예제 #1
        public bool SetSubscriptionWithPromo(string UserCode, int IdPlan, string AppToken, string TagPromo)
            //verificar existencia de la app token
            //obtiene ID de producto
            int idProduct = productsRepository.GetProductId(AppToken);

            if (idProduct == 0)
                throw new Contract.Exceptions.ProductsNotFoundException("No se encontró un producto con el ProductToken " + AppToken, null);

            //obtener usuario segun el app token y external code
            var user = usersRepository.GetUser(UserCode, idProduct);

            if (user == null)
                throw new Contract.Exceptions.UserNotFoundException("No se encontró un usuario con el UserCode " + UserCode, null);

            //voy a buscar la promo
            var promo = this.promosRepository.GetPromo(idProduct, TagPromo);

            //si el tag es nulo o vacio, elimino
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(TagPromo))
                promo = null;

            //por si esta mal configurada la promo
            if (promo != null && promo.FreeDays == null)
                promo.FreeDays = 0;

            //voy a buscar el profile por defecto
            var profile = this.profilesRepository.GetStandardFreeSuscription(user.IdUser);

            if (profile != null)
                IdPlan = profile.IdProfile;

             * if (promo == null) {
             *  //throw new Contract.Exceptions.PromoNotFoundException("No se encontró promocion con Tag " + TagPromo, null);
             *  //genero promo en blanco para que peuda leer más adelante
             * }*/

            //verificar si existe una suscripcion actual. Si existe se cambia el IDPERFIL.
            var sub = subscriptionsRepository.GetUserCurrentSubscription(user.IdUser);

            if (sub == null)
                //Si no existe, se crea la suscripcion.
                Repository.EntityFramework.Subscriptions subs = new Repository.EntityFramework.Subscriptions
                    Active       = true,
                    DateCreated  = DateTime.Now,
                    ExternalCode = "",
                    IdProfile    = IdPlan,
                    IdUser       = user.IdUser,
                    IsCurrent    = true,
                    RenewalDay   = DateTime.Now.Day
                                   //LastRenewal = DateTime.Now.AddDays(addDays)

                //si hay promo, le seteo los datos.
                if (promo != null)
                    subs.IdProfile     = promo.IdProfileActivePromo; //le setea el perfil que debe ir con la promo, independiente del que se envia por el servicio
                    subs.PromoActive   = true;
                    subs.PromoStarted  = DateTime.Now;
                    subs.PromoEnd      = DateTime.Now.AddDays((int)promo.FreeDays);
                    subs.PromoFreeDays = promo.FreeDays;
                    subs.IdPromo       = promo.IdPromo;

                //guardo la nueva subscripcion
                //si existe, se setea el nuevo perfil y se asigna la promo
                subscriptionsRepository.SetSubscriptionProfileWithPromo(sub.IdSubscription, IdPlan, promo);

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Will set or update all related to change one profile. Need to be gobernated by transaction
        /// in order to keep consistency. Whatever profile is free or premium, requires create subscription
        /// Subscription links profile with user
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="idProfile">ID new profile to be setted</param>
        /// <param name="idUser">ID user (freemium)</param>
        /// <param name="idClient">ID user MASTER</param>
        /// <param name="idProduct">ID product</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool SetProfileUser(int idProfile, int idUser, int idClient, int idProduct)
                // User exists
                if (idUser != 0)
                    // Find for subscription
                    var subscription = GetUserCurrentSubscription(idUser);

                    // Will check if profile is the same or not
                    if (subscription.IdProfile == idProfile)
                        this.lastError = "El perfil enviado es el mismo al actual del usuario";

                    // STEP A1: If it exists, will check for UserDimensions (trying to delete them)

                    var userDimensions = db.UsersDimensions.Where(e => e.IdSubscription == subscription.IdSubscription);
                    foreach (EntityFramework.UsersDimensions oUserDimension in userDimensions)

                    // STEP A2: Update user to new profile
                    subscription.IdProfile = idProfile;

                    // STEP A3: Recreate UserDimensions if new profile has consumible dimensions
                    // Get dimensions by profile
                    List <EntityFramework.Dimensions> dimensions = db.Dimensions.Where(e => e.ProfilesDimensions.Any(j => j.IdProfile == idProfile)).ToList();

                    if (dimensions.Count > 0)
                        foreach (var oDimension in dimensions)
                            // STEP A4: Check if dimension type is consumible
                            if (oDimension.IdDimensionType == (int)DimensionTypeEnum.CONSUMIBLE)
                                int idDimension = oDimension.IdDimension;

                                // Create new UserDimension
                                var userdimension = new EntityFramework.UsersDimensions();

                                userdimension.IdDimension    = idDimension;
                                userdimension.DateCreated    = DateTime.Now;
                                userdimension.DateLastUpdate = DateTime.Now;
                                userdimension.IdSubscription = subscription.IdSubscription;
                                userdimension.Active         = true;

                                // Find value between profile and dimension
                                var profileDimension = db.ProfilesDimensions.Where(e => e.IdProfile == idProfile && e.IdDimension == idDimension).FirstOrDefault();

                                // Set default value
                                userdimension.CurrentValue = profileDimension.Value;


                    // Commit
                    // If it doesn't exist, will set profile to user
                    using (EntityFramework.FriPriEntities context = new EntityFramework.FriPriEntities())
                        if (context.Database.Connection.State != ConnectionState.Open)

                        using (var transaction = context.Database.BeginTransaction())
                                // Create user
                                EntityFramework.Users newClient = new Repository.EntityFramework.Users
                                    Active       = true,
                                    ExternalCode = idClient.ToString(), // ID user master
                                    IdProduct    = idProduct


                                // Create subscription
                                EntityFramework.Subscriptions newSubscription = new Repository.EntityFramework.Subscriptions
                                    Active       = true,
                                    DateCreated  = DateTime.Now,
                                    ExternalCode = "",
                                    IdProfile    = idProfile,
                                    IdUser       = newClient.IdUser,
                                    IsCurrent    = true,
                                    RenewalDay   = DateTime.Now.Day,
                                    LastRenewal  = DateTime.Now


                                // Get dimensions by profile
                                List <EntityFramework.Dimensions> dimensions = context.Dimensions.Where(e => e.ProfilesDimensions.Any(j => j.IdProfile == idProfile)).ToList();

                                if (dimensions.Count > 0)
                                    foreach (var oDimension in dimensions)
                                        // STEP A4: Check if dimension type is consumible
                                        if (oDimension.IdDimensionType == (int)DimensionTypeEnum.CONSUMIBLE)
                                            int idDimension = oDimension.IdDimension;

                                            // Create new UserDimension
                                            var userdimension = new EntityFramework.UsersDimensions();

                                            userdimension.IdDimension    = idDimension;
                                            userdimension.DateCreated    = DateTime.Now;
                                            userdimension.DateLastUpdate = DateTime.Now;
                                            userdimension.IdSubscription = newSubscription.IdSubscription;
                                            userdimension.Active         = true;

                                            // Find value between profile and dimension
                                            var profileDimension = context.ProfilesDimensions.Where(e => e.IdProfile == idProfile && e.IdDimension == idDimension).FirstOrDefault();

                                            // Set default value
                                            userdimension.CurrentValue = profileDimension.Value;


                            } catch (Exception e)
                                this.lastError = e.Message;

                                if (context.Database.Connection.State == ConnectionState.Open)
                    } // using
                }     // end general if-else

            catch (Exception)
예제 #3
        // -------------------------------------------------- DEPRECATED LOGIC --------------------------------------------------

        public Subscriptions Get(string ProductToken, string UserCode)
            //obtiene ID de producto
            int idProduct = productsRepository.GetProductId(ProductToken);

            if (idProduct == 0)
                throw new Contract.Exceptions.ProductsNotFoundException("No se encontró un producto con el ProductToken " + ProductToken, null);

            //obtiene datos del usuario
            var user = usersRepository.GetUser(UserCode, idProduct);

            if (user == null)
                throw new Contract.Exceptions.UserNotFoundException("No se encontró un usuario con el UserCode " + UserCode, null);

            if (user.Active == false)
                throw new Contract.Exceptions.UserInactiveException("El usuario indicado no se encuentra Activo en la plataforma", null);

            //obtiene datos del perfil del usuario respecto al producto
            var subscription = subscriptionsRepository.GetUserCurrentSubscription(user.IdUser);

            //perfil segun suscripcion
            Repository.EntityFramework.Profiles profile;

            if (subscription == null)
                //si no tiene suscripcion, le crea una en el estándar de suscrito sin suscripción.
                profile = profilesRepository.GetStandardFreeSuscription(user.IdUser);

                if (profile == null)
                    throw new Contract.Exceptions.StandardProfileNotFoundException("El producto no tiene un perfil estándar para cuando el usuario está registrado pero no está suscrito a ningún perfil. Usuario: " + UserCode, null);

                //setea suscripción vacía
                subscription = new Repository.EntityFramework.Subscriptions();
                profile = subscription.Profiles;

                if (profile == null)
                    //si no tiene suscripcion, le crea una en el estándar de suscrito sin suscripción.
                    profile = profilesRepository.GetStandardFreeSuscription(user.IdUser);

                    if (profile == null)
                        throw new Contract.Exceptions.StandardProfileNotFoundException("El producto no tiene un perfil estándar para cuando el usuario está registrado pero no está suscrito a ningún perfil. Usuario: " + UserCode, null);

            List <UsersDimensions> dimensiones = new List <UsersDimensions>();

            foreach (var item in subscription.UsersDimensions)
                dimensiones.Add(new UsersDimensions()
                    IdDimension  = (int)item.IdDimension,
                    Dimension    = item.Dimensions.Description,
                    CurrentValue = (decimal)item.CurrentValue,
                    TagName      = item.Dimensions.TagName

            //genera objeto de salida
            return(new Subscriptions
                IdSubscription = subscription.IdSubscription,
                ExternalCode = subscription.ExternalCode,
                DateCreated = subscription.DateCreated,
                RenewalDay = subscription.RenewalDay,
                LastRenewal = subscription.LastRenewal,
                //IdUser = subscription.IdUser, //no debe ir dentro de lo que se expone como servicio. es de uso interno. Se utiliza el user de abajo como objeto
                IsCurrent = subscription.IsCurrent,

                Users = new Users
                    Active = user.Active,
                    Email = user.Email,
                    ExternalCode = user.ExternalCode

                Profiles = new Profiles
                    ProfileId = profile.IdProfile,
                    Active = profile.Active,
                    Description = profile.Description,
                    Name = profile.Name,
                    TagName = profile.TagName,
                    Paid = profile.Paid

                PromoFreeDays = subscription.PromoFreeDays,

                PromoStarted = subscription.PromoStarted,

                PromoEnd = subscription.PromoEnd,

                PromoActive = subscription.PromoActive,

                IdPromo = subscription.IdPromo,

                Dimensions = dimensiones