예제 #1
        private void InjectPrediction(ExtractedResourcePredictionD pred)
            //was the tag for this prediction injected?
            var tag = InjectedTags.FirstOrDefault(t => t.OriginalIndex == pred.OriginalTagIndex);

            if (tag == null)

            ResourcePredictionD newpred = new ResourcePredictionD();

            var newtag = _tagIndices[tag];

            newpred.Tag = _cacheFile.Tags[newtag.Index];

            newpred.Index    = -1;
            newpred.Unknown1 = pred.Unknown1;
            newpred.Unknown2 = pred.Unknown2;

            foreach (ExtractedResourcePredictionC expc in pred.CEntries)
                ResourcePredictionC pc = new ResourcePredictionC();
                pc.OverallIndex = -1;
                pc.Index        = -1;
                pc.BEntry       = new ResourcePredictionB();

                pc.BEntry.Index        = -1;
                pc.BEntry.OverallIndex = -1;

                foreach (ExtractedResourcePredictionA expa in expc.BEntry.AEntries)
                    ResourcePredictionA pa = GeneratePredictionA(expa);
                    if (pa != null)

                if (!pc.BEntry.IsEmpty)

            foreach (ExtractedResourcePredictionA expa in pred.AEntries)
                ResourcePredictionA pa = GeneratePredictionA(expa);
                if (pa != null)

            if (!newpred.IsEmpty)
예제 #2
        public ExtractedResourcePredictionD(ResourcePredictionD pred)
            CEntries = new List <ExtractedResourcePredictionC>();
            AEntries = new List <ExtractedResourcePredictionA>();

            OriginalIndex    = pred.Index;
            OriginalTagIndex = pred.Tag.Index;
            Unknown1         = pred.Unknown1;
            Unknown2         = pred.Unknown2;
예제 #3
        private StructureValueCollection SerializePredictionD(ResourcePredictionD prediction, int cStart, int aStart, IStream stream)
            var result = new StructureValueCollection();

            result.SetInteger("tag datum", prediction.Tag.Index.Value);
            result.SetInteger("unknown 1", (uint)prediction.Unknown1);
            result.SetInteger("unknown 2", (uint)prediction.Unknown2);

            result.SetInteger("c index", (uint)cStart);
            result.SetInteger("c count", (uint)prediction.CEntries.Count);

            result.SetInteger("a index", (uint)aStart);
            result.SetInteger("a count", (uint)prediction.AEntries.Count);

예제 #4
        public IEnumerable <ResourcePredictionD> LoadPredictions(IReader reader, TagTable tags, List <Resource> resources)
            StructureValueCollection values = LoadTag(reader);

            if (!values.HasInteger("number of prediction d2s") || !values.HasInteger("prediction d2 table address"))

            int             subcount   = 2;
            StructureLayout templayout = _buildInfo.Layouts.GetLayout("raw segment table entry");

            if (templayout.HasField("tertiary page index"))
                subcount = 3;

            var result = new List <ResourcePredictionD>();

            StructureValueCollection[] d2entries = ReadReflexive(values, reader, "number of prediction d2s", "prediction d2 table address", "prediction d2 entry");
            StructureValueCollection[] dentries  = ReadReflexive(values, reader, "number of prediction ds", "prediction d table address", "prediction d entry");
            StructureValueCollection[] centries  = ReadReflexive(values, reader, "number of prediction cs", "prediction c table address", "prediction c entry");
            StructureValueCollection[] bentries  = ReadReflexive(values, reader, "number of prediction bs", "prediction b table address", "prediction b entry");
            StructureValueCollection[] aentries  = ReadReflexive(values, reader, "number of prediction as", "prediction a table address", "prediction a entry");

            for (int i = 0; i < d2entries.Length; i++)
                ResourcePredictionD pd = new ResourcePredictionD();
                pd.Index = i;
                var tag = new DatumIndex(d2entries[i].GetInteger("tag datum"));
                pd.Tag      = tag.IsValid ? tags[tag] : null;
                pd.Unknown1 = (int)d2entries[i].GetInteger("unknown 1");
                pd.Unknown2 = (int)d2entries[i].GetInteger("unknown 2");

                var dccount = (int)dentries[i].GetInteger("c count");
                var dcindex = (int)dentries[i].GetInteger("c index");

                var dacount = (int)dentries[i].GetInteger("a count");
                var daindex = (int)dentries[i].GetInteger("a index");

                for (int c = dcindex; c < dcindex + dccount; c++)
                    ResourcePredictionC pc = new ResourcePredictionC();
                    pc.Index = c;
                    var cbindex = (int)centries[c].GetInteger("b index");
                    pc.OverallIndex = (short)centries[c].GetInteger("overall index");

                    ResourcePredictionB pb = new ResourcePredictionB();
                    pb.Index = cbindex;
                    var bacount = (int)bentries[cbindex].GetInteger("a count");
                    var baindex = (int)bentries[cbindex].GetInteger("a index");
                    pb.OverallIndex = (short)bentries[cbindex].GetInteger("overall index");

                    for (int a = baindex; a < baindex + bacount; a++)
                        ResourcePredictionA pa = new ResourcePredictionA();
                        pa.Index = a;
                        pa.Value = new DatumIndex(aentries[a].GetInteger("value"));

                        int resolvedresource = pa.Value.Index / subcount;
                        int subresource      = pa.Value.Index - resolvedresource * subcount;

                        if (resolvedresource >= resources.Count)
                        var res = resources[resolvedresource];

                        pa.Resource    = res.Index;
                        pa.SubResource = subresource;


                    pc.BEntry = pb;

                for (int a = daindex; a < daindex + dacount; a++)
                    ResourcePredictionA pa = new ResourcePredictionA();
                    pa.Index = a;
                    pa.Value = new DatumIndex(aentries[a].GetInteger("value"));

                    int resolvedresource = pa.Value.Index / subcount;
                    int subresource      = pa.Value.Index - resolvedresource * subcount;

                    if (resolvedresource >= resources.Count)
                    var res = resources[resolvedresource];

                    pa.Resource    = res.Index;
                    pa.SubResource = subresource;
