예제 #1
        public static List <Payment> GetInPeriod(DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, List <int> lstBranhces,
                                                 List <int> lstInsuranceCompanies, List <int> lstInsuranceSubTypes, List <int> lstUsers, List <int> lstMarketingAgents)
            DateTime dt1 = fromDate;
            DateTime dt2 = toDate;
            int      d1  = dt1.Day;
            int      m1  = dt1.Month;
            int      y1  = dt1.Year;
            int      d2  = dt2.Day;
            int      m2  = dt2.Month;
            int      y2  = dt2.Year;
            DataClassesDataContext dc = new DataClassesDataContext();
            string query = @"SELECT pay.* from payments pay, rates r, policyitems pi, policies p
                             where r.policyitemid=pi.id and pi.policyid=p.id and pay.rateid=r.id and p.branchid in (" + ReportFinPolicies.GetFromIDs(lstBranhces) + ") " +
                           @" and p.userid in (" + ReportFinPolicies.GetFromIDs(lstUsers) + ") " +
                           @" and p.insurancecompanyid in (" + ReportFinPolicies.GetFromIDs(lstInsuranceCompanies) + ") " +
                           @" and pi.insurancesubtypeid in (" + ReportFinPolicies.GetFromIDs(lstInsuranceSubTypes) + ") " +
                           @" and pay.date>='" + y1 + - +m1 + - +d1 + "'" +
                           @" and pay.date<='" + y2 + - +m2 + - +d2 + "'" +
                           @" and p.discard = 0 ";
            List <Payment> lst = dc.ExecuteQuery <Payment>(query).ToList();

예제 #2
        public static void PrintFinCardByApplicationDateReport(DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, List <int> lstBranhces,
                                                               List <int> lstInsuranceCompanies, List <int> lstInsuranceSubTypes, List <int> lstUsers, List <int> lstMarketingAgents)
            string      brokerName = BrokerHouseInformation.GetBrokerHouseName();
            PDFCreators creator    = new PDFCreators(true, 25, 25, 15, 15);

            creator.AddJDBLogoForFactures(10, 775);
            creator.SetTitleLeft8(" ");
            creator.SetTitleLeft8(" ");
            creator.SetTitleLeft8(" ");
            creator.SetTitle("ФИНАНСОВА КАРТИЦА");
            creator.SetTitle("по датум на издавање на полиси");
            creator.SetTitle("за период " + fromDate.ToShortDateString() + " - " + toDate.ToShortDateString());
            creator.SetTitleLeft10("Датум на печатење: " + DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString());

            decimal overallSaldo  = 0;
            decimal overallDebt   = 0;
            decimal overallDemand = 0;

            DateTime dt1 = fromDate;
            DateTime dt2 = toDate;
            int      d1  = dt1.Day;
            int      m1  = dt1.Month;
            int      y1  = dt1.Year;
            int      d2  = dt2.Day;
            int      m2  = dt2.Month;
            int      y2  = dt2.Year;

            //List<Policy> lstPol = Policy.Table.Where(c => c.Discard == false && c.ApplicationDate.Date >= fromDate.Date && c.ApplicationDate.Date <= toDate.Date).ToList();
            DataClassesDataContext dc = new DataClassesDataContext();
            string query = @"SELECT p.* from policies p, policyitems pi where pi.policyid=p.id" +
                           @" and p.branchid in (" + ReportFinPolicies.GetFromIDs(lstBranhces) + ") " +
                           @" and p.userid in (" + ReportFinPolicies.GetFromIDs(lstUsers) + ") " +
                           @" and p.insurancecompanyid in (" + ReportFinPolicies.GetFromIDs(lstInsuranceCompanies) + ") " +
                           @" and pi.insurancesubtypeid in (" + ReportFinPolicies.GetFromIDs(lstInsuranceSubTypes) + ") " +
                           @" and p.applicationdate>='" + y1 + - +m1 + - +d1 + "'" +
                           @" and p.applicationdate<='" + y2 + - +m2 + - +d2 + "'" +
                           @" and p.discard = 0 ";

            List <Policy> lstPol = dc.ExecuteQuery <Policy>(query).ToList();

            foreach (Policy p in lstPol)
                creator.SetTitleLeft10("Број на полиса: " + p.PolicyItems[0].PolicyNumber);
                creator.SetTitleLeft10("Осигурителна компанија: " + p.InsuranceCompany.ShortName);
                creator.SetTitleLeft10("Подкласа на осигурување: " + p.PolicyItems[0].InsuranceSubType.ShortDescription);
                creator.SetTitleLeft10("Датум на полиса: " + p.ApplicationDate.ToShortDateString());
                //decimal totalSaldo = 0;
                decimal totalDebtValue     = 0;
                decimal totalDemandValue   = 0;
                List <FinanceCardInfo> lst = new List <FinanceCardInfo>();
                lst = FinanceCardController.GetByPolicy(p, 0);
                string[]   headers          = { "Дата", "Доспева", "Опис", "Должи", "Побарува", "Салдо" };
                float[]    widthPercentages = { 10, 10, 35, 15, 15, 15 };
                TypeCode[] typeCodes        = { TypeCode.String, TypeCode.String, TypeCode.String, TypeCode.Decimal, TypeCode.Decimal, TypeCode.Decimal };
                creator.CreateTable_Facture(headers.Length, headers, widthPercentages);
                foreach (FinanceCardInfo fci in lst)
                    object[] values;
                    values            = new object[headers.Length];
                    values[0]         = fci.DocumentDate.ToShortDateString();
                    values[1]         = fci.PaidDate.ToShortDateString();
                    values[2]         = fci.Description;
                    values[3]         = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", fci.DebtValue);
                    values[4]         = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", fci.DemandValue);
                    values[5]         = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", fci.SaldoValue);
                    totalDebtValue   += fci.DebtValue;
                    totalDemandValue += fci.DemandValue;
                    //totalSaldo += fci.SaldoValue;
                    creator.AddDataRowForFactures(values, headers.Length, typeCodes);
                object[] valuesTot;
                valuesTot      = new object[headers.Length];
                valuesTot[0]   = "";
                valuesTot[1]   = "";
                valuesTot[2]   = "";
                valuesTot[3]   = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", totalDebtValue);
                valuesTot[4]   = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", totalDemandValue);
                valuesTot[5]   = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", totalDebtValue - totalDemandValue);
                overallSaldo  += (totalDebtValue - totalDemandValue);
                overallDemand += totalDemandValue;
                overallDebt   += totalDebtValue;
                creator.AddDataRowForFactures(valuesTot, headers.Length, typeCodes);
            creator.SetTitleRight("Должи: " + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", overallDebt) + "  Побарува: " + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", overallDemand) + "  Салдо: " + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", overallSaldo));
예제 #3
    protected void btnReport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        DateTime   fromDate    = Convert.ToDateTime(tbFromDate.Text);
        DateTime   toDate      = Convert.ToDateTime(tbToDate.Text);
        List <int> lstBranches = new List <int>();

        foreach (ListItem li in cblBranches.Items)
            if (li.Selected)
                if (li.Value != "All")
        if (lstBranches.Count == 0 && rblGroupType.SelectedValue == "one")
            RegisterStartupScript("myAlert", "<script>alert('Немате избрано филијала!')</script>");
        List <int> lstInsuranceCompanies = new List <int>();

        foreach (ListItem li in cblInsuranceCompanies.Items)
            if (li.Selected)
                if (li.Value != "All")
        if (lstInsuranceCompanies.Count == 0 && rblGroupType.SelectedValue == "one")
            RegisterStartupScript("myAlert", "<script>alert('Немате избрано осигурителна компанија!')</script>");
        List <int> lstInsuranceSubTypes = new List <int>();

        //foreach (ListItem li in cblInsuranceSubTypes.Items) {
        //    if (li.Selected) {
        //        if (li.Value != "All") {
        //            lstInsuranceSubTypes.Add(Convert.ToInt32(li.Value));
        //        }
        //    }
        foreach (TreeNode tn in tvInsuranceTypes.Nodes)
            foreach (TreeNode tsn in tn.ChildNodes)
                if (tsn.Checked)
        if (lstInsuranceSubTypes.Count == 0 && rblGroupType.SelectedValue == "one")
            RegisterStartupScript("myAlert", "<script>alert('Немате избрано подкласа на осигурување!')</script>");
        List <int> lstUsers = new List <int>();

        foreach (ListItem li in cblUsers.Items)
            if (li.Selected)
                if (li.Value != "All")
        if (lstUsers.Count == 0 && rblGroupType.SelectedValue == "one")
            RegisterStartupScript("myAlert", "<script>alert('Немате избрано корисник!')</script>");
        List <int> lstMarketingAgents = new List <int>();

        foreach (ListItem li in cblUsers.Items)
            if (li.Selected)
                if (li.Value != "All" && li.Value != "NoMarketingAgents" && li.Value != "AllMarketingAgents")
        Dictionary <string, string> printItems = new Dictionary <string, string>();

        foreach (ListItem li in cblReportItems.Items)
            if (li.Selected)
                printItems.Add(li.Value, li.Text);
        if (printItems.Count == 0 && rblGroupType.SelectedValue == "total")
            RegisterStartupScript("myAlert", "<script>alert('Изберете барем една ставка!')</script>");
        if (printItems.Keys.Contains("PaidPremiumValuePercent") && rblGroupType.SelectedValue == "total")
            RegisterStartupScript("myAlert", "<script>alert('Процентот не е збирна функција!')</script>");
        ReportFinPolicies.PrintReportFinPolicies(fromDate, toDate, rblSeparatePeriodType.SelectedValue, rblGroupType.SelectedValue,
                                                 lstBranches, lstInsuranceCompanies, lstInsuranceSubTypes, lstUsers, lstMarketingAgents, printItems, rblSeparatePeriodType.SelectedIndex);
예제 #4
        public static void PrintSkadencar(DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, List <int> lstBranches, List <int> lstInsuranceCompanies, List <int> lstInsuranceSubTypes)
            DataClassesDataContext dcdc = new DataClassesDataContext();
            DateTime    dt1             = fromDate;
            DateTime    dt2             = toDate;
            int         d1  = dt1.Day;
            int         m1  = dt1.Month;
            int         y1  = dt1.Year;
            int         d2  = dt2.Day;
            int         m2  = dt2.Month;
            int         y2  = dt2.Year;
            PDFCreators pdf = new PDFCreators(false, 10, 10, 10, 10);

            pdf.SetTitle("Истек на полиса од " + fromDate.ToShortDateString() + " до " + toDate.ToShortDateString());
            pdf.SetTitleLeft10("Датум и време на печатење: " + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + " " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString());
            string query = @"select p.id, pi.id as policyItemID, pi.policynumber, p.applicationdate, ist.shortdescription as insurancesubtypename, ic.shortname as insurancecompanyname, 
                            c.name as clientname, o.name as ownername, it.shortname as insurancetypename, p.startdate, p.enddate, ist.id as insuranceSubTypeID
                            from policies p 
                            inner join policyitems pi on pi.policyid = p.id
                            inner join clients c on p.clientid = c.id
                            inner join clients o on p.ownerid = o.id
                            inner join insurancecompanies ic on p.insurancecompanyid=ic.id
                            inner join insurancesubtypes ist on pi.insurancesubtypeid=ist.id
                            inner join insurancetypes it on ist.insurancetypeid=it.id
                            where p.branchid in (" + ReportFinPolicies.GetFromIDs(lstBranches) + ") " +
                           @" and p.insurancecompanyid in (" + ReportFinPolicies.GetFromIDs(lstInsuranceCompanies) + ") " +
                           @" and pi.insurancesubtypeid in (" + ReportFinPolicies.GetFromIDs(lstInsuranceSubTypes) + ") " +
                           @" and p.enddate>='" + y1 + - +m1 + - +d1 + "'" +
                           @" and p.enddate<='" + y2 + - +m2 + - +d2 + "'" +
                           @" and p.discard = 0 " +
                           @" order by p.enddate";
            //@" --query so marketing agent";
            List <SummaryForSkadencar> lst = dcdc.ExecuteQuery <SummaryForSkadencar>(query).ToList();
            int counter = 1;

            foreach (SummaryForSkadencar ss in lst)
                string[] headers = new string[5];
                headers[0] = "Р.бр.: " + counter.ToString();
                headers[1] = "Полиса: " + ss.policynumber;
                headers[2] = "Класа: " + ss.insurancetypename;
                headers[3] = "Подкласа: " + ss.insurancesubtypename;
                headers[4] = "О.компанија: " + ss.insurancecompanyname;

                TypeCode[] codes = new TypeCode[headers.Length];

                codes[0] = TypeCode.String;
                codes[1] = TypeCode.String;
                codes[2] = TypeCode.String;
                codes[3] = TypeCode.String;
                codes[4] = TypeCode.String;

                float[] policyColumnsWidths = new float[headers.Length];
                policyColumnsWidths[0] = 16;
                policyColumnsWidths[1] = 20;
                policyColumnsWidths[2] = 24;
                policyColumnsWidths[3] = 24;
                policyColumnsWidths[4] = 16;
                pdf.CreateTableForSkadencar(headers.Count(), false, headers, "", policyColumnsWidths);
                object[] vals = new object[headers.Count()];
                vals[0] = "Издадена на: " + ss.applicationdate.ToShortDateString();
                vals[1] = "Скаденца: " + ss.startdate.ToShortDateString() + " - " + ss.enddate.ToShortDateString();
                vals[2] = "Договорувач: " + ss.clientname;
                vals[3] = "Осигуреник: " + ss.ownername;
                string regNumber = "";
                Broker.DataAccess.Control con = Broker.DataAccess.Control.GetByInsuranceSubTypeAndTexbBoxID(ss.insuranceSubTypeID, Broker.DataAccess.Control.REGISTRATION_NUMBER);
                if (con != null)
                    PolicyExtendInformation regNumberPEI = PolicyExtendInformation.GetByPolicyItemAndControl(ss.policyItemID, con.ID);
                    if (regNumberPEI != null)
                        regNumber = regNumberPEI.Value;
                vals[4] = "Регистрација: " + regNumber;
                pdf.AddDataRowWithBorder(vals, headers.Count(), codes);