/// <summary> /// Returns the resource group of the provided storage account /// </summary> public string GetStorageResourceGroup(string storageAccountName) { ResourceManagementClient resourcesClient = GetCurrentResourcesClient(Profile); Func <string, string> getResourceGroupName = resourceType => { ResourceListResult res = resourcesClient.Resources.List(new ResourceListParameters { ResourceGroupName = null, ResourceType = resourceType, TagName = null, TagValue = null }); var allResources = new List <GenericResourceExtended>(res.Resources); GenericResourceExtended account = allResources.Find(r => r.Name == storageAccountName); if (account != null) { String resId = account.Id; String[] segments = resId.Split('/'); int indexOfResoureGroup = new List <string>(segments).IndexOf("resourceGroups") + 1; return(segments[indexOfResoureGroup]); } else { throw new Exception(string.Format(Resources.StorageAccountNotFound, storageAccountName)); } }; try { return(getResourceGroupName("Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts")); } catch { return(getResourceGroupName("Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts")); } }
public async Task <Response <ResourceListResult> > ListByResourceGroupAsync(string subscriptionId, string resourceGroupName, string filter = null, string expand = null, int?top = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { if (subscriptionId == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(subscriptionId)); } if (resourceGroupName == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(resourceGroupName)); } using var message = CreateListByResourceGroupRequest(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName, filter, expand, top); await _pipeline.SendAsync(message, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); switch (message.Response.Status) { case 200: { ResourceListResult value = default; using var document = await JsonDocument.ParseAsync(message.Response.ContentStream, default, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); value = ResourceListResult.DeserializeResourceListResult(document.RootElement); return(Response.FromValue(value, message.Response)); }
private async Task <List <ResourceUsage> > GetBillingDataWithDailyAggregation(ResourceListResult resourceList, UsageFilterParameters usageFilterParameters) { var usageData = await GetUsageData(usageFilterParameters); var resourceUsageData = GetUsageDailyDataByResources(resourceList.Resources, usageData); return(resourceUsageData); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Request.HttpMethod != "POST") { return; } String area = ""; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((String)RouteData.Values["area"])) { area = (String)RouteData.Values["area"]; } Int64 enterpriseId = 0; if ((Session["enterprise_data"]) != null && (Session["enterprise_data"] is EnterpriseData)) { enterpriseId = ((EnterpriseData)Session["enterprise_data"]).Id; } Boolean newItem = false; if ((RouteData.Values["new"] != null) && (RouteData.Values["new"] == "1")) { newItem = true; } String ApplicationVirtualPath = Session["ApplicationVirtualPath"].ToString(); LMenu menu1 = new LMenu("Dashboard", ApplicationVirtualPath + "admin/"); LMenu menu2 = new LMenu("Recursos", ApplicationVirtualPath + "admin/resource/" + (Request.Form["hashtag"] != null ? "#" + Request.Form["hashtag"].ToString() : "")); LMenu menu3 = new LMenu("Recursos", ApplicationVirtualPath + "admin/resource/" + (Request.Form["hashtag"] != null ? "#" + Request.Form["hashtag"].ToString() : "")); WebJsonResponse contentRet = null; String html = ""; String eHtml = ""; String js = null; String errorTemplate = "<span class=\"empty-results\">{0}</span>"; //Verifica se está sendo selecionada uma role Int64 resourceId = 0; try { resourceId = Int64.Parse((String)RouteData.Values["id"]); if (resourceId < 0) { resourceId = 0; } } catch { } String error = ""; ResourceGetResult retResource = null; String filter = ""; HashData hashData = new HashData(this); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((String)RouteData.Values["filter"])) { filter = (String)RouteData.Values["filter"]; } if ((resourceId > 0) && (area.ToLower() != "search")) { try { var tmpReq = new { jsonrpc = "1.0", method = "resource.get", parameters = new { resourceid = resourceId }, id = 1 }; String rData = SafeTrend.Json.JSON.Serialize2(tmpReq); String jData = ""; using (IAMDatabase database = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString())) jData = WebPageAPI.ExecuteLocal(database, this, rData); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(jData)) { throw new Exception(""); } retResource = JSON.Deserialize <ResourceGetResult>(jData); if (retResource == null) { error = MessageResource.GetMessage("resource_not_found"); //ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("user_not_found"), 3000, true); } else if (retResource.error != null) { error = retResource.error.data; retResource = null; } else if (retResource.result == null || retResource.result.info == null) { error = MessageResource.GetMessage("resource_not_found"); retResource = null; } else { menu3.Name = retResource.result.info.name; } } catch (Exception ex) { error = MessageResource.GetMessage("api_error"); Tools.Tool.notifyException(ex, this); retResource = null; //ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("api_error"), 3000, true); } } switch (area) { case "": case "search": case "content": if (newItem) { try { var tmpReq = new { jsonrpc = "1.0", method = "context.list", parameters = new { }, id = 1 }; error = ""; String rData = SafeTrend.Json.JSON.Serialize2(tmpReq); String jData = ""; using (IAMDatabase database = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString())) jData = WebPageAPI.ExecuteLocal(database, this, rData); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(jData)) { throw new Exception(""); } ContextListResult contextList = JSON.Deserialize <ContextListResult>(jData); if (contextList == null) { error = MessageResource.GetMessage("context_not_found"); //ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("user_not_found"), 3000, true); } else if (contextList.error != null) { error = contextList.error.data; } else if (contextList.result == null) { error = MessageResource.GetMessage("context_not_found"); } else { var tmpReq2 = new { jsonrpc = "1.0", method = "proxy.list", parameters = new { }, id = 1 }; error = ""; rData = SafeTrend.Json.JSON.Serialize2(tmpReq2); jData = ""; using (IAMDatabase database = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString())) jData = WebPageAPI.ExecuteLocal(database, this, rData); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(jData)) { throw new Exception(""); } ProxyListResult proxyList = JSON.Deserialize <ProxyListResult>(jData); if (proxyList == null) { error = MessageResource.GetMessage("proxy_not_found"); //ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("user_not_found"), 3000, true); } else if (proxyList.error != null) { error = proxyList.error.data; } else if (proxyList.result == null) { error = MessageResource.GetMessage("proxy_not_found"); } else { html = "<h3>Adição de recurso</h3>"; html += "<form id=\"form_add_resource\" method=\"post\" action=\"" + ApplicationVirtualPath + "admin/resource/action/add_resource/\"><div class=\"no-tabs pb10\">"; html += "<div class=\"form-group\"><label>Nome</label><input id=\"resource_name\" name=\"resource_name\" placeholder=\"Digite o nome do recurso\" type=\"text\"\"></div>"; html += "<div class=\"form-group\"><label>Contexto</label><select id=\"resource_context\" name=\"resource_context\" ><option value=\"\"></option>"; foreach (ContextData c in contextList.result) { html += "<option value=\"" + c.context_id + "\" " + (hashData.GetValue("context") == c.context_id.ToString() ? "selected" : "") + ">" + c.name + "</option>"; } html += "</select></div>"; html += "<div class=\"form-group\"><label>Proxy</label><select id=\"resource_proxy\" name=\"resource_proxy\" ><option value=\"\"></option>"; foreach (ProxyData p in proxyList.result) { html += "<option value=\"" + p.proxy_id + "\" " + (hashData.GetValue("proxy") == p.proxy_id.ToString() ? "selected" : "") + ">" + p.name + "</option>"; } html += "</select></div>"; html += "<div class=\"clear-block\"></div></div>"; html += "<button type=\"submit\" id=\"user-profile-password-save\" class=\"button secondary floatleft\">Adicionar</button> <a href=\"" + ApplicationVirtualPath + "admin/resource/" + (Request.Form["hashtag"] != null ? "#" + Request.Form["hashtag"].ToString() : "") + "\" class=\"button link floatleft\">Cancelar</a></form>"; contentRet = new WebJsonResponse("#content-wrapper", (eHtml != "" ? eHtml : html)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { error = MessageResource.GetMessage("api_error"); } if (error != "") { contentRet = new WebJsonResponse("#content-wrapper", String.Format(errorTemplate, error)); } } else { if (retResource == null) { Int32 page = 1; Int32 pageSize = 20; Boolean hasNext = true; Int32.TryParse(Request.Form["page"], out page); if (page < 1) { page = 1; } String roleTemplate = "<div id=\"role-list-{0}\" data-id=\"{0}\" data-name=\"{1}\" data-total=\"{2}\" class=\"app-list-item\">"; roleTemplate += "<table>"; roleTemplate += " <tbody>"; roleTemplate += " <tr>"; roleTemplate += " <td class=\"col1\">"; roleTemplate += " <span id=\"total_{0}\" class=\"total \">{2}</span>"; roleTemplate += " <a href=\"" + ApplicationVirtualPath + "admin/resource_plugin/#resource/{0}\">"; roleTemplate += " <div class=\"app-btn a-btn\"><span class=\"a-btn-inner\">Ver vínculos</span></div>"; roleTemplate += " </a>"; roleTemplate += " </td>"; roleTemplate += " <td class=\"col2\">"; roleTemplate += " <div class=\"title\"><span class=\"name field-editor\" id=\"resource_name_{0}\" data-id=\"{0}\" data-function=\"iamadmin.editTextField('#resource_name_{0}',null,resourceNameEdit);\">{1}</span><span class=\"date\">{3}</span><div class=\"clear-block\"></div></div>"; roleTemplate += " <div class=\"description\">"; roleTemplate += " <div class=\"first\">{4}</div>"; roleTemplate += " </div>"; roleTemplate += " <div class=\"links\">"; roleTemplate += " <div class=\"\"><a href=\"" + ApplicationVirtualPath + "admin/resource/{0}/" + (Request.Form["hashtag"] != null ? "#" + Request.Form["hashtag"].ToString() : "") + "\"><div class=\"ico icon-change\">Editar</div></a><a href=\"" + ApplicationVirtualPath + "admin/roles/{0}/action/delete_all_users/" + (Request.Form["hashtag"] != null ? "#" + Request.Form["hashtag"].ToString() : "") + "\" class=\"confirm-action\" confirm-title=\"Exclusão\" confirm-text=\"Deseja excluir definitivamente todos os usuários do perfil '{1}'?\" ok=\"Excluir\" cancel=\"Cancelar\"><div class=\"ico icon-close\">Excluir usuários</div></a></div>"; roleTemplate += " <div class=\"last\">{5}</div>"; roleTemplate += " </div>"; roleTemplate += " </td>"; roleTemplate += " </tr>"; roleTemplate += " </tbody>"; roleTemplate += "</table></div>"; js += "resourceNameEdit = function(thisId, changedText) { iamadmin.changeName(thisId,changedText); };"; html += "<div id=\"box-container\" class=\"box-container\">"; String query = ""; try { String rData = ""; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((String)RouteData.Values["query"])) { query = (String)RouteData.Values["query"]; } if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(hashData.GetValue("query"))) { query = hashData.GetValue("query"); } if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query)) { var tmpReq = new { jsonrpc = "1.0", method = "resource.list", parameters = new { page_size = pageSize, page = page, filter = new { contextid = hashData.GetValue("context"), proxyid = hashData.GetValue("proxy") } }, id = 1 }; rData = SafeTrend.Json.JSON.Serialize2(tmpReq); } else { var tmpReq = new { jsonrpc = "1.0", method = "resource.search", parameters = new { text = query, page_size = pageSize, page = page, filter = new { contextid = hashData.GetValue("context"), proxyid = hashData.GetValue("proxy") } }, id = 1 }; rData = SafeTrend.Json.JSON.Serialize2(tmpReq); } String jData = ""; using (IAMDatabase database = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString())) jData = WebPageAPI.ExecuteLocal(database, this, rData); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(jData)) { throw new Exception(""); } ResourceListResult ret2 = JSON.Deserialize <ResourceListResult>(jData); if (ret2 == null) { eHtml += String.Format(errorTemplate, MessageResource.GetMessage("resource_not_found")); hasNext = false; } else if (ret2.error != null) { #if DEBUG eHtml += String.Format(errorTemplate, ret2.error.data + ret2.error.debug); #else eHtml += String.Format(errorTemplate, ret2.error.data); #endif hasNext = false; } else if (ret2.result == null || (ret2.result.Count == 0 && page == 1)) { eHtml += String.Format(errorTemplate, MessageResource.GetMessage("resource_not_found")); hasNext = false; } else { foreach (ResourceData resource in ret2.result) { String text = "Contexto: " + resource.context_name + ", Proxy: " + resource.proxy_name; html += String.Format(roleTemplate, resource.resource_id, resource.name, resource.resource_plugin_qty, (resource.create_date > 0 ? "Criado em " + MessageResource.FormatDate(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1).AddSeconds(resource.create_date), true) : ""), text, (resource.resource_plugin_qty > 0 ? "" : "<a class=\"confirm-action\" href=\"" + ApplicationVirtualPath + "admin/resource/" + resource.resource_id + "/action/delete/" + (Request.Form["hashtag"] != null ? "#" + Request.Form["hashtag"].ToString() : "") + "\" confirm-title=\"Exclusão\" confirm-text=\"Deseja excluir definitivamente o recurso '" + resource.name + "'?\" ok=\"Excluir\" cancel=\"Cancelar\"><div class=\"ico icon-close\">Apagar</div></a>")); } if (ret2.result.Count < pageSize) { hasNext = false; } } } catch (Exception ex) { eHtml += String.Format(errorTemplate, MessageResource.GetMessage("api_error")); } if (page == 1) { html += "</div>"; html += "<span class=\"empty-results content-loading role-list-loader hide\"></span>"; contentRet = new WebJsonResponse("#content-wrapper", (eHtml != "" ? eHtml : html)); } else { contentRet = new WebJsonResponse("#content-wrapper #box-container", (eHtml != "" ? eHtml : html), true); } contentRet.js = js + "$( document ).unbind('end_of_scroll');"; if (hasNext) { contentRet.js += "$( document ).bind( 'end_of_scroll.loader_role', function() { $( document ).unbind('end_of_scroll.loader_role'); $('.role-list-loader').removeClass('hide'); iamadmin.getPageContent2( { page: " + ++page + ", search:'" + (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query) ? query : "") + "' }, function(){ $('.role-list-loader').addClass('hide'); } ); });"; } } else //Esta sendo selecionado a role { if (error != "") { contentRet = new WebJsonResponse("#content-wrapper", String.Format(errorTemplate, error)); } else { switch (filter) { case "": String infoTemplate = "<div class=\"form-group\">"; infoTemplate += "<label>{0}</label>"; infoTemplate += "<span class=\"no-edit\">{1}</span></div>"; String jsAdd = ""; if (hashData.GetValue("edit") == "1") { var tmpReq = new { jsonrpc = "1.0", method = "context.list", parameters = new { }, id = 1 }; error = ""; String rData = SafeTrend.Json.JSON.Serialize2(tmpReq); String jData = ""; using (IAMDatabase database = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString())) jData = WebPageAPI.ExecuteLocal(database, this, rData); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(jData)) { throw new Exception(""); } ContextListResult contextList = JSON.Deserialize <ContextListResult>(jData); if (contextList == null) { error = MessageResource.GetMessage("context_not_found"); //ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("user_not_found"), 3000, true); } else if (contextList.error != null) { error = contextList.error.data; } else if (contextList.result == null) { error = MessageResource.GetMessage("context_not_found"); } else { var tmpReq2 = new { jsonrpc = "1.0", method = "proxy.list", parameters = new { }, id = 1 }; error = ""; rData = SafeTrend.Json.JSON.Serialize2(tmpReq2); jData = ""; using (IAMDatabase database = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString())) jData = WebPageAPI.ExecuteLocal(database, this, rData); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(jData)) { throw new Exception(""); } ProxyListResult proxyList = JSON.Deserialize <ProxyListResult>(jData); if (contextList == null) { error = MessageResource.GetMessage("proxy_not_found"); //ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("user_not_found"), 3000, true); } else if (contextList.error != null) { error = contextList.error.data; } else if (contextList.result == null) { error = MessageResource.GetMessage("proxy_not_found"); } else { html += "<form id=\"form_resource_change\" method=\"POST\" action=\"" + ApplicationVirtualPath + "admin/resource/" + retResource.result.info.resource_id + "/action/change/\">"; html += "<h3>Edição de recurso</h3>"; html += "<div class=\"no-tabs pb10\">"; String contexto = ""; contexto += "<select id=\"resource_context\" name=\"resource_context\" ><option value=\"\"></option>"; foreach (ContextData c in contextList.result) { contexto += "<option value=\"" + c.context_id + "\" " + (retResource.result.info.context_id == c.context_id ? "selected" : "") + ">" + c.name + "</option>"; } contexto += "</select>"; String proxy = ""; proxy += "<select id=\"resource_proxy\" name=\"resource_proxy\" ><option value=\"\"></option>"; foreach (ProxyData c in proxyList.result) { proxy += "<option value=\"" + c.proxy_id + "\" " + (retResource.result.info.proxy_id == c.proxy_id ? "selected" : "") + ">" + c.name + "</option>"; } proxy += "</select>"; html += String.Format(infoTemplate, "Nome", "<input id=\"name\" name=\"name\" placeholder=\"Digite o nome do recurso\" type=\"text\"\" value=\"" + retResource.result.info.name + "\">"); html += String.Format(infoTemplate, "Contexto", contexto); html += String.Format(infoTemplate, "Proxy", proxy); html += String.Format(infoTemplate, "Desabilitado", "<input id=\"disabled\" name=\"disabled\" type=\"checkbox\" " + (!retResource.result.info.enabled ? "checked" : "") + ">"); html += String.Format(infoTemplate, "Criado em", MessageResource.FormatDate(((DateTime) new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).AddSeconds(retResource.result.info.create_date), false)); html += "<div class=\"clear-block\"></div></div>"; } } } else { html += "<h3>Informações gerais<div class=\"btn-box\"><div class=\"a-btn ico icon-change\" onclick=\"iamadmin.changeHash( 'edit/1' );\">Editar</div></div></h3>"; html += "<div class=\"no-tabs pb10\">"; html += String.Format(infoTemplate, "Nome", retResource.result.info.name); html += String.Format(infoTemplate, "Contexto", retResource.result.info.context_name); html += String.Format(infoTemplate, "Proxy", retResource.result.info.proxy_name); html += String.Format(infoTemplate, "Desabilitado", (!retResource.result.info.enabled ? MessageResource.GetMessage("yes") : MessageResource.GetMessage("no"))); html += String.Format(infoTemplate, "Criado em", MessageResource.FormatDate(((DateTime) new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).AddSeconds(retResource.result.info.create_date), false)); html += "<div class=\"clear-block\"></div></div>"; } if (hashData.GetValue("edit") == "1") { html += "<button type=\"submit\" id=\"resource-save\" class=\"button secondary floatleft\">Salvar</button> <a class=\"button link floatleft\" onclick=\"iamadmin.changeHash( 'edit/0' );\">Cancelar</a></form>"; } contentRet = new WebJsonResponse("#content-wrapper", html); contentRet.js = jsAdd; break; case "identity": break; } } } } break; case "sidebar": if (menu1 != null) { html += "<div class=\"sep\"><div class=\"section-nav-header\">"; html += " <div class=\"crumbs\">"; html += " <div class=\"subject subject-color\">"; html += " <a href=\"" + menu1.HRef + "\">" + menu1.Name + "</a>"; html += " </div>"; if (menu2 != null) { html += " <div class=\"topic topic-color\">"; html += " <a href=\"" + menu2.HRef + "\">" + menu2.Name + "</a>"; html += " </div>"; } html += " </div>"; if (menu3 != null) { html += " <div class=\"crumbs tutorial-title\">"; html += " <h2 class=\"title tutorial-color\">" + menu3.Name + "</h2>"; html += " </div>"; } html += "</div></div>"; } if (!newItem) { html += "<div class=\"sep\"><button class=\"a-btn-big a-btn\" type=\"button\" onclick=\"window.location='" + ApplicationVirtualPath + "admin/resource/new/" + (Request.Form["hashtag"] != null ? "#" + Request.Form["hashtag"].ToString() : "") + "'\">Novo recurso</button></div>"; switch (filter) { case "add_user": break; default: /*if (retRole != null) * html += "<div class=\"sep\"><button class=\"a-btn-big a-btn\" type=\"button\" onclick=\"window.location='" + ApplicationVirtualPath + "admin/roles/" + retRole.result.info.role_id + "/add_user/" + (Request.Form["hashtag"] != null ? "#" + Request.Form["hashtag"].ToString() : "") + "'\">Adicionar usuários</button></div>";*/ break; } } contentRet = new WebJsonResponse("#main aside", html); break; case "mobilebar": break; case "buttonbox": switch (filter) { case "": if (retResource == null) { js = ""; try { String rData = SafeTrend.Json.JSON.Serialize2(new { jsonrpc = "1.0", method = "context.list", parameters = new { page_size = Int32.MaxValue }, id = 1 }); String jData = ""; using (IAMDatabase database = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString())) jData = WebPageAPI.ExecuteLocal(database, this, rData); ContextListResult contextList = JSON.Deserialize <ContextListResult>(jData); if ((contextList != null) && (contextList.error == null) && (contextList.result != null)) { html += "<select id=\"filter_context\" name=\"filter_context\" ><option value=\"\">Todos os contextos</option>"; foreach (ContextData c in contextList.result) { html += "<option value=\"context/" + c.context_id + "\" " + (hashData.GetValue("context") == c.context_id.ToString() ? "selected" : "") + ">" + c.name + "</option>"; } html += "</select>"; js += "$('#filter_context').change(function() { iamadmin.changeHash( $( this ).val() ); });"; } } catch (Exception ex) { } try { String rData = SafeTrend.Json.JSON.Serialize2(new { jsonrpc = "1.0", method = "proxy.list", parameters = new { page_size = Int32.MaxValue }, id = 1 }); String jData = ""; using (IAMDatabase database = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString())) jData = WebPageAPI.ExecuteLocal(database, this, rData); ProxyListResult proxyList = JSON.Deserialize <ProxyListResult>(jData); if ((proxyList != null) && (proxyList.error == null) && (proxyList.result != null)) { html += "<select id=\"filter_proxy\" name=\"filter_proxy\" ><option value=\"\">Todos os proxies</option>"; foreach (ProxyData p in proxyList.result) { html += "<option value=\"proxy/" + p.proxy_id + "\" " + (hashData.GetValue("proxy") == p.proxy_id.ToString() ? "selected" : "") + ">" + p.name + "</option>"; } html += "</select>"; js += "$('#filter_proxy').change(function() { iamadmin.changeHash( $( this ).val() ); });"; } } catch (Exception ex) { } contentRet = new WebJsonResponse("#btnbox", html); contentRet.js = js; } break; } break; } if (contentRet != null) { if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((String)Request["cid"])) { contentRet.callId = (String)Request["cid"]; } Retorno.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(contentRet.ToJSON())); } }