예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Transforms the corners of this node to world space
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected virtual Vector3D[] transformCorners()
            Vector3D[] transformed = new Vector3D[4];

            Vector3D[] cartesianCorners = corners.Select(latlon => RenderWGS84.ToWorld(latlon.Latitude, latlon.Longitude)).ToArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < cartesianCorners.Length; i++)
                Vector3D normalized;
                Vector3D.Normalize(ref cartesianCorners[i], out normalized);
                transformed[i] = normalized * RenderWGS84.EarthRadius;

예제 #2
        public TerrainNode(TerrainNode parent, Quadrant quad, LatLon bl, LatLon tl, LatLon tr, LatLon br)
            Parent   = parent;
            Quadrant = quad;

            corners = new LatLon[4]
                bl, tl, tr, br

            latLonExtents = new Extent(BL.Longitude, BL.Latitude, TR.Longitude, TR.Latitude);

            var mercBL = RenderWGS84.ToGoogleBing(BL.Longitude, BL.Latitude);
            var mercTR = RenderWGS84.ToGoogleBing(TR.Longitude, TR.Latitude);

            meterExtents = new Extent(mercBL.X, mercBL.Y, mercTR.X, mercTR.Y);

            center     = LatLon.Average(corners);
            splitDepth = 0;

            Vector3D[] transformed = transformCorners();
            this.aabb = BoundingBox.FromPoints(transformed.Select(vec => vec.ToVector3()).ToArray());