예제 #1
        public override void Render(RenderingBuffer buffer)
            Attr attr = Colors.Blend(Color.Black, Color.Gray);

            buffer.FillRectangle(0, 0, ActualWidth, ActualHeight, ' ', attr);
예제 #2
        public override void Render(RenderingBuffer buffer)
            Attr attr = Colors.Blend(Color.Black, Color.DarkGreen);

            // прозрачный фон для рамки
            buffer.SetOpacityRect(0, 0, ActualWidth, ActualHeight, 3);
            // полностью прозрачный внутри
            if (ActualWidth > 2 && ActualHeight > 2)
                buffer.SetOpacityRect(1, 1, ActualWidth - 2, ActualHeight - 2, 2);
            // title
            int titleRenderedWidth = 0;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
                titleRenderedWidth = RenderString(title, buffer, 2, 0, ActualWidth - 4, attr);
            // upper border
            for (int x = 0; x < ActualWidth; x++)
                char?c = null;
                if (x == 0)
                    c = UnicodeTable.SingleFrameTopLeftCorner;
                else if (x == ActualWidth - 1)
                    c = UnicodeTable.SingleFrameTopRightCorner;
                else if (x == 1 || x == 2 + titleRenderedWidth)
                    c = ' ';
                else if (x > 2 + titleRenderedWidth && x < ActualWidth - 1)
                    c = UnicodeTable.SingleFrameHorizontal;
                if (c != null)
                    buffer.SetPixel(x, 0, c.Value, attr);
            // left border
            if (ActualHeight > 2)
                buffer.FillRectangle(0, 1, 1, ActualHeight - 2, UnicodeTable.SingleFrameVertical, attr);
            if (ActualHeight > 1)
                buffer.SetPixel(0, ActualHeight - 1, UnicodeTable.SingleFrameBottomLeftCorner, attr);
            // right border
            if (ActualWidth > 1)
                if (ActualHeight > 2)
                    buffer.FillRectangle(ActualWidth - 1, 1, 1, ActualHeight - 2, UnicodeTable.SingleFrameVertical, attr);
                if (ActualHeight > 1)
                    buffer.SetPixel(ActualWidth - 1, ActualHeight - 1, UnicodeTable.SingleFrameBottomRightCorner, attr);
            // bottom border
            if (ActualHeight > 1 && ActualWidth > 2)
                buffer.FillRectangle(1, ActualHeight - 1, ActualWidth - 2, 1, UnicodeTable.SingleFrameHorizontal, attr);
예제 #3
        public override void Render(RenderingBuffer buffer)
            Attr attr = Colors.Blend(Color.DarkCyan, Color.DarkBlue);

            buffer.SetOpacityRect(0, 0, ActualWidth, ActualHeight, 2);

            if (horizontalScrollVisible)
                buffer.SetOpacityRect(0, ActualHeight - 1, ActualWidth, 1, 0);
                buffer.SetPixel(0, ActualHeight - 1, UnicodeTable.ArrowLeft, attr); // ◄
                // оставляем дополнительный пиксель справа, если одновременно видны оба скроллбара
                int rightOffset = verticalScrollVisible ? 1 : 0;
                if (ActualWidth > 2 + rightOffset)
                    buffer.FillRectangle(1, ActualHeight - 1, ActualWidth - (2 + rightOffset), 1,
                                         UnicodeTable.MediumShade, attr); // ▒
                if (ActualWidth > 1 + rightOffset)
                    buffer.SetPixel(ActualWidth - (1 + rightOffset), ActualHeight - 1,
                                    UnicodeTable.ArrowRight, attr); // ►

                // определим, в каком месте находится ползунок
                if (ActualWidth > 3 + (verticalScrollVisible ? 1 : 0))
                    int remainingWidth = ActualWidth - (verticalScrollVisible ? 1 : 0);
                    int extraWidth     = Content.RenderSize.Width - remainingWidth;
                    int pages          = extraWidth / (remainingWidth - 2 - 1);

                    //Debugger.Log( 1, "", "pages: " + pages + "\n" );

                    int scrollerPos;
                    if (pages == 0)
                        double posInDelta = (remainingWidth * 1.0 - 2 - 1) / extraWidth;
                        //Debugger.Log( 1, "", "posInDelta: " + posInDelta + "\n" );
                        scrollerPos = ( int )Math.Round(posInDelta * deltaX);
                        double deltaInPos = (extraWidth * 1.0) / (remainingWidth - 2 - 1);
                        //Debugger.Log( 1, "", "deltaX/( deltaInPos ): " + deltaX/( deltaInPos ) + "\n" );
                        scrollerPos = ( int )Math.Round(deltaX / (deltaInPos));

                    buffer.SetPixel(1 + scrollerPos, ActualHeight - 1, UnicodeTable.BlackSquare, attr); // ■
                else if (ActualWidth == 3 + (verticalScrollVisible ? 1 : 0))
                    buffer.SetPixel(1, ActualHeight - 1, UnicodeTable.BlackSquare, attr); // ■
            if (verticalScrollVisible)
                buffer.SetOpacityRect(ActualWidth - 1, 0, 1, ActualHeight, 0);

                buffer.SetPixel(ActualWidth - 1, 0, UnicodeTable.ArrowUp, attr); // ▲
                // оставляем дополнительный пиксель снизу, если одновременно видны оба скроллбара
                int downOffset = horizontalScrollVisible ? 1 : 0;
                if (ActualHeight > 2 + downOffset)
                    buffer.FillRectangle(ActualWidth - 1, 1, 1, ActualHeight - (2 + downOffset), UnicodeTable.MediumShade, attr); // ▒
                if (ActualHeight > 1 + downOffset)
                    buffer.SetPixel(ActualWidth - 1, ActualHeight - (1 + downOffset), UnicodeTable.ArrowDown, attr); // ▼

                // определим, в каком месте находится ползунок
                if (ActualHeight > 3 + (horizontalScrollVisible ? 1 : 0))
                    int remainingHeight = ActualHeight - (horizontalScrollVisible ? 1 : 0);
                    int extraHeight     = Content.RenderSize.Height - remainingHeight;
                    int pages           = extraHeight / (remainingHeight - 2 - 1);

                    //Debugger.Log( 1, "", "pages: " + pages + "\n" );

                    int scrollerPos;
                    if (pages == 0)
                        double posInDelta = (remainingHeight * 1.0 - 2 - 1) / extraHeight;
                        //Debugger.Log( 1, "", "posInDelta: " + posInDelta + "\n" );
                        scrollerPos = ( int )Math.Round(posInDelta * deltaY);
                        double deltaInPos = (extraHeight * 1.0) / (remainingHeight - 2 - 1);
                        //Debugger.Log( 1, "", "deltaY/( deltaInPos ): " + deltaY/( deltaInPos ) + "\n" );
                        scrollerPos = ( int )Math.Round(deltaY / (deltaInPos));

                    buffer.SetPixel(ActualWidth - 1, 1 + scrollerPos, UnicodeTable.BlackSquare, attr); // ■
                else if (ActualHeight == 3 + (horizontalScrollVisible ? 1 : 0))
                    buffer.SetPixel(ActualWidth - 1, 1, UnicodeTable.BlackSquare, attr); // ■
            if (horizontalScrollVisible && verticalScrollVisible)
                buffer.SetPixel(ActualWidth - 1, ActualHeight - 1, UnicodeTable.SingleFrameBottomRightCorner, attr); // ┘
예제 #4
        public override void Render(RenderingBuffer buffer)
            Attr attr         = Colors.Blend(Color.Black, Color.DarkGreen);
            Attr inactiveAttr = Colors.Blend(Color.DarkGray, Color.DarkGreen);

            // Transparent background for borders
            buffer.SetOpacityRect(0, 0, ActualWidth, ActualHeight, 3);

            buffer.FillRectangle(0, 0, ActualWidth, ActualHeight, ' ', attr);

            // Transparent child content part
            if (ActualWidth > 2 && ActualHeight > 3)
                buffer.SetOpacityRect(1, 3, ActualWidth - 2, ActualHeight - 4, 2);

            renderBorderSafe(buffer, 0, 2, Math.Max(getTabHeaderWidth( ) - 1, ActualWidth - 1), ActualHeight - 1);

            // Start to render header
            buffer.FillRectangle(0, 0, ActualWidth, Math.Min(2, ActualHeight), ' ', attr);

            int x = 0;

            // Render tabs before active tab
            for (int tab = 0; tab < tabDefinitions.Count; x += TabDefinitions[tab++].Title.Length + 3)
                var tabDefinition = TabDefinitions[tab];
                if (tab <= activeTabIndex)
                    buffer.SetPixelSafe(x, 0, UnicodeTable.SingleFrameTopLeftCorner);
                    buffer.SetPixelSafe(x, 1, UnicodeTable.SingleFrameVertical);
                if (tab == activeTabIndex)
                    buffer.SetPixelSafe(x, 2,
                                        activeTabIndex == 0 ? UnicodeTable.SingleFrameVertical : UnicodeTable.SingleFrameBottomRightCorner);
                for (int i = 0; i < tabDefinition.Title.Length + 2; i++)
                    buffer.SetPixelSafe(x + 1 + i, 0, UnicodeTable.SingleFrameHorizontal);
                    if (tab == activeTabIndex)
                        buffer.SetPixelSafe(x + 1 + i, 2, ' ');
                buffer.RenderStringSafe(" " + tabDefinition.Title + " ", x + 1, 1,
                                        activeTabIndex == tab ? attr : inactiveAttr);
                if (tab >= activeTabIndex)
                    buffer.SetPixelSafe(x + tabDefinition.Title.Length + 3, 0, UnicodeTable.SingleFrameTopRightCorner);
                    buffer.SetPixelSafe(x + tabDefinition.Title.Length + 3, 1, UnicodeTable.SingleFrameVertical);
                if (tab == activeTabIndex)
                    buffer.SetPixelSafe(x + tabDefinition.Title.Length + 3, 2,
                                        activeTabIndex == tabDefinitions.Count - 1 && ActualWidth - 1 == x + tabDefinition.Title.Length + 3
                            ? UnicodeTable.SingleFrameVertical
                            : UnicodeTable.SingleFrameBottomLeftCorner);
예제 #5
 public override void Render(RenderingBuffer buffer)
     buffer.SetOpacityRect(0, 0, ActualWidth, ActualHeight, 2);
예제 #6
        public override void Render(RenderingBuffer buffer)
            Attr borderAttrs = moving ? Colors.Blend(Color.Green, Color.Gray) : Colors.Blend(Color.White, Color.Gray);

            // background
            buffer.FillRectangle(0, 0, this.ActualWidth, this.ActualHeight, ' ', borderAttrs);
            // Borders
            RenderBorders(buffer, new Point(0, 0), new Point(ActualWidth - 3, ActualHeight - 2),
                          this.moving || this.resizing, borderAttrs);
            // close button
            if (ActualWidth > 4)
                buffer.SetPixel(2, 0, '[');
                buffer.SetPixel(3, 0, showClosingGlyph ? UnicodeTable.WindowClosePressedSymbol : UnicodeTable.WindowCloseSymbol,
                                Colors.Blend(Color.Green, Color.Gray));
                buffer.SetPixel(4, 0, ']');
            // shadows
            buffer.SetOpacity(0, ActualHeight - 1, 2 + 4);
            buffer.SetOpacity(1, ActualHeight - 1, 2 + 4);
            buffer.SetOpacity(ActualWidth - 1, 0, 2 + 4);
            buffer.SetOpacity(ActualWidth - 2, 0, 2 + 4);
            buffer.SetOpacityRect(2, ActualHeight - 1, ActualWidth - 2, 1, 1 + 4);
            buffer.SetOpacityRect(ActualWidth - 2, 1, 2, ActualHeight - 1, 1 + 4);
            // title
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Title))
                int    titleStartX          = 7;
                bool   renderTitle          = false;
                string renderTitleString    = null;
                int    availablePixelsCount = ActualWidth - titleStartX * 2;
                if (availablePixelsCount > 0)
                    renderTitle = true;
                    if (Title.Length <= availablePixelsCount)
                        // dont truncate title
                        titleStartX      += (availablePixelsCount - Title.Length) / 2;
                        renderTitleString = Title;
                        renderTitleString = Title.Substring(0, availablePixelsCount);
                        if (renderTitleString.Length > 2)
                            renderTitleString = renderTitleString.Substring(0, renderTitleString.Length - 2) + "..";
                            renderTitle = false;
                if (renderTitle)
                    // assert !string.IsNullOrEmpty(renderingTitleString);
                    buffer.SetPixel(titleStartX - 1, 0, ' ', borderAttrs);
                    for (int i = 0; i < renderTitleString.Length; i++)
                        buffer.SetPixel(titleStartX + i, 0, renderTitleString[i], borderAttrs);
                    buffer.SetPixel(titleStartX + renderTitleString.Length, 0, ' ', borderAttrs);
예제 #7
        static unsafe void Main(String[] args)
            rng = new Random(123);

            // Allocate the framebuffer
            byte[] buf = new byte[width * height * 3];

            // Create the rendering buffer
            RenderingBuffer rbuf = new RenderingBuffer(buf, width, height, width * 3);

            // Create the renderer and the rasterizer
            Renderer   ren = new Renderer(rbuf, new SpanBgr24());
            Rasterizer ras = new Rasterizer();

            // Setup the rasterizer
            ras.FillRule = FillingRule.FillNonZero;

            ren.Clear(new Color(255, 255, 255));
            double  pieceWidth  = 0.59 * width / 2;
            double  pieceHeight = 0.59 * height / 2;
            double  ox          = rbuf.Width / 4;
            double  oy          = rbuf.Height / 3;
            double  cx          = rbuf.Width / 2;
            double  cy          = rbuf.Height / 2;
            Point[] cpts        = new Point[] {
                new Point(-1, 0),
                new Point(1 - 1.0 / 8, 1.0 / 3),
                new Point(-1, -1.0 / 3),
                new Point(0, -1.0 / 3),

                new Point(0, -1.0 / 3),
                new Point(1, -1.0 / 3),
                new Point(-1 + 1.0 / 8, 1.0 / 3),
                new Point(1, 0),

                Point.Empty, Point.Empty, Point.Empty, Point.Empty,
                Point.Empty, Point.Empty, Point.Empty, Point.Empty,

                Point.Empty, Point.Empty, Point.Empty, Point.Empty,
                Point.Empty, Point.Empty, Point.Empty, Point.Empty,

            int             ci2 = 8;
            int             ci3 = 16;
            double          x;
            double          y;
            AffineTransform trans =
                AffineTransform.CreateScale(1, 1.5) *
                AffineTransform.CreateTranslation(0, -1);
            AffineTransform rot =
                AffineTransform.CreateTranslation(0, -1) *
                AffineTransform.CreateScale(-1, 1) *
                AffineTransform.CreateRotation(-Math.PI / 2);
            AffineTransform rot2 =
                AffineTransform.CreateScale(1, 1.5) *
                AffineTransform.CreateTranslation(0, 1) *
                AffineTransform.CreateScale(1, -1) *
            for (int ci = 0; ci < ci2; ci++)
                double sx = cpts[ci].X;
                double sy = cpts[ci].Y;
                x = sx;
                y = sy;
                trans.Transform(ref x, ref y);
                cpts[ci].X = x;
                cpts[ci].Y = y;

                x = sx;
                y = sy;
                rot.Transform(ref x, ref y);
                cpts[ci2 + ci].X = x;
                cpts[ci2 + ci].Y = y;

                x = sx;
                y = sy;
                rot2.Transform(ref x, ref y);
                cpts[ci3 + ci].X = x;
                cpts[ci3 + ci].Y = y;

            trans = new AffineTransform(
                pieceWidth, 0,
                0, pieceHeight,
                rbuf.Width / 2, rbuf.Height / 2);
            for (int ci = 0; ci < cpts.Length; ci++)
                x = cpts[ci].X;
                y = cpts[ci].Y;
                trans.Transform(ref x, ref y);
                cpts[ci].X = x;
                cpts[ci].Y = y;

            Curve4 curve = new Curve4();
            curve.ApproximationMethod = CurveApproximationMethod.Incremental;

            PathCommand cmd;
            for (int ci = 0; ci < cpts.Length; ci += 4)
                    cpts[ci + 0].X, cpts[ci + 0].Y,
                    cpts[ci + 1].X, cpts[ci + 1].Y,
                    cpts[ci + 2].X, cpts[ci + 2].Y,
                    cpts[ci + 3].X, cpts[ci + 3].Y);

                    cmd = curve.GetVertex(out x, out y);
                    if (ci == 0 && cmd == PathCommand.MoveTo)
                        ras.MoveToD(x, y);
                    else if (cmd == PathCommand.LineTo)
                        ras.LineToD(x, y);
                } while (cmd != PathCommand.Stop);

            ras.Render(ren, Color.Red);

            for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
                draw_line(ras, cpts[i - 1].X, cpts[i - 1].Y, cpts[i].X, cpts[i].Y, 1.0);
                ras.Render(ren, Color.Gray);

                int j = ci2 + i;
                draw_line(ras, cpts[j - 1].X, cpts[j - 1].Y, cpts[j].X, cpts[j].Y, 1.0);
                ras.Render(ren, Color.Gray);

                j = ci3 + i;
                draw_line(ras, cpts[j - 1].X, cpts[j - 1].Y, cpts[j].X, cpts[j].Y, 1.0);
                ras.Render(ren, Color.Gray);
#if HIDE
            int i;

            // Draw random polygons
            for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                int n = rng.Next() % 6 + 3;

                // Make the polygon. One can call move_to() more than once.
                // In this case the rasterizer behaves like Win32 API PolyPolygon().
                ras.MoveToD(random(-30, rbuf.Width + 30), random(-30, rbuf.Height + 30));

                for (int j = 1; j < n; j++)
                    ras.LineToD(random(-30, rbuf.Width + 30), random(-30, rbuf.Height + 30));

                // Render
                ras.Render(ren, new Color((byte)(rng.Next() & 0xFF), (byte)(rng.Next() & 0xFF), (byte)(rng.Next() & 0xFF), (byte)((rng.Next() & 0x7F) + 100)));

            // Draw random ellipses
            for (i = 0; i < 50; i++)
                             random(-30, rbuf.Width + 30),
                             random(-30, rbuf.Height + 30),
                             random(3, 50),
                             random(3, 50));
                ras.Render(ren, new Color((byte)(rng.Next() & 0x7F), (byte)(rng.Next() & 0x7F), (byte)(rng.Next() & 0x7F), (byte)((rng.Next() & 0x7F) + 100)));

            // Draw random straight lines
            for (i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                          random(-30, rbuf.Width + 30),
                          random(-30, rbuf.Height + 30),
                          random(-30, rbuf.Width + 30),
                          random(-30, rbuf.Height + 30),
                          random(0.1, 10));

                ras.Render(ren, new Color((byte)(rng.Next() & 0x7F), (byte)(rng.Next() & 0x7F), (byte)(rng.Next() & 0x7F), (byte)(rng.Next() & 0x7F)));
            System.Drawing.Rectangle rc  = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, (int)rbuf.Width, (int)rbuf.Height);
            System.Drawing.Bitmap    bmp = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(rc.Width, rc.Height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
            BitmapData bmpData           = bmp.LockBits(

            IntPtr p     = bmpData.Scan0;
            int    bytes = bmpData.Stride * bmp.Height;
            System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(buf, 0, p, bytes);

#if PPM
            // Write a .ppm file
            String hdr    = String.Format("P6\n{0} {1}\n255\n", rbuf.width(), rbuf.height());
            byte[] hdrBuf = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(hdr);
            using (FileStream strm = new FileStream("agg_test.ppm", FileMode.Create))
                strm.Write(hdrBuf, 0, hdrBuf.Length);
                strm.Write(buf, 0, (int)(rbuf.width() * rbuf.height() * 3));