foreach (string user in model.RemovedUsers) { var appUser = await this.UserManager.FindByIdAsync(user); if (appUser == null) { response.Errors.Add(new ErrorMessage("", String.Format("Usuario: {0} No Existe", user))); continue; } IdentityResult result = await this.UserManager.RemoveFromRoleAsync(user, role.Name); if (!result.Succeeded) { response.Errors.Add(new ErrorMessage("", String.Format("Usuario: {0} No Se Le Ha Agregado El Role", user))); } rows++; } response.RowAffected = rows; if (response.Errors.Count == 0) { response.Mensagge = "Operación Realizada Con Exito"; return(response); } response.Mensagge = "Operacón Realizada Con Errores"; return(response); }
public HttpResponseMessage Run(JObject jcommand) { Guid commandId = Guid.Empty; var responseBasic = new ResponseBasic(); HttpStatusCode returnCode = HttpStatusCode.OK; try { responseBasic.ResultInfo = "invalid jsoncommand"; DocumentCommand command = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<DocumentCommand>(jcommand.ToString()); responseBasic.ResultInfo = "valid jsoncommand"; _log.InfoFormat("Received command id {0} : command type {1} : document id {2}", command.CommandId, command.CommandTypeRef, command.DocumentId); bool isValid = command != null; commandId = command.CommandId; //if (isValid && !_costCentreApplicationService.IsCostCentreActive(command.CommandGeneratedByCostCentreApplicationId)) //{ // isValid = false; // returnCode = HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable; // responseBasic.Result = "Inactive CostCentre Application Id "; // _log.InfoFormat("Cost centre is not active for command id {0} cost centre application id {1}", command.CommandId, command.CommandGeneratedByCostCentreApplicationId); //} if (isValid) { _log.InfoFormat("CommandId {0} Placed on bus", command.CommandId); var message = new BusMessage { CommandType = command.CommandTypeRef, MessageId = command.CommandId, BodyJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(command), SendDateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString(), IsSystemMessage = command.IsSystemCommand }; var commandProcessingAudit = new CommandProcessingAudit { CommandType = command.CommandTypeRef, CostCentreApplicationId = command.CommandGeneratedByCostCentreApplicationId, CostCentreCommandSequence = command.CommandSequence, DateInserted = DateTime.Now, Id = command.CommandId, JsonCommand = message.BodyJson, RetryCounter = 0, Status = CommandProcessingStatus.OnQueue, SendDateTime = message.SendDateTime, DocumentId = command.DocumentId, ParentDocumentId = command.PDCommandId }; _busPublisher.Publish(message); AuditCCHit(command.CommandGeneratedByCostCentreId, "CommandProcessing", string.Format("Publish : {0} Command {1} of Type {2}", CommandProcessingStatus.OnQueue.ToString(), command.CommandId.ToString(), message.CommandType), CommandProcessingStatus.OnQueue.ToString()); _commandProcessingAuditRepository.AddCommand(commandProcessingAudit); responseBasic.Result = "Command Processed"; } } catch (Exception ex) { responseBasic.Result = "Processing Failed"; responseBasic.ErrorInfo = ex.Message; _log.Error("Failed to process command", ex); } HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(returnCode, responseBasic); _log.InfoFormat("ResponseMessage : commandId = {0} : response code = {1} : Response Result = {2}", commandId, returnCode, responseBasic.Result); return response; }
public JsonResult SetItemsPerpage(int pagesize) { ResponseBasic response = new ResponseBasic(); try { DistributorWebHelper.SetItemPerPage(pagesize); } catch (Exception ex) { } return Json(response, "application/json", Encoding.UTF8, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
public JsonResult SavePurchaseOrder(PurchaseOrderViewModel model) { ResponseBasic response= new ResponseBasic(); try { var user = this.User.Identity.Name; model.Username = user; _purchaseOrderViewModelBuilder.Save(model); response.Result = "Ok"; response.ResultInfo = "Purchase order saved and approved successfully"; }catch(Exception ex) { response.Result = "Fail"; response.ErrorInfo = ex.Message; } return Json(response, "application/json", Encoding.UTF8, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
public HttpResponseMessage Post(JObject jcommand) { var responseBasic = new ResponseBasic(); responseBasic.Status = false; HttpStatusCode returnCode = HttpStatusCode.OK; try { responseBasic.ResultInfo = "invalid jsoncommand"; string json = jcommand.ToString(); CommandEnvelope envelope = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<CommandEnvelope>(json); responseBasic.ResultInfo = "valid jsoncommand"; bool isValid = envelope != null; _log.Info("responseBasic.ResultInfo " + responseBasic.ResultInfo); if (isValid) { if (!_costCentreApplicationService.IsCostCentreActive(envelope.GeneratedByCostCentreApplicationId)) { responseBasic.Status=false; returnCode = HttpStatusCode.OK; responseBasic.Result = "Inactive CostCentre Application Id"; _log.InfoFormat("Cost centre is not active for envelope id {0} ccId {1} ccid",envelope.Id, envelope.GeneratedByCostCentreApplicationId,envelope.GeneratedByCostCentreId); return Request.CreateResponse(returnCode, responseBasic); } _log.InfoFormat("EnvelopeId {0} " ,envelope.Id.ToString()); envelope.EnvelopeArrivedAtServerTick = DateTime.Now.Ticks; var message = new EnvelopeBusMessage { DocumentTypeId = envelope.DocumentTypeId, MessageId = envelope.Id, BodyJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(envelope), SendDateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString(), IsSystemMessage = envelope.IsSystemEnvelope }; var envelopeProcessingAudit = new CommandEnvelopeProcessingAudit { GeneratedByCostCentreApplicationId = envelope.GeneratedByCostCentreApplicationId, DateInserted = DateTime.Now, Id = envelope.Id, JsonEnvelope = message.BodyJson, RetryCounter = 0, Status = EnvelopeProcessingStatus.OnQueue, SendDateTime = message.SendDateTime, DocumentId = envelope.DocumentId, ParentDocumentId = envelope.ParentDocumentId, DocumentType = (DocumentType) envelope.DocumentTypeId, EnvelopeGeneratedTick = envelope.EnvelopeGeneratedTick, EnvelopeArrivalAtServerTick = envelope.EnvelopeArrivedAtServerTick, EnvelopeProcessOnServerTick = 0, GeneratedByCostCentreId = envelope.GeneratedByCostCentreId, RecipientCostCentreId = envelope.RecipientCostCentreId, LastExecutedCommand = 0, NumberOfCommand = envelope.CommandsList.Count }; envelopeProcessingAudit.DocumentTypeName = envelopeProcessingAudit.DocumentType.ToString(); if (_commandEnvelopeProcessingAuditRepository.IsConnected()) { var exist = _commandEnvelopeProcessingAuditRepository.GetById(envelope.Id); if (exist == null) { _commandEnvelopeProcessingAuditRepository.AddCommand(envelopeProcessingAudit); _busPublisher.Publish(message); } else { _log.InfoFormat("EnvelopeId {0} Already Published", envelope.Id.ToString()); } _log.InfoFormat("EnvelopeId {0} Published", envelope.Id.ToString()); responseBasic.Status = true; responseBasic.Result = "Envelope Processed"; _log.Info(" responseBasic.Result " + responseBasic.Result); } else { responseBasic.Result = "Processing Failed"; responseBasic.ErrorInfo = "Mongo down"; _log.Info(" responseBasic.ErrorInfo " + responseBasic.ErrorInfo); } } } catch (Exception ex) { responseBasic.Result = "Processing Failed"; responseBasic.ErrorInfo = ex.Message; _log.Info(" responseBasic.Result" + responseBasic.Result); _log.Info(" responseBasic.ErrorInfo " + responseBasic.ErrorInfo); } HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(returnCode, responseBasic); return response; }
private ResponseBasic ProcessMessage(string commandType, string jsoncommand, string sendDateTime, string source) { string result = ""; string errorInfo = ""; Guid ccId = Guid.Empty; _log.InfoFormat("Processing command : {0} with {1} from source {2} ", commandType, jsoncommand, source); try { DateTime _sendDateTime = _commandDeserialize.DeserializeSendDateTime(sendDateTime); ICommand deserializedCommand = _commandDeserialize.DeserializeCommand(commandType, jsoncommand); bool isValid = deserializedCommand != null; result = isValid ? "OK" : "Invalid"; _log.InfoFormat("Deserialization is valid " + result); errorInfo = isValid ? "" : "Failed to deserialize " + commandType; if (isValid && !_costCentreApplicationService.IsCostCentreActive(deserializedCommand.CommandGeneratedByCostCentreApplicationId)) { isValid = false; result = "Invalid"; errorInfo = "Inactive CostCentre Application Id "; } if (isValid && !QHealth.IsQueueHealthy) { isValid = false; result = "Invalid"; errorInfo = "Message Q not available"; } if (isValid) { ccId = deserializedCommand.CommandGeneratedByCostCentreId; deserializedCommand.SendDateTime = _sendDateTime; _log.Info("Client SendDateTime " + sendDateTime); _log.InfoFormat("CommandId {0} Placed on bus", deserializedCommand.CommandId); var message = new BusMessage { CommandType = commandType, MessageId = deserializedCommand.CommandId, BodyJson = jsoncommand, SendDateTime = sendDateTime }; var commandProcessingAudit = new CommandProcessingAudit { CommandType = commandType, CostCentreApplicationId = deserializedCommand.CommandGeneratedByCostCentreApplicationId, CostCentreCommandSequence = deserializedCommand.CommandSequence, DateInserted = DateTime.Now, Id = deserializedCommand.CommandId, JsonCommand = jsoncommand, RetryCounter = 0, Status = CommandProcessingStatus.OnQueue, SendDateTime=sendDateTime, DocumentId = deserializedCommand.DocumentId, ParentDocumentId=deserializedCommand.PDCommandId }; _busPublisher.Publish(message); AuditCCHit(deserializedCommand.CommandGeneratedByCostCentreId, "CommandProcessing", string.Format("Publish : {0} Command {1} of Type {2}", CommandProcessingStatus.OnQueue.ToString(), deserializedCommand.CommandId.ToString(), message.CommandType), CommandProcessingStatus.OnQueue.ToString()); _commandProcessingAuditRepository.AddCommand(commandProcessingAudit); } else _log.Error(errorInfo); } catch (Exception ex) { result = "Invalid"; _log.InfoFormat("ERROR Processing command : {0}", commandType); _log.Error(ex); } ResponseBasic responce = new ResponseBasic { Result = result, ErrorInfo = errorInfo }; _log.Info("Final responce " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(responce)); AuditCCHit(ccId, "slprocess", "CommandType : " + commandType, result); return responce; }