예제 #1
 private void AssertStatefulServiceReplicaHealthReported(ReplicaWrapper replica, HealthState expectedHealthState, Func <string, bool> descriptionCheck = null)
     // TODO: test helpers don't return the fake partition ID so we can't verify replica.PartitioinId is the correct one. Pending to refactor the fixture helpers.
         expectedHealthState: expectedHealthState,
         descriptionCheck: descriptionCheck,
         extraChecks: report => (report as StatefulServiceReplicaHealthReport) != null && (report as StatefulServiceReplicaHealthReport).ReplicaId == replica.Id,
         because: $"health '{expectedHealthState}' for stateful replica {replica.Id} should be reported");
예제 #2
 private static bool IsHealthyReplica(ReplicaWrapper replica)
     // TODO: Should we only consider replicas that Service Fabric reports as healthy (`replica.HealthState != HealthState.Error`)?
     // That is precisely what Traefik does, see: https://github.com/containous/traefik-extra-service-fabric/blob/a5c54b8d5409be7aa21b06d55cf186ee4cc25a13/servicefabric.go#L219
     // It seems misguided in our case, however, since we have an active health probing model
     // that can determine endpoint health more reliably. In particular because Service Fabric "Error" states does not necessarily mean
     // that the replica is unavailable, rather only that something in the cluster issued an "Error" report against it.
     // Skipping the replica here because we *suspect* it might be unavailable could lead to snowball cascading failures.
     return replica.ReplicaStatus == ServiceReplicaStatus.Ready;
예제 #3
 // Mocking helpers
 private ApplicationWrapper CreateApp_1Service_SingletonPartition_1Replica(
     string appTypeName,
     string serviceTypeName,
     out ServiceWrapper service,
     out ReplicaWrapper replica,
     ServiceKind serviceKind = ServiceKind.Stateless)
     service = CreateService(appTypeName, serviceTypeName, 1, 1, out var replicas, serviceKind);
     replica = replicas[0];
     Mock_ServicesResponse(new Uri($"fabric:/{appTypeName}"), service);
     return(SFTestHelpers.FakeApp(appTypeName, appTypeName));
예제 #4
    private void ReportReplicaHealth(
        ServiceFabricDiscoveryOptions options,
        ServiceWrapper service,
        Guid partitionId,
        ReplicaWrapper replica,
        HealthState state,
        string description = null)
        if (!options.ReportReplicasHealth)

        var healthInformation = new HealthInformation(
            sourceId: HealthReportSourceId,
            property: HealthReportProperty,
            healthState: state)
            Description = description,
            TimeToLive = HealthReportTimeToLive(options),
            RemoveWhenExpired = true,

        HealthReport healthReport;
        switch (service.ServiceKind)
            case ServiceKind.Stateful:
                healthReport = new StatefulServiceReplicaHealthReport(
                    partitionId: partitionId,
                    replicaId: replica.Id,
                    healthInformation: healthInformation);
            case ServiceKind.Stateless:
                healthReport = new StatelessServiceInstanceHealthReport(
                    partitionId: partitionId,
                    instanceId: replica.Id,
                    healthInformation: healthInformation);
                Log.ReplicaHealthReportFailedInvalidServiceKind(_logger, state, replica.Id, service.ServiceKind);

        var sendOptions = new HealthReportSendOptions { Immediate = state != HealthState.Ok }; // Report immediately if unhealthy
            _serviceFabricCaller.ReportHealth(healthReport, sendOptions);
        catch (Exception ex) // TODO: davidni: not fatal?
            Log.ReplicaHealthReportFailed(_logger, state, replica.Id, ex);
예제 #5
    private static bool IsReplicaEligible(ReplicaWrapper replica, StatefulReplicaSelectionMode statefulReplicaSelectionMode)
        if (replica.ServiceKind != ServiceKind.Stateful)
            // Stateless service replicas are always eligible
            return true;

        return statefulReplicaSelectionMode switch
            StatefulReplicaSelectionMode.Primary => replica.Role == ReplicaRole.Primary,
            StatefulReplicaSelectionMode.ActiveSecondary => replica.Role == ReplicaRole.ActiveSecondary,
            _ => true,
예제 #6
 private ApplicationWrapper CreateApp_2StatelessService_SingletonPartition_1Replica(
     string appTypeName,
     string serviceTypeName1,
     string serviceTypeName2,
     out ServiceWrapper service1,
     out ServiceWrapper service2,
     out ReplicaWrapper service1replica,
     out ReplicaWrapper service2replica)
     service1        = CreateService(appTypeName, serviceTypeName1, 1, 1, out var replicas1);
     service2        = CreateService(appTypeName, serviceTypeName2, 1, 1, out var replicas2);
     service1replica = replicas1[0];
     service2replica = replicas2[0];
     Mock_ServicesResponse(new Uri($"fabric:/{appTypeName}"), service1, service2);
     return(SFTestHelpers.FakeApp(appTypeName, appTypeName));
예제 #7
    private DestinationConfig BuildDestination(ReplicaWrapper replica, string listenerName, string healthListenerName, PartitionWrapper partition)
        if (!ServiceEndpointCollection.TryParseEndpointsString(replica.ReplicaAddress, out var serviceEndpointCollection))
            throw new ConfigException($"Could not parse endpoints for replica {replica.Id}.");

        // TODO: FabricServiceEndpoint has some other fields we are ignoring here. Decide which ones are relevant and fix this call.
        var serviceEndpoint = new FabricServiceEndpoint(
            listenerNames: new[] { listenerName },
            allowedSchemePredicate: HttpsSchemeSelector,
            emptyStringMatchesAnyListener: true);
        if (!FabricServiceEndpointSelector.TryGetEndpoint(serviceEndpoint, serviceEndpointCollection, out var endpointUri))
            throw new ConfigException($"No acceptable endpoints found for replica '{replica.Id}'. Search criteria: listenerName='{listenerName}', emptyStringMatchesAnyListener=true.");

        // Get service endpoint from the health listener, health listener is optional.
        Uri healthEndpointUri = null;
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(healthListenerName))
            var healthEndpoint = new FabricServiceEndpoint(
                listenerNames: new[] { healthListenerName },
                allowedSchemePredicate: HttpsSchemeSelector,
                emptyStringMatchesAnyListener: true);
            if (!FabricServiceEndpointSelector.TryGetEndpoint(healthEndpoint, serviceEndpointCollection, out healthEndpointUri))
                throw new ConfigException($"No acceptable health endpoints found for replica '{replica.Id}'. Search criteria: listenerName='{healthListenerName}', emptyStringMatchesAnyListener=true.");

        return new DestinationConfig
            Address = endpointUri.AbsoluteUri,
            Health = healthEndpointUri?.AbsoluteUri,
            Metadata = new Dictionary<string, string>
                { "PartitionId", partition.Id.ToString() ?? string.Empty },
                { "NamedPartitionName", partition.Name ?? string.Empty },
                { "ReplicaId", replica.Id.ToString() ?? string.Empty }
예제 #8
    /// <summary>
    /// Build a <see cref="DestinationConfig" /> from a Service Fabric <see cref="ReplicaWrapper" />.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// The address JSON of the replica is expected to have exactly one endpoint, and that one will be used.
    /// </remarks>
    internal static KeyValuePair <string, DestinationConfig> BuildDestinationFromReplicaAndPartition(ReplicaWrapper replica, PartitionWrapper partition, string healthListenerName = null)
        ServiceEndpointCollection.TryParseEndpointsString(replica.ReplicaAddress, out var endpoints);
        endpoints.TryGetFirstEndpointAddress(out var address);

        string healthAddressUri = null;

        if (healthListenerName != null)
            endpoints.TryGetEndpointAddress(healthListenerName, out healthAddressUri);

        var destinationId = $"{partition.Id}/{replica.Id}";

                   new DestinationConfig
            Address = address,
            Health = healthAddressUri,
            Metadata = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { "PartitionId", partition.Id.ToString() ?? string.Empty },
                { "NamedPartitionName", partition.Name ?? string.Empty },
                { "ReplicaId", replica.Id.ToString() ?? string.Empty }
예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Build a <see cref="Destination" /> from a Service Fabric <see cref="ReplicaWrapper" />.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The address JSON of the replica is expected to have exactly one endpoint, and that one will be used.
        /// </remarks>
        internal static KeyValuePair <string, Destination> BuildDestinationFromReplica(ReplicaWrapper replica, string healthListenerName = null)
            ServiceEndpointCollection.TryParseEndpointsString(replica.ReplicaAddress, out var endpoints);
            endpoints.TryGetFirstEndpointAddress(out var address);

            string healthAddressUri = null;

            if (healthListenerName != null)
                endpoints.TryGetEndpointAddress(healthListenerName, out healthAddressUri);

                       new Destination
                Address = address,
                Health = healthAddressUri,
                Metadata = null,