public static void Setup(TestContext context) { // Launch Edge browser app if it is not yet launched if (session == null || touchScreen == null || !Utility.CurrentWindowIsAlive(session)) { // Cleanup leftover objects from previous test if exists TearDown(); // Launch the Edge browser app session = Utility.CreateNewSession(CommonTestSettings.EdgeAppId, "-private"); session.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitlyWait(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); Assert.IsNotNull(session); Assert.IsNotNull(session.SessionId); // Initialize touch screen object touchScreen = new RemoteTouchScreen(session); Assert.IsNotNull(touchScreen); } // Track the Microsoft Edge starting page title to be used to initialize all test cases Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); startingPageTitle = session.Title; // Handle Microsoft Edge restored state by starting fresh if (startingPageTitle.StartsWith("Start fresh and ")) { try { session.FindElementByXPath("//Button[@Name='Start fresh']").Click(); Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3)); startingPageTitle = session.Title; } catch { } } }
public static void Setup(TestContext context) { // Uruchom aplikację jeżeli jeszcze nie została uruchomiona if (session == null || touchScreen == null) { TearDown(); //Tworzenie sesji Process.Start(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Application Driver\WinAppDriver.exe"); AppiumOptions options = new AppiumOptions(); options.AddAdditionalCapability("deviceName", "WindowsPC"); options.AddAdditionalCapability("platformName", "Windows"); options.AddAdditionalCapability("app", "Microsoft.WindowsAlarms_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App"); session = new WindowsDriver <WindowsElement>(new Uri(""), options); Assert.IsNotNull(session); Assert.IsNotNull(session.SessionId); Assert.AreEqual("Alarmy i zegar", session.FindElementByName("Alarmy i zegar").Text); // Ustawienie domyślnego limitu czasu na 1.5 sekundy, aby wyszukiwanie elementu powtarzało się co 500mili sekund session.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.5); touchScreen = new RemoteTouchScreen(session); Assert.IsNotNull(touchScreen); } }
public static void Setup(TestContext context) { // Launch Calculator if it is not yet launched if (session == null || touchScreen == null) { session = Utility.CreateNewSession(CommonTestSettings.CalculatorAppId); Assert.IsNotNull(session); Assert.IsNotNull(session.SessionId); try { header = session.FindElementByAccessibilityId("Header"); } catch { header = session.FindElementByAccessibilityId("ContentPresenter"); } Assert.IsNotNull(header); // Initialize touch screen object touchScreen = new RemoteTouchScreen(session); Assert.IsNotNull(touchScreen); } // Ensure that calculator is in standard mode if (!header.Text.Equals("Standard", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { session.FindElementByAccessibilityId("NavButton").Click(); Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); var splitViewPane = session.FindElementByClassName("SplitViewPane"); splitViewPane.FindElementByName("Standard Calculator").Click(); Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); Assert.IsTrue(header.Text.Equals("Standard", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); } }
public static void Setup(TestContext context) { // Cleanup leftover objects from previous test if exists TearDown(); // Launch the Edge browser app DesiredCapabilities appCapabilities = new DesiredCapabilities(); appCapabilities.SetCapability("app", CommonTestSettings.EdgeAppId); session = new IOSDriver <IOSElement>(new Uri(CommonTestSettings.WindowsApplicationDriverUrl), appCapabilities); Assert.IsNotNull(session); Assert.IsNotNull(session.SessionId); // Initialize touch screen object touchScreen = new RemoteTouchScreen(session); Assert.IsNotNull(touchScreen); // Track the Microsoft Edge starting page title to be used to initialize all test cases System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); // Sleep for 3 seconds startingPageTitle = session.Title; // Handle Microsoft Edge restored state by starting fresh if (startingPageTitle.StartsWith("Start fresh and ")) { try { session.FindElementByXPath("//Button[@Name='Start fresh']").Click(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); // Sleep for 3 seconds startingPageTitle = session.Title; } catch { } } }
public void ScrollToEndOfListUsingRemoteTouchScreenScroll() { var driver = StartApp(); var touchScreen = new RemoteTouchScreen(driver); touchScreen.Scroll(0, -300); touchScreen.Scroll(0, -300); driver.CloseApp(); }
public static void TearDown() { header = null; touchScreen = null; if (session != null) { session.Quit(); session = null; } }
void InitTizen(string platform, string profile) { AppiumOptions option = new AppiumOptions(); option.AddAdditionalCapability("platformName", platform); option.AddAdditionalCapability("deviceName", "emulator-26111"); option.AddAdditionalCapability("appPackage", "org.tizen.example.WearableUIGallery.Tizen.Wearable"); option.AddAdditionalCapability("app", "org.tizen.example.WearableUIGallery.Tizen.Wearable-1.0.0.tpk"); _driver = new TizenDriver <AppiumWebElement>(new Uri(""), option); //please insert the IP of Appium server. _touchScreen = new RemoteTouchScreen(_driver); createFolder = false; }
public static void StopApp() { TouchScreen = null; if (app == null) { return; } app.Quit(); app = null; }
public static void TearDown() { // Cleanup RemoteTouchScreen object if initialized touchScreen = null; // Close the application and delete the session if (session != null) { session.Quit(); session = null; } }
public static void TearDown() { // Wyczyszczenie obiektu RemoteTouchScreen jeżeli został zainicjalizowany touchScreen = null; // Zamknięcie aplikacji i zakończenie sesji if (session != null) { session.Quit(); session = null; } }
public void DoubleTap() { // Launch calculator for this specific test case DesiredCapabilities appCapabilities = new DesiredCapabilities(); appCapabilities.SetCapability("app", CommonTestSettings.CalculatorAppId); calculatorSession = new WindowsDriver <WindowsElement>(new Uri(CommonTestSettings.WindowsApplicationDriverUrl), appCapabilities); Assert.IsNotNull(calculatorSession); Assert.IsNotNull(calculatorSession.SessionId); // Save application window original size and position var originalSize = calculatorSession.Manage().Window.Size; var originalPosition = calculatorSession.Manage().Window.Position; // Get maximized window size calculatorSession.Manage().Window.Maximize(); var maximizedSize = calculatorSession.Manage().Window.Size; Assert.IsNotNull(maximizedSize); // Shrink the window size by 100 pixels each side from maximized size to ensure size changes when maximized int offset = 100; calculatorSession.Manage().Window.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(maximizedSize.Width - offset, maximizedSize.Height - offset); calculatorSession.Manage().Window.Position = new System.Drawing.Point(offset, offset); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); // Sleep for 1 second var currentWindowSize = calculatorSession.Manage().Window.Size; Assert.IsNotNull(currentWindowSize); Assert.AreNotEqual(maximizedSize.Width, currentWindowSize.Width); Assert.AreNotEqual(maximizedSize.Height, currentWindowSize.Height); // Perform double tap touch on the title bar to maximize calculator window calculatorTouchScreen = new RemoteTouchScreen(calculatorSession); Assert.IsNotNull(calculatorTouchScreen); calculatorTouchScreen.DoubleTap(calculatorSession.FindElementByAccessibilityId("AppNameTitle").Coordinates); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); // Sleep for 1 second currentWindowSize = calculatorSession.Manage().Window.Size; Assert.IsNotNull(currentWindowSize); Assert.AreEqual(maximizedSize.Width, currentWindowSize.Width); Assert.AreEqual(maximizedSize.Height, currentWindowSize.Height); // Restore application window original size and position calculatorSession.Manage().Window.Size = originalSize; calculatorSession.Manage().Window.Position = originalPosition; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); // Sleep for 1 second // Close the calculator application and delete the session after cleaning up calculatorTouchScreen = null; calculatorSession.Quit(); calculatorSession = null; }
public static void ClassCleanup() { // Cleanup, close, and delete calculator session in case the cleanup steps were interrupted by exception calculatorTouchScreen = null; if (calculatorSession != null) { calculatorSession.Quit(); calculatorSession = null; } TearDown(); }
public TizenDriverApp() { AppiumOptions appiumOptions = new AppiumOptions(); appiumOptions.AddAdditionalCapability("platformName", "Tizen"); appiumOptions.AddAdditionalCapability("deviceName", "emulator-26101"); /// need to install this app on target appiumOptions.AddAdditionalCapability("appPackage", "org.tizen.PrettyWeather.Tizen"); _driver = new TizenDriver <TizenElement>(new Uri(address), appiumOptions); _touchScreen = new RemoteTouchScreen(_driver); }
public static void screenVSC7(AndroidDriver driver) { int i; int i2; // create collection of Radio Groups var vCollection = driver.FindElementsByClassName("android.widget.RadioGroup"); var vCollRadio = driver.FindElementsByClassName("android.widget.RadioButton"); //Loop through Radio Group collection for (i = 0; i < (vCollection.Count()); i++) { vCollRadio = vCollection[i].FindElements(By.ClassName("android.widget.RadioButton")); //Check the NO option is selected - If no select it for (i2 = 0; i2 < (vCollRadio.Count()); i2++) { if (vCollRadio[i2].Text == "No" && vCollRadio[i2].GetAttribute("checked").ToString() == "false") { vCollRadio[i2].Click(); } } } //Set up touch screen scrolling RemoteTouchScreen touch = new RemoteTouchScreen(driver); do { //scroll to ensure next radio group is present touch.Flick(150, -1); Thread.Sleep(500); // create collection of Radio Groups vCollection = driver.FindElementsByClassName("android.widget.RadioGroup"); //Loop through Radio Group collection for (i = 0; i < (vCollection.Count()); i++) { vCollRadio = vCollection[i].FindElements(By.ClassName("android.widget.RadioButton")); //Check the NO option is selected - If no select it for (i2 = 0; i2 < (vCollRadio.Count()); i2++) { if (vCollRadio[i2].Text == "No" && vCollRadio[i2].GetAttribute("checked").ToString() == "false") { vCollRadio[i2].Click(); } } } } while (IsElementPresent("Next", driver) == false); //select NEXT driver.FindElementByName("Next").Click(); }
public static void screenISRD6(AndroidDriver driver) { //scroll to ensure next button is present RemoteTouchScreen touch = new RemoteTouchScreen(driver); do { Thread.Sleep(500); touch.Flick(500, -1); Thread.Sleep(500); } while (IsElementPresent("Next", driver) == false); //select NEXT driver.FindElementByName("Next").Click(); }
public void AddNewItem() { var driver = StartApp(); // tap on second item var el1 = driver.FindElementByAccessibilityId("Add"); TouchAction a = new TouchAction(driver); a.Tap(el1); el1.Click(); var elItemText = driver.FindElementByAccessibilityId("ItemText"); elItemText.Clear(); elItemText.SendKeys("This is a new Item"); var elItemDetail = driver.FindElementByAccessibilityId("ItemDescription"); elItemDetail.Clear(); elItemDetail.SendKeys("These are the details"); var elSave = driver.FindElementByAccessibilityId("Save"); elSave.Click(); WaitForProgressbarToDisapear(driver); var touchScreen = new RemoteTouchScreen(driver); Boolean found = false; var maxretries = 5; int count = 0; while (!found && count++ < maxretries) { // Good value typically goes around 160 - 200 pixels with diminishing delta on the bigger values touchScreen.Flick(0, 180); try { var el3 = driver.FindElementByName("This is a new Item"); found = el3 != null; } catch (Exception) { } } Assert.IsTrue(found); driver.CloseApp(); }
public static void Setup(TestContext context) { // Cleanup leftover objects from previous test if exists TearDown(); // Launch Alarm Clock DesiredCapabilities appCapabilities = new DesiredCapabilities(); appCapabilities.SetCapability("app", CommonTestSettings.AlarmClockAppId); session = new WindowsDriver <WindowsElement>(new Uri(CommonTestSettings.WindowsApplicationDriverUrl), appCapabilities); Assert.IsNotNull(session); Assert.IsNotNull(session.SessionId); // Initialize touch screen object touchScreen = new RemoteTouchScreen(session); Assert.IsNotNull(touchScreen); }
public static void Setup(TestContext context) { // Launch Alarms & Clock application if it is not yet launched if (session == null || touchScreen == null || !Utility.CurrentWindowIsAlive(session)) { TearDown(); session = Utility.CreateNewSession(CommonTestSettings.AlarmClockAppId); Assert.IsNotNull(session); Assert.IsNotNull(session.SessionId); // Set implicit timeout to 2.5 seconds to make element search to retry every 500 ms for at most five times session.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2.5); // Initialize touch screen object touchScreen = new RemoteTouchScreen(session); Assert.IsNotNull(touchScreen); } }
public static void BaseSetup(TestContext context) { if (AppSession == null) { // Launch the test app DesiredCapabilities appCapabilities = new DesiredCapabilities(); appCapabilities.SetCapability("app", "WinAppDriver.Input_xh1ske9axcpv8!App"); appCapabilities.SetCapability("deviceName", "WindowsPC"); AppSession = new WindowsDriver <WindowsElement>(new Uri(WindowsApplicationDriverUrl), appCapabilities); Assert.IsNotNull(AppSession); AppSession.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4); AppResult = AppSession.FindElementByAccessibilityId("ResultText"); TouchScreen = new RemoteTouchScreen(AppSession); // Maximize the test window AppSession.Manage().Window.Maximize(); } Assert.IsNotNull(AppResult); Assert.IsNotNull(TouchScreen); }
void InitTizen(string platform, string profile) { AppiumOptions option = new AppiumOptions(); option.AddAdditionalCapability("platformName", Config.PLATFORM); option.AddAdditionalCapability("deviceName", Config.DEVICE_NAME); option.AddAdditionalCapability("appPackage", Config.APP_PACKAGE_NAME); option.AddAdditionalCapability("app", Config.APP_NAME); _driver = new TizenDriver <AppiumWebElement>(new Uri(Config.APPIUM_SERVER_URI), option); _touchScreen = new RemoteTouchScreen(_driver); createFolder = false; #if EMUL_40 FlickSpeedX = Config.SPEEDX_EMUL_40; FlickSpeedY = Config.SPEEDY_EMUL_40; #elif EMUL_50 FlickSpeedX = Config.SPEEDX_EMUL_50; FlickSpeedY = Config.SPEEDY_EMUL_50; #else FlickSpeedX = Config.SPEEDX_GALAXY_WATCH; FlickSpeedY = Config.SPEEDY_GALAXY_WATCH; #endif }
public static void Setup(TestContext context) { // Launch Alarms & Clock application if it is not yet launched if (session == null || touchScreen == null) { TearDown(); // Create a new session to bring up the Alarms & Clock application DesiredCapabilities appCapabilities = new DesiredCapabilities(); appCapabilities.SetCapability("app", AlarmClockAppId); session = new WindowsDriver <WindowsElement>(new Uri(WindowsApplicationDriverUrl), appCapabilities); Assert.IsNotNull(session); Assert.IsNotNull(session.SessionId); // Set implicit timeout to 1.5 seconds to make element search to retry every 500 ms for at most three times session.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.5); // Initialize touch screen object touchScreen = new RemoteTouchScreen(session); Assert.IsNotNull(touchScreen); } }
public static void TearDown() { // Cleanup RemoteTouchScreen object if initialized touchScreen = null; // Close the application and delete the session if (session != null) { try { session.Close(); var currentHandle = session.CurrentWindowHandle; // This should throw if the window is closed successfully // When the Edge window remains open because of multiple tabs are open, attempt to close modal dialog var closeAllButton = session.FindElementByXPath("//Button[@Name='Close all']"); closeAllButton.Click(); } catch { } session.Quit(); session = null; } }
public static void StartApp() { if (app != null && TouchScreen != null) { return; } StopApp(); var opts = new AppiumOptions(); opts.AddAdditionalCapability("app", AppId); app = new WindowsDriver <WindowsElement>(new Uri(WindowsApplicationDriverUrl), opts); Assert.IsNotNull(app); Assert.IsNotNull(app.SessionId); // Set implicit timeout to 1.5 seconds to make element search to retry every 500 ms for at most three times app.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.5); TouchScreen = new RemoteTouchScreen(app); Assert.IsNotNull(TouchScreen); }
public static void BaseTearDown() { // Cleanup the AppResult WindowsElement object if initialized AppResult = null; // Cleanup RemoteTouchScreen object if initialized TouchScreen = null; // Close the application and delete the session if (AppSession != null) { try { AppSession.Close(); // This should throw if the window is closed successfully var currentHandle = AppSession.CurrentWindowHandle; } catch { } AppSession.Quit(); AppSession = null; } }
void InitTizen(string platform, string profile) { AppiumOptions option = new AppiumOptions(); option.AddAdditionalCapability("platformName", platform); option.AddAdditionalCapability("deviceName", DriverConfig.DEVICE_NAME); option.AddAdditionalCapability("appPackage", DriverConfig.APP_PACKAGE_NAME); option.AddAdditionalCapability("app", DriverConfig.APP_NAME); // ATTENTION: this is a custom option and is not standard in the appium-tizen-driver option.AddAdditionalCapability("appLocation", DriverConfig.GetAppLocation()); _driver = new TizenDriver <AppiumWebElement>(new Uri(DriverConfig.APPIUM_SERVER_URI), option); _touchScreen = new RemoteTouchScreen(_driver); createFolder = false; #if EMUL_40 FlickSpeedX = DriverConfig.SPEEDX_EMUL_40; FlickSpeedY = DriverConfig.SPEEDY_EMUL_40; #elif EMUL_50 FlickSpeedX = DriverConfig.SPEEDX_EMUL_50; FlickSpeedY = DriverConfig.SPEEDY_EMUL_50; #else FlickSpeedX = DriverConfig.SPEEDX_GALAXY_WATCH; FlickSpeedY = DriverConfig.SPEEDY_GALAXY_WATCH; #endif }
public TouchCapableRemoteWebDriver(ICommandExecutor commandExecutor, ICapabilities desiredCapabilities) : base(commandExecutor, desiredCapabilities) { TouchScreen = new RemoteTouchScreen(this); }
public TouchCapableRemoteWebDriver(Uri remoteAddress, ICapabilities desiredCapabilities, TimeSpan commandTimeout) : base(remoteAddress, desiredCapabilities, commandTimeout) { TouchScreen = new RemoteTouchScreen(this); }
public TouchCapableRemoteWebDriver(Uri remoteAddress, ICapabilities desiredCapabilities) : base(remoteAddress, desiredCapabilities) { TouchScreen = new RemoteTouchScreen(this); }
public TouchCapableRemoteWebDriver(ICapabilities desiredCapabilities) : base(desiredCapabilities) { TouchScreen = new RemoteTouchScreen(this); }
public DroidDriver(Uri remoteAddress, ICapabilities desiredCapabilities, TimeSpan commandTimeout) : base(remoteAddress, desiredCapabilities, commandTimeout) { _remoteAddr = remoteAddress.ToString(); TouchScreen = new RemoteTouchScreen(this); }