public ActionResult Details(string id) { ReportListDetailsViewModel reportListDetailsViewModel = new ReportListDetailsViewModel(); ReportBusinessLayer empBal = new ReportBusinessLayer(); List <LogRecord> recordsords = empBal.GetRecords(); reportListDetailsViewModel.Start = DateTime.Parse(GlobalVariables.Start).ToString("d"); reportListDetailsViewModel.End = DateTime.Parse(GlobalVariables.End).ToString("d"); List <ReportDetailsViewModel> reportViewModels = new List <ReportDetailsViewModel>(); List <Employee> employees = new List <Employee>(); employees = empBal.GetEmployees(); employees = employees.Where(a => GlobalVariables.L1List.Contains(a.L1)).ToList(); employees = employees.Where(a => GlobalVariables.L2List.Contains(a.L2)).ToList(); employees = employees.Where(a => GlobalVariables.L3List.Contains(a.L3)).ToList(); employees = employees.Where(a => GlobalVariables.L4List.Contains(a.L4)).ToList(); employees = employees.Where(a => GlobalVariables.L5List.Contains(a.L5)).ToList(); employees = employees.Where(a => GlobalVariables.RegionList.Contains(a.AreaCode)).ToList(); employees = employees.Where(a => GlobalVariables.CountryList.Contains(a.Country)).ToList(); employees = employees.Where(a => GlobalVariables.StatusList.Contains(a.Status)).ToList(); reportListDetailsViewModel.TotalCount = recordsords.Count(); var em = from m in recordsords where m.Event1.Equals(id) && GlobalVariables.Start.CompareTo(DateTime.Parse(m.DateInclude).ToString("o").Substring(0, 10)) <= 0 && GlobalVariables.End.CompareTo(DateTime.Parse(m.DateInclude).ToString("o").Substring(0, 10)) >= 0 select m.Email.ToLower(); var empDetail = from m in em join empl in employees on m equals empl.Email.ToLower() group empl by empl.Email into grp select new { Email = grp.Key.ToLower(), Cnt = grp.Count(), Code = grp.First().AreaCode, Cty = grp.First().Country }; reportListDetailsViewModel.CurCount = em.Distinct().Count(); foreach (var detail in empDetail) { ReportDetailsViewModel reportViewModel = new ReportDetailsViewModel(); //reportViewModel.Id = detail.Id; reportViewModel.Email = detail.Email; reportViewModel.Country = detail.Cty; reportViewModel.AreaCode = detail.Code; reportViewModel.Count = detail.Cnt; reportViewModels.Add(reportViewModel); } reportListDetailsViewModel.Event1 = id; reportListDetailsViewModel.Records = reportViewModels; reportListDetailsViewModel.L1List = GlobalVariables.Base.L1List; reportListDetailsViewModel.L2List = GlobalVariables.Base.L2List; reportListDetailsViewModel.L3List = GlobalVariables.Base.L3List; reportListDetailsViewModel.L4List = GlobalVariables.Base.L4List; reportListDetailsViewModel.L5List = GlobalVariables.Base.L5List; reportListDetailsViewModel.CountryList = GlobalVariables.Base.CountryList; reportListDetailsViewModel.RegionList = GlobalVariables.Base.RegionList; reportListDetailsViewModel.StatusList = GlobalVariables.Base.StatusList; reportListDetailsViewModel.SelectedL1List = GlobalVariables.L1List; reportListDetailsViewModel.SelectedL2List = GlobalVariables.L2List; reportListDetailsViewModel.SelectedL3List = GlobalVariables.L3List; reportListDetailsViewModel.SelectedL4List = GlobalVariables.L4List; reportListDetailsViewModel.SelectedL5List = GlobalVariables.L5List; reportListDetailsViewModel.SelectedCountryList = GlobalVariables.CountryList; reportListDetailsViewModel.SelectedRegionList = GlobalVariables.RegionList; reportListDetailsViewModel.SelectedStatusList = GlobalVariables.StatusList; return(View("Details", reportListDetailsViewModel)); }
public ActionResult DateRange() { if (Request.Form["StartDate"].Length != 0) { GlobalVariables.Start = DateTime.Parse(Request.Form["StartDate"]).ToString("o").Substring(0, 10); } if (Request.Form["EndDate"].Length != 0) { GlobalVariables.End = DateTime.Parse(Request.Form["EndDate"]).ToString("o").Substring(0, 10); } ReportListViewModel ReportListViewModel = new ReportListViewModel(); ReportBusinessLayer empBal = new ReportBusinessLayer(); List <LogRecord> AllRecords = empBal.GetRecords(); //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(AllRecords.Count() + "all count is"); string Start = GlobalVariables.Start; string End = GlobalVariables.End; var Reports = from m in AllRecords where (Start.CompareTo(DateTime.Parse(m.DateInclude).ToString("o").Substring(0, 10)) <= 0 && End.CompareTo(DateTime.Parse(m.DateInclude).ToString("o").Substring(0, 10)) >= 0) select m; ReportListViewModel.Start = DateTime.Parse(Start).ToString("d"); ReportListViewModel.End = DateTime.Parse(End).ToString("d"); List <ReportViewModel> repViewModels = new List <ReportViewModel>(); List <ReportViewModel> reportViewModels = new List <ReportViewModel>(); List <Employee> allEmployees = new List <Employee>(); allEmployees = empBal.GetEmployees(); //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(allEmployees.Count() + "all employee count is"); // group by email so that repetiotiones in the data won't affect the result List <LogRecord> temp = new List <LogRecord>(); foreach (LogRecord rec in AllRecords) { rec.Email = rec.Email.Replace(" ", "").ToLower(); temp.Add(rec); } AllRecords = temp; List <Employee> tempEmp = new List <Employee>(); foreach (Employee rec in allEmployees) { rec.Email = rec.Email.Replace(" ", "").ToLower(); tempEmp.Add(rec); } allEmployees = tempEmp; var ep = from e in allEmployees group e by e.Email into grp select new Employee { Email = grp.Key, L1 = grp.Last().L1, L2 = grp.Last().L2, L3 = grp.Last().L3, L4 = grp.Last().L4, L5 = grp.Last().L5, AreaCode = grp.Last().AreaCode, Country = grp.Last().Country, Status = grp.Last().Status }; List <Employee> employees = (List <Employee>)ep.ToList(); if (Request.Form.AllKeys.Contains("L1")) { string L1 = Request.Form["L1"]; if (!L1.Equals("")) { string[] L1Values = Regex.Split(L1, "(?<=^[^\"]*(?:\"[^\"]*\"[^\"]*)*),(?=(?:[^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*[^\"]*$)"); List <string> L1List = L1Values.OfType <string>().ToList(); employees = employees.Where(a => L1List.Contains(a.L1)).ToList(); GlobalVariables.L1List = L1List; ReportListViewModel.SelectedL1List = L1List; } } else { GlobalVariables.L1List = GlobalVariables.Base.L1List; ReportListViewModel.SelectedL1List = GlobalVariables.Base.L1List; } if (Request.Form.AllKeys.Contains("L2")) { string L2 = Request.Form["L2"]; if (!L2.Equals("")) { string[] L2Values = Regex.Split(L2, "(?<=^[^\"]*(?:\"[^\"]*\"[^\"]*)*),(?=(?:[^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*[^\"]*$)"); List <string> L2List = L2Values.OfType <string>().ToList(); employees = employees.Where(a => L2List.Contains(a.L2)).ToList(); GlobalVariables.L2List = L2List; ReportListViewModel.SelectedL2List = L2List; } } else { GlobalVariables.L2List = GlobalVariables.Base.L2List; ReportListViewModel.SelectedL2List = GlobalVariables.Base.L2List; } if (Request.Form.AllKeys.Contains("L3")) { string L3 = Request.Form["L3"]; if (!L3.Equals("")) { string[] L3Values = Regex.Split(L3, "(?<=^[^\"]*(?:\"[^\"]*\"[^\"]*)*),(?=(?:[^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*[^\"]*$)"); List <string> L3List = L3Values.OfType <string>().ToList(); employees = employees.Where(a => L3List.Contains(a.L3)).ToList(); GlobalVariables.L3List = L3List; ReportListViewModel.SelectedL3List = L3List; } } else { GlobalVariables.L3List = GlobalVariables.Base.L3List; ReportListViewModel.SelectedL3List = GlobalVariables.Base.L3List; } if (Request.Form.AllKeys.Contains("L4")) { string L4 = Request.Form["L4"]; if (!L4.Equals("")) { string[] L4Values = Regex.Split(L4, "(?<=^[^\"]*(?:\"[^\"]*\"[^\"]*)*),(?=(?:[^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*[^\"]*$)"); List <string> L4List = L4Values.OfType <string>().ToList(); employees = employees.Where(a => L4List.Contains(a.L4)).ToList(); GlobalVariables.L4List = L4List; ReportListViewModel.SelectedL4List = L4List; } } else { GlobalVariables.L4List = GlobalVariables.Base.L4List; ReportListViewModel.SelectedL4List = GlobalVariables.Base.L4List; } if (Request.Form.AllKeys.Contains("L5")) { string L5 = Request.Form["L5"]; if (!L5.Equals("")) { string[] L5Values = Regex.Split(L5, "(?<=^[^\"]*(?:\"[^\"]*\"[^\"]*)*),(?=(?:[^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*[^\"]*$)"); List <string> L5List = L5Values.OfType <string>().ToList(); employees = employees.Where(a => L5List.Contains(a.L5)).ToList(); GlobalVariables.L5List = L5List; ReportListViewModel.SelectedL5List = L5List; } } else { GlobalVariables.L5List = GlobalVariables.Base.L5List; ReportListViewModel.SelectedL5List = GlobalVariables.Base.L5List; } if (Request.Form.AllKeys.Contains("Region")) { string Region = Request.Form["Region"]; if (!Region.Equals("")) { string[] RegionValues = Regex.Split(Region, "(?<=^[^\"]*(?:\"[^\"]*\"[^\"]*)*),(?=(?:[^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*[^\"]*$)"); List <string> RegionList = RegionValues.OfType <string>().ToList(); if (RegionList.Contains("EMEA") && !RegionList.Contains("EUR")) { RegionList.Add("EUR"); } if (RegionList.Contains("EUR") && !RegionList.Contains("EMEA")) { RegionList.Add("EMEA"); } employees = employees.Where(a => RegionList.Contains(a.AreaCode)).ToList(); GlobalVariables.RegionList = RegionList; ReportListViewModel.SelectedRegionList = RegionList; } } else { GlobalVariables.RegionList = GlobalVariables.Base.RegionList; ReportListViewModel.SelectedRegionList = GlobalVariables.Base.RegionList; } if (Request.Form.AllKeys.Contains("Country")) { string Country = Request.Form["Country"]; if (!Country.Equals("")) { string[] CountryValues = Regex.Split(Country, "(?<=^[^\"]*(?:\"[^\"]*\"[^\"]*)*),(?=(?:[^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*[^\"]*$)"); List <string> CountryList = CountryValues.OfType <string>().ToList(); employees = employees.Where(a => CountryList.Contains(a.Country)).ToList(); GlobalVariables.CountryList = CountryList; ReportListViewModel.SelectedCountryList = CountryList; } } else { GlobalVariables.CountryList = GlobalVariables.Base.CountryList; ReportListViewModel.SelectedCountryList = GlobalVariables.Base.CountryList; } if (Request.Form.AllKeys.Contains("Status")) { string Status = Request.Form["Status"]; if (!Status.Equals("")) { string[] StatusValues = Regex.Split(Status, "(?<=^[^\"]*(?:\"[^\"]*\"[^\"]*)*),(?=(?:[^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*[^\"]*$)"); List <string> StatusList = StatusValues.OfType <string>().ToList(); employees = employees.Where(a => StatusList.Contains(a.Status)).ToList(); GlobalVariables.StatusList = StatusList; ReportListViewModel.SelectedStatusList = StatusList; } } else { GlobalVariables.StatusList = GlobalVariables.Base.StatusList; ReportListViewModel.SelectedStatusList = GlobalVariables.Base.StatusList; } Reports = from m in Reports join e in employees on m.Email equals e.Email select m; System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(Reports.Count() + " after join count is"); var email = from m in Reports select m.Email; int uniqueUser = email.Distinct().Count(); ReportListViewModel.UniqueUser = uniqueUser; // group the email info by date var dateInfo = from m in Reports where m.Event1 == "open" orderby DateTime.Parse(m.DateInclude).ToString("o").Substring(0, 10) group m by DateTime.Parse(m.DateInclude).ToString("o").Substring(0, 10) into grp select new DateCount { Date = grp.Key, Count = grp.Count() }; // store the info of date into list List <DateCount> dateCount = dateInfo.ToList(); //find out the infomaition of the openned emails var dateRegionInfo = from m in Reports where m.Event1 == "open" join code in employees on m.Email equals code.Email into ji from sub in ji.DefaultIfEmpty() select new { date = DateTime.Parse(m.DateInclude).ToString("o").Substring(0, 10), region = sub?.AreaCode ?? String.Empty }; List <DateCount> finalDateCount = new List <DateCount>(); //calculate the count for each region for each day foreach (var item in dateCount) { int APJCount = 0; int AMSCount = 0; int EMEACount = 0; int UnGrouped = 0; foreach (var it in dateRegionInfo) { if (item.Date.Equals( { switch (it.region) { case "AMS": AMSCount++; break; case "EUR": EMEACount++; break; case "APJ": APJCount++; break; case "EMEA": EMEACount++; break; default: UnGrouped++; break; } } } item.AMSCount = AMSCount; item.APJCount = APJCount; item.EMEACount = EMEACount; item.UnGrouped = UnGrouped; finalDateCount.Add(item); } ReportListViewModel.DateCount = finalDateCount; var clickUser = from m in Reports where m.Event1 == "click" select m.Email; int uniqueClickUser = clickUser.Distinct().Count(); ReportListViewModel.UniqueClickUser = uniqueClickUser; var urlInfo = from m in Reports where m.Url != "" group m by m.Url.Split('/')[m.Url.Split('/').Count() - 1] into grp orderby grp.Key select new { key = grp.Key, cnt = grp.Count() }; List <UrlCount> urlCount = new List <UrlCount>(); foreach (var item in urlInfo) { UrlCount url = new UrlCount(); url.Url = item.key; url.Count = item.cnt; urlCount.Add(url); } ReportListViewModel.UrlCount = urlCount; var open = from re in Reports where re.Event1 == "open" select re.Email; var click = from re in Reports where re.Event1 == "click" select re.Email; var delivered = from re in Reports where re.Event1 == "delivered" select re.Email; ReportListViewModel.OpenCount = open.Distinct().Count(); ReportListViewModel.ClickCount = click.Distinct().Count(); ReportListViewModel.DeliveredCount = delivered.Distinct().Count(); var regionCode = from m in open.Distinct() join code in employees on m equals code.Email group code by code.AreaCode into grp select new { code = grp.Key, cnt = grp.Distinct().Count() }; List <RegionCodeCount> regionCodeCount = new List <RegionCodeCount>(); int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { RegionCodeCount region = new RegionCodeCount(); regionCodeCount.Add(region); } var upgroupedCount = open.Distinct().Count(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(upgroupedCount + "count is"); foreach (var item in regionCode) { switch (item.code) { case "AMS": regionCodeCount.ElementAt(0).RegionCode = item.code; regionCodeCount.ElementAt(0).Count = item.cnt; upgroupedCount -= item.cnt; break; case "EMEA": regionCodeCount.ElementAt(1).RegionCode = item.code; regionCodeCount.ElementAt(1).Count += item.cnt; upgroupedCount -= item.cnt; break; case "EUR": //regionCodeCount.ElementAt(1).RegionCode = item.code; regionCodeCount.ElementAt(1).Count += item.cnt; upgroupedCount -= item.cnt; break; case "APJ": regionCodeCount.ElementAt(2).RegionCode = item.code; regionCodeCount.ElementAt(2).Count = item.cnt; upgroupedCount -= item.cnt; break; } } regionCodeCount.ElementAt(3).RegionCode = "Ungrouped"; regionCodeCount.ElementAt(3).Count = upgroupedCount; //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(upgroupedCount + "count is"); ReportListViewModel.RegionCodeCount = regionCodeCount; var countrySet = from m in Reports where m.Event1 == "open" join code in employees on m.Email equals code.Email group code by code.Country into grp select new { code = grp.Key, cnt = grp.Distinct().Count(), regionCode = grp.First().AreaCode }; List <CountryCount> america = new List <CountryCount>(); List <CountryCount> asianPacific = new List <CountryCount>(); List <CountryCount> europe = new List <CountryCount>(); List <CountryCount> EMEA = new List <CountryCount>(); foreach (var country in countrySet) { CountryCount cty = new CountryCount(); cty.Country = country.code; cty.Count = country.cnt; switch (country.regionCode) { case "AMS": america.Add(cty); break; case "EUR": EMEA.Add(cty); break; case "APJ": asianPacific.Add(cty); break; case "EMEA": EMEA.Add(cty); break; } } var orderedAmerica = from m in america orderby m.Count descending select m; var orderedEurope = from m in europe orderby m.Count descending select m; var orderedAsianPacfic = from m in asianPacific orderby m.Count descending select m; var orderedEMEA = from m in EMEA orderby m.Count descending select m; ReportListViewModel.America = orderedAmerica.ToList(); ReportListViewModel.Europe = orderedEurope.ToList(); ReportListViewModel.AsianPacific = orderedAsianPacfic.ToList(); ReportListViewModel.EMEA = orderedEMEA.ToList(); foreach (LogRecord emp in Reports) { ReportViewModel reportViewModel = new ReportViewModel(); reportViewModel.Email = emp.Email; reportViewModel.Event1 = emp.Event1; reportViewModels.Add(reportViewModel); } ReportListViewModel.Records = reportViewModels; JavaScriptSerializer jss = new JavaScriptSerializer(); List <CountryCount> Map = new List <CountryCount>(); Map.AddRange(america); Map.AddRange(asianPacific); Map.AddRange(europe); Map.AddRange(EMEA); string output = jss.Serialize(Map); output = output.Replace("\"Country\"", "name").Replace("\"Count\"", "value").Replace("\"", "\'").Replace("\'Korea, Republic of\'", "South Korea"); ReportListViewModel.json = output; ReportListViewModel.WorldMap = !output.Equals(""); string GraphLine = jss.Serialize(ReportListViewModel.DateCount); GraphLine = GraphLine.Replace("\"Date\"", "Date").Replace("\"APJCount\"", "APJ").Replace("\"AMSCount\"", "AMS").Replace("\"EURCount\"", "EUR").Replace("\"EMEACount\"", "EMEA").Replace("\"", "\'"); ReportListViewModel.GraphLine = GraphLine; //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(GraphLine); ReportListViewModel.NotInListCount = GlobalVariables.NotFoundCount; ReportListViewModel.L1List = GlobalVariables.Base.L1List; ReportListViewModel.L2List = GlobalVariables.Base.L2List; ReportListViewModel.L3List = GlobalVariables.Base.L3List; ReportListViewModel.L4List = GlobalVariables.Base.L4List; ReportListViewModel.L5List = GlobalVariables.Base.L5List; ReportListViewModel.CountryList = GlobalVariables.Base.CountryList; ReportListViewModel.RegionList = GlobalVariables.Base.RegionList; ReportListViewModel.StatusList = GlobalVariables.Base.StatusList; return(View("Index", ReportListViewModel)); }
// GET: Report public ActionResult Index() { ReportListViewModel ReportListViewModel = new ReportListViewModel(); ReportBusinessLayer empBal = new ReportBusinessLayer(); //get log recordsords from DB List <LogRecord> allReports = empBal.GetRecords(); List <ReportViewModel> reportViewModels = new List <ReportViewModel>(); List <LogRecord> temp = new List <LogRecord>(); foreach (LogRecord rec in allReports) { rec.Email = rec.Email.Replace(" ", "").ToLower(); temp.Add(rec); } allReports = temp; //get employee info from DB List <Employee> allEmployees = new List <Employee>(); allEmployees = empBal.GetEmployees(); List <Employee> tempEmp = new List <Employee>(); foreach (Employee rec in allEmployees) { rec.Email = rec.Email.Replace(" ", "").ToLower(); tempEmp.Add(rec); } allEmployees = tempEmp; // group by email so that repetiotiones in the data won't affect the result var ep = from e in allEmployees group e by e.Email into grp select new Employee { Email = grp.Key, L1 = grp.Last().L1, L2 = grp.Last().L2, L3 = grp.Last().L3, L4 = grp.Last().L4, L5 = grp.Last().L5, AreaCode = grp.Last().AreaCode, Country = grp.Last().Country, Status = grp.Last().Status }; List <Employee> employees = (List <Employee>)ep.ToList(); //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(employees.Count()); // initialize regionCodeCount list to avoid null pointer exception List <RegionCodeCount> regionCodeCount = new List <RegionCodeCount>(); var i = 0; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { RegionCodeCount region = new RegionCodeCount(); region.Count = 0; regionCodeCount.Add(region); } ReportListViewModel.RegionCodeCount = regionCodeCount; // initialize base view model BaseViewModel Base = new BaseViewModel(); var L1 = from e in employees select e.L1; List <string> L1l = L1.Distinct().ToList(); L1l.Sort(); Base.L1List = L1l; var L2 = from e in employees select e.L2; List <string> L2l = L2.Distinct().ToList(); L2l.Sort(); Base.L2List = L2l; var L3 = from e in employees select e.L3; List <string> L3l = L3.Distinct().ToList(); L3l.Sort(); Base.L3List = L3l; var L4 = from e in employees select e.L4; List <string> L4l = L4.Distinct().ToList(); L4l.Sort(); Base.L4List = L4l; var L5 = from e in employees select e.L5; List <string> L5l = L5.Distinct().ToList(); L5l.Sort(); Base.L5List = L5l; var CountryList = from e in employees select e.Country; List <string> Countryl = CountryList.Distinct().ToList(); Countryl.Sort(); Base.CountryList = Countryl; var RegionList = from e in employees select e.AreaCode; List <string> Regionl = RegionList.Distinct().ToList(); if (Regionl.Contains("EUR")) { //Regionl.Remove("EUR"); if (!Regionl.Contains("EMEA")) { Regionl.Add("EMEA"); } } Regionl.Sort(); Base.RegionList = Regionl; var StatusList = from e in employees select e.Status; List <string> Statusl = StatusList.Distinct().ToList(); Statusl.Sort(); Base.StatusList = Statusl; //Reset gloabal variables GlobalVariables.Base = Base; GlobalVariables.L1List = L1l; GlobalVariables.L2List = L2l; GlobalVariables.L3List = L3l; GlobalVariables.L4List = L4l; GlobalVariables.L5List = L5l; GlobalVariables.RegionList = Regionl; GlobalVariables.CountryList = Countryl; GlobalVariables.StatusList = Statusl; ReportListViewModel.L1List = GlobalVariables.Base.L1List; ReportListViewModel.L2List = GlobalVariables.Base.L2List; ReportListViewModel.L3List = GlobalVariables.Base.L3List; ReportListViewModel.L4List = GlobalVariables.Base.L4List; ReportListViewModel.L5List = GlobalVariables.Base.L5List; ReportListViewModel.CountryList = GlobalVariables.Base.CountryList; ReportListViewModel.RegionList = GlobalVariables.Base.RegionList; ReportListViewModel.StatusList = GlobalVariables.Base.StatusList; //set the date range to show, default is one month ago untill now DateTime End = DateTime.Today; DateTime Start = DateTime.Today.AddMonths(-1); ReportListViewModel.Start = Start.ToString("d"); ReportListViewModel.End = End.ToString("d"); GlobalVariables.Start = Start.ToString("o").Substring(0, 10); GlobalVariables.End = End.ToString("o").Substring(0, 10); // select the records within this data range var aReports = from m in allReports where (GlobalVariables.Start.CompareTo(DateTime.Parse(m.DateInclude).ToString("o").Substring(0, 10)) <= 0 && GlobalVariables.End.CompareTo(DateTime.Parse(m.DateInclude).ToString("o").Substring(0, 10)) >= 0) select m; var allEmail = from m in aReports select m.Email; var filteredReports = from m in aReports join e in employees on m.Email equals e.Email select m; List <LogRecord> Reports = filteredReports.ToList(); var email = from m in Reports select m.Email; var notInListEmail = allEmail.Except(email); ReportListViewModel.NotInListCount = notInListEmail.Distinct().Count(); GlobalVariables.NotFoundCount = ReportListViewModel.NotInListCount; var notFoundRec = from m in aReports join e in notInListEmail on m.Email equals e select m; List <LogRecord> notFoundRecords = notFoundRec.ToList(); GlobalVariables.NotFoundRecords = notFoundRecords; //get the number of unique users from their emails int uniqueUser = email.Distinct().Count(); ReportListViewModel.UniqueUser = uniqueUser; // group the email info by date var dateInfo = from m in Reports where m.Event1 == "open" orderby DateTime.Parse(m.DateInclude).ToString("o").Substring(0, 10) group m by DateTime.Parse(m.DateInclude).ToString("o").Substring(0, 10) into grp select new DateCount { Date = grp.Key, Count = grp.Count() }; // store the info of date into list List <DateCount> dateCount = dateInfo.ToList(); //find out the infomaition of the openned emails var dateRegionInfo = from m in Reports where m.Event1 == "open" join code in employees on m.Email equals code.Email into ji from sub in ji.DefaultIfEmpty() select new { date = DateTime.Parse(m.DateInclude).ToString("o").Substring(0, 10), region = sub?.AreaCode ?? String.Empty }; List <DateCount> finalDateCount = new List <DateCount>(); //calculate the count for each region for each day foreach (var item in dateCount) { int APJCount = 0; int AMSCount = 0; int EMEACount = 0; int UnGrouped = 0; foreach (var it in dateRegionInfo) { if (item.Date.Equals( { switch (it.region) { case "AMS": AMSCount++; break; case "EUR": EMEACount++; break; case "APJ": APJCount++; break; case "EMEA": EMEACount++; break; default: UnGrouped++; break; } } } item.AMSCount = AMSCount; item.APJCount = APJCount; item.EMEACount = EMEACount; item.UnGrouped = UnGrouped; finalDateCount.Add(item); } ReportListViewModel.DateCount = finalDateCount; //get the number of users who click in the url var clickUser = from m in Reports where m.Event1 == "click" select m.Email; int uniqueClickUser = clickUser.Distinct().Count(); ReportListViewModel.UniqueClickUser = uniqueClickUser; // group the users by url and save the number into list var urlInfo = from m in Reports where m.Url != "" group m by m.Url.Split('/')[m.Url.Split('/').Count() - 1] into grp orderby grp.Key select new { key = grp.Key, cnt = grp.Count() }; List <UrlCount> urlCount = new List <UrlCount>(); foreach (var item in urlInfo) { UrlCount url = new UrlCount(); url.Url = item.key; url.Count = item.cnt; urlCount.Add(url); } ReportListViewModel.UrlCount = urlCount; //get the unique users for open, click and deliver var open = from re in Reports where re.Event1 == "open" select re.Email; var click = from re in Reports where re.Event1 == "click" select re.Email; var delivered = from re in Reports where re.Event1 == "delivered" select re.Email; ReportListViewModel.OpenCount = open.Distinct().Count(); ReportListViewModel.ClickCount = click.Distinct().Count(); ReportListViewModel.DeliveredCount = delivered.Distinct().Count(); if (employees.Count() == 0) { return(View("Index", ReportListViewModel)); } // get the number of people who open the emails from different regions var regionCode = from m in open.Distinct() join code in employees on m equals code.Email group code by code.AreaCode into grp select new { code = grp.Key, cnt = grp.Distinct().Count() }; // add region count for for regions and update the number of users regionCodeCount = new List <RegionCodeCount>(); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { RegionCodeCount region = new RegionCodeCount(); regionCodeCount.Add(region); } var upgroupedCount = open.Distinct().Count(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(upgroupedCount + "count is"); foreach (var item in regionCode) { switch (item.code) { case "AMS": regionCodeCount.ElementAt(0).RegionCode = item.code; regionCodeCount.ElementAt(0).Count = item.cnt; upgroupedCount -= item.cnt; break; case "EMEA": regionCodeCount.ElementAt(1).RegionCode = item.code; regionCodeCount.ElementAt(1).Count += item.cnt; upgroupedCount -= item.cnt; break; case "EUR": //regionCodeCount.ElementAt(1).RegionCode = item.code; regionCodeCount.ElementAt(1).Count += item.cnt; upgroupedCount -= item.cnt; break; case "APJ": regionCodeCount.ElementAt(2).RegionCode = item.code; regionCodeCount.ElementAt(2).Count = item.cnt; upgroupedCount -= item.cnt; break; } } System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(upgroupedCount + "count is"); regionCodeCount.ElementAt(3).RegionCode = "Ungrouped"; regionCodeCount.ElementAt(3).Count = upgroupedCount; ReportListViewModel.RegionCodeCount = regionCodeCount; // group data by country and put them in to coresponding region group var countrySet = from m in Reports where m.Event1 == "open" join code in employees on m.Email equals code.Email group code by code.Country into grp select new { code = grp.Key, cnt = grp.Distinct().Count(), regionCode = grp.First().AreaCode }; List <CountryCount> america = new List <CountryCount>(); List <CountryCount> asianPacific = new List <CountryCount>(); List <CountryCount> europe = new List <CountryCount>(); List <CountryCount> EMEA = new List <CountryCount>(); foreach (var country in countrySet) { CountryCount cty = new CountryCount(); cty.Country = country.code; cty.Count = country.cnt; switch (country.regionCode) { case "AMS": america.Add(cty); break; case "EUR": EMEA.Add(cty); break; case "APJ": asianPacific.Add(cty); break; case "EMEA": EMEA.Add(cty); break; } } var orderedAmerica = from m in america orderby m.Count descending select m; var orderedEurope = from m in europe orderby m.Count descending select m; var orderedAsianPacfic = from m in asianPacific orderby m.Count descending select m; var orderedEMEA = from m in EMEA orderby m.Count descending select m; ReportListViewModel.America = orderedAmerica.ToList(); ReportListViewModel.Europe = orderedEurope.ToList(); ReportListViewModel.AsianPacific = orderedAsianPacfic.ToList(); ReportListViewModel.EMEA = orderedEMEA.ToList(); foreach (LogRecord emp in Reports) { ReportViewModel reportViewModel = new ReportViewModel(); reportViewModel.Email = emp.Email; reportViewModel.Event1 = emp.Event1; reportViewModels.Add(reportViewModel); } ReportListViewModel.Records = reportViewModels; //genereate the data for the world map and the line graph JavaScriptSerializer jss = new JavaScriptSerializer(); List <CountryCount> Map = new List <CountryCount>(); Map.AddRange(america); Map.AddRange(asianPacific); Map.AddRange(EMEA); string output = jss.Serialize(Map); output = output.Replace("\"Country\"", "name").Replace("\"Count\"", "value").Replace("\"", "\'"); ReportListViewModel.json = output; //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(output); string GraphLine = jss.Serialize(ReportListViewModel.DateCount); GraphLine = GraphLine.Replace("\"Date\"", "Date").Replace("\"APJCount\"", "APJ").Replace("\"AMSCount\"", "AMS").Replace("\"EURCount\"", "EUR").Replace("\"EMEACount\"", "EMEA").Replace("\"", "\'"); ReportListViewModel.GraphLine = GraphLine; //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(GraphLine); return(View("Index", ReportListViewModel)); }