예제 #1
        public void TestRescheduleOUT()
            const int            loanID  = 6; //4182; // 1718; // 4439; //3534;
            Loan                 loan    = new Loan();
            ReschedulingArgument reModel = new ReschedulingArgument();

            reModel.LoanType = loan.GetType()
            reModel.LoanID           = loanID;
            reModel.ReschedulingDate = DateTime.UtcNow.Date.AddDays(0);             //new DateTime(2015, 10, 02);
            //reModel.ReschedulingRepaymentIntervalType = RepaymentIntervalTypes.Month;
            reModel.SaveToDB           = false;
            reModel.RescheduleIn       = false;
            reModel.PaymentPerInterval = 180m;
            reModel.StopFutureInterest = false;
            var s1 = new RescheduleLoan <Loan>(loan, reModel);

            s1.Context.UserID = 357;             //25852;
            try {
                this.m_oLog.Debug("RESULT FOR OUT" + s1.Result.ToString());
                // ReSharper disable once CatchAllClause
            } catch (Exception e) {
예제 #2
        public RescheduleLoanIN(ReschedulingArgument reschedulingArgument)
            this.ReschedulingArguments = reschedulingArgument;

            this.Result        = new ReschedulingResult();
            this.Result.LoanID = this.ReschedulingArguments.LoanID;
            this.Result.ReschedulingRepaymentIntervalType = this.ReschedulingArguments.ReschedulingRepaymentIntervalType;
            this.Result.BlockAction = false;

            // used in client's calendar for re-date selecting and in strategy for validations
            this.Result.ReschedulingIntervalStart = DateTime.UtcNow.Date.AddDays(1);

            if (this.ReschedulingArguments.RescheduleIn)
                this.Result.ReschedulingIntervalEnd = this.Result.ReschedulingIntervalStart.AddDays(30);

            // if today date sent - set re-date to tomorrow, otherwise set the date that sent
            this.Result.FirstItemDate = (this.ReschedulingArguments.ReschedulingDate.Date == DateTime.UtcNow.Date) ? this.Result.ReschedulingIntervalStart : this.ReschedulingArguments.ReschedulingDate.Date;

            this.cultureInfo = new CultureInfo("en-GB");

            this.emailToAddress   = CurrentValues.Instance.EzbobTechMailTo;
            this.emailFromAddress = CurrentValues.Instance.MailSenderEmail;
            this.emailFromName    = CurrentValues.Instance.MailSenderName;

            this.sendDebugMail      = CurrentValues.Instance.ReschedulingDebugMail;
            this.toAddressDebugMail = CurrentValues.Instance.ReschedulingDebugMailAddress;
예제 #3
        }         // AddLoanOptions

        public ReschedulingActionResult RescheduleLoan(int userID, int customerID, ReschedulingArgument reAgrs)
            Type t;

            try {
                t = Type.GetType(reAgrs.LoanType);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Log.Alert("Fail to get type from the argument {0}. ReschedulingArgument: {1}; error: {2}", reAgrs.LoanType, reAgrs, e);
            }             // try

            if (t == null)
                Log.Alert("Type t (of loan) not found");
            }             // if

            //Log.Debug("t is {0}, t.Name={1}", t, t.Name);

            ReschedulingResult result = new ReschedulingResult();

            try {
                if (t.Name == "Loan")
                    RescheduleLoan <Loan> strategy;
                    var amd = ExecuteSync(out strategy, customerID, userID, new Loan(), reAgrs);
                    return(new ReschedulingActionResult {
                        MetaData = amd,
                        Value = strategy.Result
                }                 // if

                if (t.Name == "NL_Model")
                    //RescheduleLoan<NL_Model> strategy;
                    // TODO
                }                 // if
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Log.Alert("Reschedule; exception: ", e.Message);
                result.Error = "InternalServerError";
            }             // try

            return(new ReschedulingActionResult {
                Value = result
        }         // RescheduleLoan
예제 #4
        public RescheduleLoan9Feb2016(T t, ReschedulingArgument reschedulingArgument)
            this.ReschedulingArguments = reschedulingArgument;

            if (t.GetType() == typeof(Loan))
                this.tLoan   = t as Loan;
                this.tNLLoan = null;
                this.loanRep = ObjectFactory.GetInstance <LoanRepository>();
            else if (t.GetType() == typeof(NL_Model))
                this.tNLLoan = t as NL_Model;
                this.tLoan   = null;

            this.Result        = new ReschedulingResult();
            this.Result.LoanID = this.ReschedulingArguments.LoanID;
            this.Result.ReschedulingRepaymentIntervalType = this.ReschedulingArguments.ReschedulingRepaymentIntervalType;
            this.Result.BlockAction = false;

            // used in client's calendar for re-date selecting and in strategy for validations
            this.Result.ReschedulingIntervalStart = DateTime.UtcNow.Date.AddDays(1);

            if (this.ReschedulingArguments.RescheduleIn)
                this.Result.ReschedulingIntervalEnd = this.Result.ReschedulingIntervalStart.AddDays(30);

            // if today date sent - set re-date to tomorrow, otherwise set the date that sent
            this.Result.FirstItemDate = (this.ReschedulingArguments.ReschedulingDate.Date == DateTime.UtcNow.Date) ? this.Result.ReschedulingIntervalStart : this.ReschedulingArguments.ReschedulingDate.Date;

            this.cultureInfo = new CultureInfo("en-GB");

            this.emailToAddress   = CurrentValues.Instance.EzbobTechMailTo;
            this.emailFromAddress = CurrentValues.Instance.MailSenderEmail;
            this.emailFromName    = CurrentValues.Instance.MailSenderName;

            this.sendDebugMail      = CurrentValues.Instance.ReschedulingDebugMail;
            this.toAddressDebugMail = CurrentValues.Instance.ReschedulingDebugMailAddress;
예제 #5
        public JsonResult RescheduleLoan(int loanID,
                                         DbConstants.RepaymentIntervalTypes?intervalType, // month/week
                                         decimal?AmountPerInterval,                       // for "out" reschedule
                                         DateTime reschedulingDate,
                                         bool save = false,
                                         bool stopFutureInterest = false)
            ReschedulingActionResult result = null;

            try {
                Loan loan = this._loans.Get(loanID);

                if (rescheduleIn != null)
                    ReschedulingArgument reModel = new ReschedulingArgument();
                    reModel.LoanType         = loan.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName;
                    reModel.LoanID           = loanID;
                    reModel.SaveToDB         = save;
                    reModel.ReschedulingDate = reschedulingDate;
                    if (intervalType != null)
                        reModel.ReschedulingRepaymentIntervalType = (DbConstants.RepaymentIntervalTypes)intervalType;
                    reModel.RescheduleIn       = (bool)rescheduleIn;
                    reModel.StopFutureInterest = stopFutureInterest;

                    if (reModel.RescheduleIn == false)                     // "out"
                        reModel.PaymentPerInterval = AmountPerInterval;

                    // re strategy
                    result = this.serviceClient.Instance.RescheduleLoan(this._context.User.Id, loan.Customer.Id, reModel);

                    Log.Debug(string.Format("RescheduleLoanSubmitted: {0}, {1}", reModel, result.Value));
            } catch (Exception editex) {
                Log.Error("rescheduling editor EXCEPTION: " + editex);
            return(result == null ? null : Json(result.Value));
예제 #6
        private void RescheduleSetmodel(int loanID, EditLoanDetailsModel model)
            var loan = this._loans.Get(loanID);

            model.Id = loanID;

            model.Options = this.loanOptionsRepository.GetByLoanId(model.Id) ?? LoanOptions.GetDefault(model.Id);

            Log.DebugFormat("RescheduleSetmodel: loanID: {2} model {0}, loan: {1}", model, loan, loanID);

            ReschedulingArgument renewModel = new ReschedulingArgument();

            renewModel.LoanType         = loan.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName;
            renewModel.LoanID           = loanID;
            renewModel.SaveToDB         = false;
            renewModel.ReschedulingDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
            renewModel.ReschedulingRepaymentIntervalType = DbConstants.RepaymentIntervalTypes.Month;
            renewModel.RescheduleIn = true;

            try {
                ReschedulingActionResult result = this.serviceClient.Instance.RescheduleLoan(this._context.User.Id, loan.Customer.Id, renewModel);
                model.ReResultIn = result.Value;
                //Log.Debug(string.Format("IN=={0}, {1}", renewModel, result.Value));
                // ReSharper disable once CatchAllClause
            } catch (Exception editex) {

            renewModel.RescheduleIn       = false;
            renewModel.PaymentPerInterval = 0m;
            try {
                ReschedulingActionResult result = this.serviceClient.Instance.RescheduleLoan(this._context.User.Id, loan.Customer.Id, renewModel);
                model.ReResultOut = result.Value;
                //Log.Debug(string.Format("OUT=={0}, {1}", renewModel, result.Value));
                // ReSharper disable once CatchAllClause
            } catch (Exception editex) {
예제 #7
        public void TestRescheduleIN()
            const int            loanID  = 11;
            Loan                 loan    = new Loan();
            ReschedulingArgument reModel = new ReschedulingArgument();

            reModel.LoanType = loan.GetType()
            reModel.LoanID           = loanID;
            reModel.ReschedulingDate = DateTime.UtcNow.Date.AddDays(5);
            //reModel.ReschedulingRepaymentIntervalType = RepaymentIntervalTypes.Month;
            reModel.RescheduleIn       = true;
            reModel.SaveToDB           = false;
            reModel.StopFutureInterest = true;
            try {
                var s = new RescheduleLoan <Loan>(loan, reModel);
                s.Context.UserID = 357;                 // 25852
                this.m_oLog.Debug("RESULT FOR IN" + s.Result.ToString());
                // ReSharper disable once CatchAllClause
            } catch (Exception e) {
예제 #8
 public RescheduleLoanWithN(T t, ReschedulingArgument reschedulingArgument) : base(T t, ReschedulingArgument reschedulingArgument)
예제 #9
        public void TestMultipleRescheduling()
            /*var loans = new[] {
             *      18,19,20,22,29,30,31,32,33,34,36,37,38, 35, 4439, 3534, 1846, 2662,	1721,1758,1718,1764,1781,1795,1808,1810,1825,1831,1838,1841,1847,1856,1895,1903,1904,
             *      3456,3462,3476,3478,3509,3510,3513,3521,3533,3535,3538,3539,3547,3583,3593,3607,3651,3670,3700,3710,3711,3714,3754,3827,3860,3917,3946,4081,4139,4174,4183,4192,
             *      2990,2996,3003,3007,3032,3038,3083,3084,3094,3096,3113,3118,3141,3142,3166,3196,3208,3236,3275,3285,3302
             * };
             * // select top 10 *  from [dbo].[Loan] l left join [dbo].[LoanScheduleDeleted] d on l.Id=d.LoanId where d.Id IS NULL and l.Status <> 'PaidOff' and YEAR(l.Date) = 2015 and DateClosed is null
             * foreach (var loanID in loans) {
             *      try {
             *              ReschedulingArgument reModel = new ReschedulingArgument();
             *              Loan loan = new Loan();
             *              reModel.LoanType = loan.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName;
             *              reModel.LoanID = loanID;
             *              reModel.RescheduleIn = false;
             *              reModel.SaveToDB = false;
             *              reModel.ReschedulingDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
             *              reModel.ReschedulingRepaymentIntervalType = RepaymentIntervalTypes.Month;
             *              if (reModel.RescheduleIn == false) {
             *                      reModel.PaymentPerInterval = 900m;
             *              }
             *              var s = new RescheduleLoan<Loan>(loan, reModel);
             *              s.Context.UserID = 25852;
             *              s.Execute();
             *              m_oLog.Debug(s.Result.ToString());
             *      } catch (Exception e) {
             *              Console.WriteLine(e);
             *      }
             * }*/

            Loan loan = new Loan();

            this.m_oDB.ForEachRowSafe((sr) => {
                try {
                    int loanid = sr["Id"];
                    // IN

                    /*  ReschedulingArgument reModel = new ReschedulingArgument();
                     * reModel.LoanID = loanid;
                     * reModel.LoanType = loan.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName;
                     * reModel.RescheduleIn = true;
                     * reModel.SaveToDB = false;
                     * reModel.ReschedulingDate = DateTime.UtcNow.Date.AddDays(15);
                     * reModel.ReschedulingRepaymentIntervalType = RepaymentIntervalTypes.Month;
                     * var s = new RescheduleLoan<Loan>(loan, reModel);
                     * s.Context.UserID = 357; //25852;
                     * s.Execute();
                     * this.m_oLog.Debug(s.Result.ToString());
                     * this.m_oLog.Debug("IN_RESULT: {0}", s.Result.ToString());*/

                    // OUT
                    ReschedulingArgument reModel1 = new ReschedulingArgument();
                    Loan loan1        = new Loan();
                    reModel1.LoanID   = loanid;
                    reModel1.LoanType = loan1.GetType()
                    reModel1.RescheduleIn     = false;
                    reModel1.SaveToDB         = false;
                    reModel1.ReschedulingDate = DateTime.UtcNow.Date.AddDays(44);
                    reModel1.ReschedulingRepaymentIntervalType = RepaymentIntervalTypes.Month;
                    reModel1.PaymentPerInterval = 90m;
                    reModel1.StopFutureInterest = true;
                    var s1            = new RescheduleLoan <Loan>(loan1, reModel1);
                    s1.Context.UserID = 357;                     //25852;
                    this.m_oLog.Debug("OUT_RESULT: {0}", s1.Result.ToString());
                } catch (Exception e) {
                                      "select top 100 l.Id from [dbo].[Loan] l left join [dbo].[LoanScheduleDeleted] d on l.Id=d.LoanId where d.Id IS NULL and l.Status <> 'PaidOff' and DateClosed is null", // order by l.Id desc",
                                                                                                                                                                                                              //	"select top 10 * from [dbo].[Loan] l left join [dbo].[LoanScheduleDeleted] d on l.Id=d.LoanId where d.Id IS NULL and l.Status <> 'PaidOff' and YEAR(l.Date) = 2015 and DateClosed is null order ",
                                      CommandSpecies.Text);                                                                                                                                                   //top 100