public void DeleteTask(int taskID) { Task task = Tasks.GetTask(UserSession.LoginUser, taskID); if (task.CreatorID != UserSession.CurrentUser.UserID && !UserSession.CurrentUser.IsSystemAdmin) { return; } TaskAssociations associations = new TaskAssociations(UserSession.LoginUser); associations.DeleteByReminderIDOnly(taskID); Tasks subtasks = new Tasks(UserSession.LoginUser); subtasks.LoadIncompleteByParentID(taskID); foreach (Task subtask in subtasks) { DeleteTask(subtask.TaskID); } if (task.ReminderID != null) { Data.Reminder reminder = Reminders.GetReminder(UserSession.LoginUser, (int)task.ReminderID); reminder.Delete(); reminder.Collection.Save(); } string description = String.Format("{0} deleted task {1} ", UserSession.CurrentUser.FirstLastName, task.Description); ActionLogs.AddActionLog(UserSession.LoginUser, ActionLogType.Delete, ReferenceType.Tasks, taskID, description); task.Delete(); task.Collection.Save(); }
public static string GetReminder(RestCommand command, int reminderID) { Reminder reminder = Reminders.GetReminder(command.LoginUser, reminderID); if (reminder.OrganizationID != command.Organization.OrganizationID) { throw new RestException(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized); } return(reminder.GetXml("Reminder", true)); }
public ReminderProxy GetReminder(int reminderID) { Reminder reminder = Reminders.GetReminder(TSAuthentication.GetLoginUser(), (int)reminderID); if (reminder.OrganizationID != TSAuthentication.OrganizationID) { return(null); } return(reminder.GetProxy()); }
public void DismissReminder(int reminderID) { Reminder reminder = Reminders.GetReminder(TSAuthentication.GetLoginUser(), (int)reminderID); if (reminder.OrganizationID != TSAuthentication.OrganizationID) { return; } if (!TSAuthentication.IsSystemAdmin && reminder.UserID != TSAuthentication.UserID) { return; } reminder.IsDismissed = true; reminder.Collection.Save(); }
public ReminderProxy EditReminder(int?reminderID, ReferenceType refType, int refID, string description, DateTime dueDate, int userID) { Reminder reminder; if (reminderID == null) { string logdescription; reminder = (new Reminders(TSAuthentication.GetLoginUser())).AddNewReminder(); reminder.OrganizationID = TSAuthentication.OrganizationID; User reminderUser = (User)Users.GetUser(TSAuthentication.GetLoginUser(), userID); if (refType == ReferenceType.Tickets) { logdescription = String.Format("Added Reminder for {0} , for {1}", reminderUser.FirstLastName, Tickets.GetTicketLink(TSAuthentication.GetLoginUser(), refID)); } else { logdescription = String.Format("Added Reminder for {0}", reminderUser.FirstLastName); } ActionLogs.AddActionLog(TSAuthentication.GetLoginUser(), ActionLogType.Insert, ReferenceType.Tickets, refID, logdescription); ActionLogs.AddActionLog(TSAuthentication.GetLoginUser(), ActionLogType.Insert, ReferenceType.Users, userID, logdescription); } else { reminder = Reminders.GetReminder(TSAuthentication.GetLoginUser(), (int)reminderID); if (reminder.OrganizationID != TSAuthentication.OrganizationID) { return(null); } } User user = Users.GetUser(reminder.Collection.LoginUser, userID); if (user.OrganizationID != TSAuthentication.OrganizationID) { return(null); } reminder.Description = description; reminder.RefType = refType; reminder.RefID = refID; reminder.DueDate = dueDate; reminder.UserID = userID; reminder.HasEmailSent = false; reminder.Collection.Save(); return(reminder.GetProxy()); }
public void DeleteAssociation(int reminderID, int refID, ReferenceType refType) { try { LoginUser loginUser = TSAuthentication.GetLoginUser(); TaskAssociations associations = new TaskAssociations(loginUser); associations.DeleteAssociation(reminderID, refID, refType); string description = String.Format("{0} deleted task association to {1} ", TSAuthentication.GetUser(loginUser).FirstLastName, Enum.GetName(typeof(ReferenceType), refType)); TaskLogs.AddTaskLog(loginUser, reminderID, description); Reminder task = Reminders.GetReminder(loginUser, reminderID); if (task.UserID != null && loginUser.UserID != task.UserID) { SendModifiedNotification(loginUser.UserID, task.ReminderID); } } catch (Exception ex) { DataUtils.LogException(UserSession.LoginUser, ex); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { string path = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/../Notes"; if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } string[] date; string date1, time1, startTime; while (true) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("... Personal Notes & Reminders ...\n"); Console.WriteLine("1. Enter a note."); Console.WriteLine("2. View a note"); Console.WriteLine("3. Delete a note"); Console.WriteLine("4. Create a reminder"); Console.WriteLine("5. View a reminder"); Console.WriteLine("6. Delete a reminder"); Console.WriteLine("7. Exit\n"); Console.Write("Enter your option: "); int choice = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); switch (choice) { case 1: Console.Clear(); date = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy").Split('.'); string fileName = date[0] + date[1] + date[2]; Console.Write("Enter the Note: "); string note = Console.ReadLine(); Notebook.CreateNote(note, fileName); Console.WriteLine("Note created\n"); Console.Write("Press any Key to continue... "); Console.ReadKey(); break; case 2: Console.Clear(); Console.Write("Enter the Date (DD.MM.YYYY): "); date = Console.ReadLine().Split('.'); string fileName2 = date[0] + date[1] + date[2]; string note1 = Notebook.GetNote(fileName2); Console.WriteLine(note1); Console.Write("Press any Key to continue... "); Console.ReadKey(); break; case 3: Console.Clear(); Console.Write("Enter the Date (DD.MM.YYYY): "); date = Console.ReadLine().Split('.'); string fileName3 = date[0] + date[1] + date[2]; Notebook.DeleteNote(fileName3); Console.Write("Press any Key to continue... "); Console.ReadKey(); break; case 4: Console.Clear(); Console.Write("Enter the date (DD.MM.YYYY): "); date1 = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Enter the date (DD.MM.YYYY): "); time1 = Console.ReadLine(); startTime = date1 + " " + time1 + " " + "+05:30"; Console.Write("Enter the duration: "); int duration = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Enter the location: "); string location = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Enter the description: "); string description = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Enter the title: "); string title = Console.ReadLine(); Reminders.CreateReminder(startTime, duration, title, description, location); Console.Write("Press any Key to continue... "); Console.ReadKey(); break; case 5: Console.Clear(); Console.Write("Enter the date (DD.MM.YYYY): "); date1 = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Enter the date (DD.MM.YYYY): "); time1 = Console.ReadLine(); startTime = date1 + " " + time1 + " " + "+05:30"; Reminders.GetReminder(startTime); Console.Write("Press any Key to continue... "); Console.ReadKey(); break; case 6: Console.Clear(); Console.Write("Enter the date (DD.MM.YYYY): "); date1 = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Enter the date (DD.MM.YYYY): "); time1 = Console.ReadLine(); startTime = date1 + " " + time1 + " " + "+05:30"; Reminders.DeleteReminder(startTime); Console.Write("Press any Key to continue... "); Console.ReadKey(); break; case 7: Environment.Exit(0); break; default: Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Invalid Option !\n"); Console.Write("Press any Key to continue... "); Console.ReadKey(); break; } } }