예제 #1
        public void CheckIncrementalAux(Transliterator t, String input)
            IReplaceable            test = new ReplaceableString(input);
            TransliterationPosition pos  = new TransliterationPosition(0, test.Length, 0, test.Length);

            t.Transliterate(test, pos);
            bool gotError = false;

            // we have a few special cases. Any-Remove (pos.start = 0, but also = limit) and U+XXXXX?X?
            if (pos.Start == 0 && pos.Limit != 0 && !t.ID.Equals("Hex-Any/Unicode"))
                Errln("No Progress, " + t.ID + ": " + UtilityExtensions.FormatInput(test, pos));
                gotError = true;
                Logln("PASS Progress, " + t.ID + ": " + UtilityExtensions.FormatInput(test, pos));
            t.FinishTransliteration(test, pos);
            if (pos.Start != pos.Limit)
                Errln("Incomplete, " + t.ID + ":  " + UtilityExtensions.FormatInput(test, pos));
                gotError = true;
            if (!gotError)
                //Errln("FAIL: Did not get expected error");
예제 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// For debugging purposes; format the given text in the form
 /// aaa{bbb|ccc|ddd}eee, where the {} indicate the context start
 /// and limit, and the || indicate the start and limit.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="appendTo"></param>
 /// <param name="input"></param>
 /// <param name="pos"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static StringBuffer FormatInput(StringBuffer appendTo,
                                        ReplaceableString input,
                                        Transliterator.Position pos)
     if (0 <= pos.ContextStart &&
         pos.ContextStart <= pos.Start &&
         pos.Start <= pos.Limit &&
         pos.Limit <= pos.ContextLimit &&
         pos.ContextLimit <= input.Length)
         string b, c, d;
         //a = input.substring(0, pos.contextStart);
         b = input.Substring(pos.ContextStart, pos.Start - pos.ContextStart); // ICU4N: Corrected 2nd parameter
         c = input.Substring(pos.Start, pos.Limit - pos.Start);               // ICU4N: Corrected 2nd parameter
         d = input.Substring(pos.Limit, pos.ContextLimit - pos.Limit);        // ICU4N: Corrected 2nd parameter
         //e = input.substring(pos.contextLimit, input.length());
         appendTo.                                                            //Append(a).
         appendTo.Append("INVALID Position {cs=" +
                         pos.ContextStart + ", s=" + pos.Start + ", l=" +
                         pos.Limit + ", cl=" + pos.ContextLimit + "} on " +
예제 #3
            internal TestReplaceable(String text, String styles)
                Chars = new ReplaceableString(text);
                StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();

                for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; ++i)
                    if (styles != null && i < styles.Length)
                        if (text[i] == NO_STYLE_MARK)
                            s.Append((char)(i + '1'));
                this.Styles = new ReplaceableString(s.ToString());
예제 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// For debugging purposes; format the given text in the form
 /// aaa{bbb|ccc|ddd}eee, where the {} indicate the context start and limit,
 /// and the || indicate the start and limit.
 /// </summary>
 public static StringBuilder FormatInput(StringBuilder appendTo,
                                         ReplaceableString input, Transliterator.Position pos)
     if (0 <= pos.contextStart && pos.contextStart <= pos.start &&
         pos.start <= pos.limit && pos.limit <= pos.contextLimit &&
         pos.contextLimit <= input.Length())
         String b, c, d;
         // a = input.substring(0, pos.contextStart);
         b = input.Substring(pos.contextStart, pos.start);
         c = input.Substring(pos.start, pos.limit);
         d = input.Substring(pos.limit, pos.contextLimit);
         // e = input.substring(pos.contextLimit, input.length());
         appendTo.// append(a).
         // .append(e)
         appendTo.Append("INVALID Position {cs=" + pos.contextStart + ", s="
                         + pos.start + ", l=" + pos.limit + ", cl="
                         + pos.contextLimit + "} on " + input);
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// For debugging purposes; format the given text in the form
        /// aaa{bbb|ccc|ddd}eee, where the {} indicate the context start
        /// and limit, and the || indicate the start and limit.
        /// </summary>
        public static string FormatInput(ReplaceableString input,
                                         Transliterator.Position pos)
            StringBuffer appendTo = new StringBuffer();

            FormatInput(appendTo, input, pos);
예제 #6
        private void expect(Transliterator t, String source, String expectedResult)
            String result = t.Transliterate(source);

            expectAux(t.ID + ":String", source, result, expectedResult);

            ReplaceableString rsource = new ReplaceableString(source);

            result = rsource.ToString();
            expectAux(t.ID + ":Replaceable", source, result, expectedResult);

            // Test keyboard (incremental) transliteration -- this result
            // must be the same after we finalize (see below).
            rsource.Replace(0, rsource.Length, "");
            TransliterationPosition index = new TransliterationPosition();
            StringBuffer            log   = new StringBuffer();

            for (int i = 0; i < source.Length; ++i)
                if (i != 0)
                    log.Append(" + ");
                log.Append(source[i]).Append(" -> ");
                t.Transliterate(rsource, index,
                                source[i] + "");
                // Append the string buffer with a vertical bar '|' where
                // the committed index is.
                String s = rsource.ToString();
                log.Append(s.Substring(0, index.Start)). // ICU4N: Checked 2nd parameter

            // As a final step in keyboard transliteration, we must call
            // transliterate to finish off any pending partial matches that
            // were waiting for more input.
            t.FinishTransliteration(rsource, index);
            result = rsource.ToString();
            log.Append(" => ").Append(rsource.ToString());
            expectAux(t.ID + ":Keyboard", log.ToString(),
예제 #7
        public void TestTransliterate()
            Logln("Testing the handleTransliterate() API of CompoundTransliterator");
            Transliterator ct1 = null;

                ct1 = Transliterator.GetInstance("Any-Hex;Hex-Any");
            catch (ArgumentException iae)
                Errln("FAIL: construction using CompoundTransliterator(String ID) failed for " + "Any-Hex;Hex-Any");
                throw iae;

            String s = "abcabc";

            expect(ct1, s, s);
            TransliterationPosition index    = new TransliterationPosition();
            ReplaceableString       rsource2 = new ReplaceableString(s);
            String expectedResult            = s;

            ct1.Transliterate(rsource2, index);
            ct1.FinishTransliteration(rsource2, index);
            String result = rsource2.ToString();

            expectAux(ct1.ID + ":ReplaceableString, index(0,0,0,0)", s + "->" + rsource2, result.Equals(expectedResult), expectedResult);

            TransliterationPosition index2   = new TransliterationPosition(1, 3, 2, 3);
            ReplaceableString       rsource3 = new ReplaceableString(s);

            ct1.Transliterate(rsource3, index2);
            ct1.FinishTransliteration(rsource3, index2);
            result = rsource3.ToString();
            expectAux(ct1.ID + ":String, index2(1,2,2,3)", s + "->" + rsource3, result.Equals(expectedResult), expectedResult);

            String[] Data =
                //ID, input string, transliterated string
                "Any-Hex;Hex-Any;Any-Hex",              "hello",                                      "\\u0068\\u0065\\u006C\\u006C\\u006F",
                "Any-Hex;Hex-Any",                      "hello! How are you?",                        "hello! How are you?",
                "Devanagari-Latin;Latin-Devanagari",    "\u092D\u0948'\u0930'\u0935",                 "\u092D\u0948\u0930\u0935", // quotes lost
                "Latin-Cyrillic;Cyrillic-Latin",        "a'b'k'd'e'f'g'h'i'j'Shch'shch'zh'h",         "a'b'k'd'e'f'g'h'i'j'Shch'shch'zh'h",
                "Latin-Greek;Greek-Latin",              "ABGabgAKLMN",                                "ABGabgAKLMN",
                //"Latin-Arabic;Arabic-Latin",               "Ad'r'a'b'i'k'dh'dd'gh", "Adrabikdhddgh",
                "Hiragana-Katakana",                    "\u3041\u308f\u3099\u306e\u304b\u3092\u3099",
                "Hiragana-Katakana;Katakana-Hiragana",  "\u3041\u308f\u3099\u306e\u304b\u3051",
                "Katakana-Hiragana;Hiragana-Katakana",  "\u30A1\u30f7\u30ce\u30f5\u30f6",
                "Latin-Katakana;Katakana-Latin",        "vavivuvevohuzizuzoninunasesuzezu",
            Transliterator ct2 = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < Data.Length; i += 3)
                    ct2 = Transliterator.GetInstance(Data[i + 0]);
                catch (ArgumentException iae2)
                    Errln("FAIL: CompoundTransliterator construction failed for " + Data[i + 0]);
                    throw iae2;
                expect(ct2, Data[i + 1], Data[i + 2]);
예제 #8
파일: ErrorTest.cs 프로젝트: SilentCC/ICU4N
        public void TestTransliteratorErrors()
            String            trans      = "Latin-Greek";
            String            bogusID    = "LATINGREEK-GREEKLATIN";
            String            newID      = "Bogus-Latin";
            String            newIDRules = "zzz > Z; f <> ph";
            String            bogusRules = "a } [b-g m-p ";
            ReplaceableString testString =
                new ReplaceableString("A quick fox jumped over the lazy dog.");
            String insertString = "cats and dogs";
            int    stoppedAt = 0, len;

            Transliterator.Position pos = new Transliterator.Position();

            Transliterator t =
                Transliterator.GetInstance(trans, Transliterator.FORWARD);

            if (t == null)
                Errln("FAIL: construction of Latin-Greek");
            len       = testString.Length;
            stoppedAt = t.Transliterate(testString, 0, 100);
            if (stoppedAt != -1)
                Errln("FAIL: Out of bounds check failed (1).");
            else if (testString.Length != len)
                testString =
                    new ReplaceableString("A quick fox jumped over the lazy dog.");
                Errln("FAIL: Transliterate fails and the target string was modified.");
            stoppedAt = t.Transliterate(testString, 100, testString.Length - 1);
            if (stoppedAt != -1)
                Errln("FAIL: Out of bounds check failed (2).");
            else if (testString.Length != len)
                testString =
                    new ReplaceableString("A quick fox jumped over the lazy dog.");
                Errln("FAIL: Transliterate fails and the target string was modified.");
            pos.Start = 100;
            pos.Limit = testString.Length;
                t.Transliterate(testString, pos);
                Errln("FAIL: Start offset is out of bounds, error not reported.");
            catch (ArgumentException e)
                Logln("Start offset is out of bounds and detected.");
            pos.Limit = 100;
            pos.Start = 0;

                t.Transliterate(testString, pos);
                Errln("FAIL: Limit offset is out of bounds, error not reported.\n");
            catch (ArgumentException e)
                Logln("Start offset is out of bounds and detected.");
            len = pos.ContextLimit = testString.Length;
            pos.ContextStart = 0;
            pos.Limit        = len - 1;
            pos.Start        = 5;
                t.Transliterate(testString, pos, insertString);
                if (len == pos.Limit)
                    Errln("FAIL: Test insertion with string: the transliteration position limit didn't change as expected.");
            catch (ArgumentException e)
                Errln("Insertion test with string failed for some reason.");
            pos.ContextStart = 0;
            pos.ContextLimit = testString.Length;
            pos.Limit        = testString.Length - 1;
            pos.Start        = 5;
                t.Transliterate(testString, pos, 0x0061);
                if (len == pos.Limit)
                    Errln("FAIL: Test insertion with character: the transliteration position limit didn't change as expected.");
            catch (ArgumentException e)
                Errln("FAIL: Insertion test with UTF-16 code point failed for some reason.");
            len = pos.Limit = testString.Length;
            pos.ContextStart = 0;
            pos.ContextLimit = testString.Length - 1;
            pos.Start        = 5;
                t.Transliterate(testString, pos, insertString);
                Errln("FAIL: Out of bounds check failed (3).");
                if (testString.Length != len)
                    Errln("FAIL: The input string was modified though the offsets were out of bounds.");
            catch (ArgumentException e)
                Logln("Insertion test with out of bounds indexes.");
            Transliterator t1 = null;

                t1 = Transliterator.GetInstance(bogusID, Transliterator.FORWARD);
                if (t1 != null)
                    Errln("FAIL: construction of bogus ID \"LATINGREEK-GREEKLATIN\"");
            catch (ArgumentException e)

            //try { // unneeded - Exception cannot be thrown
            Transliterator t2 =

                Transliterator t3 = t2.GetInverse();
                Errln("FAIL: The newID transliterator was not registered so createInverse should fail.");
                if (t3 != null)
                    Errln("FAIL: The newID transliterator was not registered so createInverse should fail.");
            catch (Exception e)
            //} catch (Exception e) { }
                Transliterator t4 =
                if (t4 != null)
                    Errln("FAIL: The rules is malformed but error was not reported.");
            catch (Exception e)