public void load() { string sql = "select top 9 * from news "; dt = DbHelperSQL.Query(sql).Tables[0]; if (Session["_username"] != null) { string aa = " 欢迎您光临校园淘网!!"; welcome.Text = Session["_username"].ToString() + aa.ToString() + " "; } string str = "select top 7 * from news order by _id desc "; DataSet ds = DB.dataSet(str); int id = 2; BLLhelp bllhelp = new BLLhelp(); DataSet ds1 = bllhelp.cj_ds(id); Repeater2.DataSource = ds1; Repeater2.DataBind(); int id1 = 26; DataSet ds2 = bllhelp._selectAll(id1); Re_xs.DataSource = ds2; Re_xs.DataBind(); int id2 = 19; DataSet ds3 = bllhelp._selectAll(id2); Re_ps.DataSource = ds3; Re_ps.DataBind(); int id3 = 20; DataSet ds4 = bllhelp._selectAll(id3); Re_fw.DataSource = ds4; Re_fw.DataBind(); int id4 = 25; DataSet ds5 = bllhelp._selectAll(id4); Re_huiy.DataSource = ds5; Re_huiy.DataBind(); }
void vizual() { DataTable region2 = klas.getdatatable(@"select PaymentID,Sanction, TaxpayerID, p.TaxesPaymentID,case when p.TaxesPaymentID=1 then N'Əmlak vergisi' when p.TaxesPaymentID=2 then N'Torpaq vergisi' when p.TaxesPaymentID=15 then N'Maliyyə sanksiyası' end TaxesPaymentTypeName, Operation,CAST(Amount as numeric(18,2)) Amount,CAST(RemainingDebt as numeric(18,2)) RemainingDebt, CAST(MorePayment as numeric(18,2)) MorePayment , PercentDayCount, CAST(PercentCounted as numeric(18,2)) PercentCounted , CAST(PercentDebt as numeric(18,2)) PercentDebt, PaymentDocument, p.NowTime, case when Operation=10 then N'Ödəmə' else N'Hesablanma' end Operation1,cast(RemainingDebt+Sanction+PercentDebt as numeric(18,2)) umumiborc from Payments p inner join TaxesPaymentList txl on txl.TaxesPaymentID=p.TaxesPaymentID where TaxpayerID=" + TaxpayerID + " and p.TaxesPaymentID in (1,2,15) order by p.PaymentID"); Repeater1.DataSource = region2; Repeater1.DataBind(); if (region2 == null) { emlaktorp.Visible = false; } else { emlaktorp.Visible = true; } DataTable region3 = klas.getdatatable(@"select fullname,kkk.YVOK,Mobiltel,kkk.TaxpayerID,case when kkk.Operation=10 then N'Ödəmə' else 'Hesablama' end Operation,kkk.Amount,kkk.RemainingDebt,kkk.MorePayment, kkk.PaymentDocument,kkk.NowTime,TaxesPaymentTypeName,kkk.TaxesPaymentID from ( select t.SName+' '+t.Name+' '+FName as fullname,t.YVOK,Mobiltel,p.TaxpayerID,p.Operation,p.Amount,p.RemainingDebt,p.MorePayment,p.PaymentDocument,p.NowTime,TaxesPaymentTypeName,p.TaxesPaymentID,PaymentID from Payments p inner join Taxpayer t on t.TaxpayerID=p.TaxpayerID inner join (select * from TaxesPaymentList union select 15,'Sanksiya','0','2020-10-15 00:00:00.000') tpl on tpl.TaxesPaymentID=p.TaxesPaymentID where p.TaxesPaymentID not in (1,2) union select fullname,YVOK,Mobiltel,TaxpayerID,'' Operation,'' Amount,v.Payment RemainingDebt,'' MorePayment,'' PaymentDocument,GETDATE() NowTime,TaxesPaymentTypeName,TaxesPaymentID,0 PaymentID from viewdepts v where TaxesPaymentID not in (1,2) ) kkk where TaxpayerID=" + TaxpayerID + " order by PaymentID"); Repeater2.DataSource = region3; Repeater2.DataBind(); if (region3 == null) { pnlodeniw.Visible = false; } else { pnlodeniw.Visible = true; } }
protected void getModalInfos_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string rname = ((Button)sender).CommandArgument.ToString(); DAL.DALBairro p = new DAL.DALBairro(); Repeater2.DataSourceID = null; Repeater2.DataSource = p.SelectBairros(rname); Repeater2.DataBind(); DAL.DALPonto_referencia b = new DAL.DALPonto_referencia(); Repeater3.DataSourceID = null; Repeater3.DataSource = b.SelectPontos(rname); Repeater3.DataBind(); modalContainer.Style.Add("visibility", "visible"); }
protected void AddDepartmentstoSidebar() { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["connect"].ToString()); con.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.CommandText = "select ProjectId, ProjectName from Project"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); da.Fill(dt); Repeater2.DataSource = dt; Repeater2.DataBind(); con.Close(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Repeater1.DataSource = SqlHelper.ExecuteAdapter("select top 5 * from Table_article where article_class = '公告' Order by article_time DESC").DefaultView; Repeater1.DataBind(); Repeater2.DataSource = SqlHelper.ExecuteAdapter("select top 5 * from Table_article where article_class != '公告' Order by article_time DESC").DefaultView; Repeater2.DataBind(); Repeater3.DataSource = SqlHelper.ExecuteAdapter("select top 3 * from Table_image where image_pass!='' Order by image_time DESC").DefaultView; Repeater3.DataBind(); HyperLink1.NavigateUrl = SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar("Select a_address From Table_a where a_id ='1'").ToString();//为了不破坏美工的样式 我等只能用如此戳的方式来一个一个传值!!请谅解 HyperLink2.NavigateUrl = SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar("Select a_address From Table_a where a_id ='2'").ToString(); HyperLink3.NavigateUrl = SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar("Select a_address From Table_a where a_id ='4'").ToString(); HyperLink4.NavigateUrl = SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar("Select a_address From Table_a where a_id ='5'").ToString(); HyperLink5.NavigateUrl = SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar("Select a_address From Table_a where a_id ='6'").ToString(); HyperLink6.NavigateUrl = SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar("Select a_address From Table_a where a_id ='7'").ToString(); HyperLink7.NavigateUrl = SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar("Select a_address From Table_a where a_id ='9'").ToString(); HyperLink8.NavigateUrl = SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar("Select a_address From Table_a where a_id ='10'").ToString(); HyperLink9.NavigateUrl = SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar("Select a_address From Table_a where a_id ='11'").ToString(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { db = new TezDBEntities(); var hoca = db.Hoca.Where(w => w.Id ==; Label1.Text = "Tez Danışmanı"; Label2.Text = hoca.Ad; Label3.Text = "Bilgisayar Mühendisliği"; Label4.Text = hoca.Mail; var Duyurular = db.Duyuru_Admin.ToList(); Repeater1.DataSource = Duyurular; Repeater1.DataBind(); var Mesajlar = db.Mesaj.Where(w => w.Aid == && w.ADerece == AppKontrol.derece).ToList(); Repeater2.DataSource = Mesajlar; Repeater2.DataBind(); }
private void getlilPhoto() { string ConnectionString = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString; //連接資料庫 SqlConnection Conn = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString); Conn.Open(); //Cmd執行SQL語法 SqlCommand Cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT *,(SELECT TOP 1 YachtsPhoto.FileName FROM YachtsPhoto WHERE = YachtsPhoto.YachtsID) FileName FROM Yachts WHERE (SELECT COUNT(YachtsPhoto.FileName) FROM YachtsPhoto WHERE = YachtsPhoto.YachtsID) > 0", Conn); SqlDataReader Reader = Cmd.ExecuteReader(); Repeater2.DataSource = Reader; Repeater2.DataBind(); Reader.Close(); Cmd.Cancel(); Conn.Close(); Conn.Dispose(); }
private void FillPageListView() { if (searchStr != "") { Repeater1.DataSource = res.SearchList(searchStr); } else { Repeater1.DataSource = res.PopularResList(); } Repeater2.DataSource = res.AllergyResList(searchStr); Repeater3.DataSource = res.LocationResList(searchStr); Repeater1.DataBind(); Repeater2.DataBind(); Repeater3.DataBind(); }
public void projectShow() { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(abc); con.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select * from oppertiunity;", con); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); da.Fill(ds); Repeater2.DataSource = ds; Repeater2.DataBind(); }
private void showData() { string strConn = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString; SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(strConn); string code = $"WITH CTE AS (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY RowNumber,* FROM DealersDetails) SELECT * FROM CTE where ROWNUMBER >=((@page - 1) * 5 + 1) and ROWNUMBER <=(@page * 5) and ContinentID =@id"; SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(code, connection); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", Request.QueryString["id"] ?? "1"); command.Parameters.Add("@page", SqlDbType.Int); command.Parameters["@page"].Value = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["page"] ?? "1"); connection.Open(); SqlDataReader dataReader = command.ExecuteReader(); Repeater2.DataSource = dataReader; //把這個資料表跟資料(reader)作雙向繫結 Repeater2.DataBind(); connection.Close(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { if (ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["conn_type"].ToString() == "1") { Repeater2.Visible = false; Repeater1.DataSource = my_c.GetTable("SELECT name,id,crdate,refdate FROM sysobjects WHERE xtype = 'U' AND OBJECTPROPERTY (id, 'IsMSShipped') = 0").DefaultView; Repeater1.DataBind(); } else { Repeater1.Visible = false; Repeater2.DataSource = GetSchemaTable(); Repeater2.DataBind(); } } }
protected void AddDepartmentstoSidebar() { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["connect"].ToString()); con.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.CommandText = "select distinct Department.DepartmentID, Department.DepartmentName from Department, Projects, Works_On where Department.DepartmentID = Projects.DepartmentID and Projects.ProjectID = Works_On.ProjectID and Works_On.EmployeeID = " + Session["emp"]; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); da.Fill(dt); Repeater2.DataSource = dt; Repeater2.DataBind(); }
private void getBuildingDetails(int _landlordID) { int landlordId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["LandLordID"]); DataTable dtAnnouncment = new DataTable(); dtAnnouncment = ClassLibrary_PropertyManager.Controller.cAnnouncment.GetAnnouncmentsByLandLordID(landlordId); if (dtAnnouncment.Rows.Count > 0) { Repeater2.DataSource = dtAnnouncment; Repeater2.DataBind(); } else { spnCustomerRecords.Visible = true; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { LoadData(); Database db = new Database(); Lang lang = new Lang(); db.AddParameter("@lang", lang.getCurrentLang()); DataTable dt = db.ExecuteDataTable("select top(3) * from SocialEvent where lang=@lang Order by id desc"); Repeater2.DataSource = dt; Repeater2.DataBind(); db.AddParameter("@lang", lang.getCurrentLang()); dt = db.ExecuteDataTable("select top(3) * from news where lang=@lang Order by id desc"); Repeater1.DataSource = dt; Repeater1.DataBind(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=MAIT-ATOS-250\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=karthik;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=SA;Password=Atos@1"); Buisness_Logic_Layer.ManageCapacity mc = new Buisness_Logic_Layer.ManageCapacity(); int i = mc.Progressb(); if (!IsPostBack) { DataSet ds = mc.Getds(); Repeater1.DataSource = ds; Repeater1.DataBind(); DataSet dsdis = mc.Geetdsdischarge(); Repeater2.DataSource = dsdis; Repeater2.DataBind(); // HiddenField.value = mc.Progressb(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int id = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["KATEGORIID"]); var bloglar = db.TBLBLOG.Where(x => x.BLOGKATEGORI == id).ToList(); Repeater1.DataSource = bloglar; Repeater1.DataBind(); var bloglar2 = db.TBLKATEGORI.ToList(); Repeater2.DataSource = bloglar2; Repeater2.DataBind(); var bloglar3 = db.TBLBLOG.ToList(); Repeater3.DataSource = bloglar3; Repeater3.DataBind(); }
public void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int id = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["Id"]); var n = db.Tables.Find(id); Session.Add("tn", n.Id); //Masa numarasının çekilmesi Label1.Text = Session["tn"].ToString(); //Kategorilerin listelenmesi var categories = db.Category.ToList(); Repeater1.DataSource = categories; Repeater1.DataBind(); //Ürünlerin listelenmesi var product = db.Product.ToList(); Repeater2.DataSource = product; Repeater2.DataBind(); //Sepet Listeleme int k = Convert.ToInt32(Session["tn"]); var cart = (from x in db.Cart where x.TableId == k select new { x.Id, x.ProductId, x.Product.ProductName, x.Product.Price, x.Count, }).ToList(); Repeater3.DataSource = cart; Repeater3.DataBind(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Repeater2.DataSource = dl.da.CategoryTables; Repeater2.DataBind(); Repeater3.DataSource = dl.da.CategoryTables; Repeater3.DataBind(); if (Session["uid"] != null) { Literal1.Text = Session["Un"].ToString(); } else { Response.Redirect("~/Login.aspx"); } var p = from a in dl.da.CategoryTables from b in dl.da.AddProductTables.Where(k => k.Pro_Category == a.Id.ToString()) select new { a.CName, b.Pro_Name, b.Pro_Pic, b.Price, b.Id }; Repeater1.DataSource = p; Repeater1.DataBind(); var q = from a in dl.da.CategoryTables.Where(k => k.Id == Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["Cid"])) from b in dl.da.AddProductTables.Where(k => k.Pro_Category == a.Id.ToString()) select new { a.CName, b.Pro_Name, b.Pro_Pic, b.Price, b.Id }; Repeater1.DataSource = q; Repeater1.DataBind(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { WebUtility.AdminLoginAuth(); if (!bll_admin.RuleAuth("全局_选项管理")) { WebUtility.ShowError(WebUtility.ERROR101); } //获取选项组 List <SqlWhere> sqlWhereList = new List <SqlWhere>(); sqlWhereList.Add(new SqlWhere(OptionsModel.FATHERID, SqlWhere.Oper.Equal, 0)); sqlWhereList.Add(new SqlWhere(OptionsModel.ENABLED, SqlWhere.Oper.Equal, true)); List <OptionsModel> optionsList = bll_options.GetList(sqlWhereList); Repeater2.DataSource = optionsList; Repeater2.DataBind(); if (optionsList.Count == 0) { WebUtility.ShowError(WebUtility.ERROR102); } //获取当前选项组ID foreach (OptionsModel options in optionsList) { if (options.Pkid.ToString() == Request.QueryString["gid"]) { groupId = Request.QueryString["gid"]; break; } } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(groupId)) { groupId = optionsList[0].Pkid.ToString(); } //执行操作 Action(); if (!Page.IsPostBack) { BindInfo(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["Email"] != null) { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["connectionstring"].ConnectionString); con.Open(); String email = Session["Email"].ToString(); SqlCommand cmdd = new SqlCommand("select * from [user] where email='" + email + "'", con); Session["userid"] = cmdd.ExecuteScalar(); //storing userid in seesion from above query String userid = Session["userid"].ToString(); //coverting session to string SqlCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.CommandText = "select *,(price * qty) as itemtotal from cart join product on cart.product_id = product.product_id where cart.user_id='" + userid + "' "; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); DataTable dtt = new DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter daa = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); daa.Fill(dtt); Repeater2.DataSource = dtt; Repeater2.DataBind(); //Session["total"] = cmd.ExecuteScalar(); //Label3.Text = Session["total"].ToString(); cmd.CommandText = "select count(*) from cart join product on cart.product_id = product.product_id where cart.user_id='" + userid + "' "; object count = cmd.ExecuteScalar(); //count = count + 1; Label50.Text = count.ToString(); cmd.CommandText = "select [user].address from cart join [user] on cart.user_id = [user].user_id where cart.user_id='" + userid + "' "; //string a = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString(); //Address.Text = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString(); //MessageBox.Show(a); Label1.Text = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString(); } else { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("you need to loign to add to your cart"); } }//page load
private void fillRecipes2() { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["conString"].ConnectionString); con.Open(); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(); command.Connection = con; command.CommandText = "SELECT Recipes.* FROM Recipes INNER JOIN Likes ON Recipes.RecipeID=Likes.RecipeID WHERE Likes.UserID=@UserID"; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Status", "True"); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserID", userId); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter adapt = new SqlDataAdapter(); adapt.SelectCommand = command; adapt.Fill(dt); con.Close(); PagedDataSource pds = new PagedDataSource(); DataView dv = new DataView(dt); pds.DataSource = dv; pds.AllowPaging = true; pds.PageSize = 12; pds.CurrentPageIndex = PageNumber; if (pds.PageCount > 1) { rptPaging2.Visible = true; ArrayList arraylist = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < pds.PageCount; i++) { arraylist.Add((i + 1).ToString()); } rptPaging2.DataSource = arraylist; rptPaging2.DataBind(); } else { rptPaging2.Visible = false; } Repeater2.DataSource = pds; Repeater2.DataBind(); }
protected void info_show() { #region 条件 BsonDocument where = new BsonDocument(); where.Add("RequestIdentity", infoid); #endregion #region 排序 string[] orderby = { "Time" }; #endregion #region 字段 BsonDocument fields = new BsonDocument(); #endregion //查询数据库 List <ClientExceptionInfo> list1 = MongoDBUtil.GetPaged <ClientExceptionInfo>(dbName, "ClientExceptionInfo", where, orderby, fields, 1, 20); Repeater1.DataSource = list1; Repeater1.DataBind(); List <ClientInvokeInfo> list2 = MongoDBUtil.GetPaged <ClientInvokeInfo>(dbName, "ClientInvokeInfo", where, orderby, fields, 1, 20); Repeater2.DataSource = list2; Repeater2.DataBind(); List <ClientMessageInfo> list3 = MongoDBUtil.GetPaged <ClientMessageInfo>(dbName, "ClientMessageInfo", where, orderby, fields, 1, 20); Repeater3.DataSource = list3; Repeater3.DataBind(); List <ServerExceptionInfo> list4 = MongoDBUtil.GetPaged <ServerExceptionInfo>(dbName, "ServerExceptionInfo", where, orderby, fields, 1, 20); Repeater4.DataSource = list4; Repeater4.DataBind(); List <ServerInvokeInfo> list5 = MongoDBUtil.GetPaged <ServerInvokeInfo>(dbName, "ServerInvokeInfo", where, orderby, fields, 1, 20); Repeater5.DataSource = list5; Repeater5.DataBind(); List <ServerMessageInfo> list6 = MongoDBUtil.GetPaged <ServerMessageInfo>(dbName, "ServerMessageInfo", where, orderby, fields, 1, 20); Repeater6.DataSource = list6; Repeater6.DataBind(); }
protected void DropDownList1_Changed(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (DropDownList1.SelectedIndex != 0) { classid = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownList1.SelectedValue); DataTable dt = BLL.Homework.BLLGetSubHomeWorklist(classid); DropDownList2.DataSource = dt; DropDownList2.DataTextField = dt.Columns[1].ColumnName; DropDownList2.DataValueField = dt.Columns[2].ColumnName; DropDownList2.DataBind(); DropDownList2.Items.Insert(0, "请选择"); } Repeater1.DataSource = null; Repeater2.DataSource = null; Repeater3.DataSource = null; Repeater1.DataBind(); Repeater2.DataBind(); Repeater3.DataBind(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { data = new DataTable(); friendlist = new DataTable(); friends = new DataTable(); data.Columns.Add("Img", typeof(string)); data.Columns.Add("ID", typeof(int)); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { data.Rows.Add("cat.jpg", i); } repeatData.DataSource = data; repeatData.DataBind(); friendlist.Columns.Add("Img", typeof(string)); friendlist.Columns.Add("ID", typeof(int)); for (int i = 1; i < 11; i++) { friendlist.Rows.Add("out.jpg", i); } Repeater1.DataSource = friendlist; Repeater1.DataBind(); friends.Columns.Add("Img", typeof(string)); friends.Columns.Add("ID", typeof(int)); for (int i = 1; i < 11; i++) { friends.Rows.Add("out.jpg", i); } Repeater2.DataSource = friendlist; Repeater2.DataBind(); } }
private void LoadLatest() { try { //var latestList = (from r in _db.Resources select r ).Reverse().Take(5); ; var latestList = _db.Resources.OrderByDescending(s => s.DateCreated).Take(7).ToList(); if (!latestList.Any()) { Repeater2.DataSource = new List <Resource>(); Repeater2.DataBind(); return; } Repeater2.DataSource = latestList; Repeater2.DataBind(); } catch { } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { kullaniciID = Session["KullaniciID"].ToString(); SqlCommand alimlar = new SqlCommand("SELECT*FROM KullaniciRapor r inner join UrunKategori u on r.UrunKategoriID=u.UrunKategoriID WHERE AliciID=@p1", bgl.baglanti()); alimlar.Parameters.AddWithValue("@p1", kullaniciID); SqlDataReader dr = alimlar.ExecuteReader(); Repeater1.DataSource = dr; Repeater1.DataBind(); SqlCommand satislar = new SqlCommand("SELECT*FROM KullaniciRapor r inner join UrunKategori u on r.UrunKategoriID=u.UrunKategoriID WHERE SaticiID=@p1", bgl.baglanti()); satislar.Parameters.AddWithValue("@p1", kullaniciID); SqlDataReader dr1 = satislar.ExecuteReader(); Repeater2.DataSource = dr1; Repeater2.DataBind(); }
protected void getAirline_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (getAirline.Text == "Select") { Repeater1.DataSource = (DataTable)Session["dtSearchFlightResults"]; Repeater1.DataBind(); if (Session["tripType"].ToString().Equals("Round Trip")) { Repeater2.DataSource = (DataTable)Session["dtSearchFlightResultsRoundTrip"]; Repeater2.DataBind(); } } else { SearchFlightByFilter searchFlightByFilter = new SearchFlightByFilter(); DataTable dtSearchFlightResults = new DataTable(); dtSearchFlightResults = searchFlightByFilter.FilterByAirline(Session["source"].ToString(), Session["destination"].ToString(), Session["travelClass"].ToString(), Session["dateOfJourney"].ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(Session["numberOfAdults"]), Convert.ToInt32(Session["numberOfChildren"]), getAirline.Text); Session["dtSearchFlightResults1"] = dtSearchFlightResults; Repeater1.DataSource = dtSearchFlightResults; Repeater1.DataBind(); if (Session["tripType"].ToString().Equals("Round Trip")) { DataTable dtSearchFlightResultsRoundTrip = new DataTable(); dtSearchFlightResultsRoundTrip = searchFlightByFilter.FilterByAirline(Session["destination"].ToString(), Session["source"].ToString(), Session["travelClass"].ToString(), Session["dateOfReturn"].ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(Session["numberOfAdults"]), Convert.ToInt32(Session["numberOfChildren"]), getAirline.Text); Session["dtSearchFlightResultsRoundTrip1"] = dtSearchFlightResultsRoundTrip; Repeater2.DataSource = dtSearchFlightResultsRoundTrip; Repeater2.DataBind(); } } }
/// <summary> /// 绑定信息 /// </summary> private void BindInfo() { ScenicPanel.Visible = Request.QueryString["gid"].Equals("11"); SelfdrivePanel.Visible = Request.QueryString["gid"].Equals("13"); bll_options.BindDropDownList(1, Topic, project.Topic.ToString(), "--请选择--"); bll_options.BindDropDownList(2, Level, project.ILevel.ToString(), "--请选择--"); if (project.Pkid > 0) { myhead = "编辑"; MyTitle.Value = project.Title; CategoryId.Value = project.CategoryId.ToString(); AreaId.Value = project.AreaId.ToString(); Keywords.Value = project.Keywords; Descn.Value = project.Descn; Pic.Value = project.Pic; Pictures.Value = project.Pictures; TopPic.Value = project.TopPic; EventDate.Value = project.EventDate; EventTheme.Value = project.EventTheme; Ticket.Value = project.Ticket; MySingle.Value = project.Single; People.Value = project.People; Together.Value = project.Together; Tel.Value = project.Tel; Address.Value = project.Address; Pubdate.Value = DateHelper.ToShortDate(project.Pubdate); IsTop.Checked = project.IsTop; IsHot.Checked = project.IsHot; Sort.Value = project.ISort.ToString(); } else { myhead = "新增"; } //内容 Repeater1.DataSource = optionsList; Repeater1.DataBind(); Repeater2.DataSource = optionsList; Repeater2.DataBind(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { if (!User.IsInRole("Administrator") && !User.IsInRole("Hospital Superuser") && !User.IsInRole("Hospital Management")) { Response.Redirect("~/Account/Login.aspx"); } else { using (NMHCDatabaseEntities myEntities = new NMHCDatabaseEntities()) { hid = (from r in myEntities.Hospital__Staff where r.Staff_ID == Profile.UserName select r.H_ID).SingleOrDefault(); if (hid == null) { hid = Profile.UserName; } } } using (NMHCDatabaseEntities myEntities = new NMHCDatabaseEntities()) { var types = (from r in myEntities.Hospital__Bed where r.H_ID == hid select r.Type).Distinct(); var beds = from r in types select new { type = r, bno = from s in myEntities.Hospital__Bed where (s.H_ID == hid && s.Type == r) select new { s.BedNo } }; Repeater2.DataSource = beds; Repeater2.DataBind(); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (IsPostBack) { return; } int album_id = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["album_id"]); int member_id = _vMember.ID; var bl = new DS_AlbumImg_Br(); Repeater1.DataSource = bl.Query("albumid=@0", "px", album_id); Repeater1.DataBind(); var albbl = new DS_Album_Br(); var album = albbl.GetSingle(album_id); ViewState["albumName"] = album.AlbumName.Length > 6?album.AlbumName.Substring(0, 6) + "..":album.AlbumName; Repeater2.DataSource = albbl.Query("memberid=@0 and PictureNum>0 and Permissions!=@1", "updatedate desc", member_id, (byte)DS_Album_Br.Permissions.公开); Repeater2.DataBind(); }