private static void ReturnCar(ClientClass client) { Console.Clear(); List <RentClass> rentsOfClient = RentService.GetRentsOfClient(client); if (rentsOfClient.Count == 0) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("You have no rents"); return; } foreach (var i in RentService.GetRentsOfClient(client)) { Console.WriteLine("\nCar id: " + i.CurrentCar.CarId); Console.WriteLine("Car type: " + i.CurrentCar.Bodywork.Type); Console.WriteLine("Car color: " + i.CurrentCar.Bodywork.Color); } Console.Write("\nChoose car's id you want to return: "); if (UserInputInt(out int chosenCarId)) { Console.Clear(); CarClass tempCar = AutoParkService.SearchCarById(chosenCarId); if (tempCar != null && tempCar.CurrentClient == client) { RentService.RemoveRent(RentService.GetRentByCarId(chosenCarId)); Console.WriteLine($"Car with id '{chosenCarId}' was successfully returned"); return; } } Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Id not found!"); }
public ReturnRentedCarForm(ClientClass client) { this.client = client; InitializeComponent(); int lHeight = RentService.GetRentsOfClient(client).Count * 13 + 10; listBox1.DataSource = RentService.GetRentsOfClient(client); button1.Location = new Point(button1.Location.X, button1.Location.Y - (listBox1.Height - lHeight)); listBox1.Height = lHeight; Height = lHeight + 150; }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <RentClass> rentsOfClient = RentService.GetRentsOfClient(client); if (rentsOfClient.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("You have no rents", "Autopark"); return; } else { this.Hide(); ReturnRentedCarForm rrc = new ReturnRentedCarForm(client); rrc.Closed += (s, args) => this.Show(); rrc.Show(); } }