public void Awards_ViewDetailsModal_WS_1274() { if (!DataParser.ReturnExecution("WS_1274")) { Assert.Ignore(); } else { ReportsPage reportpage = InitialPage.Go().Logon().ClickLogin().NavigateToReports(); string issuer = reportpage.GetAwardTable(1, 8), award = reportpage.GetAwardTable(1, 4), recipient = reportpage.GetAwardTable(1, 2), awardTie = reportpage.GetAwardTable(1, 4), teamName = reportpage.GetAwardTable(1, 6), date = reportpage.GetAwardTable(1, 1), amount = reportpage.GetAwardTable(1, 3); ReportDetailsPage detailsPage = reportpage.ClickViewDetails(1); Assert.AreEqual(issuer, detailsPage.GetIssuer(), "Issuer Value is not the same"); Assert.AreEqual(award, detailsPage.GetAward(), "Issuer Value is not the same"); Assert.AreEqual(recipient, detailsPage.GetRecipient(), "Issuer Value is not the same"); Assert.AreEqual(awardTie, detailsPage.GetAwardTie(), "Issuer Value is not the same"); Assert.AreEqual(teamName, detailsPage.GetteamName(), "Issuer Value is not the same"); Assert.AreEqual(date, detailsPage.Getdate(), "Issuer Value is not the same"); Assert.AreEqual(amount, detailsPage.GetAmount(), "Issuer Value is not the same"); } }