public IActionResult Rent([FromBody] RentingDto renting, [FromServices] IUserRepository userRepo) { if (renting is null) { return(BadRequest(new ErrorModel { CauseValue = "null", CauseValueName = nameof(renting), Message = "Renting parameter is not valid!" })); } if (!userRepo.Validate(renting.Email, renting.Password)) { return(ValidationProblem("User credentials are incorrect!", "Email or password is incorrect!", 422, "Unprocessable Entity")); } string userId = userRepo.GetUserId(renting.Email, renting.Password); Renting rented = _repo.RentCar(renting.CarId, userId, renting.Start, renting.End); _repo.Save(); return(new JsonResult(new { Rented = true, From = renting.Start, To = renting.End, Car = rented.Car.Brand + " " + rented.Car.Model })); }
public ActionResult Rent(int carId, int days) { var db = new CarsDbContext(); var car = db.Cars .Where(c => c.Id == carId) .FirstOrDefault(); var userId = this.User.Identity.GetUserId(); if (car == null || car.IsRented || car.OwnerId == userId) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } var renting = new Renting { CarId = carId, Days = days, RentedOn = DateTime.Now, UserId = userId, TotalPrice = days * car.PricePerDay }; car.IsRented = true; db.Rentings.Add(renting); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Details", new { id = car.Id })); }
private int bookingToRenting(int bid) { try { //GET booking from bid Booking booking = _context.Booking.FromSql("SELECT * FROM eHotel.Booking WHERE bid={0}", parameters: bid).ToList()[0]; //insert new renting created from the booking Object[] insertArray = new object[] { booking.Rid, booking.CustomerSsn, getUser().SSN, booking.StartDate, booking.EndDate }; _context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("INSERT INTO eHotel.Renting (rid,customer_ssn,employee_ssn,start_date,end_date) VALUES ({0},{1},{2},{3},{4})", parameters: insertArray); //get inserted renting Renting rentingResult = _context.Renting.FromSql("SELECT * FROM eHotel.Renting WHERE rid={0} AND customer_ssn={1} AND employee_ssn={2} AND start_date={3} AND end_date={4}", parameters: insertArray).ToList()[0]; //delete old booking var numDelete = _context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("DELETE FROM eHotel.Booking WHERE bid={0}", parameters: booking.Bid); //insert old booking in the archive table insertArray = new object[] { booking.Bid, booking.Rid, booking.CustomerSsn, booking.StartDate, booking.EndDate }; _context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("INSERT INTO eHotel.bookingarc (baid,rid,customer_ssn,start_date,end_date) VALUES ({0},{1},{2},{3},{4})", parameters: insertArray); return rentingResult.Rentid; } catch (PostgresException ex) { //TODO better error handling TempData["ErrorMessage"] = Constants.GENERICPOSTGREERROR; return -1; } }
public RentingEditorViewModel(Renting renting) { this.RentingId = renting.Id; this.EndsAt = renting.EndsAt; this.Note = renting.Note; this.State = renting.State; }
public async Task <Renting> CreateEntity(UserManager <User> userManager) { if (this.CustomerId == 0) { // Uživatel není v databázi, vytvořím ho. var user = new User { UserName = this.CustomerName, Email = this.CustomerName }; var userResult = await userManager.CreateAsync(user); if (userResult.Succeeded) { await userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user, RoleType.Customer.ToString()); } this.CustomerId = user.Id; } var renting = Renting.Create( this.CustomerId, this.StartsAt, this.EndsAt, this.State, this.Note, this.ItemIds ); return(renting); }
public bool UpdateRenting(Renting id) { try { XElement rentingElement = (from p in rentingRoot.Elements() where Convert.ToInt32(p.Element("idNumber").Value) == id.IdNumber select p).FirstOrDefault(); rentingElement.Element("rentalStartDate").Value = id.RentalStartDate.ToString(); rentingElement.Element("rentalEndDate").Value = id.RentalEndDate.ToString(); rentingElement.Element("driversAllowed").Element("idClient1").Value = id.DriversAllowed.idClient1.ToString(); rentingElement.Element("driversAllowed").Element("idClient2").Value = id.DriversAllowed.idClient2.ToString(); rentingElement.Element("carId").Value = id.CarId.ToString(); rentingElement.Element("driversNumber").Value = id.DriversNumber.ToString(); rentingElement.Element("kilometersAtRentalStart").Value = id.KilometersAtRentalStart.ToString(); rentingElement.Element("kilometersAtRentalEnd").Value = id.KilometersAtRentalEnd.ToString(); rentingElement.Element("returnedWithFault").Value = id.ReturnedWithFault.ToString(); rentingElement.Element("rentalPriceDaily").Value = id.RentalPriceDaily.ToString(); rentingRoot.Save(rentingPath); return(true); } catch { return(false); } }
public EditRentingForm(IBL bl, int rentingId) { = bl; this.rentingToEdit = bl.SelectRenting(rentingId); InitializeComponent(); // Setting form variables rentingIdLabel.Text = "Renting #" + rentingToEdit.IdNumber; comboBox1.DataSource = bl.SelectAllCars().Select(c => c.Name).ToList(); comboBox1.SelectedItem = bl.SelectCar(rentingToEdit.CarId).Name; comboBox2.DataSource = bl.SelectAllClients().Select(c => c.Name).ToList(); comboBox2.SelectedItem = bl.SelectClient(rentingToEdit.DriversId()[0]).Name; dateTimePicker1.Value = rentingToEdit.RentalStartDate; if (rentingToEdit.DriversNumber == 2) { checkBox1.Checked = true; comboBox3.DataSource = bl.SelectAllClients().Select(c => c.Name).ToList(); comboBox3.SelectedItem = bl.SelectClient(rentingToEdit.DriversId()[1]).Name; checkBox1.Text = "Change the Second driver:"; } else { comboBox3.Enabled = false; } SummaryUpdate(); }
public void addrenting(Renting r) { try { if (dal.GetCar(r.licensePlate) != null && dal.GetClient(r.drivers.IDMainDrivers) != null) { IEnumerable <Renting> x = isFault(r.drivers.IDMainDrivers); if (thisClientIsFault(r.drivers.IDMainDrivers)) { dal.addrenting(r); } else { throw new Exception("cont renting for this client"); } } else { throw new Exception("not find this infromasion"); } } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } }
}// #endregion #region other function /// <summary> /// הפונקציה הזאת עושה החלפה בין הזמנה שלא נסגרה להזמנה שנסגרה /// </summary> /// <param name="rent"></param> public void close_rent(Renting rent) { bool t = false; Renting rent1 = new Renting(); foreach (var item in (List <Renting>)Dal.return_list(retur.renting)) { if (item.running_code == rent.running_code) { t = true; rent1 = item; break; } } if (t) { try { del_rent(rent1); add_rent(rent); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } } }
public HistoryCreatorViewModel(Renting renting) { this.RentingId = renting.Id; this.CustomerId = renting.UserId; this.ItemsHistory = renting.Items .Select(i => new HistoryCreatorSubViewModel(i)) .ToArray(); }
}//+ #endregion #region rent /// <summary> ///להוסיף חוזה השכרה /// </summary> /// <param name="rent"></param> public void add_rent(Renting rent) { if (rent.running_code == 0) { rent.running_code = create_new_run_code(); } DataSource.Renting_list.Add(rent); }//+
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("Id,StartDate,EndDate,ReturnDate,SelectedBookId")] Renting renting) { var selectedBook = await _context.Books.FirstOrDefaultAsync(b => b.Id == renting.SelectedBookId); if (selectedBook is null) { ModelState.AddModelError("SelectedBookId", "Cannot find the Book"); return(View(renting)); } if (id != renting.Id) { return(NotFound()); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { renting.Book = selectedBook; _context.Add(renting); _context.Update(renting); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!RentingExists(renting.Id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } try { renting.Book = selectedBook; _context.Add(renting); _context.Update(renting); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!RentingExists(renting.EndDate)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); }
public Task <bool> SendRentingCreated(Renting renting, string token, string url) { var content = this.Process(File.ReadAllText($"wwwroot/emailTemplates/{EmailType.RentingNew.ToString()}.txt", Encoding.UTF8), new { Renting = renting, Url = url }); return(SendMail( Message.CreateMessage(renting, EmailType.RentingNew.ToLocalizedEnum(typeof(EmailType)), content), token, EmailType.RentingNew )); }
public Task <bool> SendRentingCanceled(Renting renting, User canceledBy, string token) { var content = this.Process(File.ReadAllText($"wwwroot/emailTemplates/{EmailType.RentingCalcelation.ToString()}.txt", Encoding.UTF8), new { Renting = renting, User = canceledBy }); return(SendMail( Message.CreateMessage(renting, EmailType.RentingCalcelation.ToLocalizedEnum(typeof(EmailType)), content), token, EmailType.RentingCalcelation )); }
// GET: Rentings/Create public async Task <IActionResult> CreateAsync() { var renting = new Renting(); renting.StartDate = DateTime.Today; renting.EndDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(15); renting.AvailableBooks = await _context.Books.ToListAsync(); return(View(renting)); }
public EndRentingForm(IBL bl, int rentId) { = bl; this.rentToEnd = bl.SelectRenting(rentId); InitializeComponent(); // initializing the variables fields titleLabel.Text = "Ending the renting #" + rentToEnd.IdNumber; comboBox1.DataSource = bl.SelectAllFaults().Select(f => f.Description).ToList(); }
public bool UpdateRenting(Renting rentingUpdated) { try { return(MyDAL.UpdateRenting(rentingUpdated)); } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
/// <summary> /// בבחירת מספר השכרה העלאת הנתונים הרלוונטיים לעידכון בסיום ההשכרה /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void numberCallComboBox_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { if (numberCallComboBox.Text != null) { r = bl.GetRenting(int.Parse(numberCallComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString())); if (r != null) { endRentingDatePicker.Text = r.endRenting.ToString(); } } }
public void updateRenting(Renting renting) { try { dal.updateRenting(renting); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } }
// Edit public async Task ReturnRenting(Renting renting) { _context.Rentings.Attach(renting); _context.Entry(renting).Property(r => r.IsActive).IsModified = true; _context.Entry(renting).Property(r => r.ReturnNotes).IsModified = true; _context.Entry(renting).Property(r => r.ReturnDate).IsModified = true; _context.Copies.Attach(renting.Copy); _context.Entry(renting.Copy).Property(c => c.IsAvailable).IsModified = true; await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); }
public void renoveRenting(int renting) { Renting r = GetRenting(renting); if (r == null) { throw new Exception("not find this renting to remove"); } DataSource.rentingList.Remove(r); throw new Exception("ok!!"); }
}//+ #endregion #region rent /// <summary> /// פונקציה שמוסיפה לרשימת ההזמנות /// בודקת שקיים רכב פנוי /// בודקת שהחוזה השכרה הזאת לא קיימת /// בודקת שהמספר של הנהג קיים /// בודקת שמספר הרכב קיים /// בודקת שהמשכיר בגיל שמתאים להשכרה /// בודקת שרמת הרישיון מתאימה לרכב /// </summary> /// <param name="rent"></param> public void add_rent(Renting rent) { if (!can_rent()) { throw new Exception("אין רכב פנוי להשכרה"); } if (is_rent_exist(rent.running_code)) { throw new Exception("החוזה הזה כבר קיים"); } if (!is_client_exist(rent.driver.first_id)) { throw new Exception("המספר של הנהג הראשי אינו קיים"); } if (!is_car_exist(rent.number_of_rishui)) { throw new Exception("מספר הרכב אינו קיים"); } Client tempC = ((List <Client>)(Dal.return_list(retur.client))).Where(a => a.Id1 == rent.driver.first_id).First(); car tempc = ((List <car>)(Dal.return_list( => a.car_number == rent.number_of_rishui).First(); if ((tempC.rishoi.catgor == catagory_of_vehicles.A)) { if (tempc.rishion.type != catagory_of_vehicles.A) { throw new Exception("הרישיון שלך אינו מתאים לרכב הזה"); } } if (tempC.rishoi.catgor < tempc.rishion.type) { throw new Exception("הרישיון שלך אינו מתאים לרכב הזה"); } if (tempC.Age < 18) { throw new Exception("המשכיר צעיר מדי מכדי להשכיר רכב זה"); } try { update_car(tempc, update.panuy, false); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } Dal.add_rent(rent); }//+
}//+ /// <summary> /// מוחקת חוזה השכרה /// בודקת שהחוזה הסתיים /// בודקת שהוא קיים /// </summary> /// <param name="rent"></param> public void del_rent(Renting rent) { if (!is_rent_exist(rent.running_code)) { throw new Exception("החוזה הזה כבר לא קיים"); } if (!rent.ended) { throw new Exception("אי אפשר למחוק חוזה שעדיין בפעולה"); } Dal.del_rent(rent); }//+
public void addrenting(Renting r) { Car c = GetCar(r.licensePlate); Client c1 = GetClient(r.drivers.IDMainDrivers); if (c == null || c1 == null) { throw new Exception("Unable to make a reservation with a car or clients not exist"); } r.numberCall = numberRenting++; DataSource.rentingList.Add(r); throw new Exception("ok!!\n your number renting is " + r.numberCall); }
public void addrenting(string licensePlate, int IDClient) { Renting r = new Renting(); //if (r != null) // throw new Exception("this renting is already at the system"); r.numberCall = numberRenting++; r.drivers.IDMainDrivers = IDClient; r.licensePlate = licensePlate; DataSource.rentingList.Add(r); throw new Exception("ok!!\n your number renting is" + r.numberCall); }
// Add public async Task AddRenting(Renting renting, User user, Copy copy) { renting.User = _context.Users.Find(user.Id); renting.Copy = _context.Copies.Find(copy.Id); _context.Copies.Attach(renting.Copy); renting.Copy.IsAvailable = false; _context.Entry(renting.Copy).Property(c => c.IsAvailable).IsModified = true; _context.Rentings.Add(renting); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); }
public void renoveRenting(int renting) { Renting r = GetRenting(renting); if (r == null) { throw new Exception("not find this renting to remove"); } if (r.StartRenting < DateTime.Now) { throw new Exception("Renting already been started so can not be deleted"); } DataSource.rentingList.Remove(r); }
}//+ /// <summary> /// עידכון חוזה /// בדיקה שהחוזה קיים /// בדיקה שאפשר לעדכן /// </summary> /// <param name="car_id"></param> /// <param name="t"></param> /// <param name="obj"></param> public void update_rent(Renting rent, update t, object obj) { if (!is_rent_exist(rent.running_code)) { throw new Exception("החוזה הזה לא קיים"); } try { Dal.update_rent(rent, t, obj); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception(e.Message); } }
public void updateRenting(Renting renting) { Renting r = GetRenting(renting.numberCall); if (r == null) { throw new Exception("not find this number renting "); } r.endRenting = renting.endRenting; r.chairBaby = renting.chairBaby; r.chairChild = renting.chairChild; r.isGPS = renting.isGPS; =; }
/// <summary> /// פונקציה הבודקת אם היתה תקלה ברכב לפי מספר הזמנה בתוך רשימת התקלות /// </summary> /// <param name="r"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool ifFault(Renting r) { List <Fault> v = (from f in dal.getAllFaults() where f.numbetCall == r.numberCall select f).ToList <Fault>(); if (v == null) { r.isFault = false; return(false); } r.isFault = true; return(true); }