예제 #1
        private async Task _onuserupdateevent_(RequestResponseModel msg)
            ulong        user     = Convert.ToUInt64(msg.Payload["user_id"]);
            string       toonname = (string)msg.Payload["toon_name"];
            UserJoinArgs args;

            //API doesn't reply with a lot of the data here despite being documented in spec doc
                List <string> flags = (List <string>)(msg.Payload["flags"]);
                Dictionary <string, string> attributes = (Dictionary <string, string>)(msg.Payload["attributes"]);

                string flag1 = flags[0];
                string flag2 = flags[1];
                string pid   = attributes["ProgramId"];
                string rate  = attributes["Rate"];
                string rank  = attributes["Rank"];
                string wins  = attributes["Wins"];

                args = new UserJoinArgs(user, toonname, flag1, flag2, pid, rate, rank, wins);
            catch (Exception)
                args = new UserJoinArgs(user, toonname, null, null, null, null, null, null);
            Task t = Task.Run(() => OnUserJoin?.Invoke(this, args));

            Debug.WriteLine($"[EVENT]User joined: {user}: {toonname}");
            await t;
예제 #2
        private async Task _onchatdisconnectevent_(RequestResponseModel msg)
            Task t = Task.Run(() => socket.Close());

            await t;
예제 #3
        private async Task _onuserleaveevent_(RequestResponseModel msg)
            ulong         user = Convert.ToUInt64(msg.Payload["user_id"]);
            UserLeaveArgs args = new UserLeaveArgs(user);
            Task          t    = Task.Run(() => OnUserLeave?.Invoke(this, args));

            Debug.WriteLine($"[EVENT]User left: {user}");
            await t;
예제 #4
        private async Task _onchatmessageevent_(RequestResponseModel msg)
            ulong           user    = Convert.ToUInt64(msg.Payload["user_id"]);
            string          message = (string)msg.Payload["message"];
            string          type    = (string)msg.Payload["type"];
            ChatMessageArgs args    = new ChatMessageArgs(user, message, type);
            Task            t       = Task.Run(() => OnChatMessage?.Invoke(this, args));

            Debug.WriteLine($"[EVENT]Chat message [{type}] from UID {user}: {message}");
            await t;
예제 #5
        private async Task _onauthresponse_(RequestResponseModel msg)
            //Step 2: Once auth accept response is received, attempt to connect to chat
            Debug.WriteLine("[RESPONSE]Authenticated! Attempting to enter chat...");

            RequestResponseModel request = new RequestResponseModel()
                Command   = "Botapichat.ConnectRequest",
                RequestId = Interlocked.Exchange(ref requestID, requestID++)
            await Task.Run(() => socket.Send(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(request)));
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Disconnect from battle.net.
        /// Should only be called after a successful connection has been established (ie. OnChannelJoin is raised).
        /// Calling this function begins the disconnect handshake process, and does not necessarily mean the client is disconnected.
        /// The <see cref="OnDisconnect"/> event is raised when disconnected.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Attempting to disconnect before connecting</exception>
        public void Disconnect()
            RequestResponseModel request = new RequestResponseModel()
                Command   = "Botapichat.DisconnectRequest",
                RequestId = Interlocked.Exchange(ref requestID, requestID++)


예제 #7
        private async Task _onchatconnectevent_(RequestResponseModel msg)
            //Step 3: Recieving this response means login and connect is successful
            lock (mutex)
                isReady = true;
            string          channelname = (string)msg.Payload["channel"];
            ChannelJoinArgs c           = new ChannelJoinArgs(channelname);
            Task            t           = Task.Run(() => OnChannelJoin?.Invoke(this, c));

            Debug.WriteLine($"[EVENT]Entered channel: {channelname}");
            await t;
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets a user to channel moderator.
        /// Note that there is currently no way to unmod a user.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userid">User to mod</param>
        public void SetModerator(ulong userid)
            RequestResponseModel request = new RequestResponseModel()
                Command   = "Botapichat.SendSetModeratorRequest",
                RequestId = Interlocked.Exchange(ref requestID, requestID++),
                Payload   = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { "user_id", userid }


            Debug.WriteLine($"[REQUEST]Set moderator: {userid}");
예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends an emoted message to the channel.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="emotemsg">Message to send</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void SendEmote(string emotemsg)
            RequestResponseModel request = new RequestResponseModel()
                Command   = "Botapichat.SendEmoteRequest",
                RequestId = Interlocked.Exchange(ref requestID, requestID++),
                Payload   = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { "message", emotemsg }


            Debug.WriteLine($"[REQUEST]Send emote: {emotemsg}");
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Unbans a user from the channel.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="toonname">User to unban</param>
        public void UnbanUser(string toonname)
            RequestResponseModel request = new RequestResponseModel()
                Command   = "Botapichat.UnbanUserRequest",
                RequestId = Interlocked.Exchange(ref requestID, requestID++),
                Payload   = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { "toon_name", toonname }


            Debug.WriteLine($"[REQUEST]Unban user: {toonname}");
예제 #11
        private void __RequestResponseHelper__(RequestResponseModel msg)
            ErrorArgs eargs = new ErrorArgs(msg.Status?.Code, msg.Status?.Area);

            OnError?.Invoke(this, eargs);
예제 #12
        private void __InitializeObjects__()
            //Initializing commands to function mappings
            msgHandlers = new Dictionary <string, Func <RequestResponseModel, Task> >()
                //Handshake and initialization related responses
                { "Botapiauth.AuthenticateResponse", _onauthresponse_ },
                { "Botapichat.ConnectResponse", _onchatconnectresponse_ },
                { "Botapichat.DisconnectResponse", _onchatdisconnectresponse_ },

                //Async responses related to connection state
                { "Botapichat.ConnectEventRequest", _onchatconnectevent_ },
                { "Botapichat.DisconnectEventRequest", _onchatdisconnectevent_ },

                //General responses when server acknowledges a request
                { "Botapichat.SendMessageResponse", _onchatsendmessageresponse_ },
                { "Botapichat.SendWhisperResponse", _onchatsendwhisperresponse_ },
                { "Botapichat.BanUserResponse", _onbanuserresponse_ },
                { "Botapichat.UnbanUserResponse", _onunbanuserresponse_ },
                { "Botapichat.SendEmoteResponse", _onsendemoteresponse_ },
                { "Botapichat.KickUserResponse", _onkickuserresponse_ },
                { "Botapichat.SendSetModeratorResponse", _onsetmoderatorresponse_ },

                //Server events that require client action
                { "Botapichat.MessageEventRequest", _onchatmessageevent_ },
                { "Botapichat.UserUpdateEventRequest", _onuserupdateevent_ },
                { "Botapichat.UserLeaveEventRequest", _onuserleaveevent_ }

            //Defining socket behaviour for listening
            socket.OnOpen += async(sender, args) =>
                //Step 1: Authenticate with server using API key
                Debug.WriteLine("[SOCKET]Connected! Attempting to authenticate...");

                RequestResponseModel request = new RequestResponseModel()
                    Command   = "Botapiauth.AuthenticateRequest",
                    RequestId = Interlocked.Exchange(ref requestID, requestID++),
                    Payload   = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                        { "api_key", APIKey }
                await Task.Run(() => socket.Send(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(request)));

                //Continued in _onauthresponse_()

            socket.OnMessage += async(sender, args) =>
                RequestResponseModel msg = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RequestResponseModel>(args.Data);
                if (msg.Command.IsNullOrEmpty() || !msgHandlers.ContainsKey(msg.Command))
                    Debug.WriteLine($"[ERROR]Command {msg.Command} not recognized!");
                    Debug.WriteLine($"[ERROR]Message payload: {args.Data}");
                    await msgHandlers[msg.Command].Invoke(msg);

            socket.OnClose += async(sender, args) =>
                lock (mutex)
                    isConnected = false;
                    isReady     = false;
                DisconnectArgs dargs = new DisconnectArgs(args.Code, args.Reason, args.WasClean);
                Task           t     = Task.Run(() => OnDisconnect?.Invoke(this, dargs));

                Debug.WriteLine($"[SOCKET]Disconnected with code {args.Code}. Reason: {args.Reason}");
                await t;

            socket.OnError += (sender, args) =>
                Debug.WriteLine($"[ERROR] {args.Message}");
                if (args.Exception != null)
                    throw args.Exception;
예제 #13
 private async Task _onkickuserresponse_(RequestResponseModel msg)
     Debug.WriteLine("[RESPONSE]Kick user");
     await Task.Run(() => __RequestResponseHelper__(msg));
예제 #14
 private async Task _onsetmoderatorresponse_(RequestResponseModel msg)
     Debug.WriteLine("[RESPONSE]Set Moderator");
     await Task.Run(() => __RequestResponseHelper__(msg));
예제 #15
 private async Task _onchatdisconnectresponse_(RequestResponseModel msg)
     await Task.Run(() => __RequestResponseHelper__(msg));
예제 #16
 private async Task _onchatsendmessageresponse_(RequestResponseModel msg)
     await Task.Run(() => __RequestResponseHelper__(msg));
예제 #17
 private async Task _onsendemoteresponse_(RequestResponseModel msg)
     Debug.WriteLine("[RESPONSE]Send Emote");
     await Task.Run(() => __RequestResponseHelper__(msg));