예제 #1
        private static async Task<XDocument> GetDownloadRecords(SqlConnectionStringBuilder source, ReplicationSourceMarker sourceMarker, ReplicationTargetMarker targetMarker, int batchSize)
            using (var connection = await source.ConnectTo())
                using (var command = new SqlCommand(@"
                        SELECT TOP(@batchSize) 
                            PackageStatistics.[Key] 'originalKey', 
                            PackageRegistrations.[Id] 'packageId', 
                            Packages.[Version] 'packageVersion', 
	                        Packages.[Listed] 'packageListed',
                            Packages.[Title] 'packageTitle',
                            Packages.[Description] 'packageDescription',
                            Packages.[IconUrl] 'packageIconUrl',
                            ISNULL(PackageStatistics.[UserAgent], '') 'downloadUserAgent', 
                            ISNULL(PackageStatistics.[Operation], '') 'downloadOperation', 
                            PackageStatistics.[Timestamp] 'downloadTimestamp',
                            PackageStatistics.[ProjectGuids] 'downloadProjectTypes',
                            PackageStatistics.[DependentPackage] 'downloadDependentPackageId'
                        FROM PackageStatistics 
                        INNER JOIN Packages ON PackageStatistics.PackageKey = Packages.[Key] 
                        INNER JOIN PackageRegistrations ON PackageRegistrations.[Key] = Packages.PackageRegistrationKey 
                        WHERE PackageStatistics.[Key] >= @minSourceKey
                        AND   PackageStatistics.[Key] <= @maxSourceKey
                        AND   PackageStatistics.[Timestamp] >= @minTimestamp
                        AND   PackageStatistics.[Timestamp] < @maxTimestamp
                        AND   PackageStatistics.[Key] > @cursor
                        ORDER BY PackageStatistics.[Key]
                        FOR XML RAW('fact'), ELEMENTS, ROOT('facts')
                        ", connection))
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@batchSize", batchSize);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@minSourceKey", sourceMarker.MinKey);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@maxSourceKey", sourceMarker.MaxKey);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@cursor", targetMarker.Cursor ?? 0);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@minTimestamp", targetMarker.MinTimestamp);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@maxTimestamp", targetMarker.MaxTimestamp);

                    var factsReader = await command.ExecuteXmlReaderAsync();
                    var nodeType = factsReader.MoveToContent();

                    if (nodeType != XmlNodeType.None)
                        var factsDocument = XDocument.Load(factsReader);
                        return factsDocument;
                        // No data returned
                        return null;
예제 #2
        private static async Task<ReplicationTargetMarker> GetReplicationTargetMarker(SqlConnectionStringBuilder target, ReplicationSourceMarker sourceMarker)
            using (var connection = await target.ConnectTo())
                using (var command = new SqlCommand("CreateCursor", connection))
                    var minTimestamp = new SqlParameter("@minTimestamp", sourceMarker.MinTimestamp) { Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput };
                    var maxTimestamp = new SqlParameter("@maxTimestamp", sourceMarker.MaxTimestamp) { Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput };

                    command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

                    await command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();

                    // If the min/max pair is null then that means there are no records missing
                    // from the target. So we use the MaxTimestamp as the null value for BOTH
                    // as that will result in no records to replicate, but we also set the flag.
                    var minTimestampValue = (minTimestamp.Value as DateTime?) ?? sourceMarker.MaxTimestamp;
                    var maxTimestampValue = (maxTimestamp.Value as DateTime?) ?? sourceMarker.MaxTimestamp;

                    return new ReplicationTargetMarker
                        MinTimestamp = minTimestampValue,
                        MaxTimestamp = maxTimestampValue,
                        TimeWindowNeedsReplication = (minTimestampValue < maxTimestampValue)
예제 #3
        private async Task<ReplicationTargetMarker> ReplicateBatch(ReplicationSourceMarker sourceMarker, ReplicationTargetMarker targetMarker, int batchSize)
            targetMarker.LastBatchCount = 0;

                var batch = await GetDownloadRecords(Source, sourceMarker, targetMarker, batchSize);

                // If there's nothing else to process, then return the specified target marker,
                // indicating we're done.
                if (batch == null || !batch.Descendants("fact").Any())
                    targetMarker.TimeWindowNeedsReplication = false;
                    return targetMarker;

                JobEventSourceLog.VerifyingCursor(targetMarker.MinTimestamp, targetMarker.MaxTimestamp, targetMarker.Cursor.HasValue ? targetMarker.Cursor.ToString() : "<null>");
                var cursor = await GetTargetCursor(Destination, targetMarker);

                if (cursor != targetMarker.Cursor)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Expected cursor for {0} to {1} to have the value of {2} but it had the value for {3}. Aborting.", targetMarker.MinTimestamp, targetMarker.MaxTimestamp, targetMarker.Cursor.HasValue ? targetMarker.Cursor.ToString() : "<null>", cursor.HasValue ? cursor.ToString() : "<null>"));


                // Determine what our new cursor value should be after completing this batch
                var newCursor = new ReplicationTargetMarker
                    MinTimestamp = targetMarker.MinTimestamp,
                    MaxTimestamp = targetMarker.MaxTimestamp,
                    TimeWindowNeedsReplication = targetMarker.TimeWindowNeedsReplication,
                    LastBatchCount = batch.Root.Nodes().Count(),
                    Cursor = (from fact in batch.Descendants("fact")
                              let originalKey = (int)fact.Element("originalKey")
                              orderby originalKey descending
                              select originalKey).First()

                var minBatchTime = batch.Descendants("fact").Min(f => DateTime.Parse(f.Element("downloadTimestamp").Value));
                var maxBatchTime = batch.Descendants("fact").Max(f => DateTime.Parse(f.Element("downloadTimestamp").Value));

                JobEventSourceLog.SavingDownloadFacts(newCursor.LastBatchCount, minBatchTime, maxBatchTime);

                SqlException potentialException = null;

                    await PutDownloadRecords(Destination, batch, targetMarker, newCursor);
                catch (SqlException sqlException)
                    // If we got an exception, it's possible that the batch was still committed.
                    // Capture the exception in case we decide to throw it because the batch failed.
                    potentialException = sqlException;

                // See if our new cursor was committed
                var committedCursor = await GetTargetCursor(Destination, newCursor);
                JobEventSourceLog.CheckedCursor(committedCursor.HasValue ? committedCursor.Value.ToString() : "<null>");

                if (potentialException != null)
                    // An exception occurred. It's possible that the batch actually succeeded though.
                    if (committedCursor == newCursor.Cursor)
                        // Yep, the batch actually succeeded despite the reported exception
                        // A known scenarios for this is when a timeout is reported but the
                        // batch is actually committed
                        JobEventSourceLog.RecoveredFromErrorSavingDownloadFacts(targetMarker.MinTimestamp, targetMarker.MaxTimestamp, targetMarker.Cursor.HasValue ? targetMarker.Cursor.Value.ToString() : "<null>", newCursor.Cursor.HasValue ? newCursor.Cursor.Value.ToString() : "<null>", committedCursor.HasValue ? committedCursor.Value.ToString() : "<null>", potentialException.ToString());
                    else if (committedCursor == targetMarker.Cursor)
                        // Nope, the batch actually failed. Re-throw the exception, and we'll try
                        // to recover by retrying up to the max failure count.
                        throw potentialException;

                if (committedCursor != newCursor.Cursor)
                    // We didn't get an exception, but our committed cursor doesn't match expectations
                    // Let's abort because we don't know what just happened
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Expected cursor for {0} to {1} to have the value of {2} but it had the value for {3}. Aborting.", newCursor.MinTimestamp, newCursor.MaxTimestamp, newCursor.Cursor.HasValue ? newCursor.Cursor.ToString() : "<null>", committedCursor.HasValue ? committedCursor.Value.ToString() : "<null>"));

                CurrentFailures = 0;
                return newCursor;
            catch (SqlException exception)
                // We will ignore failures up to the max failure count, at which time we abort.
                if (++CurrentFailures == MaxFailures)

                JobEventSourceLog.RecoveredFromFailedBatch(CurrentFailures, MaxFailures, exception.ToString());
                return targetMarker;
예제 #4
        private static async Task <XDocument> GetDownloadRecords(SqlConnectionStringBuilder source, ReplicationSourceMarker sourceMarker, ReplicationTargetMarker targetMarker, int batchSize)
            using (var connection = await source.ConnectTo())
                using (var command = new SqlCommand(@"
                        SELECT TOP(@batchSize) 
                            PackageStatistics.[Key] 'originalKey', 
                            PackageRegistrations.[Id] 'packageId', 
                            Packages.[Version] 'packageVersion', 
	                        Packages.[Listed] 'packageListed',
                            Packages.[Title] 'packageTitle',
                            Packages.[Description] 'packageDescription',
                            Packages.[IconUrl] 'packageIconUrl',
                            ISNULL(PackageStatistics.[UserAgent], '') 'downloadUserAgent', 
                            ISNULL(PackageStatistics.[Operation], '') 'downloadOperation', 
                            PackageStatistics.[Timestamp] 'downloadTimestamp',
                            PackageStatistics.[ProjectGuids] 'downloadProjectTypes',
                            PackageStatistics.[DependentPackage] 'downloadDependentPackageId'
                        FROM PackageStatistics 
                        INNER JOIN Packages ON PackageStatistics.PackageKey = Packages.[Key] 
                        INNER JOIN PackageRegistrations ON PackageRegistrations.[Key] = Packages.PackageRegistrationKey 
                        WHERE PackageStatistics.[Key] >= @minSourceKey
                        AND   PackageStatistics.[Key] <= @maxSourceKey
                        AND   PackageStatistics.[Timestamp] >= @minTimestamp
                        AND   PackageStatistics.[Timestamp] < @maxTimestamp
                        AND   PackageStatistics.[Key] > @cursor
                        ORDER BY PackageStatistics.[Key]
                        FOR XML RAW('fact'), ELEMENTS, ROOT('facts')
                        ", connection))
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@batchSize", batchSize);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@minSourceKey", sourceMarker.MinKey);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@maxSourceKey", sourceMarker.MaxKey);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@cursor", targetMarker.Cursor ?? 0);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@minTimestamp", targetMarker.MinTimestamp);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@maxTimestamp", targetMarker.MaxTimestamp);

                    var factsReader = await command.ExecuteXmlReaderAsync();

                    var nodeType = factsReader.MoveToContent();

                    if (nodeType != XmlNodeType.None)
                        var factsDocument = XDocument.Load(factsReader);
                        // No data returned
예제 #5
        private static async Task <ReplicationTargetMarker> GetReplicationTargetMarker(SqlConnectionStringBuilder target, ReplicationSourceMarker sourceMarker)
            using (var connection = await target.ConnectTo())
                using (var command = new SqlCommand("CreateCursor", connection))
                    var minTimestamp = new SqlParameter("@minTimestamp", sourceMarker.MinTimestamp)
                        Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput
                    var maxTimestamp = new SqlParameter("@maxTimestamp", sourceMarker.MaxTimestamp)
                        Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput

                    command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

                    await command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();

                    // If the min/max pair is null then that means there are no records missing
                    // from the target. So we use the MaxTimestamp as the null value for BOTH
                    // as that will result in no records to replicate, but we also set the flag.
                    var minTimestampValue = (minTimestamp.Value as DateTime?) ?? sourceMarker.MaxTimestamp;
                    var maxTimestampValue = (maxTimestamp.Value as DateTime?) ?? sourceMarker.MaxTimestamp;

                    return(new ReplicationTargetMarker
                        MinTimestamp = minTimestampValue,
                        MaxTimestamp = maxTimestampValue,
                        TimeWindowNeedsReplication = (minTimestampValue < maxTimestampValue)
예제 #6
        private async Task <ReplicationTargetMarker> ReplicateBatch(ReplicationSourceMarker sourceMarker, ReplicationTargetMarker targetMarker, int batchSize)
            targetMarker.LastBatchCount = 0;

                var batch = await GetDownloadRecords(Source, sourceMarker, targetMarker, batchSize);


                // If there's nothing else to process, then return the specified target marker,
                // indicating we're done.
                if (batch == null || !batch.Descendants("fact").Any())
                    targetMarker.TimeWindowNeedsReplication = false;

                JobEventSourceLog.VerifyingCursor(targetMarker.MinTimestamp, targetMarker.MaxTimestamp, targetMarker.Cursor.HasValue ? targetMarker.Cursor.ToString() : "<null>");
                var cursor = await GetTargetCursor(Destination, targetMarker);

                if (cursor != targetMarker.Cursor)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Expected cursor for {0} to {1} to have the value of {2} but it had the value for {3}. Aborting.", targetMarker.MinTimestamp, targetMarker.MaxTimestamp, targetMarker.Cursor.HasValue ? targetMarker.Cursor.ToString() : "<null>", cursor.HasValue ? cursor.ToString() : "<null>"));


                // Determine what our new cursor value should be after completing this batch
                var newCursor = new ReplicationTargetMarker
                    MinTimestamp = targetMarker.MinTimestamp,
                    MaxTimestamp = targetMarker.MaxTimestamp,
                    TimeWindowNeedsReplication = targetMarker.TimeWindowNeedsReplication,
                    LastBatchCount             = batch.Root.Nodes().Count(),
                    Cursor = (from fact in batch.Descendants("fact")
                              let originalKey = (int)fact.Element("originalKey")
                                                orderby originalKey descending
                                                select originalKey).First()

                var minBatchTime = batch.Descendants("fact").Min(f => DateTime.Parse(f.Element("downloadTimestamp").Value));
                var maxBatchTime = batch.Descendants("fact").Max(f => DateTime.Parse(f.Element("downloadTimestamp").Value));

                JobEventSourceLog.SavingDownloadFacts(newCursor.LastBatchCount, minBatchTime, maxBatchTime);

                SqlException potentialException = null;

                    await PutDownloadRecords(Destination, batch, targetMarker, newCursor);
                catch (SqlException sqlException)
                    // If we got an exception, it's possible that the batch was still committed.
                    // Capture the exception in case we decide to throw it because the batch failed.
                    potentialException = sqlException;

                // See if our new cursor was committed
                var committedCursor = await GetTargetCursor(Destination, newCursor);

                JobEventSourceLog.CheckedCursor(committedCursor.HasValue ? committedCursor.Value.ToString() : "<null>");

                if (potentialException != null)
                    // An exception occurred. It's possible that the batch actually succeeded though.
                    if (committedCursor == newCursor.Cursor)
                        // Yep, the batch actually succeeded despite the reported exception
                        // A known scenarios for this is when a timeout is reported but the
                        // batch is actually committed
                        JobEventSourceLog.RecoveredFromErrorSavingDownloadFacts(targetMarker.MinTimestamp, targetMarker.MaxTimestamp, targetMarker.Cursor.HasValue ? targetMarker.Cursor.Value.ToString() : "<null>", newCursor.Cursor.HasValue ? newCursor.Cursor.Value.ToString() : "<null>", committedCursor.HasValue ? committedCursor.Value.ToString() : "<null>", potentialException.ToString());
                    else if (committedCursor == targetMarker.Cursor)
                        // Nope, the batch actually failed. Re-throw the exception, and we'll try
                        // to recover by retrying up to the max failure count.
                        throw potentialException;

                if (committedCursor != newCursor.Cursor)
                    // We didn't get an exception, but our committed cursor doesn't match expectations
                    // Let's abort because we don't know what just happened
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Expected cursor for {0} to {1} to have the value of {2} but it had the value for {3}. Aborting.", newCursor.MinTimestamp, newCursor.MaxTimestamp, newCursor.Cursor.HasValue ? newCursor.Cursor.ToString() : "<null>", committedCursor.HasValue ? committedCursor.Value.ToString() : "<null>"));

                CurrentFailures = 0;
            catch (SqlException exception)
                // We will ignore failures up to the max failure count, at which time we abort.
                if (++CurrentFailures == MaxFailures)

                JobEventSourceLog.RecoveredFromFailedBatch(CurrentFailures, MaxFailures, exception.ToString());