예제 #1
        public AddEditReportModel(Tab tab)
            mTab = tab;
            ReportLinkInstance = new ReportLink();
            ReportLinkInstance.TabId = mTab.Id;
            ReportURL = @"/CMS/Issue/[enter report name]";

            OkButtonCommand = new DelegateCommand<object>(OkButtonHander, CanExecuteOkButtonHandler);
            CancelButtonCommand = new DelegateCommand<object>(CancelButtonHander, CanExecuteOkButtonHandler);
            RolesPickerCommand = new DelegateCommand<object>(RolesPickerHandler, CanExecuteRolesPickerHandler);
예제 #2
        private void RunFilteredListReport(ReportLink reportLink, List<int> idList)
            var cmsWebServiceClient = new CmsWebServiceClient(Utils.WcfBinding, Utils.WcfEndPoint);
            Guid batchId = Guid.NewGuid();
            //string reportName = String.Format("{0}{1}", Utils.REPORTNAME_QUERYSTRING_PART1, reportLink.ReportURL);

            var reportPath = reportLink.ReportURL;

            if (mTab.Id == (int) CommonUtils.TabId.Documents)
                DocumentExportFilter documentExportFilter = ((App) Application.Current).DocumentExportFilter;
                if (documentExportFilter.Filter != CommonUtils.DocumentVersionFilter.All)
                    reportPath = SetDocReportName(documentExportFilter, reportPath);

            cmsWebServiceClient.SaveReportParametersCompleted += (s1, e1) =>
                Dictionary<string, string> nameValue = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                nameValue.Add("batchid", batchId.ToString());
                if (reportLink.SetReportFilterString)
                    nameValue.Add("ReportFilterString", mExportControlParameters.ReportFilterString);

                Utils.OpenReport(reportPath, nameValue);


                if (ShowBusyIndicator != null)
                    ShowBusyIndicator(false, "");
            cmsWebServiceClient.SaveReportParametersAsync(batchId.ToString(), idList);
예제 #3
        public Report Load(ISqlConnectionInfo connection, SqlQueryParameters parameters)
            IDatabase database = connection.Database;

            if (database == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("database", "Error initializing database connection.");
            if (parameters == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("parameters");
            string sqlCmdText = string.Empty;

                sqlCmdText = "SELECT {0} " +
                             ReportTable.GetColumnNames("[r]") +
                             (this.Depth > 0 ? "," + ReportLinkTable.GetColumnNames("[r_rl]") : string.Empty) +
                             (this.Depth > 1 ? "," + ReportLinkGroupTable.GetColumnNames("[r_rl_rlg]") : string.Empty) +
                             " FROM [core].[Report] AS [r] ";
                if (this.Depth > 0)
                    sqlCmdText += "INNER  JOIN [core].[ReportLink] AS [r_rl] ON [r].[ReportLinkID] = [r_rl].[ReportLinkID] ";
                if (this.Depth > 1)
                    sqlCmdText += "INNER  JOIN [core].[ReportLinkGroup] AS [r_rl_rlg] ON [r_rl].[ReportLinkGroupID] = [r_rl_rlg].[ReportLinkGroupID] ";

                parameters.Top = 1;
                sqlCmdText     = parameters.BuildQuery(sqlCmdText);
                SqlCommand sqlCmd = database.Add(sqlCmdText) as SqlCommand;
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> argument in parameters.Arguments)
                    sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@" + argument.Key, argument.Value);

                SqlDataReader sqlReader = database.Add(sqlCmd) as SqlDataReader;

                if (!sqlReader.HasRows || !sqlReader.Read())
                    IMessageBuilder builder = new DbLogMessageBuilder(new LogErrorCode("r", "customload", "notfound"), "Report could not be loaded using custom logic as it was not found.", sqlCmdText, this, connection, parameters);
                    if (this.Logger.IsDebugEnabled)

                SqlQuery query = new SqlQuery(sqlReader);

                ReportTable          rTable        = new ReportTable(query);
                ReportLinkTable      r_rlTable     = (this.Depth > 0) ? new ReportLinkTable(query) : null;
                ReportLinkGroupTable r_rl_rlgTable = (this.Depth > 1) ? new ReportLinkGroupTable(query) : null;

                ReportLinkGroup r_rl_rlgObject = (this.Depth > 1) ? r_rl_rlgTable.CreateInstance() : null;
                ReportLink      r_rlObject     = (this.Depth > 0) ? r_rlTable.CreateInstance(r_rl_rlgObject) : null;
                Report          rObject        = rTable.CreateInstance(r_rlObject);

            catch (Exception ex)
                IMessageBuilder builder = new DbLogMessageBuilder(new LogErrorCode("r", "customload", "exception"), "Report could not be loaded using custom logic. See exception for details.", sqlCmdText, ex, this, connection, parameters);
                if (this.Logger.IsErrorEnabled)
                    this.Logger.Error(builder.ToString(), ex);
                throw new DataOperationException(DataOperation.Load, "Report", "Exception while loading (custom/single) Report object from database. See inner exception for details.", ex);
예제 #4
        private bool CanUserOpenReport(ReportLink reportLink)
            if (reportLink.Restricted)
                var allowedRoleIds = reportLink.ReportLinkRoles.Select(x => x.RoleId).ToList();

                if (!allowedRoleIds.Contains(CMS.User.RoleId))
                    var dialog = new PopupDialog(PopupDialogType.Error,
                        "Access is restricted due to report content – please contact the System Administrator.",
                        "Restricted Content Issue");

                    return false;
            return true;
예제 #5
        protected override Report LoadInternal(ISqlConnectionInfo connection, int id)
            IDatabase database = connection.Database;

            if (database == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("database", "Error initializing database connection.");
            string sqlCmdText = string.Empty;

                sqlCmdText = "SELECT " +
                             ReportTable.GetColumnNames("[r]") +
                             (this.Depth > 0 ? "," + ReportLinkTable.GetColumnNames("[r_rl]") : string.Empty) +
                             (this.Depth > 1 ? "," + ReportLinkGroupTable.GetColumnNames("[r_rl_rlg]") : string.Empty) +
                             " FROM [core].[Report] AS [r] ";
                if (this.Depth > 0)
                    sqlCmdText += "INNER  JOIN [core].[ReportLink] AS [r_rl] ON [r].[ReportLinkID] = [r_rl].[ReportLinkID] ";
                if (this.Depth > 1)
                    sqlCmdText += "INNER  JOIN [core].[ReportLinkGroup] AS [r_rl_rlg] ON [r_rl].[ReportLinkGroupID] = [r_rl_rlg].[ReportLinkGroupID] ";
                sqlCmdText += "WHERE [r].[ReportID] = @ReportID;";

                SqlCommand sqlCmd = database.Add(sqlCmdText) as SqlCommand;
                sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ReportID", id);
                SqlDataReader sqlReader = database.Add(sqlCmd) as SqlDataReader;

                if (!sqlReader.HasRows || !sqlReader.Read())
                    IMessageBuilder builder = new DbLogMessageBuilder(new LogErrorCode("r", "loadinternal", "notfound"), "Report could not be loaded by id as it was not found.", sqlCmdText, this, connection, id);
                    if (this.Logger.IsWarnEnabled)

                SqlQuery query = new SqlQuery(sqlReader);

                ReportTable          rTable        = new ReportTable(query);
                ReportLinkTable      r_rlTable     = (this.Depth > 0) ? new ReportLinkTable(query) : null;
                ReportLinkGroupTable r_rl_rlgTable = (this.Depth > 1) ? new ReportLinkGroupTable(query) : null;

                ReportLinkGroup r_rl_rlgObject = (this.Depth > 1) ? r_rl_rlgTable.CreateInstance() : null;
                ReportLink      r_rlObject     = (this.Depth > 0) ? r_rlTable.CreateInstance(r_rl_rlgObject) : null;
                Report          rObject        = rTable.CreateInstance(r_rlObject);

            catch (Exception ex)
                IMessageBuilder builder = new DbLogMessageBuilder(new LogErrorCode("r", "loadinternal", "exception"), "Report could not be loaded by id. See exception for details.", sqlCmdText, ex, this, connection, id);
                if (this.Logger.IsErrorEnabled)
                    this.Logger.Error(builder.ToString(), ex);
                throw new DataOperationException(DataOperation.Load, "Report", "Exception while loading Report object from database. See inner exception for details.", ex);