public void RemoteWebDriverExtendedTest() { //Starting a test with the following context tags. reportiumClient.testStart("Reportium C# Test should success", new TestContextTags("test 1", "c#", "should success")); reportiumClient.testStep("Navigate to google and search PerfectoCode GitHub"); //Test step will be shown on the report ui driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(""); //locate the search bar and sendkeys driver.FindElementByName("q").SendKeys("PerfectoCode GitHub"); //click on the search button driver.FindElementById("tsbb").Click(); reportiumClient.testStep("Choose first result and validate title"); //Add as many test steps as you want driver.FindElementByCssSelector("#rso > div > div:nth-child(1) > div > div > div._OXf > h3 > a").Click(); var keyword = "Perfecto"; //a keyword to validate //assert that Keyword is in the page title Assert.IsTrue(driver.Title.Contains(keyword)); }
public static void beforeStep() { reportingClient.testStep(ScenarioStepContext.Current.StepInfo.Text); }